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FAVIM Bulletin Vol. 35 No. 4.

Antelope Valley Indian Museum.

P.O. Box 1171 Lancaster, California 93584

2019 American Indian Celebration BY MUSEUM CURATOR I, PEGGY RONNING
The annual American Indian Celebration continues to grow. This year we had 695 visitors on Saturday and 609 visitors on Sunday plus 65 vendors and dancers, which is 113 more people than last year.
This year we planned for a big crowd, so even though there was a lot of people, it didn't seem crowded. In fact, many people thought attendance was down this year. The three groups that knew attendance was up were Park Interpreter Jean Rhyne and the Rangers who were selling tickets and parking cars like crazy, Cecelia Begay and her team who kept the fry bread and Indian tacos coming at fast food restaurant speeds, and the volunteers at the touch table who sold 205 bags of clay!
One big change we made this year was to create a second activity area in the garden in front of Joshua Cottage. This area featured Chumash storyteller Ted Garcia. The intimate setting had seating for 15 people, and Ted did not have to use a microphone to enhance his voice.
The main arena focused on dancing. Drum group Buffalo Creek provided songs for men's traditional dancers, grass dancers, women's traditional dancers, fancy shawl dancers, and jingle dress dancers. Sage Romero shared t raditional Pueblo hoop dances on Saturday.
October-November-December, 2019 Volume 35, Number 4
Celebration Report 2019 1 -4 Save the Date -Holidays on the Homestead 4
Visiting Artist 5
Friends of AVIM Directors 2019-2020 5
AVIM Contact Info & FAVIM Membership 6
Danza Azteca Xochipilli returned to share their Aztec culture. The seats around the arena stayed full all day. There were plenty of opportunities for visitors to participate as Master of Ceremonies Michael Runningwind called for many friendships dances, couples dances, and intertribals.

The event would not have been possible without the support of FAVIM Board member Cydnee Ashmore who not only recruited the MC, the drum, and many of the dancers, but she also prepared the food for the dancers. Her daughters Katianna, Caitlin, and Kaelene provided assistance in the dance arena. FAVIM board member John Martin also played a key role by managing the PA system and photo documenting the event.

This year we received a request to provide American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters for a family visiting the event. Fortunately, Cydnee Ashmore's daughter Katianna is majoring in Deaf Studies at Antelope Valley College. They introduced me to Kyle Laitinen (Mescalero/Echota /Dine), a ParaEducator/ Translator for the Deaf who is also related to them by clan. Kyle facilitated hiring ASL Interpreters Linda Cruz and Angie Castellon. Thanks to everyone's efforts, the family had a blast at the event.

We maxed-out our vendor space this year with fifteen vendor booths and five information booths. New and returning vendors included By Blood Creations, Cathy Bellas, Circling Hawk Creations, Danza Azteca Xochipilli, Ed & Judy Einboden, Carlos & Sonia Gutierrez, Rowan Harrison, Candice Hixenbaugh, Keith Longfeather, Maria Martinez & Esther Lugo, Connie Marie Ramos, Sacred Creations, Sage Romero, Ana Tachyn-Crisol, and Michael Chas Williams. Mike Thompson provided flint knapping demonstrations.
Torres Martinez TANF, Best Start Lancaster, the California Native Vote Project, and United American Indian Involvement provided information about their services. The vendors donated beautiful items for the FAVIM raffle. FAVIM also purchased many items from the vendors to restock the museum gift shop, so if you missed the Celebration this year, you can still experience the vendors' art in the gift shop.
Adrian Thunder Garcia

Bruce Love assists Don Borchers at the FAVIM booth
FAVIM Board members Don Borchers and Lynn DuPratt staffed the FAVIM booth with the assistance of FAVIM member Bruce Love. FAVIM Board member Betsy Matheny staffed the FAVIM beverage booth with the assistance of the Torno Kahni volunteers: Phyllis Comstock, Sally Curren, Joyce Wilson, and Cindy Waldman.
Thank you to all the volunteers who staffed the museum and the touch table: Darrell Walters, Elsie Purdy, Anne Kittlitz, Michiko Shimizu, Ann Williams, Jim Quinn, Jeannine Byers, Rich Byers, and Raven Rivera.

On Saturday we really appreciated the extra help we received at the clay activity and parking cars from Silverwood Lake volunteers Steve and Kathy Williams.
Thank you to the State Parks staff who put in extra-long hours to set up, staff, and clean up after the event: Denny Andreoni, Chris Pistone, Frankie Watson, Caroline Gaete, Jean Rhyne, Ranger Kevin Overduin, and Supervising Ranger Matt Williams.
We look forward to seeing you at the Celebration in 2020!

Save the Date -Holidays on the Homestead 2019 BY MUSEUM CURATOR I, PEGGY RONNING
Join us for the 9th annual Holidays on the Homestead celebration on Saturday, December 7th from 5 p.m.-8 p.m. The museum's historic grounds will be decorated in vintage holiday style and feature live acoustic music around a campfire, a chili cook-off, tours of the grounds, a country craft boutique, real cowboy coffee brewed over the fire, and hot chocolate or cider for the kids! Explore the unique handbuilt museum and whimsical grounds at night, with soft lighting and the smell of fresh greenery, and the wintery sky sparkling over the desert. Event admission is $1 Ofor adults, $5 for ages 6-12, and ages 5 and under are free.
Mike Tcherkassky, "The Saddle Serenader"

Artist Rowan Harrison Visits Museum BY MUSEUM CURATOR I, PEGGY RONNING
Native artist Rowan D. Harrison
(Navajo/ Pueblo of ls/eta), a potter and
painter, shared his beautiful art with museum visitors on Saturday, September 28. A total of 34 visitors enjoyed meeting Rowan and asking
him about his art.
Rowan coils and burnishes his pottery by hand.

He paints his pottery free-hand using designs inspired by his cultural heritage and those of other cultures from around the world. In addition to his ceramics, Rowan also creates pen and ink drawings extrapolated from his pottery designs. His artwork has won awards at the Prescott Indian Art Market, Santa Fe Indian Market, Hillcrest Festival of Fine Arts, and the Heard Museum's Indian Fair and Market.

President: Don Borchers
Vice President: John Martin
Secretary: Darrell Walters
Treasurer: Betsy Matheny
Corresponding Secretary /Historian: Anne Kittlitz
Membership: Lynn DuPratt
Gift Shop Co-Chairs: Susy Martin -susymartin101 Cydnee Ashmore
FAVIM Bulletin Editor: Vacant Posnion

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Adults $IO Aae.16-12 $5 Aaei!'>&" Free

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1570! &st A-return M, near Lake l.A
5 p.m.-8 p.m.

Antelope Valley Indian Museum State Historic Park Is located at: 15701 East Avenue M Lancaster, CA 93534
(Avenue M between 150th St. Et 170th St. East)
Phone: 661-946-3055

We're on the-Web! Visit us at:
and FAVIM is now on Facebook

http://www. face book. com/A VlndianMuseum
Your Membership Is Important To FAVIM
FAVIM raises funds to support Projects and Activities at Antelope Valley Indian Museum.
Membership is renewed each September, except in the case of Life Membership.
Please make membership checks payable to "Friends of the Antelope Valley Indian Museum" (or "FAVIM"), and return to: P.O. Box 1171, Lancaster, CA 93584.
If you are not yet a member, and would like to support the Indian Museum, and receive a quarterly FAVIM Bulletin, and also receive a 10% Discount with Membership Card to use in the FAVIM Gift Shop, please send your check to the above address.
Select BULLETIN Delivery Option:
- either Email -provide Email address
- or USPS Postal mail Dues:
Individual $ 15 Organization s 35
Family S 20 Patron s 50
Life S200

If your name or address is not correct, or you have moved, or you just need information about the Park or FAVIM, please call 661-946-3055.

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