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General Interest
INSTRUCTIONS How to Scan Photographs for SCVHistory.com • Library of Congress 6-5-2014 Curatorial Care of Photographic Collections • National Park Service Museum Handbook 1996 Guide to Collections Care • Gaylord Bros. Inc. 2010 (Marketing brochure but instructive)
SCV Chronology: A Timeline of Historical Events by Leon Worden Concise History of the Santa Clarita Valley by Leon Worden • February 1997 Santa Clarita Valley's Federally Listed Historic Sites (National Historic Landmarks, National Register). List of All National Historic Landmarks in California National Park Service
Future Destination: Santa Clarita Valley is Ringed with History by Leon Worden, 2009 Correcting the Record: An Error Guide for SCV Historians by Leon Worden Newhall: A History and Description of Newhall, California Compiled by Mary F. Brunner, Branch Librarian •First known effort to compile a comprehensive history of the Santa Clarita Valley.
The Story of Our Valley by Arthur B. Perkins, 1954-55 •Extensive 6-part series by the SCV's first historian.
Rancho San Francisco: A Study of a California Land Grant by Arthur B. Perkins, June 1957 FILM: "Rio Santa Clara," ~1956 • History of Placerita, Pico, Acton Mines, more. History of the Santa Clarita Valley by Jerry Reynolds, 1976-94 •71-chapter book adapted from a previously unpublished manuscript.
Cultural Resources, Santa Clarita Valley • OVOV City-County General Plan, 2011-12. Santa Clarita General Plan: Historic Resources • Adopted 6-25-1991 (*Superseded 6/14/2011). SCV's Historic Locations: Where to Find Them **2005 UPDATE** by Leon Worden • The Signal, 3-29-2005 Newly Available Documents Cast Different Light on SCV History by Dr. Alan Pollack • Dispatch, March-April 2014 Exonumia: Tokens & Medals of the Santa Clarita Valley by Leon Worden Historic A.B. Perkins Photos Resurface by Leon Worden • The Signal, 9-25-1996 UPDATE: Perkins-Lamkin SCV History Images Come Home by Leon Worden, 9-17-2017
Who Knew? Perkins' SCV History Books Still Available to Researchers by Leon Worden, 6-2-2019 Publisher Donates Entire Signal Photo Archive to SCV Historical Society • SCVNews.com, 4-2-2019. How Santa Clarita Got Its Name by Ruth Waldo Newhall • The Gazette, Feb.-March 1997 The Great Changeover: County Imposes 5-Digit House Numbers by Leon Worden, 4-17-2020. How Santa Clarita Got Its House Numbers by Leon Worden • The Signal, 7-16-1997
Dawn of a new century: How Santa Clarita got here by Leon Worden • The Signal, April 2001 "Over the Range to the Golden Gate" (Excerpts: Descriptions of Newhall, Camulos, Mojave Desert, etc.), 1896 (1884). HS2101 - Map: Land Ownership, Santa Clarita - San Fernando - Simi Valleys, 1921. Newhall Area Now Has 100 Telephones • The Signal, March 17, 1927 SCV Switching to Direct-Dial, All-Number Calling • The Signal, May 5, 1960 LW2522 - "Becoming Los Angeles" Exhibit at NMHLA: Selections with an SCV Connection Santa Clarita Makes List of Top 10 True Western Towns • 12-9-2014 Download and Print: History of Santa Clarita (Valley) Coloring Book • City of Santa Clarita 2018. All Available School Yearbooks • From elementary school to COC AGENCIES & ORGANIZATIONS Also See CITY OF SANTA CLARITA | LAW ENFORCEMENT | L.A. COUNTY FIRE | BUSINESS ORGS.
Ancient Order of United Workmen, Newhall Lodge No. 218 • 1880s History of the Domestic Violence Center By Barbara Cochran, October 2014 History of Newhall-Saugus Kiwanis Club from Brunner's 1940 History LARC Ranch Story By Kathleen Sturkey History of Masonic Club from Brunner's 1940 History Newhall-Saugus 20-30 Club, 1947-1956; News Reports. Castaic Saddle Club, 1949-1989; News Reports. LW2635 - Mint Canyon Moose Lodge 2173, Matchbook Cover, 1960s. GA7101 - Newhall Woman's Club Visits Mentryville House, Johnson Park, 10 Views, 6-9-1971. LW3161 - Brand-New California Aqueduct Ruptures in Lancaster, 10-12-1971. TO8701 - Photo Gallery: Newhall Church of the Nazarene Under Construction, 1987. Bylaws of Castaic Area Town Council Inc. (CATC) 7-19-2000 Bylaws of the Val Verde Community Advisory Committee (VVCAC) 2001 Ruling: Ralph M. Brown Act Applies to Town Councils in L.A. County L.A. County Superior Court 8-1-2005 Assistance League Santa Clarita
Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley
TN9301 - SCV Boys & Girls Club Tribute Dinner Honoring Ruth Newhall, 11-13-1993.
JV0101 - Photo Gallery: L.A. Lakers' Kobe Bryant Vists SCV Boys and Girls Club, Newhall, 1/2001.
Bill Hart District Boy Scouts of America LW2872 - Cub Scout Pack 75 (Saugus): Den Mother Certification Cards, 1957-58.
AP0712 - Boy Scout Troop 2 (Newhall) in Newhall Fourth of July Parade, 1950s-60s, 2 Views.
LW3616 - Boy Scout Patch: Camporee, Soledad Sands, 1978.
LW3261 - BSA (Cubs/Webelos) Patch: Vasquez Rocks Geologic Hike, 2010s.
Carousel Ranch
Child & Family Center College of the Canyons Foundation COC Foundation Silver Spur Award Honors Myrna and Gary Condie • Biographical Video 2010.
The Story of Henry Mayo Newhall and the Newhall Foundation • Biographical Video 4-11-2015.
Jill Mellady Receives COC Silver Spur for Community Service • Biographical Video 3-19-2016.
2018 Silver Spur Recipient: Howard "Buck" McKeon • Biographical Video 3-24-2018.
Elks Lodge No. 2379 LW2940 - Good-For Token, Newhall-Saugus (Santa Clarita) Elks Lodge 2379.
LW3034 - Matchbook Cover: Newhall-Saugus Elks Lodge, ~1960s-1970s.
Panel Discussion: Santa Clarita Elks Lodge Celebrates 50 Years • SCVTV 5-9-2017.
Junior Chamber of Commerce (JCI Santa Clarita 40 Under Forty Honoree Gala Program, 11-8-2019.
Lions Clubs (CC, Castaic, N.S.V.) LW3342 - Newhall-Saugus Lions Club: Los Cantiles Park, Cloissone Pin, 1970s.
HB1905 - Canyon Country Lions Club Bell, 1980(-1990).
Los Angeles World Airports History of Van Nuys Airport, Video ~2015.
OLPH Catholic Church History of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church from Brunner's 1940 History
Santa Clarita Oak Conservancy SCV Man & Woman of the Year SCV Athletic Association (SVCAA) Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center SG9081 7th Annual SCV Senior Center Benefit Wine Auction at Le Chene, Multiple Images, 9-19-1998.
New Senior Center Opens on Golden Valley Road • Video & Photo Gallery, 4-24-2019.
Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Q&A: A New Public Water District • CLWA-NCWD, November 2016.
Bill Text, SB634 (Wilk, 2017): SCVWA Enabling Legislation • Adopted 10-15-2017.
Governor Signs Wilk Bill Creating Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency • SCVNews.com, 10-15-2017.
SCV Water Agency: Plan for Services • 1/2018.
SCV Water Agency: Geographical Service Area: [Legal Description] [Maps] • 2/2018.
Tapia Ranch Water Supply Assessment • 6/14/2018.
SCVWA 5-Year Strategic Plan • Adopted 6/18/2019.
Castaic Lake Water Agency
VIDEO - CLWA/ACWA: California's Water with Huell Howser: Groundwater Banking• 12-8-2008
VIDEO - Castaic Lake Water Agency: The First 50 Years • CLWA 2012
Santa Clarita Water Company Dissolved • 10-31-2017
CLWA Recycled Water Main Extension, Central Park • 12-13-2017.
Newhall County Water District Newhall County Water District: An Historical Perspective By Jennifer Hamilton • NCWD 1999 Annual Report
Perkins Perseverance: Part of SCV's Water History By Nancy Jordan • NCWD, June 2001
NCWD Demolishes 53-Yr-Old Wooden Water Tank, Largest in State, 1963 • The Signal, 8-15-1963
Wm. S. Hart Little League (Hart PONY Baseball-Softball) FILM - Late 1950s Newhall 4th of July Parades; Melody Ranch; 1st Wm. S. Hart Little League Game (1955).
Zonta and Soroptimist SG9102 - Ruth Newhall Barbecues NLF Exec Tom Lee at 1991 Zonta Roast • The Signal, 11-12-1991.
Zonta Honors Dianne Curtis, Cheri Fleming for Global Impact • by Michele E. Buttelman, KHTS, 11-7-2014.
LS1901 - Photo Gallery: 2019 Soroptimist Wine Affair, 3-24-2019.
The San Fernando (Newhall) Pass And the Pioneer Traffic That Went Over It by Vernette Snyder Ripley, 1947-48 •The authoritative 16-part text on Beale's Cut, the Newhall Pass and early oil discoveries.
Express Companies, Stage Lines (incl. Overland Mail Co.) LW3390 - Backgrounder: Express Companies & Staging in California by Waddell F. Smith, True West, August 1966.
Locations of Butterfield's Overland Mail Stations from San Fernando Mission to Posey Creek (including SCV) by Gerald T. Ahnert, 1-1-2020.
Construction of the Overland Mail Co. Stage Line in California by Gerald T. Ahnert, January 2014.
AH5803 - Butterfield's Overland Mail Co. Timetable, San Francisco-St. Louis showing Fort Tejon Station • 9-16-1858
Stagecoach or Celerity Wagon? A Primer for Butterfield Writers by Gerald T. Ahnert, January 2014.
T.A. Delano Recalls Operation Of The Butterfield Stage Line Through This Area • The Signal, 10-25-1940.
LW2439 - Overland Stage (Celerity) Wagon, 4 Views, 2012.
AH1901 - The Jackass Mail: San Antonio to San Diego, 1857-1861, by Gerald T. Ahnert (2019).
Good Roads: Origins of the California Highway System, 1890s-1910 • California History (Excerpt) Spring 1996. Automobile Club of Southern California: Biographical History • Huntington Library, n.d. Caltrans Celebrates 120th Anniversary • 4-8-2015 AP1313 - Lopez Station, 2 Views, ~1890. El Camino Real: It Wasn't What You Might Think •News reports, early 1900s. Acton Rock Co. Fails to Win County Road Contract • L.A. Herald, 4-19-1910. SW1902 - Souvenir Postcard: Entrance to San Fernando (Train) Tunnel, n.d. (1900-1920). Newhall (Auto) Tunnel Opens • News reports, 12-1910. (And Multiple Views.) L.A. County's Road-Building Achievements: Newhall Tunnel, Mint Canyon & more • From Ben Blow's "California Highways," 1920. Local Driving Routes, 1920: L.A.-Bakersfield, Saugus-Ventura, Lebec-Mojave, more • Autobmobile Blue Book Vol. 8, 1920. Signs of the Times (Early Road Markers), Automobile Club of Southern California • Westways, July-August 1999. Paving the Way: Highlights in Auto Club History, Westways, November-December 2000. Ventura County to Pave Road Through Rancho Camulos (Future SR-126) • Oxnard Press-courier, 11-17-1916. Newhall Businesses Moved for San Fernando Road Widening • The Signal, 6-6-1935. MJ3801 - Last of the Newhall (Auto) Tunnel, 1938. Initial Site Assessments: Cross Valley Connector (East) & Golden Valley Bridge, L.A. County 2005-2006. Golden Valley Bridge Over Santa Clara River: Environmental Assessment, Caltrans & City of Santa Clarita, March 2008. SW3002 - Newhall Grade, Color Poscard, ~1930. LW2622 - Mint Canyon Highway (Sierra Highway), Sleepy Valley, 1940s. AP1312 - Bottom of Elsmere Canyon, ca. 1963. Antelope Valley (14) Freeway DB6301 - Antelope Valley Freeway Dedication (First Section), Sand Canyon, 8-23-1963.
DB6302 - L.A. Mayor Sam Yorty at AV Freeway Dedication at Ward Road, 8-23-1963.
DB6303 - Beauty Queens (Bonnie Dillenbeck) at Antelope Valley Freeway Dedication, 8-23-1963.
CP6001 - Trueblood Roadside Rest, Castaic, 1960s. LW2928 - Site of Trueblood Roadside Rest (4 Views), Castaic, 2017.
DI6701 - Construction of Interstate 5, Grapevine Area, March 1967. Multiple Views. Lower San Francisquito Renamed "Seco Canyon Road," 1968. TN6901 - McBean Parkway Before Henry Mayo Hospital, 1968-69. GT8802a - Morning Gridlock on Soledad Canyon Road at Bouquet Junction, 2-1988. GT8802b - Afternoon Gridlock on Sierra Highway; Jake's Way Apartment Construction, 2-1988. GT8802c - Morning Gridlock on Bouquet Canyon Road at Espuella, 2-1988. ACR89 - Assembly Concurrent Resolution 89 (Wilk-Runner): Connie Worden-Roberts Memorial Bridge, 6-18-2015. LW3438 - Video: Pedestrian Bridge Erected Over Sierra Highway, 2018. Metrolink LW2805 - Program: Santa Clarita Metrolink Station Grand Opening Dedication, 10-24-1992.
BUSINESS / CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Standard Oil Co. of California: The First 50 Years • Standard Oil Bulletin, September 1929. History (& Preshistory) of Southern California Edison, 1886 to Date • Edison International 2014. RN1701 - Newhall Land & Farming Co. Stock Certificate, Issued 1917. The Signal, 1919— SG1924 - The Newhall Signal newspaper, 1924 (All Surviving Issues).
FT5501 - Fred Trueblood II in The Signal Print Shop, ~1950s.
TN8602 - Signal's Goss Printing Press Under Assembly at 24000 Creekside Road, 1985-1986.
GT8610 - Signal Newspaper Office Construction, 24000 Creekside Road, 9 Views, 1-6-1986.
Special Edition: Celebrating The Signal's New Home at 24000 Creekside Road, 20 pgs., 9-8-1986.
Special Edition: Death of Former Signal Owner-Editor Scott Newhall, 6 pgs., 11-1-1992.
Publisher Donates Entire Signal Photo Archive to SCV Historical Society • SCVNews.com, 4-2-2019.
Newhall / Newhall-Saugus-Valencia / Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce, 1923— Video - A Short History of the Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce, 1-17-2014.
Newhall Chamber of Commerce: By-laws & First-Year Minutes • Organized 2-21-1923.
SK5501 - Newhall: A Modern New California Town (Marketing Brochure ~1955).
LW2568 - Newhall-Saugus-Valencia and Canyon Country Chamber Board Rosters, Phone Book 1969.
Pardee House Becomes Chamber Headquarters • Chamber Program, 1-14-1978.
Newhall-Saugus-Valencia Chamber Changes Name to SCV, Irks Canyon Country Chamber • The Signal, 7-2-1980.
MA8601 - SCV Dodger Night, 2 Views, 5-21-1986.
BE8902 - SCV Dodger Night, 5-18-1988.
BE8901 - SCV Oak Tree Classic Golf Tournament, 9-20-1989.
LW9301 - 1993 Home & Business Expo: Marlee Lauffer, Kim Kurowski, Art Donnelly, Jerry Shepro. 4 Views, 9-1993.
Eternal Valley Memorial Park, 1958— History of Eternal Valley from 1769 (General Newhall History), 1958.
Eternal Valley Memorial Park: California's Pioneer Cemetery (General Newhall History), 1969.
LW2866 - Early Waste Disposal: Agajanian's Saugus Hog Farm Featured in Magazine Advertisement, 1953. LW3460 - Tip's Santa Monica Restaurant: Wooden Menu, 1950s. LW2932 - Lagerberg's Union 76 Wholesale Distribution Business: Personal Toolkit Promo, 1950s-1960s. Newhall-Saugus Sun Newspaper, 3-21-1963 (8 pgs.): Thatcher Glass Cover; Hart High Science Fair. LW3702 - Stock Certificate: The Newhall Land and Farming Company, 12-18-1978. LW3713 - Original Artwork for Stock Certificate, The Newhall Land and Farming Company, 1984 (Unique). Jury Awards Newhall Land $2.3 Mil. for "Valencia" Trademark Infringement by Palmer, 2-24-1993. Valley Industry Association (VIA), 1981— LW3032 - First? Valencia Industrial Association (VIA) Luncheon, 1981 or 1982.
LW3033 - Valencia Industrial Association (VIA)'s First Symposium, 10-26-1983.
Program Book: 2014 VIA Bash • 11-8-2014.
S.C.V. Citizen newspaper, 1988-1989 S.C.V. Citizen Newspaper, 9-18-1988 (Complete).
The Life and Times of Scott Newhall, California Publishing's Brilliant Barnum • California Business 7/1989.
SCV Growth: Commercial-Industrial-Residential Development, 2002-04 • Union Bank of California, 2-18-2004. Princess Cruises, 'Love Boat' Cast Honored on Hollywood Walk of Fame • 5-10-2018. PATENTS & INVENTIONS DP9901 - Charles A. Mentry: Specifications, Patent No. US647605-A: Expansion-Reamer (Granted 1900). Bermite Powder Co. Patent No. 2869463: Delayed Firing Cartridge, 1-20-1959. Bermite Powder Co. Patent No. 2875959: Tilted Axis Muller, 3-3-1959. Bermite Powder Co. Patent No. 2995088: Multi-Stage Igniter Charge, 8-8-1961. Bermite Powder Co. Patent No. 3334536: Releasable Nut with Radial and Longitudinal Lockout, 8-8-1967. LW2604 - Bobby Batugo Lapu Lapu Goblet, 4 Views. HB8201d - Bobby Batugo's Universe Cocktail (1978). Tabletop Display. HB8201c - Bobby Batugo's Memmories Cocktail (1982). Tabletop Display. HB8201b - Bobby Batugo's New Day Cocktail. Tabletop Display. HB8201a - Mario Batugo's Blue Heaven Cocktail. Tabletop Display. HART HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Wm. S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board Members, 1945 to Date Comprehensive Survey of Newhall and Contiguous School Districts (Castaic, Saugus, Honby, New Era, Felton) by Lester Dalbey, 1933. How Did the Hart District Obtain Its First School Site? Study: Advantages of the Unification of the Hart School District • Butler & Thyberg, June 1948. Picture Story of Hart High School (and District) • May 1952. NS6001 - Classroom Rental and Lease Agreement Between Newhall School District (Lessor) and Hart District (Lessee), 9-1-1960. Hart High School District Unification Effort • News reports, September 1964. HB6601 - 8 Aerial Photos: Hart High, Placerita Junior High, 7-10-1966. SG091570 - Voting in the Hart District Recall Election, 9-15-1970. LW3007 - SCV School District Reorganization Plan (Failed), 1970-71. HD7601 - School Board and Administration (Partial), 1976. HD8701 - Wm. S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board, 1986-87 school year. LW2809 - H. Clyde Smyth, Ed.D., Superintendent, Wm. S. Hart Union High School District. The Santa Clarita Valley Facilities Foundation Story • 1998-2014. HISTORIC PRESERVATION Dept. of the Interior Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties, 2017. DOI Preservation Brief 48: Preserving Grave Markers in Historic Cemeteries, 2016. DOI Preservation Brief 15: Preservation of Historic Concrete, 2007. DOI Guide to Developing a Historic Landscape Preservation Maintenance Plan, 1998. DOI Preservation Brief 36: Planning, Treatment and Management of Historic Lanscapes, 1994. California's Statewide Historic Preservation Plan, 2013-2017. GEOLOGY/PALEONTOLOGY Tick Canyon Camel & Ancient Horse Teeth: Tertiary Mammalian Fauna from the Mint Canyon Formation • John H. Maxson, Master's Thesis, CalTech, 1928. Earthquake Faults: Geology of San Francisquito and Bouquet Canyons • Frank Andrew Nickell, Master's Thesis, CalTech, 1928. Slippery Hills: Geology of the Soledad Corridor • C.D. Cooksey, Master's Thesis, CalTech, 1934. Plum-Bouquet-Vasquez Cyn. Area: Geology of a Portion of the Humphreys Quadrangle • Flint 1939. LW3518 - The Pacific Mineralogist, December 1941 (Complete): Includes Minerals of Mint Canyon. Geology of the Humphreys Station Area • R.J. MacNeill, Master's Thesis, CalTech, 1947. Geology of the Del Valle Area • Charles DeVries Edwards, Master's Thesis, CalTech, 1947. Geology of Canyon Country (a Portion of Eastern Ventura Basin) • Wakefield Dort Jr., Master's Thesis, CalTech, 1948. Geology of the St. Francis Dam Area • Jesus Ruiz Elizondo, Master's Thesis, CalTech, 1953. Historic Fault Movement: Deposition and Deformation in the Northern Soledad Basin • W.R. Muehlberger, Doctoral Thesis, CalTech, 1954. Strike-Slip Displacement of the San Gabriel Fault, Calif. Dept. of Natural Resources (Crowell 1954). GS5801 - Fossilized Whale Rib Bones, Sand Canyon, Collected ~1958. Geology of Southeastern Ventura Basin, Los Angeles County: Stratigraphy, Structure and Occurrence of Oil • USGS: Winterer & Durham 1962. LW3749 - Remains of 2 Ancient Bison Found in Castaic Oil Fields, 1950. Ancient Cud Chewers of Canyon Country: Oreodonts of the Tick Canyon Formation • David P. Whistler, UCB, 1967. Geology of the Ventura and Soledad Basins in the Vicinity of Castaic • Stitt 1981. LW2603 - Bivalve Fossil in Conglomeration, Potrero/Newhall Ranch, 4 Views, Collected ~1998. Pass: Where River Met Sea in the Pliocene • Squires 2012: Pico Formation Paleontology. LW2595 - Marine Fossils, Sand Canyon, Collected 4-1-2014. LW0060 - Scallop Shell Fossils, Castaic Valley. LW2480 - Small Marine Fossils, Pico Canyon 9-21-2013. LW2507 - White Volcanic Tuff in Bouquet Canyon 10-20-2013. Gallery - Marine Fossils, Newhall Creek (Placerita Canyon area), 7 Views, Collected 2014. AL1401 - Tick Canyon Howlite Specimens in Smithsonian National Museum, 6-26-2014. CN1901 - Tick Canyon Howlite Specimens. Finding Fossil Falls in the Coso Range by Linda Castro, SCVNews.com, 8-27-2015. Geology of Vasquez Rocks • Sarah Brewer, (Section of) Master's Thesis, CSUN, 2016. Trona Pinnacles by Linda Castro, SCVNews.com, 1-19-2017. LW2945 - Marine Fossils in Towsley Canyon, 3-26-2017. NATURE-EARTHQUAKES-FLOODS Historical Rainfall in SCV, 1769-1970s • From Lopez 1974. 1857 Fort Tejon Earthquake 1857 Fort Tejon Earthquake • Caltech: Southern California Earthquake Data Center.
1857 Fort Tejon Earthquake: SoCal's Last Real "Big One" by Aron J. Meltzner, CalTech • Post Return, January 1998.
1857: The Big One Rocks Ft. Tejon by Alan Pollack • Heritage Junction Dispatch, January-February 2011.
The Fort Tejon Earthquake of 1857 • (New York) Harper's Weekly, 2-21-1857
1893 Pico Canyon Earthquake Description of 1893 Pico Canyon Earthquake • Smithsonian Institution, 1898.
An Epidemic of Earthquakes in Pico Canyon • Los Angeles Herald, 4-10-1893.
Great Flood of March 2, 1938 LW3356 - Great Flood of March 1938 Devastates Southland Highways, Bridges • Calif. Highways & Public Works, April 1938.
HB302 - CHP Active in Rescues During Great Flood of 1938 • California Highway Patrolman, 4/1938.
Role of Highways in Recent California Floods • by F.W. Panhorst, Civil Engineering, 8/1938.
Great Flood of 1938: Skies Open Up with Deadly Force • by Dr. Alan Pollack, Heritage Juction Dispatch, July-Aug. 2019.
JN3801 - Hill's Ranch Rodeo (Saugus Speedway), 3-2-1938.
AP3101 - Structures Wash Away in Acton, 3-2-1938.
AP3314 - Santa Clara River Overflows, 3-2-1938.
DO3801 - Nickel-Freese Home in Acton, 3-2-1938.
1952 Kern County Earthquake 1952 Kern County Earthquake • Caltech: Southern California Earthquake Data Center.
1969 Flooding DB6901 - Film: Santa Clara River Flooding, February 1969?
Snow Day 12-19-1970 LW3724 - Snow Day at Lower SCV Elevations, 12-19-1970
AL7001 - SPRR Saugus Depot in Snow, 12-19-1970
1971 Sylmar Earthquake VIDEO - "Earthquake!" - USDA Film: Sylmar Earthquake of Feb. 9, 1971. 28 Mins.
Sylmar/San Fernando Earthquake of Feb. 9, 1971: Legislative Report (July 1972):
LW7102 - 2-9-1971 Earthquake: Instrumental Intensity Map.
LW2794 - 5/14 Freeway Bridge on 2-9-1971.
LW3158 - Collapsed 210 Freeway Bridge in Newhall Pass, 2-9-1971.
LW3019 - Newhall Store Damage on 2-9-1971.
LW3159 - Workers Attempt to Save Van Norman Reservoir, 2-9-1971.
LW2548 - Freeway Damage & Repairs, I-5 at 210, Balboa, Foothill, LAWDP Cascades. 8 Views.
LW2778 - Actor Ken Maynard, 75; Sylmar-San Fernando Earthquake, 1971.
LW2547 - Doobie Brothers Cover Art: Collapsed 5/14 Freeway Bridges.
Snow Day 1-4-1974 TN7401 - Downtown Newhall in the Snow, 1-4-1974.
BB7401 - Canyon High School in the Snow, 1-4-1974.
HS7420 - Boys' Club Building (Pardee House) in the Snow, 1-4-1974.
HB7401 - Mike Hammermeister Shoveling Snow in Old Orchard I, 1-4-1974.
BC1974 - (Saugus) Edison House in the Snow, 3 Views, 1-4-1974.
HB1801 - Mail Delivery in the Snow, 1-4-1974.
Space Ordnance Systems Cleanup (1984-1989 ff.) Modification to Waste Discharge Requirements, 4-4-2011.
1994 Northridge Earthquake Video - 1994 Earthquake: Santa Clarita One Year Later (City 1995).
Video - 1994 Earthquake: Santa Clarita Comes Together (Out & About 1994).
SC9407 - 1994 Earthquake: Chronology of Events, Jan. 17 - Feb. 5, 1994.
SC9405 - 1994 Earthquake: Santa Clarita Valley Damage Cost Estimates (as of December 1994).
LW3049 - 1994 Earthquake: Collapsed 14 Freeway Ramp Claims Life of LAPD Officer Clarence Wayne Dean, 1-17-1994.
LW2749 - 1994 Earthquake: I-5 Freeway Overpass, 1-17-1994(?).
SC9406 - 1994 Earthquake: Emergency Services Status Report, 1-18-1994, 2:30 p.m. (Day After).
SC9402 - 1994 Earthquake: I-5 Freeway Overpass, 1-20-1994.
SC9404 - 1-17-1994 Earthquake: Tent City Hall (21 Views).
LW9401 - 1994 Earthquake: Tent City Hall (4 Views).
SC9403 - 1994 Earthquake: Inside City Hall, Multiple Images, 1-17-1994.
LW9402 - 1994 Earthquake: National Guard Distributes Water.
LW3354 - 1994 Earthquake: Anheuser-Busch Earthquake Water, Unopened 6-Pack.
LW9403 - 1994 Earthquake: Red Cross Shelter at Newhall Boys & Girls Club. 2 Views.
LW9404 - 1994 Earthquake: Greenbrier Mobile Homes Destroyed. 2 Views.
RA9401 - Photo Gallery: Rancho Camulos Earthquake Damage, Photographed 1-21-1994.
LW9410 - 1994 Earthquake: Homes Destroyed on Via Onda, Valencia Hills. 4 Views, January 1994.
LW2810 - 1994 Earthquake: Demolition of 23918 Via Onda, Valencia Hills, 10 Views.
LW9410 - 1994 Earthquake: Valencia Industrial Center Damage. 2 Views.
LW9410 - 1994 Earthquake: Sport Chalet, Newhall.
LW9410 - 1994 Earthquake: Block Wall, Valencia.
LW9405 - 1994 Earthquake: Tent Encampment in Newhall Park.
LW9410 - 1994 Earthquake: Valencia Library Collection Moved Outdoors.
LW9406 - 1994 Earthquake: 14 Freeway Overpass.
LW9410 - 1994 Earthquake: Freeway Traffic, I-5 and 405.
LW9410 - 1994 Earthquake: FEMA Claims Intake Center, Canyon Country Park. 3 Views.
LW9407 - 1994 Earthquake: Do-It Center Sign.
LW9450 - Carl Goldman, Parade Grand Marshal, 7-4-1994.
Rancho Camulos After the Earthquake • Philip Scorza's Points of Interest, ~1995.
Rancho Camulos: Getty Takes the Lead with 1994 Earthquake Repairs • Reports, 1994 & 1999.
Elsmere Canyon Landfill (Proposed/Defeated) Video: Trashing Elsmere Canyon • City of Santa Clarita 1988.
Nearly Two Decades of Battling Elsmere Pay Off By Marsha McLean, 2007.
Snow Day 1-2-2011 Snow Day in Santa Clarita Valley, Video 1-2-2011.
Angeles National Forest / San Gabriel Mountains Angeles National Forest: A Brief Cultural History USDA Forest Service (2014).
San Gabriel Mountains National Monument
Presidential Proclamation: San Gabriel Mountains National Monument The White House 10-10-2014. Map of San Gabriel Mountains National Monument USDA Forest Service 10-10-2014. SCV Open Space Map w/ San Gabriel Mtns Nat Monument City of Santa Clarita 9-22-2014. Fact Sheet: San Gabriel Mountains National Monument USDA Forest Service 10-10-2014. Monument Signing Ceremony & Remarks by President Obama The White House 10-10-2014. Reference: Antiquities Act of 1906 National Park Service (2014). HB1501 - New Signage for San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, 2-18-2015. Bears I Have Met: The Stories of Monarch and Pinto by Allen Kelly, 1903.
LW2624 - Map: Saugus District, Angeles National Forest (Whole SCV), 1953.
Castaic Wilderness (Proposed)
LW3397 - Film: "The Big Bus" Teeters Over Big Tujunga Canyon Road (Paramount 1976).
Santa Susana Mountains Santa Susana Mountains Trails Master Plan-2 • L.A. County Parks, Initial Study, 11-2-2017.
Santa Susana Mountains Trails Master Plan-2 (Final) • Adopted 12-11-2018.
Rim of the Valley Corridor Executive Summary: Rim of the Valley Corridor Special Resource Study (Draft) National Park Service, 4-14-2015.
CE0000 - Endangered & Threatened Species in the Santa Clarita Valley Fishes of the Santa Clara River System, Southern California (Bell 1978). Santa Clara River Significant Ecological Area • L.A. County, As Proposed 2014. Severe Storms Wash Out SCV Train Tracks, Bridges • February-March 1884. L.A. Times Traces Great Meteor of Aug. 7, 1901, to Deadman's Canyon Los Angeles Times 9-1-1901. Nesting of the Dusky Poorwill Near Saugus, Condor Magazine, 1920. The Great Bee Cave in Towsley Narrows • By Addi Lyon in The Signal, 4-5-1940; from Thompson & West 1880. Have We Sucked the Life Out of Our River? Portolá's Engineer Provides Clues • Leon Worden, 10-6-2004. Shake, Rattle & Roll: SCV's Earthquake History by John Boston • The Signal, 8-28-2003. Un-Well Water: The Problem of Perchlorate by Leon Worden • The Signal, 6-8-2003. LW2258g - Santa Clara River in Piru, 1900. LW3218 - Wildflowers in Bloom, Standard Oil Advertising, 1930s. Winter 1948-49: Snow, Frost Cripple Southland • News Reports, January 1949. LP5402 - Bouquet Falls, 5-16-1954. LW3705 - Winter Storm Blankets Hotel Lebec in Snow, 1/6/1955. HB6202 - Heavy Winter Storm Pummels SCV, January 1962. SK6201 - Photo Gallery: Newhall and Castaic in the Snow Storm of January 1962.
LW2693 - Terry Crossland, 10, of Newhall, Wades Through a Sea of Tumbleweeds, 1-16-1965. Army Corps to Turn Santa Clara River Into L.A.-Style Concrete Channel, 8-12-1968. GT8901 - Valencia: Medfly Eradication with Malathion, 1989-1990. The California (El Nino) Winter of 1997-98, FEMA, 3-3-1998. About Lake Elizabeth, Lake Hughes & Munz Lake • LARWQCB 2007 Trash Total Maximum Daily Load for Elizabeth, Hughes & Munz Lakes • LARWQCB 2007 (.pdf) VIDEO: A Field Guide to the San Andreas Fault with David K. Lynch SCVHS/SCVTV, 2010. LW2360 - San Andreas Fault in Palmdale 4-13-2013. LW2555 - Piute Butte, Antelope Valley Indian Museum State Historic Park, 2 Views, 12-28-2013. MRCA Acquisition of Robin's Nest Property in Soledad Canyon (2018). Spanish Flu of 1918/19: Schools, Shops, Churches Close as L.A. Fights a Pandemic • By Alan Pollack, M.D., 4-7-2020. MINING (Minerals & Petroleum; See Also Individual Places)
Description of Early Petroleum Activity in Pico, Towsley, Wiley, Rice Canyons • Peckham 1866. The Pico Canyon Oil Field • Report by Edward North, with Map & 12 Plates, 1890. LW3900 - Newhall Oil District Map, n.d. (~1901/1902). Newhall Oil Field Notes, Including Pico, Needham Ranch, Elsmere, Placerita Canyon • News reports, Early 1900s. California Gold Discoveries Before (and After) Lopez 1842; Mining Techniques • By William Wirt Jenkins, 1906. LW2993 - Tepee Rock Shop (Soledad Cyn.): Rockhounding Guide for L.A. Gem Hunters, 1966. GT8703 - Lang-Sand Canyon: Gillibrand Titanium Mine: From Site Tour (1987) to Federal Approval (1991): Photo Gallery, News Reports. Gillibrand Soledad Canyon Mining Operations (Titanium Mining): Final Environmental Impact Statement, ANF 1991.
How it Works: Horizontal Drilling & Hydraulic Fracturing (Video) • LINN Energy LLC, 2015 LAW ENFORCEMENT & MILITARY Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: History Behind the Badge • Deputy John Williams, LASD, 2011. History of Wayside Honor Rancho / Pitchess Detention Center • LASD, n.d. (2002) Los Angeles County Sheriffs, 1850 to Date. Laying Down the Law in Early Santa Clarita by John Boston • The Signal, June-July 2000 (3 parts) History of the Sheriff's Newhall Substation by Leon Worden • The Signal, 11-8-1996 LW2737 - Billy Rowland, L.A. County Sheriff 1872-76, 1879-82; Captor of Vasquez. "Three-fingered Bob" (or Jack?) Slays Unarmed Rival in Drunken Brawl • News Reports, 1889. Constable Anton Harnischfeger, Father of St. Francis Damkeeper, Killed in Line of Duty • E.O.W. 3-20-1889. James O'Reilly of Hebrewville is Fined, Jailed for Selling Liquor without License • News Reports, 1894. Suen vs. Aceda: One Jenkins Ranch Hand Murders Another • News Reports, August 1895. McCoy Pyle Murder: Covetous Fillmore Man Fakes Robbery to Kill Popular Constable, 5-25-1897. News reports, 1897. Death In the Newhall Pass: Gossip Sullies Young Beauty. News reports, 1906. De Moranville Slaying: Killer of Newhall Deputy Walks. News reports, 1909. Newhall Lawman Charles De Moranville Makes Ultimate Sacrifice, 1-4-1909. LASD, 5-31-2013 Trouble With Wobblies at Newhall and Saugus November-December 1916. Emma Benson, LASD: First Female On-Duty Deputy Killed in U.S. (1919) LASD, 10-11-2012 Powell Fines Man $20 for Carring Concealed Weapon 11-7-1921 Bank Robbed, Banker Kidnapped by Movie Cowboy's Bootlegging-Human Trafficking Gang • News reports; Incident 12-11-1922. Lancaster Bank Robbers Lead Posse to Newhall; 1 Dead Bakersfield Californian, 3-12-1924 Assailant Gus Le Brun, Deputy Ed Brown Killed in Gun Battle. News reports, 1924. Saugus Deputy Ed Brown Dies in Gun Battle, 9-14-1924. LASD, 5-31-2013 Newhall Constable Jack Pilcher Dies in Line of Duty, 6-4-1925. LASD, 6-4-2014 Wade Albert Horton, Wealthy Mint Canyon Rancher, Slain in Botched Home-Invasion Robbery News reports, 1930-1932. L.A. County Takes Big Bite Out of Juvenile Crime During Great Depression, 1933-1935. Frances Walker Murder: Newhall Cop's Wife Slays 'Other Woman,' Gets Away With It San Diego Union, 10-6-1935 Ex-Newhall Deputy Convicted of Contributing to Delinquency of Slain Saugus School Teacher Frances Walker L.A. Times, August 1935.
Santa Clarita Valley's Police Force of 1938 The Signal, 8-18-1938 Construction to Start at New Jail in Castaic • The Signal, 12-2-1938 U.S. Entry Into WW2: German Enemy Aliens Arrested in Castaic, 12-8-1941 • News reports and Government documents, 1923-1952. Incident at Alpha Beta Supermarket, Feb. 22, 1983 by Capt. Dan McCarty, LASD (Ret.), 1-7-2004. Pyramid Lake and Substation Mark 26th Year by Estelle Foley, August 2000 Newhall-Saugus: A Hobo Haven by Dr. Alan Pollack, Dispatch, Sept.-Oct. 2013. SD2501 - Moonshiner's Still Busted During Prohibition ~1924. AP0916 - Moonshiner's Still Busted During Prohibition, c. 1924. AA2001 - Actor Tom Mix Fined $50 for Reckless Driving in Newhall, 1920. LW3349 - Eugene W. Biscailuz, 27th L.A. County Sheriff 1932-1958 (as Undersheriff in 1929). RB0007 - Newhall Constable's Office on Market Street, c. 1930. RB0004 - Prohibition: Newhall's Dry Squad (Multiple Views), c. 1930. Hart Football 'Aces' Gang Members Arrested for Armed Robberies News reports, June 1950. SW5201 - Old Newhall Jail, 2 Views, 1-10-1952. 1956 The Battle of Palmdale (In the Skies Over SCV) 208 Rockets Fired at Runaway Plane (Over SCV) • Los Angeles Times, 8-17-1956.
LW3766 - Relic of Crashed Runaway Navy F6F-5K Hellcat Drone, 1956.
LW2925 - The Terrifying Tale of the Runaway Drone • Pageant, May 1957.
The Battle of Palmdale • by Darryl Manzer, 2-18-2014.
The Battle of Palmdale • by Dr. Alan Pollack, Dispatch, Jan.-Feb. 2015.
LW2468 - Sheriff Peter J. Pitchess, 1912-1999 (1953-1982). Juvenile Probation Camp Joseph Scott to Open • Dedication 5-12-1958. LW3347 - Personnel of Sheriff's Substation No. 6 (SCV), 1959. LW3348 - LASD Rehabilitation Division Transfer Bus, ~1950s-60s. OX6404 - Entrance to L.A. City's Saugus Rehabilitation Center (Drunk Farm), ~1964. AL1968 - Elizabeth Evans, Saugus Resident Shot During Robert F. Kennedy Assassination, 6-6-1968. Vietnam War Casualties from the Santa Clarita Valley (14), 1965-1972. LW2533 - Sherman Block, Los Angeles County Sheriff 1982-1998. JD9002 - Photo Gallery: President George H.W. Bush Dedicates North County Correctional Facility, 3-1-1990 LW2613 - Deputies Jake Kuredjian, David March on Calif. Peace Officers Memorial, Sacramento. LW2833 - LASD Deputy David W. March Memorial Interchange, 210/605 Freeways. 10th Anniversary Ceremony to Remember Deputy Jake Kuredjian by Carol Rock, KHTS 8-28-2011 Killer of SCV-Resident Cop Matthew Pavelka Gets Life Without Parole • SCVNews, 7-24-2012. LASD Jurisdiction & Patrol Divisions • Maps, as of 5-7-2013. SD1401 - Leroy D. Baca, Los Angeles County Sheriff 1998-2014. LW2705 - John L. Scott, Interim Los Angeles County Sheriff, 2014. SD1403 - Jim McDonnell, Los Angeles County Sheriff, 2014-2018. 1 SCV Resident Among 58 Killed, Several Others Wounded in Las Vegas Shooting, 10-1-2017 • SCVNews, 10/2017. SD1902 - Alex Villanueva, Los Angeles County Sheriff, 2018—. SD1901 - SCV Sheriff's Station Honors Fallen Deputy Arthur Pelino, 3-19-2019. SCV Sheriff's Station, Golden Valley Road SC1806 - Groundbreaking: SCV Sheriff's Station, Golden Valley Road, Photos & Video, 7-25-2018.
NEWHALL C.H.P. WR5352 - Newhall CHP Office, Seen from Neighbor's Home, 1953. Newhall CHP Office Opens at 25022 N. Golden State Highway, 5-8-1957. Open House at New CHP Station, 2-21-1968. THE NEWHALL INCIDENT The Newhall Incident from the California Highway Patrol, n.d. California Highway Patrol Slaying, April 5, 1970 by Kristin Wilder • The Signal, April 2000 The Newhall Incident • (Van Nuys, CA) The Valley News and Valley Greensheet, 4-7-1970 AL1970 - The Newhall Incident: Scene Where Highway Patrolmen Were Shot, 4-6-1970. AL1971 - The Newhall Incident: Abandoned Car at Scene of Shooting, 4-6-1970. AL1972 - The Newhall Incident: Officer Examines Weapons at Shooting Scene, 4-6-1970. AL1973 - The Newhall Incident: Officers Put House Under Siege, 4-6-1970. LW2524 - The Newhall Incident: Deputies in Tear Gas Cloud, 4-6-1970. LW2825 - The Newhall Incident: Hostage's Son Talks to Reporters, 4-6-1970. DU1970 - Dedication Ceremony, "Newhall Incident" Memorial Wall, Newhall CHP Office (3 Views), 6-5-1970. AL1977 - "Newhall Incident", CHP Information Bulletin, 7-1-1970. VIDEO - The Newhall Incident: A Law Enforcement Tragedy, SCVHS/SCVTV, 2010. The Newhall Incident: Tragedy and Heroism by Dr. Alan Pollack • Dispatch, March-April 2009 VIDEO - CHP Training Film, 1975. VIDEO - Police Training Film & Reenactment, LASD, 1970. VIDEO - Interview with CHP Sgt. Harry Ingold by Leilani Ingold, Castaic Middle School, 11-22-2011. The Newhall Incident: Anatomy of a Gunfight by Michael E. Wood (Book Excerpt), Gun Digest, May 6, 2013. JUDICIARY SW5501 - Santa Clarita Valley Organized Into Tejon Township, 8-14-1855. Judge Adrian Adams' Tales of the Newhall Court by Judge Adrian W. Adams • The Signal, 4-12-2003 Judge John F. Powell and the Law in Soledad Township by Leon Worden • March 2003 (2 parts) AA5001 - Judge Adrian Adams, 1950s & 2003. AA7003 - Judge C.M. MacDougall, 3 Views, 1960s-1970s. AA7002 - Judges C.M. MacDougall and Adrian Adams, 1970. JD8301 - Photo Gallery: Enrobing Ceremony for New Judge H. Keith Byram, 2-2-1983. AIRCRAFT DOWN Death from the Sky Over Newhall - Times Two (1936-37) by Alan Pollack, 3-2012 10-26-1927: Pacific Air Transport Crash in Castaic Air Mail Mishap Over Castaic: Pilot Parachutes to Safety • News Reports, 10-26-1927.
11-18-1930: Pacific Air Transport Mail Plane Crash Near Gorman LW2998 - Interrupted Mail: Letter (Envelope) Recovered from Fatal Plane Crash, 11-18-1930
LW3808 - Interrupted Mail: Letter (Envelope) Recovered from Fatal Plane Crash, 11-18-1930.
1-29-1932: Century-Pacific Airliner Crash Near Lebec LW3288 - Plane Crash Kills All 8; Future Sheriff Biscailuz, Future Gen. Hap Arnold Direct Weeklong Search. 4 Views.
11-15-1934: Pilot Survives Airmail Plane Crash AL2078 - Airmail Crash Near Newhall, Photo 11-18-1934.
11-17-1934: 4 Sightseers Killed in Follow-On Crash lw2885 - 4 Killed in Plane Crash While Searching for Plane Crash, 11-17-1934.
12-27-1936: United Flight 34: All 12 Killed Plane Crash in Rice Canyon Kills All 12 • 12-27-1936
LW2448 - Broken Watches Fix Time of Plane Crash, 12-27-1936.
SW3601 - Searching for Casualties, 12-28-1936.
SW3602 - Searching for Casualties, 12-28-1936.
SW3603 - Stretcher Supplied for Casualties, 12-28-1936.
SW3604 - Loading Bodies Into Coroner's Van, 12-28-1936.
LW2897 - Stewardess Yvonne Trego, Plane Crash Victim, Rice Canyon 12-27-1936.
Probe Fails to Reveal Cause of Plane Crash • 1-6-1937
LW2826 - Radio Operator Testifies 1-5-1937.
1-12-1937: Western Air Express Flight 7: Adventurer Martin Johnson, 4 Others Killed 5 Killed in Plane Crash Including Adventurer Martin Johnson • News Reports, 1937.
DS3701 - Boeing 247 Crash on Mt. Piñetos, 2 Views, 1-12-1937.
LW3182 - Rescuers Transport Martin Johnson's Body from Plane Crash Near Newhall, 1-13-1937.
LW3345 - Plane Crash Survivor Osa Johnson Rescued, 1-13-1937.
AL2072 - Victims Carried From Wreck from Plane Crash Near Newhall, 1-13-1937.
LW3346 - Plane Crash Victim on Stretcher, 1-13-1937.
LW2784 - Victim (Survivor?) Carried From Wreck from Plane Crash Near Newhall, 1-13-1937.
LW2431 - Rescuers Recover Body from Plane Crash Near Newhall, 1-13-1937.
LW2247 - Mr. & Mrs. Martin Johnson, 1937 Newhall Plane Crash Victims (with detailed account of crash).
LW2443 - Same Airplane in 1933.
4-9-1937: Pioneer Aviator, Passenger Killed in Light Plane Crash LW2450 - Pioneer Aviator, Passenger Killed in Crash of Light Plane on the Ridge Route, 4-9-1937.
2 Killed in Crash of Light Plane on Ridge Route, News Reports 1937.
5-16-1938: Lockheed Transport Plane Crash, All 9 Killed LW2680 - Wreckage of New Lockheed Transport Plane, 9 Killed ACME Telephoto 5-18-1938
LW2876 - Wreckage of Lockheed Transport Plane, Casualty ACME Photo 5-19-1938
LW2877 - Wreckage of Lockheed Transport Plane, ACME Photo 5-19-1938
LW2851 - Wrecked Wing of Lockheed Transport Plane ACME Photo 5-19-1938
9 Bodies Found in Wreck of Lost Lockheed Plane News reports, May 1938.
Plane Crash at Agua Dulce The Signal, 5-19-1938
1-31-1943: Army Air Force Transport Plane, Glider Crash; Hero Girl Saves 3 of 6 Aviators LW2596 - Heroism of 9-year-old Marylynn Winkler (Butters) Celebrated in True Comics strip 4-18-1943
6-30-1943: Army P-38 Fighter Crashes at Wayside; Pilot Killed 11-13-1946: Western Air Lines Flight 23: All Killed AL2071 - Western Airlines DC-3 Crash South of Gorman, 11-13-1946.
9-18-1948: Private Plane Crashes at Newhall Airport; All 4 Killed 4 Including Movie Jeweler, Cartoonist Killed in Plane Crash at Newhall Airport News reports, September 1948.
LW3624 - Pin (Brooch) by Joseff of Hollywood, ~1940
10-28-1949: Crash of Light Plane Kills Pilot, Sparks Brush Fire 9-20-1954: Air Force C-46 Transporting Civil Air Patrol Chaplains Crashes at Saugus Drunk Farm; All Survive C-46 Cargo Plane Crashes at Saugus Drunk Farm; Civil Air Patrol Chaplains Parachute to Safety 9-20-1954
8-22-1961: 2 U.S. Forest Rangers Killed at Frazier Mountain 12-30-1964: Light Plane Crashes Near Gorman; 3 of 4 Killed 12-30-1964: United Air Lines Convair 340 Makes Emergency Landing at Saugus-Newhall Airport; All Survive United Airliner Forced Down in Saugus, 12-30-1964 by Larry Westin, 5-29-2012
11-28-1967: Light Plane Crashes Into (the Real) Magic Mountain; All 3 Killed 1-27-1982: Helicopter Crashes on Valencia Set of "Twilight Zone" Movie; Vic Morrow, 2 Child Actors Killed Death on the Set of "Twilight Zone: The Movie" by Alan Pollack, 5-2012
Proximate Cause: Pilot Recalls "Twilight Zone Movie" Tragedy by Leon Worden, 7-23-2013
10-23-1999: Actor Harrison Ford in Helicopter Crash, Piru (Nonfatal) 11-2-2003: Vintage 1953 Trainer Crashes in Mint Canyon; Pilot Killed 7-18-2009: Experimental Plane Crashes in Sand Canyon; Both Killed Experimental Plane Crashes in Sand Canyon; 2 Dead SCVTV, 7-18-2009
7-5-2012: TL Ultralight Crashes at Rancho Camulos; 2011 SCV Man of the Year Harry Bell and Copilot Killed 2011 SCV Man of the Year Harry Bell, 89, dies in Light Plane Crash at Rancho Camulos SCVNews.com, 7-5-2012
2-10-2013: Helicopter Crashes at Acton Movie Ranch; All 3 Killed 3 Killed in Helicopter Crash at Acton Movie Ranch SCVNews.com, 2-10-2013
Other: JK0078 - Southern Pacific Train Wreck in Acton, 1967-70.
FIRE FIGHTING History of L.A. County Department of Forestry and Firewarden, Soledad Division (SCV-North County). Angeles National Forest: Ranger Stations & L.A. County Fire Camps, 2014. The Other Great Fire of 1906: Blazes Erupt at Lang Hotel and Pico Oil Field by Dr. Alan Pollack, Dispatch, 3-2015. FD2801 - L.A. County Fire: 1928 Soledad Division HQ, County Forestry Department, Newhall, 2 Views. FD2803 - L.A. County Fire: Forestry (Fire) Pumper & 1928 Soledad Division HQ, Newhall. FD2901 - L.A. County Fire: Asst. Fire Warden's 1929 Buick Squad Truck, Newhall. FD3301 - L.A. County Fire: 1933 White 600-Gal. Pumper in Newhall. FD3701 - L.A. County Fire: Assistant Fire Warden's 1937 Chevy Carryall Suburban, Newhall. Wildfire: "Worst Threat to Newhall Since 1914," 12 Oil Wells Ruined, Backfire Saves Mentryville • News reports, July-August 1940. Soldiers Spark Brush Fire that Rips Through Fox Farm, Surrounds Hart Mansion • News reports, July 1942. Helicopter Burns, Crew Badly Injured in 9,300-Acre Brush Fire • News reports, August 1951. 3,500-acre Blaze in Bouquet Canyon Destroys World's Largest Live Oak Tree; Arson Suspected • September 1964 Clampitt Fire, Newhall to the Sea, September 1970 FD5801 - L.A. County Fire: Station 73 Dedication, Newhall, July 1958.
View from Valencia (4 Views), 9-25-1970.
LW2884 - Chatsworth Neighborhood Destroyed, 9-28-1970.
Placerita Canyon (Melody Ranch) Fire, 8-28-1962 Placerita & Val Verde Fires Converge on Melody Ranch, Olive View Sanitarium • Associated Press, 8-28-1962
LW3022 - Oil Tank Burns in Newhall, 8-28-1962.
LW2588 - Olive View Sanatorium on Fire (Circle J / Melody Ranch fire), 8-28-1962.
LW2989 - Man Flees from Placerita Canyon Fire, 8-28-1962.
LW3050 - San Fernando Valley Aerial View, 8-28-1962.
LW2581 - Melody Ranch Fire Devastation, Next Day 8-29-1962.
HB6201 - Circle J-Melody Ranch Fire: Olive View Sanatorium & Environs, Aftermath, September 1962.
FD7001 - L.A. County Fire: Station 73, Newhall, 1970s. P. Michael Freeman Hired as L.A. County Fire Chief L.A. Times, 12-14-1988. Copper Fire, San Francisquito Canyon, June 2002 LW060502 - Ruiz Cemetery Smolders in Fire (10 Images), 6-5-2002.
Copper Fire: SCVTV News Coverage (Video), 6-6-2002 and 6-7-2002.
SC0201 - Photo Gallery: Central Park Transformed Into Tent City for Firefighters, June 2002.
October 2003 Wildfire in Pico-Towsley-Stevenson Ranch. LW3443 - CAL FIRE: California Fire Siege 2007, incl. Buckweed, Ranch, Magic Fires. FD0801 - L.A. County Fire: Station 73, Newhall, 2008. Station Fire, August-September 2009 Press Conference Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, 8-30-2009.
Acton Community Meeting at High Desert Middle School Unified Command, 9-1-2009.
Press Conference Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, 9-3-2009.
Remembering LACoFD Capt. Ted Hall, Firefighter Arnie Quinones County Digest Special Edition, 2009.
Dedication of Capt. Ted Hall & Engineer Arnie Quinones Memorial Highway SCVTV, 11-15-2010.
14 Freeway Interchange Named for Hall, Quinones by Carol Rock and Leon Worden, 9-19-2012.
Hall, Quinones Remembered on 5th Anniversary of Station Fire by Jessica Boyer, AM-1220 KHTS, 8-31-2014.
LW2746 - Daryl L. Osby, L.A. County Fire Chief, 2011-. LW2382 - Powerhouse Fire, San Francisquito - Lake Hughes, May-June 2013. 105 Views. SC1807 - Groundbreaking: Permanent Fire Station 104, Golden Valley Road, 8-9-2018. HB1829 - Photo Gallery: Big Oaks Lodge Burns Down, 8-11-2018. NIKE BASES Historical Overview of Nike Missile System - U.S. Army, December 1984. Los Pinetos-Newhall Site (LA-94): Historical Record - National Park Service. AP0825 - Dedication of Army Housing in Sand Canyon, 2-24-1959. S.C.V. HEALTHCARE Newhall Community Hospital, Est. 1922 • From Brunner's 1940 History. Newhall Community Hospital Moves to 6th & Spruce Streets • News reports, 1926.
Dr. Sarah L. Murray's Newhall Emergency Hospital, Est. 1930 • From Brunner's 1940 History. History of Newhall Ambulance Service • From Brunner's 1940 History. History of Newhall Dentistry • From Brunner's 1940 History. History of Wildwood Sanatorium (TB), Happy Valley-Newhall • From Brunner's 1940 History. Wildwood Sanatorium in the News • News reports, 1920s-1940s.
LW2744 - Wildwood Sanatorium Cabin No. 11, Cross Street, Happy Valley. Multiple Views, 11-23-2014.
Newhall-Saugus 20-30 Club Buys Resuscitator for Use by Doctors, EMTs, 1948. The Distribution of Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) in Southern California • Kessel et al., 1950. Volunteers Pave the Way to Henry Mayo Hospital by Leon Worden, 2012. HM6301 - Comatose Bus Crash Victim Philip J. Deniston, 1962-63. HM6302 - Pink Ladies Assist Patients, Santa Clarita Hospital, 1963. HM6303 - Candy Stripers Tea, Santa Clarita Hospital, 1963. HM6601 - Convalescent Outing to Hart Park, Santa Clarita Hospital, 1963. TN6901 - McBean Parkway Before Henry Mayo Hospital, 1968-69. HM6901 - Santa Clarita Hospital Changes Name to Inter-Valley, 1969. LW6901 - Golden State Memorial Hospital Advertisement, 1969. DI7101 - Sharon Tolbert (Divis), Candy Striper, Inter-Valley Community Hospital, 1971. HM7201 - Henry Mayo Hospital Building Fund Grows with HR Employees Donation, 1972. HM7202 - SCV Women's Auxiliary Board, 1972. HM7203 - Jane Newhall Participates in Henry Mayo Hospital Groundbreaking, 1972. HM7302 - Hillside Hospital Pink Lades, 1973. AA7402 - Hospital Board Thanks Ex-Newhall Land President Tom Lowe, 1974. HM7501 - Joyce Wayman, Director of Volunteer Services, 1975. HM7502 - Pink Ladies Volunteer Recruitment Tea in Bonelli House, 1975. HM7901 - Auxiliary Funds New Portable X-Ray Machine, 1979. Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital Celebrates 40th Anniversary, 1975-2015, Video 8-22-2015. U.S. CAMEL CORPS Video - SCV History Moment: U.S. Camel Corps (2007). Hi Jolly and the U.S. Camel Corps, Associated Press, 1940s. E.F. Beale and the Beasts of Tejon by Leon Worden • The Signal, 1-13-1999 LW2152 - Fort Tejon Camels, Drawing by Vischer (2 Views), 1850s. LW2209 - Woodcut: Loading Camels for Shipment to U.S., 1850s. (Edward F. Beale): The Camel Expedition • (New York, NY) Porter's Spirit of the Times, 2-20-1858 LW2208 - Map of Beale's Camel Corps Expedition, 1857-58. LW3491 - Postal Cover: Revival of the Camel Express, Lilac Label, 1935. LW2130 - Fort Davis and the U.S. Camel Corps, Color Postcard. LW3521 - James Garner as Maverick: "Relic of Fort Tejon," Dell Comic No. 930, 1958. The Hi Jolly Song Performed by The New Christy Minstrels, 1962. LW2161 - Hi Jolly's Tomb at Quartzsite, Ariz., 12-23-2002 (4 Views). LW3451 - Hi Jolly's Tomb & Cemetery at Quartzsite, Ariz., 10-30-2018 (Mult. Views). LW3647 - Guide to Hi Jolly Pioneer Cemetery, Quartzsite, Ariz., n.d. (2010s). CANYON COUNTY, 1976 & 1978 (and Earlier Secession Efforts) Rebels With a Cause (with Election Results) • By Jerry Reynolds, 1998.
The Move to Secede from Los Angeles County • By Bob Simmons, California Journal, April 1976.
LW3105 - Canyon County "Yes on F" Campaign Bumper Sticker, 1976.
SCV Leaders Seek Secession from Los Angeles County Over Garbage Issue • News Reports, 2-16-1950.
EARLY CALIFORNIA Costansó's Diary of the Portolá Expedition Compiled Feb. 7, 1770. Crespí's SCV Legacy: Spanish Priest Named a River That Came to Denote Our Valley. By Alan Pollack, Dispatch, July-Aug. 2013. Story of Little Santa Clara Valley, Chapter 2: Colonization • A.B. Perkins Manuscript, ~1940s. LW2440 - Fr. Junípero Serra, 19th-cent. Sculpture, Mission San Diego. LW2441 - Fr. Junípero Serra, Statue, Mission San Diego. Gallery - Graves of Frs. Serra, Crespí, Lasuen, at Carmel Mission. Multiple Views, 5-24-2014. Gallery - Relics of Fr. Juniperó Serra's Original Coffin, Carmel Mission. Multiple Views, 5-24-2014. Gallery - Fr. Juniperó Serra Cenotaph, Carmel Mission. Multiple Views, 5-24-2014. Early Afro-Mexican Settlers in California • CHS Lecture/Video 2015. History of Winemaking in California by Gov. Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown, 9-3-2013 The Trail to Kashtiq by John R. Johnson • Calif. Journal of Anthropology, Winter 1978 LW3017 - Wooden Plow, Spanish Mission Period, Early 1800s. Multiple Views. Chumash Revolt of 1824 (with SCV Connections) The Purisma Rebellion, in Cook, S.F.: Expeditions to the Interior of Central California, 1820-1840 (1962).
Antonio & Ygnacio Del Valle's Roles in Privatizing Mission San Fernando, 1830s-40s from Engelhardt: San Fernando Rey, 1927. Russian-Alaskan Church Bell from Mission San Fernando at Rancho Camulos The Russian-Alaksan Bell from Mission San Fernando at Rancho Camulos News reports, 1923.
The Mysterious Russian-Alaksan Bell from Mission San Fernando at Rancho Camulos by Fr. Zephyrin Engelhardt, O.F.M., 1927.
Twilight of the Californios by Ferol Egan, The American West, March 1969. California Gold: An Earlier Documented Shipment (1838) by Guy J. Giffen • HSSC Quarterly, March 1948. Enemy Confirms Fremont's Trek Through SCV by A.B. Perkins, n.d. LW3359 - Battle of San Pasqual, 1846: Pico Routs Kearny; Beale's Stealth Turns Tide. Kit Carson, Ned Beale Cross Paths and Alter California's Future By Alan Pollack, Dispatch, Nov.-Dec. 2014. LW2682 - Table on Which the 1847 Treaty of Cahuenga Was Signed, 2 Views. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Signed 2-2-1848. LW2577 - Mainfest Destiny: Annexation of Southwestern U.S., 1845-1855 (Texas, Mexican Cession, Gadsden Purchase). U.S. State Department. The '49ers in Death Valley: A Tentative Census by Carl I Wheat, So. Calif. Historical Society Quarterly, Dec. 1939. LW2525 - Antonio Coronel's Venting (Counterbranding) Iron (1840s), Brand Sample and Book Entry (1868), 6 Views. LW2528 - Example of Spanish and Mexican Cattle (1800s), NHMLA, 2 Views. California Indian Indenture/Slavery Act, Adopted 1850, Expanded 1860, Repealed 1863. AP2927 - An Arrastra, or Primitive Gold/Quartz Mill. Pictorial History of California, 1850. Expeditions 1840s-1850s LW2882 - USPRR/Williamson Expedition (1853): Entrance of Tejon Pass
LW3188 - USPRR/Williamson Expedition (1853): Cañana de las Uvas
LW2883 - USPRR/Williamson Expedition (1853): View of Great Basin from Tejon Pass
LW2143 - USPRR/Williamson Expedition (1853): Geological Map
LW2696 - John C. Frémont for President, Campaign Medal, 1856. LW2163 - Gen. John C. Frémont, Early Portrait. LW2069 - Maj. Gen. John C. Frémont, "The Pathfinder." Engraving. JJ1006 - Indians at Mission San Fernando, Drawing by Vischer, 1865. Description of Santa Clara River Valley, Including Lyons Station Pacific Rural Press, 1-18-1873. LW3564 - Stock Certificate: California Bank (of Los Angeles), Signed by H.G. Newhall, President, 1888. Rare. A Lopez Family Who's Who and What's What by Francisca L. de Belderrain, HSSC 1928. Ygnacio del Valle, SCV Landowner & L.A. Civic Leader Pen Pictures for L.A. County, 1889. LW2532 - Reginaldo F. del Valle, Politician, 1913. LW2602 - Circle of Friends Medal No. 9: John C. Fremont, 1913. AL2502 - Ceremony & Dedication of Fr. Serra Statue at San Fernando Mission Ruins, 11-22-1925. LA3701 - Kirkman-Harriman Pictorial & Historical Map of L.A. County 1860 (1937). AP0930 - Mission San Fernando, Pre-1940s Restoration. LW2504 - Don Pedro Fages, Calif. Historical Landmark No. 263 (Placed 1938; Photo 2013). L.A. Region Booklet: Yesterdays of Los Angeles • Howard Automobile Co., Publisher, ~1927
La Reina: Los Angeles in Three Centuries • Security Trust & Savings Bank, Publ., 1929
JB2901 - Map of Historical Events That Shaped L.A.'s Growth, 1929.
DP4901 - Artistic Map of Spanish & Mexican Land Grants, Los Angeles County, pre-1949.
CALIFORNIA GOVERNORS/ELECTIONS Culbert Olson, 1939-1943 (Video). LW2132 - Henry T. Gage, 1899-1903. Inaugural Address 1-4-1899.
CO7401 - Ronald Reagan, 1967-1975. REMINISCENCES Traveling Through Time on the Saugus Local, by Jeff Hosford, September 2018. Life Lessons From The 'Good Old Days' by Shelby Jacobs, Old Town Newhall Gazette, March-April 2006 Mentryville Memories from Carol Lagasse, 3-22-2021. Special Times at Our Big Oaks Lodge, by Jeff Logian, 8-12-2018. Tots and a Shake by Darryl Manzer, 5-13-2014. Heart of Heavy Steel: A Mentryville Story by Darryl Manzer • SCVHistory.com, 4-9-2020 HB1903 - Homesteading at Elizabeth Lake: Reminiscences of Arnold Munz, 2-27-1971. Meryl Adams: Tales of the Acton Post Office • Audio Recording 8-17-1977 Growing Up in Newhall in the 1950s by Bill Rice, September 2000. Remember When? Newhall-Saugus in the 1950s by Bill Rice, 5-14-2014. Newhall Story 1965: Santa Clarita Valley at a Crossroads Film by Jack T. Robson, 1965. Recollections of a Boy Ranger by Mike Shuman, July 1998. Bygone Days Of A Town Called Newhall by Judy Stevens, Old Town Newhall Gazette, Feb.-March 1997. UNKNOWN AP1316 - Unknown: Mine in Soledad Canyon? ~1910s. AP1807 - Hydraulic Mining in SCV; Location unknown. LP9001 - "On Wiley's Road." AP1714 - Living Christmas Tree. LW3655 - Southern Pacific Engine No. 3221 at Newhall, 1937 ... NOT. LW3904 - Belt Buckle, Santa Clarita Valley Land Company, 1981. | |||
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