Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

5-Year Strategic Plan, 2019.

Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency.

Executive Summary.

Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) was created January 1, 2018 by an act of the State Legislature (SB 634) through the merger of the four water agencies in the Santa Clarita Valley. SCV Water provides water services to a population of approximately 273,000 in the Santa Clarita Valley through 72,000 water service connections.

Reliable, high quality water service is critical to an economically and environmentally vibrant community. Providing that service is increasingly complex as water utilities must manage numeous challenges. Some of these include finding and maintaining adequate water resources, treating water to ensure its health and safety, coping with the loss of skilled retirees, engaging the community and communicating the value of water, managing the maintainenance and replacement of aging infrastructure, and ensuring adequate financial resources to meet these challenges.

The Board and staff of SCV Water have created this 5-Year Strategic Plan to guide the agency in the coming years. The Strategic Plan is designed to support their vision to provide exemplary water management for a high quality of life in the Santa Clarita Valley. This vision will be accomplished by fulfilling the mission of SCV Water: Providing responsible water stewardship to ensure the Santa Clarita Valley has reliable supplies of high quality water at a reasonable cost. Six goals have been established:

Goal A — Customer/Community — Implement and communicate policies supporting the social, quality of life, and environmental values of the community.

Goal B — Infrastructure Reliability — Implement, operate, and maintain water infrastructure to ensure sustainable water service provision.

Goal C — Water Supply and Resource Sustainability — Implement programs to ensure the service area has reliable and sustainable supplies of water.

Goal D — Water Quality and Environmental Compliance — Protect the quality of our water supplies and environment and ensure our drinking water quality is consistent and meets or surpasses all water quality requirements.

Goal E — Financial Resiliency — Maintain a long-range, transparent, stable and well-planned financial condition, resulting in current and future water users receiving fair and equitable rates and charges.

Goal F — High Performance Team — Grow a culture of continuous improvement that fosters SCV Water's values.

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