Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

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Square Dances (with) Cliffie Stone's Band.

Instruction Booklet / Dance Steps.

Copyright, 1950, Capitol Records, Inc. Made in U.S.A.

Young and old are swinging to the diverting rhythms of the Virginia Reel, Quadrilles, Jigs and other time-honored dances that will never really become "old fashioned" or lose their delightful appeal. Cliffie Stone, authority on American folk music, selected for this album the most popular numbers-tunes that have endured through the years.
The purpose of this little book is to explain in as simple a way as possible the various formations ... so that with a glance at the sketches on the following pages you can glide gracefully into a Do-Ci-Do or hold your own with the best of them in a Paul Jones.
AU grateful acknowledgment to ee]ONESY" for his help in preparing this square dance album.

A square dance s_et consists of four couples standing in a square
formation, facing into center of formation or circle. The head or number one (#1) couple usually stand with their backs to the orchestra. The number two (#2) couple stands to the right of the number one (#1) couple. Number three ( #3) couple stands to the right of number two ( #2) couple and directly opposite couple number one (#1). Number four ( #4) couple stands at the left of couple number one (#1) and directly opposite couple number two ( #2).
There should be at least six (6) paces from couple number one (#1) across to couple number two (#2); and six (6) paces from couple number two ( #2) across to couple number four ( #4).
The gentleman should bear in mind that he always returns to place, regardless of whether he has his original partner or a new partner.
The lady always stands on the right hand side of the gentleman. The dancers should give their closest attention to the person doing the calling. The square dance should be executed with the same ease and grace as the waltz. As the dancers become more experienced, they may add many whirls and intricate steps to their dancing.

Square Dance Terms used in this album

All join hands and circle to the left (once around) . Reverse back single file ... the ladies in the lead ... (Indian style) and back to starting positions.
Face your partner in a waltz position, placing the outside of your right foot against the outside of your partner's right foot. Couples then lean outward, away from each other, and swing clockwise ... using right foot for a pivot and pushing with left foot as if propelling a scooter.

Gentlemen face the left hand or corner lady. Extend your left hand to her left hand, taking four steps counter-clockwise around her and so back to place.
Extend right hand to your partner, left hand to the next lady and so on around the set until you meet your partner on the opposite side of set.

The gentlemen extend their right hands to their partner's right hands. The ladies execute a right face twirl under the gentlemen's right arm. Then they promenade back to their home position.

The gentlemen face their partners and extend their right hands to their partners right hands. They lean away from each other full arms length.


After an allemande left, a grand right and left have been exeettted the gentlemen meet their partners on the opposite side of set. They extend their right hands to their partner's right hands. Retaining the hand hold they pass the ladies under their right arms and reverse the grand right and left in the opposite direction around the set until they meet their original partners.
The Figure

"First and third couples forward and back"
#1 couple and #3 couple take three steps forward to the center of the set and back to place.
"Forward to the center and the si<;les divide swing in the center and swing on the sides"
#1 and #3 couples step to the center of the set, change partners and begin to swing, swinging to the outside of the set. #2 gentleman steps to his left, #4 lady steps to her right and they begin to swing into the position left vacant by the #3 couple. #2 lady steps to her right, #4 gentleman steps to his left and they begin to swing into the position left vacant by the #3 couple. This places #1 gentleman and #3 lady in #4 couple's position. This places #3 gentleman and #1 lady in #2 co.uple' s position.
"The same two couples forward and back"
#1 and #. 3 gentlemen with a brand new lady step forward to the center of the set and back to place.
"Forward to the center and the sides divide swing in the center and swing on the side"
#1 and #3 couples step to the center of the set, change partners and swing to the outside of the set. The side gentlemen step to their left, the side ladies st.ep to their right and swing in the position left vacant by the head couples. Repeat the call two more times. The dancers using the same execution. This will put them all back in their original positions. NOTE: #1 and #3 are the head couples. #2 and #4 are the side couples.
The dancers do an allemande left, a grande right and left and a promenade home.
The side couples #2 and #4 now take their turn leading the figure.



"Allemande left and the ladies star the gentlemen walk around but not too far"
The dancers execute the allemande left, then the ladies form a right hand star in the center of the set and turn the star ( clockwise) to the right while the gentlemen promenade ( counter-clockwise) around the outside of the set.
"Allemande left and the gentlemen star the gals go 'round but not too far"
The gentlemen execute the allemande left with the same corner lad,, once again and then form a right hand star in the center of the set and turn the star ( clockwise) to the right. The ladies promenade around the outside of the set ( counterclockwise).
"Allemande left with the old left hand right to your partner right and left grande"
The gentlemen execute the allemande left again with the same corner lady then extend right hands to their partner's, left hands to the next lady in line and etc. Until they meet their own partners, the couples then promenade back to their original positions.

The Figure

"The first and third couples balance and swing
and lead right out to the right of the ring
and circle four"

#1 couple walks to #2 couple. #3 couple walks to #4 couple. They join hands
and circle to the left once around. "Circle three and you get 'em hot You tie those gals in a double bow knot The right hand over, the left hand under, The left hand over, the right hand under"
#1 and #3 gentlemen return to their home positions. #2 and #4 gentlemen arch their right hand ladies over, the left hand ladies duck under the arch and the gentlemen do a right face twirl, turning the dishrag under their own arms. Now the gentlemen arch their left hand ladies over, the right hand ladies duck under the arch and the gentlemen do a left face twirl turning the dishrag under their ,own arms. Note: The ladies must let go their hand holds with one another but retain their hand holds with the gentlemen.
"Now circle three as pretty as can be And shoot that pretty gal home to me" ,
The three join hands once again and circle to the left once around. #2 couple arch their hands, #1 lady ducks under the arch and returns to her partner. #4 couple arch their hands, #.3 lady ducks under the arch and returns to her partner. The same two couples lead to the left and execut.e the figure .once again. The side couples now take their turn leading the figure.




"Circle eight about a mile
Let's Do-Ci-Do Kentucky style"

The dancers join hands and circle to their left.
"Break with the left, pull the corner thru"
The gentlemen drop hands, extend their right hands to the corner or left hand ladies' right hand and walk around the ladies ( clockwise) and j.oin hands again. (The gentlemen are facing out; the ladies are facing in.)
"And circle around as you always do; break with the left, pull the corner thru"
The gentlemen drop left hands. Retaining right hand holds with the left hand ladies the gentlemen walk around the ladies ( clockwise) extending left hands to their partners they walk around them ( counter-clockwise) extend right hands to the left hand ladies once again walking around them ( clockwise) they now ext.end left hands to their partners once again and turn their partners half around to face the center of the set.
The Figure

"The first couple balance and swing
down the center and split the ring

the lady goes right and the gentlman goes left"
#1 couple holding hands walk down the center of the set going between #3 couple, they separate the gentlemen going to his left and the lady to her right around the outside of the set and back to their home position.
"Catch all eight by the right hand half way 'round"
All four gents, using the elbow to elbow hold, turn their partners with a right hand turn ( clockwise) half way 'round.
"Back by the left hand all the way 'round"
Using the same elbow to elbow hold the gentlemen turn their partners with a left hand turn ( counter-clockwise) all the way 'round. ,
"Corner girl with the two hand swing"
All the gentlemen swing the corner lady with a two hand swing ( clockwise) once around.
"Honor your partner as you go by"
Gentlemen walk past their partners, the ladies courtsey and the gentlemen bow in passing.
"Take the next girl on the fly"

AU four gentlemen now swing their right hand lady.
"Promenade that lady fair, promenade go 'round the square"
Gentlemen promenade to their home position with the new lady.
#3 couple now take their turn dancing the figure #2 couple now take their turn dancing the figure #4 couple now take their turn dancing the figure This places all the couples back in their original positions.



The Figure

"The first and third couples with a half sashay"
#1 and #3 gentlemen pass their ladies across in front of them to the left, the ladies do a left face twirl and stand on their partners' left side.
"Forward to the center and back that way" #1 and #3 couples step forward to the center of the set and back to place.
"Now star by the right in the center of the set" #1 and #3 couples form a right hand star and t11rn (clockwise) three qttarters around. #1 couple is now facing #2 co11ple. #3 co11ple is facing #4 co11ple.
"Double the star with the folks you've met" #1 co11ple forms a left hand star with #2 co11ple. #3 co11ple forms a left hand star with #4 co11ple. They t11rn the star (counter-clockwise) a f11ll turn around.
"Break to the center and two ladies chain"
#1 and #3 ladies touch right hands, passing right shoulders they extend their left hands to the opposite gentlemen's left hands, the gentlemen turn them half around ( co11nter-clockwise), and the co11ples face each other again in the center of the set.
"Now circle full around the ring"
The center couples join hands and circle to the left once aro11nd.
"Pass right through and on you roam"
Passing right shoulders the two center couples cross thro11gh and face the 011t~ side co11ples.
"Split your corners and head for home"
The center co11ples now pass between the two outside coz,ples. The ladies going to their right and the gentlemen going to their left. The couples are now back in their original positions.
"Left hand to your pretty little mate"
All the gentlemen take their ladies by the left hand and walk aro11nd them ( co11nter-clockwise).
"All promenade with the corner date"
The gentlemen extend their right hands to the right hands of their corner ladies. The ladies do a right face twirl under the genlemen's 11praised arms, they cross hands and promenade back to the gentleman's home position. #1 gentleman now has #4 lady for his temporary partner. #2 gentleman now has #3 lady for his temporary partner. #3 gentleman has #2 lady for his temporary partner. #4 gentleman has #1 lady for his temporary partner.
#1 and #3 couples repeat the figure again. Each gentleman will now be back with his original partner and in their home position. #2 and #4 couples now take their turn leading the figure.


The Figure

"The first and third couples balance and swing and lead right out to the right of the ring and circle four" #1 and #3 couples walk to the couples on their right~ they join hands and circle to the left. "The right hand up_and form a star" Raising the right arms in an upright position, the dancers place the palms of their right hands together forming a star. They now turn the star (clockwise) once around. "Back with the left but not too far" Repeat the same as above forming a left hand star and turn (counter-clockwise) once around. "A right hand back and pull her through" The gentlemen reach back over their left shoulders with their right hands, taking the lady behind them by the l.eft hand pulling her across in front of them. "Left hand out with a howdy-do" . The gentlemen extend left hands to their partners, walking around them (counter-clockwise). They extend their right hands to the opposite lady again, walking around her (clockwise). They extend their left hands to their partners turning them half around and into position. "Four hands up and around you go and break it all up with a Do-Ci-Do" The dancers execute the Do-Ci-Do as explained in the glossary. "Home you go and everybody swing" All four couples return to the home position, they swing, do an allemande left, a grande right and left and a promenade home. "The same two couples balance and swing and lead right out to the left of the ring and circle four" #1 and #3 couples walk to the couples on their left and repeat the figure below. "Left hand up and form a star" Turn the above star (counterclockwise). "Back by the right but not too far-" Turn the above star (clockwise). "Left hand back and you pull her through" The gentlemen reach back over their right shoulders with their left hand, taking their partners by the left hand and pulling them across in front of them. They extend their right hands to the opposite ladies walking around them (clockwise), they extend their left hands to their partners again, turning them half around and into position. "Now circle four and a Do-Ci-Do" The dancers execute the Do-Ci-Do as explained in the glossary. "Home you go and everybody swing" All four couples return to the home position, they swing, do an allemande left, a grande right and left and a promenade home. Couples #2 and #4 take their turn leading the figure.


RIGHT AND LEFT THRU (WITH CORNER SWING) BREAK: "First and third couples forward and back" #1 and #3 couples step forward to the center of the set and back to place.
"Forward again with a right and left thru, you're doin' fine" Extending right hands to the opposite couples right hands #1 and #3 couples cross to the opposite side of the set, passing right shoulders. The gentlemen take their partners' left hands in their left hands and place their right hand in the small .of their partner's back and turn the ladies ( counter-clockwise) into position to face the center of the set.
"Swing on the corner like swinging on a vine"
AU the gentlemen swing the ladies on their left.
"Swing the next gal down the line"
AU the gentlemen swing with the next ladies on their left.
"The same two jeans with a new calico forward to the center and back you go"
The same two gents with a brand new girl repeat the above figure until each is back with his original partner. The dancers then execute the allemande left, the grande right and left and then promenade to their home position.

The Figure

"First and third couples forward and back forward again with the inside out and the outside in and the outside out and the inside in"
Couples #1 and #3 take three steps forward to the center of the set and back to place. Forward again the #3 couple forms an arch, couple #1 ducks under and without turning around, #1 gentleman still holding his partner's hand forms an arch, stepping backward to the center of the set, #3 couple backing under the arch. This puts both couples facing each other again. They repeat this execution once more.
"Turn the opposite girl with a dish rag spin
on to the next and do it again" #1 gentleman takes #3 lady's left hand in his right hand. #3 gentleman takes #1 lady's left hand in his right hand. The ladies do a right face twirl, the gentlemen a left face twirl, turning back to back in a dish rag spin. #1 gentleman and #3 lady are now facing #4 couple. #3 gentleman and #1 lady are facing #2 couple. #2 and #4 couples form an arch. The inside couples duck under and without turning arch their arms and come back over. Repeating this once again they are ready for an allemande left, a grande right ap,d left and a promenade home.
Repeat the figure with couple #2 and #4




ALLEMANDE LEFT -ALLEMANDE RIGHT BREAK: Swing on the corner -Swing 'em all night
The gentlemen extend their left hands to the left hands of their left hand ladies, walk around them ( counter-clockwise) extend right hands to their partners' right hands and walk around them clockwise, then swing their left hands or corner ladies.
Repeat this three times until each gentleman is back with his original partner.

The Figure

"First and third couples balance and swing spin those girls to the right of the ring and form your lines of three"
#1 and #3 couples balance and swing once around. The gentlemen spin their ladies over t.o the side gentlemen. The ladies make a right face twirl and stand on the left side of #2 and #4 gentlemen.
"Forward six and back you go"

Holding hands the three in line move forward to the center of the set and back
to place.

"Forward again, now don't you blunder it's an elbow hook and you go like thunder the right hand high, the left lady under"
The three in line step forward once again to the center of the set, the gentlemen release their left hand ladies and hook left elbows with one another, arching their right hands high they turn four in tine ( counter-clockwise), the left hand ladies duck under the arch moving in a circle ( clockwise).
"And you form new lines of three"
The arch passes over the left hand ladies' heads approximat.ely three times and they fall in beside the lone gentlemen. The center gentlemen swing their ladies into position along side of the lone gentlemen, as they do this the center gentlemen release the elbow hook and return to their home position. This places #1 lady .on the left hand side of #3 gentleman, #2 lady .on the right hand side of #1 gentleman, #3 lady on the left hand side of #1 gentleman and #4 lady on the right hand side of #3 gentleman.
Repeat the figure three more times until each gentleman has his original partner back on his right hand side, then they do an allemande left, a grande right and left and a promenade home.
NOTE: The right hand ladies progress to the right hand sid.e of the lone gentleman each time, the left hand ladies progress to left hand side of the lone gentleman each time. #2 and #4 couples take their turn leading the figure.


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