Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

Computer-Generated Text Rendering Of:

2010 "Viking Voyager" Yearbook.

Valencia High School.

Valencia High School Population: 2978 .
27801 North Dic,kason Dr. Valencia, California 91355. 661-294-1188 Fax:6612943828 Vikings voyager, volume sixteen Adviser: Jennifer Dallman Editor in-cheif: Audrey Abergel

Portrait of a ...

Through all these portraits it's easy to see how unique we all are. Some are calm and collected while others are giggly and vivacious. But no matter how different our personalities appear to be, we all have one thing in common. We are all Valencia Vikings.

At the start of the day we are who we are. 'We are the lead in the school play. We are the wide reciever on the football team. We are the drummer in a marching band. We are the spirit of our school. We are all a part of Valencia High School. We are all Vikings.

1. Senior Kylie Young and her friends get ready to attend the CMA Music Festival in Nashville, Tennessee. 2. Senior Alexandra Spooner meets up with other Valencia friends during her trip to Maui, Hawaii. 3. Senior Katya Ortiz helps with the children at an orphanage for disabled children during a week long mission trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica. 4. Senior Caitlin Gibson backpacks through the volcanos during her 10-day trip to Guatemala. 5. Senior Nicole Delange camps
out in Catalina for three fun filled days with her friends. 6. Senior Gabriella Gan zip lines through the rainforests in Puerta Vallata, Mexico 7. Senior Elizabeth Sears takes a three day carnival cruise to Ensanada, Mexico with her family and friends. 8. Senior Colleen Hart having a good time with friends she met from across the country during
a Lead America Conference specializing in forensic science.
Student Life

During the dance, junior Connor Gould keeps from "wiping out" on the mechanical surfboard.

Special guest Cold Flamez surprises the crowd by preforming their smash hit "Miss Me, Kiss Me"

during the last hour of the dance. 3. Sophomore Camille Baniahmad hula dances to the Hawaiian themed music as she waits for second brunch to begin. 4. During their encore performance, Cold Flamez sings "Lasin' My Mind" to front row seaters junior Paisha Mc Farland, sophomore Danielle
Essayan, and junior Sherry Rezaie. 5. The blue lights illuminate the crowded dance floor, where a record of about 25 hundred students attended Valencia's
first semester dance. 6. During brunch, freshman Nicole Rhodes shows her
enthusiasm for the upcoming Luau dance by sporting six leis that ASB provided her.
7. Seniors Nick Hall, David Medena, and Shane Zaw show Luau spirit as they 1 participate in a pineapple cream cake contest during brunch. 8. During the dance,
freshmen Eric Poss and Matthew Morehead challenge each other on the bungee run to see who can put the batons
on the Velcro the farthest.
Student Life

1. A 7.0 Earthquake hit the country of Haiti on January 12, 2010 devastating the countryside. The Student Task Force, Pathfinder's Christian, and French Club raised over $1,200 for Doctors Without Borders. 2.
Swirly's Frozen Yogurt hosted National Art Honor Society's event to aid the resucue efforts in Haiti. 3. Senior Daniel Sutherland performs in a benefit event to raise money and awareness for the Haitian relief.
4. Sophomores Michelle Trujillo, Victoria Stevens, Elijah Valentine, Ashley De La Cruz, and Joseph Quezada Vasquez remember the late Michael Jackson,-who died this past summer.
osted bv~
How did you feel about the Saints winning the Super Bowl?
"I thought that the game was ridiculous; the Colts were way better and should have won that game!"
--Junior Stephanie Basore
How did you feel about the death of Michael Jackson?
"I was really sad when I found out that he passed away. His music was amazing."

--Freshman Madeline Elam
What did you feel about the earthquake in Haiti?
"I feel that the earthquake in Haiti was a very devastating event because of all the people who lost their lives that day. It must have been hard for them knowing that their homes and lives were destroyed."
--Sophomore Chris Gimenez
Student Life
How did you feel about President Obama's first year in office?
"I think that for anyone to take office at this point in time is a difficult task to take on, and I think he is trying his best." --Junior Kristin Krabach

How did you feel about the Saints winning the Super Bowl?
"I feel that this was an amazing win for the saints because it was their first time in the Super Bowl. I feel that the city of New Orleans benefited from this win." --Freshmen Luke Rivello
How did you feel about the mudslides in California?
"The mudslides in southern California destroyed many homes. Thank the Lord that this event did not happen in Santa Clarita." --Sophomore Connor Chace
What did you feel about the earthquake in Haiti?
"I think that it was a devastating event in our history. One day soon we are going to have a huge earthquake and we are going to need help from Haiti." --Junior Regina Andrade
How did you feel about President Obama's first year in office?
"Obama's first year in office was ground breaking and memorable. He was the first black president in United States history. Politically he promises new changes for the future of America." --Sophomore Ryan Woodward

1. During the 2009 winter rally Senior Kelly Hicks helps senior Thomas Lapp hold up a sign asking Alexandra Chernos to formal. 2. The dance team shows the school a little taste of what they are about with their award winning dance routine. 3. A mystery student entertains the crowd with his dance moves in his imitation of the Jabbowockes. 4. Vick the Viking pumps up the crowd as usual with his flawless spirit moves. 5. Football and Dance team work together creating a dance routine that not only amazed the crowd but shows the school that the football team has
some rhythm too. 6. Flag team performs an amazing routine dazzling the crowd during the black light rally.
7. In the step team's first performance of the year Freshman Ashley Oliver and senior Alexander Dailey plays the part of commanders leading the step team through the battlefield. 8. Varsity Football huddles up in
a victory circle ready to have an amazing season.
Student Life

rune an
unc ctivities
1. Senior Erik Kautz shows off his excessive lei collection during brunch on the day of the annual
Luau dance. 2. Freshmen and Sophomores stand in line to purchase a Tommy Burger during Sprolic Week. 3. During Club Day, students sworm around campus while learning about and signing up for all the different clubs. 4. Senior Genesis Bonce fearlessly descends the rock climbing wall on
army recruitment day. 5. Freshmen Siri Loken and Victoria ltaya, and sophomores Rhiannon Mac Kay and Katherine McIntyre walk across the crowded campus during lunch in the beginning of the
year. 6. Seniors Nicole Riedel, Devon Mayberry, Natalia Schatz and Shelby Grajeda attempt to do an intense strength exercise that was set up for students on army recruitment day. 7. Freshmen
Emily Lockhart, Olivia Olsen, Hannah Hromadka and Rachel Shapshak are looking forward to the upcoming Luau dance as they show off their colorful leis. 8. Students gather around the Invisible Children of Uganda's table on Club Day and sign up to join the cause.
Student Life


1. Senior Chelsea ltaya leads the dance team as they preform an action routine during the senior's float act. 2. During halftime, seniors Shelby Mc Ewen and Laura Logan cheer with excitement as senior homecoming queen, Megan Hayes, gets crowned. 3. In the gym, sophmore Samuel Seymour amuses
the crowd as 'he walks it out' to DJ Unk during the dance. 4. Junior Ethan Corbett excites the crowd with his spirit to keep the dance floor moving. 5. Thanks to ASB, performing artist Kevin Rudolf showed up to sing his smash hits "Let it Rock" and "Welcome to the World". 6. As the night goes on, students enjoy their time by
dancing with friends to the loud music. 7. Sophomore Andy Jung shows his skills in a drum off during the Homecoming Rally 8. As part of the Junior's broadway themed float juniors Brooke Radding, Carly Janusek, and Tori Pinkston perform a number from the musical Hairspray.
Student Life

J. With his killer costume, junior Conner Lichten scares the school as he pretends to be the killer klown from outer space. 2. During lunch, senior Kevin Slocum and sophomore Calvin Songveera show cultural spirit as they dress up as a geisha and a Chinese immigrant. 3. Junior Jason Maldonado takes a stab while
posing as the killer from Friday
the 13th. 4. Freshman Elijah Nunez shows pride in being a chicken as freshman Nicholas Randolph follows his lead. 5. Junior Cynthia Devaughn shares an evil smile while petting her pet spider in her black widow queen costume. 6. While showing his skills, senior Drew McCarthy dressed as a ninja on his way from fifth period to lunch.
7. Freshmen Tracy Adams and Brianna Byrd clash colors as Tracy
poses as a bright orange crayola and Brianna is a dark zombie.
8. While imitating "This is It",
freshman Carlos Recinos poses _...
as the late King of Pop.

With almost 3,000 students on campus, what you wear is essential to standing out in the large mass of students who make up Valencia High School. But for these Vikings individuality is not defined by what they wear, but how they wear it. Valencia students rock their own versions of this year's hottest trends: From the full force 80's comeback, complete with neon brights, to the feminine floral and lace details straight off the runway. Graphic tees to die for, all the way to fitted blazers and chic leather jackets, sported by Hollywood's most fashionable, Vikings have got it covered.

Brittany Gilette -Sophomore
Stephen Ryken -Junior Lexie Smith -Junior

Adam Howard -Senior
Kayla Dowell -Junior -5hayan Farzadpour -Sophomore

Shane Brooker -Junior Colin Smight -Senior Fatima Nieto -Sophomore
Celine Bot -Freshman
Tara Landefeld -Freshman
Andres Velez -Freshman

1. On Club Day, students sign up at the outdoor stage to become part of the Viking Nation club. This club promotes school spirit and cheers on our Valencia High School athletes. 2. Freshman Sara Palmer, junior Aleksandra Spivak, Senior Rebecca Herd and Freshman Elizabeth Maimone dress up in Halloween attire for the Circle of Friends Soup Plantation Fund raiser. 3. The National Honor's Society annual service project provides volunteers to work and scare at Heritage Haunt.
Senior Ryan Gibbs stands still against the haunted house and waits for the right moment to scare innocent park attendees. 4. Junior Allison Harada, a member of the National Art Honors Society, creates a masterpiece with chalk at the Santa Clarita Street Art Festival in downtown Newhall.
5. Juniors Nicolle Lee, Carly Chun-Hoon, and Chasen Lehner! volunteer with the Habitat for Humanity club to help build houses in Pacoima. 6. Junior Eleise Adams, senior Quintiara Walker, junior Andrina Carlton, and junior Taylor Riley represent the Valencia High School Step team by performing at brunch on Club Day. 7. Senior Samuel Fleischer informs a student about the club Safe Rides, which provides a ride home for anonymous intoxicated high school students. 8. Members of the club Model United Nations dominate in their weekend conference on the
University of California San Diego campus.
Student Life

Sophomores Tess Sieja and Lucas Daggon spent their night at Mountasia. They first played miniature golf for $14.00. Lucas' first putt was a hole in one, which Tess tried to top. After a half an hour, when they completed their round of miniature golf, they headed over to the arcade for some games for $2.50. After this, they got ice cream from Foster's Freeze for $2.00 and completed their night with some candy for
Student Life
20 Dollar Date: The typical date between teenagers is an expensive affair, usually involving movies and dinner. This could end up costing as much as $40.00, and this is just a first date. These students were chosen to see how much fun they could have while only spending $20.00. Did they succeed? It sure seems so.

Seniors Sarah Wilbert and Riley Reiss went to Hollywood for their $20 date. The night began around five o' clock when Riley went to the local Ralphs to get a rose ($5.99) for Sarah. After this, Riley greeted Sarah at her house with a hug and her flower, and they drove to Hollywood listening to "Sleepy Head" by Passion Pit. Their first stop was at Diddy Riese for ice cream sandwiches. They parked at the nearest parking structure ($2.00) and stood in the immense line for the delicious cookies and ice cream ($3.00). After this they proceeded to Hollywood Blvd. to window shop at Urban Outfitters and American Apparel and take pictures with the costumed people in front of Grau man's Chinese Theatre. People like Bumblebee, Michael Jackson, and the Joker were entertaining that night. This and a balloon flower consumed the rest of their spending money. The date ended with Riley dropping Sarah off at home.

When we asked our families how it is to have their family on campus, they responded with some interesting answers.
1. Junior Alicia Duarte says "It is great having family on campus; there is always someone to talk to:' She is posing with her brother senior Joshua Duarte, her cousin-in-law Mr. Wobrock and her Uncle Dr. Priesz. 2. Mr. Mike, a science teacher on campus, is with his daughter, junior Samantha Mike and his son, freshman Garret Mike. 3. Mr. White says "It's very special to have two of my kids on campus with me everyday. As a father, it's really cool driving to work with my son and having him in the football program. Having my daughter as a peer tutor in my class every day is pretty neat. I believe it has made us closer and I feel blessed to have had this opportunity." His daughter senior Madison White says, "I like having my dad on campus because I can go to his room at any time and keep my lunch and bags in there. And I like having my little brother on campus because I like seeing him around and waving to him. It embarrasses him:' They pose in this picture with son and brother freshman Hayden White. 4. Mr. Duncan, our very own physics teacher says, "Over the years, we've had 10 Duncans at Valencia High School. It really has become a family affair. We consider it a great privilege to be able to spend so much time together and to be so involved in each other's lives. We consider Valencia High School to be our home--we really spend more time here than we do in our actual houses. We even had T shirts made up with "Duncan Clan ... It's an Invasion:' His nephew freshman Tyler Duncan says, "I enjoy having my family work at school. Having them with me has definitely worked in my favor, especially when it comes to homework:' They are shown here with Tyler's parents Mr. Duncan and Mrs. Duncan and
his brother junior David Duncan.
5. Ms. Stroh says "You don't choose your family. It is a gift to be treasured and cherished!" She poses with her son, senior Patrick Stroh. 6. Freshman Victoria ltaya says, "I really don't mind having family here; it helps when I need money or a ride home:' In this picture she stands with her mom Mrs. ltaya and her sister senior Chelsea ltaya. 7. Senior Nick Ferry says, "It's nice because I'm close with my family and it is nice having them around:' He is posing with his Uncle Mr. Ferry and his Aunt Mrs. Ferry. 8. Senior Megan Hayes says, "I like having my family at school because I could put all of my stuff in my
dad's classroom:' She stands with her dad Mr. Hayes and her sister Freshman Kara Hayes.


1. Sophomore Julie Sjolund and junior Taylor Riley have fun dancing. 2. Sophomores Arianna Micheals, Lindsey Garcia, Madeline Homa, and Emily Strenk joke around as they ask each other to slow dance. 3. Junior Brianna Earley tries to block the puck while playing an air hockey game in the game room. 4. During this years winter formal, it was a memorable night for couples to enjoy, especially with the assorted lights and calm music. 5. Juniors Cayley Armour and Steven Manfro are having a nice night as they dance and laugh together. 6. Juniors Marlee Feinholz, Jelen
Kali, John Schmidt and senior Christopher Willis step off the dance floor to
enjoy a quick conversation.
7. Juniors Alexandra Breckenridge and Ryan Smith take a break to
eat next to the delicious goodies that ASB provided for the students. 8. Seniors
Tanner Tredick, Madison Lane, Rocky Maldonado, Jacqueline Kinney, James Jung, Lois Kim, Nicholas Ferry, Kayla Cooper, and Paul Calvillo line up and smile for Senior Court photos.
Winter Formal

1. Senior Damien Villarreal, a blockbuster employee, organizes a shelf of new release DVDs. 2. Senior Bryan Kitchener, a life guard and swim instructor at the Santa Clarita Pool, teaches young children saftey techniques before they begin their swim lessons. 3. Senior Lindsey Gaudioso greets customers as they enter Six Flags Magic Mountain. 4. While working at Juice It Up, senior Daniel Bogan mans the cash register. 5. Senior Logan Recchia stands at the counter at Jersey Mike's sandwich shop. 6. Senior Kelly Hicks folds shirts while on the job at Hollister. 7. Seniors Amanda Sadra and Chloe Larson put together a greeting card for Media Well Done, the company they both work for. 8.
Seniors Natalia Schatz ----""'-"' and Colleen Hart have fun during their weekend shift
at Scooter's Jungle.
Student Life

1. Sophomore Johnny Ives rides his bike to school, securely locking it in the student parking lot bike racks. 2. Senior Kylie Young drives around in her orange 5XT Dodge Caliber, which was recently attacked with hundreds of sticky notes her friends put on. Her windows had blue marker all over her windows saying "are you protected?" and a picture of a seat belt next to it. 3. Junior Cynthia lkeora gets herself to and from school while taking in some fresh air. 4. Valencia students ride bus 625 in route from Valencia High School to Castaic. 5. Sophomore Victoria Hernandez unlocks he bike off the racks ready to head home after a long day at school. 6. Freshmen Danielle Antoine-Dawson, Parker Stone-Posey, and Hassani
Burney make their way off campus walking with each other until they reach each other's houses. 7. While getting on bus 625, students daily get rides from school to Castaic. 8. Senior Anthony Trejo owns a 2008 Dodge Charger SE loaded with a 3.6 V6 engine that puts out 280 horsepower, an AFE cold air intake, a clear projector, and
to top it all off he has a grille sent to him from Texas.
Student Life

Michael Aasted , Garrett Adamiak Annalia Alba Adam Albers

Jade Alma Ryan Almodovar Nancy Alrayes Kristine Andersen

Harmony Anderson Tyler Anderson David Anguiano Nicholas Appice

Corrina Arguellez Juliet Avery Shireen Azamian Matthew Baer

Matthew Baker Tyler Baker

Sara Bakraji Sterling Bales

Victoria Balta Marcus Baniahmad

Renoir Banwer Adrian Barrera Chanel Barritt Mariela Basilio

Mariah Bassett Michelle Bateman

Brittany Bayley Olivia Beaulieu

Taylor Beck Darren Beckstead Rachel Beckwith

Miguel Benitez

Johniece Beridon

Brennan Bernardino Andrew Berumen

"If you wanna get yo1,..., ght, you g9tta get yo'
Daniel Bigley Daniel Bingham threaas nght-~)k-Man~le Ignacio

Madeline Blitz
Best Dressed
Scotland Mc i enzie and Mariele

Jenna Bobbins

Daniel Bogan

Nicole Boghossian Alex Bolewski
Best Dancer ,
Chelsea ltaya and Kris Cunanan ~

Lauren Boser Dillon Baute

Emery Bovard

Eric Bowling Nicholas Bradley Michael Bratt Laura Breakey

Nicholas Brooks Ryann Brooks

Heidi Brown Jade Brown

Mackenzie Brown Robert Bruza

Rhianna Bryant Moffitt

James Buongiorno

Kaitlyn Byrne

Dakota Campbell

easthat"-Mad1son White

Melissa Buntin
Christopher Burch
Paul Calvillo
Paulina Campos

Isaac Candib Jessica Canevari

Travis Cantrell Keith Carlton

Andrew Carrillo Kevin Carrington

James Carter Eric Caruso Luis Castellon Kessley Chan

Samita Chandi Johnny Chao

Breanna Chavez Enrique Chavez

Alexis Cherney Alexandra Chernos Joshua Chinskey Kyung Choi

Briana Clark Brittany Clarkson

Brandon Conklin Michael Conway

Patrick Cook Kayla Cooper

"I read music more than I reacM5'ooks, I write music better than I write essays, a11d'1 make more music tha I make sense. Music is the ol;lly t~g that makes sens
any mo... re." -E .riqu.e'.tT.'/flavez

Best Musician
Enrique~ havez and Caitlin Thomas

Zechariah Corbett Bridgetthe Correa Shive
"I pla ed football." -Hannah Hicks

Kayla Cosman Christian Cotter
Most Athletic
ZacharyTartabull and Hannah Hicks

Ryan Cowan Steven Crane

Kristoffer Cunanan Kevin Curtin

"NERRRP." -Zacharyif~t!buU ~-

LaCandace Dandridge Halley Darrach

Kayla Darrow Sean Davidson

Daniel De Armero Arriane De Jesus

Mateo De Jesus Jillian Isabel De Leon Joseph De Santis Alexander De Vera

Nicole Delange Danielle Dixon

Kaitlyn Douglas Lauryn Downs

Annie Dreher Angelica Drouin

"'TaJ<e off the vest, you look like ddin.' -Superbad"
Joshua Duarte Alexander Dulgeroff
..:: . -Patrick Stroh

Peter Duran Sarah Eagan

Most Talkative
Devon Mayberry and e.atrick Stroh
Kyle Eaton Maggie Edmiston

Adam Eisen Jason Ender

"I'm speechless!" -Devon Mayberry

Chris Erickson Maritza Escobedo

Roland Eskey Samantha Essayan
:Most Random
Rachel Howell, Kevin Curtin, and Colleen Hart

Harrison Feldman Michael Fernandez

Nicholas Ferry Joanna Finton

Stacy Fischbach Austin Fisher ---
JfRecchia thing." -Logan Recchia

Shannon Fitzgerald Samuel Fleischer

Carolina Flores Megan Foglesong

Alexander Ford Brandon Fox Hanson Matthew Frandson Lauren Frederick

Claire Fredrickson Katherine Fundora

Gabrielle Gan Nicholas Garcia

Karina Garrett Jacob Gartrell Alyssa Gaudioso Lindsey Gaudioso

Breanna Galin
"I SWear I'm 1ega.I" -J,Oanna T1epper Seniors
"It runs in the family, and f love being short!"
-Stephanie Singerman

Allan Gonzalez Olivia Gonzalez
Most Uniaue
Colin Smight and Lau~n Harding

Richard Gonzalez Brian Gordon

Sierra Gordon Ira Gottshall

Kevin Graf Shelby Grajeda

Jordan Graska Arielle Griffith

Robert Groeneweg Alex Guerra

Evan Gunning Erica Guzman

Marisol Guzman Benjamin Haen
" 'The way you get meaning i~t_o your life is to 6 5 devote yourself to loving others,1 devote_ yourself to your community around yoult~nd devote yourself Seniors to creating something that~gives you purpose and meaning.' -Mitch Alborn" -Rebecca Herd

Nicholas Hall Michael Hallahan

Jason Halliday Travis Hamm

Chanelle Han Nathan Han

Kathleen Hank Justin Hanks Mariah Hanna Jake Hanvey

Lauren Harding Alfredo Haro

Colleen Hart Megan Hayes

Brian Heath Joshua Heffner

Alexandra Hendrickson Rebecca Herd

Hannah Hicks Kelly Hicks

Dustin Higgins Cameron Higgs

Raul Hilario Silvestre Hilario Lindsey Hill Zachary Hill

Jessica Hirsch Samantha Hobbs

Danielle Hobson Aaron Hong

Matthew Hoose Aileen Hovsepian Adam Howard Jabari Howard

Rachel Howell Dylan Hromadka

Tyler Hunter Jung Ah Hur

Mariele Ignacio Benjamin lnchalik

Chelsea ltaya Isabel lzar

Brittany Jackson Alec Jacobsen

Emma Jacobsen Asia James

Sang Jang Kayleigh Jankowski

Benjamin Janusek Cheryl Jao

Amanda Jenkins Richard Jimenez

JasBer Moon andindsey Hill

Daniel Johnson Alexandrea Jones

Amanda Jones Jee Heum Jung

Soo Min Jung Chad Karl

Laura Kasha Adam Katz

Rella Kautiainen Erik Kautz

Brian Kavin Brandon Kelley David Kelly Jason Kent

Samara Khudir Tamara Khudir

Eric Kim Ka Eun Kim

Rozanne Kim Vivian Kim Jacqueline Kinney Jonathan Kipka

Bryan Kitchener Kathleen Lam

Madison Lane Shane Landefeld

Thomas Lapp Chloe Larson

Alexander Lebel Joseph Lee

Jennifer Lentz Arielle Leonard
Class Clown
Jade Brown and Samuel Malko

Andrew Lessard Erik Levin

Kelsey Lewin Kathryn Leyton

Devin Littleford

Jordan Lockett

Lauren Longoria

Derek Luh

Shelby Lund Gina Madera

Rocky Maldonado Samuel Malko
Riley Reiss an Kelly Hicks

Ann Marchesan Clea Martin

Richelle Martin Ronald Massie

"I'm little and I'm asian...people can't help but smile."
_-Kelly Hicks

Cheyne Matilsky Devin Matson

Danyelle Mattley Devon Mayberry

Andrew Mayeda Erin Mayo

Andrew Mc earthy Andrew Mc Corkle

Leanne Mc Coy

Shelby Mc Ewen

Scotland Mc Kenzie David Medina

Nicole Melgar Linda Mendez Victoria Mendoza Matthew Metelitz

Morgan Miller

Ashley Mills Daisy Miranda

Darrol Mitchell Christian Mogan

Catherine Marie Monterroyo

Bailey Moore Chelsea Moore

Hiroaki Morimitsu

Nicholas Moss Ashley Murphy

~ost Al I Around
Rocky Maldonado and Mackenzie Brown
"Just be you, one day someone will

What role do you play on campus? How do you classify yourself?
1. "On campus, I would classify myself as a smart color guard girl who sneezes loudly." -Katherine Fundora 2. "As an Awesome person!" -Meaghan Ridenour 3. "Umm...normal with a little hint of
crazy" -Amanda Sadra
Show us Your Spirt Vikings!
4. "I would label myself as that loud girl who's in choir and VTV."
-Kessley Chan
What makes you aViking?
5. "I bleed purple and gold."
-Garrett Adamiak
6. "Well, I'm pretty hairy and I like to pillage and plunder in my spare time." -Adam Voltz

Matthew Noltemeyer Nolan O Sullivan Sam Obermeyer Yoon Ah Oh

Nicholas Oliva Lauren Olsen

Katya Ortiz Alana Osborn Erin Overton Blake Owens

Justin Perez
Armani Patterson Jade Pearson

Kauri Perez Stephanie Perez

Verenice Perez Christopher Peterson

Kamaron Peterson Michael Piccirillo
transgressio judged and achievements rewarded, of partaking n e unimaginable, boundless journey that is my coll e reer. My short time in school now seems just a gli e g ember in my memory. I recall the roars of my pee i oth appreciation and anticipation of the gamesi ~~c .rn at our rallies. Now that I am finally one of the ~UJfand .t t n enjoY,
truly fulfillir.ig Im
indulge in fears of things to come, just lil<e all tne other lapdogs of the Earth. Now I am free to create my own destiny, my own road to greatness. I can breathe a great sigh of relief at the frivolous thought of my past and look forward to the monumental accomplishments that fate will put into my future. --Thomas Lapp

Alexander Pick Krista Pickard Anthony Pierce Lesly Pimentel Stephanie Pineda Nicholas Poehls

Genesis Ponce Kacey Porter Caleb Preston Gabrielle Preston

Scott Prinsze Michael Proni Amanda Pugliese Michael Rainey

Katie Ralstin Briana Ramirez Diana Ramirez Samantha Reagan

What did 4ou use to do durinto lunch at Extrocirricular J\ctivit4: elenentar4 school? cheer, snowboardinto, wateboardinto, and
I pla4ed handball! <Queen of the Court) notorape ridinto
Favorite school activil4 to attend: MORP Favorite TV show as a child: Matoic Schoolbus

Logan Recchia Jennifer Recinos Kelly Ressler Sharam Rezaie

Daniella Riad Tanner Richards Meaghan Ridenour Nicole Riedel

Favorite eleMenatar4 school MeMor4: This ~id <2,0t Me in a headloci at a birthda4 party, so I hit hiM over the head with a flashli<oht.
Favorite TV show as a child: Mi<ohy Morphin Power Ran<2,ers Extracirricular activities: ice ~atin<o, theatre, sin<2,in<o, and dancin<o

Breanna Ries Diana Rodriguez Tiffany Rodriguez William Rogers

Amanda Rompal Kyle Rosauer

Elite Rothstein Tylie Roy Lauren Rubcic Alexis Rubell

Jacob Ruiz Ryan Russ Curtis Ryken Amanda Sadra

Sarah Saeedi Brandon Samuels Diana Sanchez Jorge Sanchez

Steven Sansone Gina Santillo Eilsel Santos Joy Sanwo

Do you believe in second chances, why or why not?
define who someone is." -Laura Logan 2. "Yes. For some people first impressions aren't always their best impressions. If you don't believe in second chances you'll miss out on a lot of great people." -Jose Zambrano and "Yes. We are all still growing up, changing, and
may or may not regret, so I believe everyone should have a second chance." -Lauren Longoria 3. "No. A chance in itself is a miracle. The same miracle won't happen unless you're lucky." -Ruby Choi 4. "I believe in thirds and fourths, but not seconds." -Steven Crane and "Yes. Everyone deserves a chance to be
Any Luck for aSecond Chance?
forgiven."-Claire Frederickson
What is your lucky charm?
5. "11 am/pm." -Lewis Sai 6. "If I told you, I'd have to kill you." -Jason Ender, "My two dollar bill that I carry around. I've had it for almost six years now." -Tanner Tredick
and "My lucky boxer briefs." -Justin Hanks
Jr. Coverage

your dream-like state you realize that isn't entirely true. As a senior I've been fortunate enough to be a part of some of the best programs Valencia has to offer. I've been a part of STRIVE, Sports Med and the Track and Field team for years. Students and Teachers know they can count on me in the times of crisis. I've taken on the leadership role in most of the things I do. I love knowing that I've made a difference in someone's life no matter how big or small it might have been. I hope that with all my efforts I can leave Valencia knowing I did everything in my power to change the lives of people I encountered throughout my four years of high school. --Marisol Guzman

Alyssa Sarkis Matthew Sayre

Ryan Segura

Steven Sehrer Jade Sekeres Adam Senen Matthew Shahani

Taylor Shifley Madison Shipman Swati Shrestha Christopher Shundo

Melissa Silos Kelsey Simpson Stephanie Singerman Brittany Singleton
Jordan Skelley Andrew Slaughter Gabrielle Slominski Kevin Smith
Leah Smith Nicolette Smith Natalie Sacher Sean Spalla

Favorite elenentar4 school nenor4:
What did 4ou use to do durinto lunch at elenentar4 Ma~into sailboats out of cinnanon toast school? Ma~e sane illetoal snaci trades and then

Aaron Spargo Christine Spengler Taylor Spesak Alexandra Spooner

Hannah Stanley

Chelsey Storaker

I would describe myself as a charismatic person, who looks forward to going to a ur'liversity to start my own business. At Valencia High School I am a member of the Varsity football team and my four years at Valencia High School was definitely a pivotal experience. My favorite year was my senior ~ear; I did everything I wanted to do as a freshman buti.couldn't ...and more! My thoughts as c1 senior were focused on how long until I can buy a Mc1ybc1ch and then pull up to the school and show off. In ten years you will find me off the coast of Jc,maica cruisin~ to reggae music, having fun with family and friends, enjoying the finest
Jc1maican Cuisine and basking in the cc1lm sunset and tropical Caribbean weather. --Darrol Mitchel

Zachary Tartabull Nicholas Tempesta

Joanna Tepper Olutungie Terry Janey Thompson Andrew Thorne

Ryan Thrush Nicole Timpone Kevin Tinsley Kayla Toneman

Tanner Tredick Anthony Trejo Alyssa Triana

Nicholas Triana Martin Trocha Morgan Tuch Mackenzie Tucker

In my four years at Valencia I have had some memorable experi~n(e_s. On:~ ~ eeting lifelong friends that have maae my years as a Viking incredible. Everything from playing basketball to participating in school events has prepared me for the next phase of my life. With this, in 10 years I hope to be able to have accomplished my goal to become a pediatrician. I have aspirations to touch as many lives as possible and bring about change. As o senior, wh(lt w,1 s on my mind the most w,1s 9r,1ciu,1tion clnci the clciy I get to lc(1vc Scrntd Cl(1rit(1. --Brittdny Jdckson

Andrew Turner Samantha Turner Dalton Ullman Kelvin Ulloa

Erin Unger Chelsea Van Name Daniel Vargas Hannah Vaughan

Edgar Vega Brock Vereen Anthony Vigil Damien Villarreal


One son<o 4ou absolutel4 hate: ''That's Not M4 What was 4our favorite elenentar4 school Nane" -The Tin<o Tin<os nenor4? The i<?,norance and freedon that Favorite TV show as a child: cones with bein<o a ~id Spon<oebob Favorite ice crean: Phish Food
Kristi West Curtis White Madison White Bridget Wieczorek
Sarah Wilbert Desiree Williams Christopher Willis Courtney Wilson Katherine Wong Lauren Wright Gabrielle Xerez-Burgos Janine Vannatta

Where did 4ou live as a child? What did 4ou used to do at lunch in eleMentar4
Chicatoo, Illinois school? Eat!! What else was there??
Favorite TV show as a child: One sonto 4ou absolutel4 hate:
7\rthur and Gullah Gullah Island "t>ad Da4" -Daniel Pewter

Kevin Yi Raymond Yoo Nicole York James Youlios

How would you escape adeserted island?
1. "Use Kevin Yi as a raft and float into the ocean and use him to lure off sharks." -Leah Smith 2. "Pull out my iphone, go on Twitter, and Twitter for help." -Beverly Wax 3. "Build a signal fire; Lord ofthe Flies style." -Matt Sayer
4. "Me and Michael Phelps would swim
home." -Brain Kavin
If you had to defend yourself in a
jungle, what would be your weapon
of choice?
1. "A rock on a string." -Paulina Campos
What Would You Do?

Autumn Young Kylie Young Lauren Harding Dreson Jones

Sarah Yun Jeffrey Zabrecky Andrew Mayeda Chandler Patton

Jose Zambrano Shane Zaw Katleeya Robles Christopher Romero

Caitlin Thomas Chloe Alexander Brent Cabatan Eric Parde 103

Jr. Coverage

What actor/actress would play you in amovie about your life?
1. "Some girl that has been through a lot but still keeps it fresh." -Taylor Stell and "Leighton Meester. I love her and her style. I would love if she played me in a movie." -Renee Hill 2. "Chicken Little. You know he's real." -Evan Pavell 3. "Debra Messing. She doesn't
Look-Alikes Around Campus
look like me, but she could play a
zaney, weird person and at the end of
the day still appear to be normal and
under the radar." -Morgan Barton
Would you want to have atwin? Why or why not?
4. "I am a twin, so I don't really have a choice." -Emily Fraczek 5. "No, people would get us confused and I prefer to be known as an individual." -Paola Campos 6. "Only if no one knew about her so we could switch places." -Carissa Stuursma 7. "Yes, I'd love to switch classes with my twin so I would not have tests." -Devin Heath

Jr. Coverage

Hey, my name is Dalena Anessa Rangel. I'm sixteen and a junior at Valencia High School. I love going to Forever 21, Urban Outfitters and Charlotte Russe to buy clothes. Also I love hanging out and going on random road trips with my friends. I have a job and I love it. When I grow up I want to be a professional singer or in the movie/entertainment business but that's just a dream, hopefully it comes true. I'm in Circle of Friends with my best friend Leah Zabo. I'm in choir because I love to sing and be on stage. I'm a very outdoorsy person and I love adventure. I love listening to music and I can't live without my iPod.
Charisse Carlson Andrina Carlton Jacob Carmona
Taylor Carriveau Madison Caruso Shannon Casarez
Ryan Casey Erick Castro Brett Cates
Dustin Cavallero Jacob Chamness Shih-Hsuan Chiu
Chhay Chiv Christopher Chun Carly Chun-Hoon
Angel Cisneros Demetrious Cisneros Rachel Clark
Spencer Clayton Ashley Clifford Tyler Caito
Anthony Cole Katie Colletta Kevin Collier
Riley Combs Kyle Compton Cody Conklin

Jr. Coverage

Jr. Coverage

If you could invent something that made your life easier, what would it be?
1. "A portable machine that brushed your teeth, combed your hair, washed your face, clipped your nails and
shaved for you." -Austin Allan and "A pen/pencil that wrote all the right
Innovative Thinking
answers." -Benjamin Mcconnaughy --
2. "A toilet for a car. It would make everyone's life easier." -Joey Marlowe
If you could time travel, where would you go?
"Any time [period] you could pay for gas with pocket change." -Alex Tasker

"The year 3000; probably not much would change, but they would live underwater." -Taylor Harrison 5. "I would go back to Jesus times and get my Bible autographed." -Samuel Garay Lozano and "I want to go back to the days when I came home from school with my Barbie lunch box, and

grape kool-aid tasted better." -Paulina Lertnitiwong

Diana Gi Christopher Gibson Aubrey Gierard
Alexandra Gila Kylie Gilmartin Joseph Gilmore
Heather Gladden Alexa Gomez Curtis Gomez
Shannell Gomez Jamie Gonlag Alejandra Gonzalez
Dimitri Gordon Connor Gould Kaitlyn Graff
Laura Gramling Felicia Granados Rodolfo Granados

Donald Grant

Annemarie Gray

Ian Gray
Manyt~fthe people close to me say that I am energ~tic and bring a certain light into the ~!il&ii"' atmosphere whi n I arrive, and that I always manage
Constantine Greanias
f see the goodin people even when others don't. I Gregory Green Parker Greenberg
ar:n :rnost proud of my calm composure, my adversity'"111= f ~ frivolous on-campus gossip, and my mature and \;;t~.t: A\:mparalleled style. Once my time here at Valencia is

at its end, I plan to go pre med and pursue a career
in plastic surgery or neurosurgery, and between Chelsea Greenfield Madelyn Guajardo
now and then, possibly employ myself as a personal
Christopher Guereca
dresser for hire. What I will most miss about Valencia will be all the spectacular people I have met during my time here, peers, friends, and teachers collectively.
A single principle of mine that will assist me through my life is that the less you speak the more others listen. --Michael Shank

Jr. Coverage

What's something unique you and your friends do?
1. "My friends and I are unlike other groups of friends. We write our own shows and do them and then the occasional Iron Chef Battle. I love them." -Cristian Guerrero 2. Me and my friends all had the same English class last year, and we always try to reunite "the gang" by having movie nights and going to places like Disneyland and stuff." -Caprice Primo
What Best Friends Are For
r----~-==-----, 3. "I used to go to Wal mart and Target
with my friends and get a bunch of clothes to try on, then take pictures in the dressing room." -Nikki Barrera 4.
"We have hardcore discussions about vampires and wizards and books."
-Kendall Kaiser
What is the nicest thing afriend has ever done for you?
5. "My friend saved me from falling face first in front of a girlfriend at the time." -Andrew Fowble 6. "One of my friends paid for my breakfast on my birthday, ten minutes before the free all-you-can-eat special took place."
-Connor Gould

Jr. Cov~rage

My name is Alex Barboza and I am fun, out-going, and I love to play sports. In the future I am looking forward to moving out of state. I think bravery defines a Viking and I contribute to Valencia with my actions. My favorite school activity is going to the rallies. In my free time I enjoy going outside to play some basketball. My most interesting school story is getting to school at 7:00am and going home at 3:00pm with two open periods in between. In ten years I see myself living in Florida, hanging out with
Tim Tebow. My secreJ,talent is beat boxing.

Michelle Krolicki Zachary Kulpinski Kirstie K wock
Kaylin La Porte James La Vine Ashtyn La Voise
Joshua Lacey Mark Lampert Kayte Largman
Marcus Larrazabal Vincente Devon Lawrence Alexander Lee
Brandon Lee Christine Lee Ji Hwan Lee
Nicole Lee So La Lee Chasen Lehner
Zachary Lentz Paulina Lertnitiwong Taylor Levinson
John Lewandowski Connor Lichten Melanie Lico
Brian Liddy Alexandre Lightfoot Edward Lillian

Tyler Logan Kyle Lamont Meeks Tamara Long Christian Lopes Dominique Lopez Monique Lovato Eugene Luzong
Camilla Maalouf Rodcoe Ace Magnaye Ryan Mahoney Jarro Malabanan Jason Maldonado Tatiana Maldonado Jennifer Malone Brown
Michael Mookie Manalili Reyne Manzano Gregory March Joseph Marlowe Aubrey Marmol Nicholas Martin Angel Martinez
Jesus Martinez Kevin Martinez Kristina Marzinzik Adrian Matitu Lauren Matthews Lindsay Maxoutopoulis Peter May
Angelo Mazzotti Kelly Mc Alpine Kaci McCain Jason Mc Candless John Mc Carthy Benjamin Mc Connaughy Erin Mc Cork.le
Russell Mc Elhatton Paisha Mc Farland Danielle Mc Kernan Emma McGrory Alexa Mejia Andrea Mejia Austin Melton
Daniella Menashe Jennifer Mendez Tyler Mendez Matthew Metz Brittany Meunitz Samantha Mike Amy Miller
Dakota Miller Machella Miller Nicole Miller Rachel Miller Allie Mills Jessica Miranda Stephanie Molina
Tess Molinar Joshua Monette Paz Steven Montenegro
Christine Marie Monterroyo Alfonso Montoya Jeremiah Montoya Iyawnna Moody
Jr. Coverage

Jr. Coverage

What makes you aViking?
1. "I wear a horned helmet and ride my dragon-headed boat to school every morning." -Tamara Long 2. "My
awesome facial hair and battle axe." -Mansour Habis 3. "I'm a Viking? Just
Vikings Love Going off Campus
kidding. Probably my excellent school spirit that I show on a daily basis."
-Kristina Marzinzik
How did it feel to go off campus for the first time?
4. "AMAZING! I was like, that's right freshman, watch me go off! Jealous ..." -Charisse Carlson 5. "It felt like when I upgraded to Pampers Pull Ups: older and more mature." -Tyler Dunson, "I started crying because I was overjoyed!" -Lauren Matthews and "It felt like I was a man because
somewhere between approaching the gate and going through it, I traveled from childhood to manhood."
-Spencer Clayton

Jr. Coverage

Mark Roberti Nicole Robinson Dylan Robison
Ashley Rodela Ileana Rodriguez Josue Rodriguez
Maximilian Rodriguez Naomi Rodriguez Richard Rodriguez
Jason Rohan Jessica Romero Caitlin Rooney
Kristine Roque Stephen Rosas Adam Rose
Heaven Roskilly Danielle Ross Smith Malcolm Ross
Shane Ross Ryan Royston Jai Lynne Rubio
Sarah Ruffner David Ruiz Hugo Ruiz
Andrew Ruthman Stephen Ryken Zachary Sabillon
,,, \i , .. . ,,
I'm Caitlin Ashjian. I'm a very easygoing person, and I have a sarcastic sense of humor. Some people take me too seriously, and others never do. I've been described as "interesting". My secret talent is, well it's not much of a secret, doing hair! I love everything that has to do with hair; cutting and styling. My free time is spent mostly outside of this valley with friends or at shows. I dig all sorts of accents and would love to travel the world someday. I plan on visiting my homeland, Armenia, soon after I graduate. In ten years, I'm hoping to be a heavily tattooed, professional hair stylist!

Which natural disaster has affected you the most?
"My little brother's birth. Pretty self-explanatory." -Conner Morgan

"There was a San Francisquito fire a few years ago. I was evacuated, the

Beyond the Valencia Campus
fire surrounded my house, and ended
up burning our storage area and
the things in it! Good thing we have
insurance." -Janelle Harris 3. "When
twitter went down for more than 20
minutes." -Jaryd Borja
Are you happy with what President Obama is doing?
"Yes! His decisions are smart, and they will economically help us in this recession." -Nicole Robinson

"Yes, originally I was. When he wa~ inaugurated, I believed he was going to do a great job. However, the more I discuss politics and review his actions, the less faith I have in him as a president." -Marisa Anderson

Jr. Coverage
I usually watch TV on the weekends and play sports. Working is my favorite thing to do at school. My favorite artist is Tupac. I love to eat double cheeseburgers. I like to hangout with Kyle, my best friend. --Malcolm Ross

Samantha Spence Jason Spigner Luke Spiker
Aleksandra Spivak Dylan Springer Jarek St Cyr
Karen Stanislawski Mikayla Starkey Peter Stawecki
Taylor Stell Ethan Stevens Emily Stewart
Justin Stoner Jenna Stover Jolie Stroh
Carissa Stuursma Demi Su Aaron Suarez Villamil
Jared Subia Zachary Suderman Trevor Sullivan
Samantha Summers Nicole Sundell Christian Sutherland
Rebecca Tait James Tak Kassandra Talamantez

Cindy Tanory Sierra Taoatao Michael Tapanes Alexander Tasker Ariel Teachout Patrick Tejada Adebayo Terry
Alexandra Thomas Alexandra Throckmorton Andrew Tiemann Evan Tikka Jason Tilden Keith Tilden Kelly Tjaden
Lucas Todesco Jenna Tokeshi Martin Tompkins Tayven Townsend Dat Tran Valerie Tran Janae Tremaine
Melissa Trujillo Richard Trunzo Emily Tuffey Tyler Turley Christian Tuscani Spencer Uhrig Joshua Ulis
Joseph Usita
Lauren Valdes
Frederick Vale Mallory Valencia Stephanie Valencia
Stephen Valenzuela
Maria Valles
Zachery Van Es
Samantha Van Leeuwen
Brittany Vanyo
Ian Velardi
Eric Velasquez
Jessica Velasquez
Micaela Velasquez
Ricardo Velasquez
Ricky Velazquez
Christopher Velez
Alyson Venegas
Colton Vermillion
Alexa Vinci
Kyle Vine
Justin Violette
Christine Vivit
Brayden Von Der Au
Lauren Walden
Michael Walgren
Jacqueline Walker
Jacob Waschak
Jeremiah Watkins
Lindsey Weberbauer
Jessica Weir
Jennifer Weiss
Zachary Wermich
Nicole Wertz
Matthew Wiener
Jr. Coverage

What's one item that you couldn't live without?
1. "I would not be able to live without
ICouldn't Live Without Spare Time
my glasses, because then I wouldn't
be able to see anything." -Candace
Drain 2. "Definitely my lungs."
-Trevor Ashley 3. "My cellphone, I
don't know what I would do without
texting." -Alexandra Gila
What is the most interesting thing you do in your spare time?
4. "I like to go to Venice and get henna tattoos, or I like to go surfing or go wake boarding." -Samantha Ralston
----. 5. "I draw cartoons and prank call my friends (they always know it's me)." -Sherry Rezaie 6. "I ride my scooter, like a boss." -Haley Alberi. 7. "Drive to new and exciting places. It's good to be adventurous." -Chasen Lehner

Jr. Coverage

Soph. Coverage
I was born on October 2nd, 1994, whick makes me fifteen years old. I am five feet three inches tall with long blonde hair and green eyes. On the weekends, I will always be with my best friends no matter what. My other identity is Cynthia Surowski. In ten years, I want
to become a comedian like Chelsea Handler. I make the stupidest faces and the

would not understand me, but that is just who
iam.lam i ...
Stepha nee Beggs; call me1' Steph.
Dylan Beckstead Nicholas Bedard Lauren Beddeo
Brooklyn Beeler Stephanee Beggs Carlie Beltran
Sam Benz Lucas Berend Andrew Berg
Megan Berkery Antonio Bernardino Rebecca Bemstorff
George Bero Christopher Beser Samantha Besse
Katelyn Beswick Arik Bibicoff Amanpreet Bilg
Ryan Bloom Amanda Bock Kaylee Bodtke Stout
Andrew Boghossian Trevor Bonier-Mendez Zachary Bonn
Victoria Boring Ryan Boser Brittany Boyd

Jr. Coverage
Brittany Cleland Kristina Cole
Amanda Collier Clinton Como Austin Condra
Taylor Conklin Adam Contreras
Charles Corrado Fitzgerald Correa Vanessa Cortez Giovanna Cosenza Tina Costello Daniel Courtenay Ernesto Covarrubias
Kaitlyn Cowell Kayla Creamer Andrew Crudge Austin Csiszar Kevin Cuartas Brian Curtin Katherine Curtis
Lucas Daggon Megan Dal Soglio Mario Dalto Kari Damann Edmund Darko Matthew Davidson Zachary Davis
Matthew Day Jones Joshua Daymude Christian De Angelis Nicolette De Luca Cameron De Robertis James Deckers Ashley Delacruz
Mayra Delgadillo Craig Dermody Torey Desantis Hunter Desso Jessica Diaz Elena Dickson Tyler Dimson
TylerDoffiow Chelsea Dolan Jake Dollman Jon Patrick Domantay Shawna Dooley Dakota Dougherty Matthew Dove
Kelly Drain Jasmine Dubon Precious Earley
Mary Joshnelle Ebreo Marcus Echavarria Heather Edmiston
Emily Eggly
Richard Eggly Erik Elias Justin Elkin Thomas Ellery Christine Ellison Megan Emmer Griffin Ender
Soph. Coverage

What are you afraid of and why?
1. "In elementary school the Fanta girls would really freak me out. It's like the Kool-Aid guy except there are more of them." -Min Ho Choi 2. "I have a fear of people who are afraid of clowns. Seriously, who doesn't like clowns? Creepy people who need help, that's who." -Aaron Hernandez 3. "I'm deathly afraid of all large, black birds because once I had nightmare that I was being slowly pecked to death by a giant raven." -Marissa Lowenburg
Who is your shoulder to cry on?
) 4. "I bought my own personal shoulder to cry on at Walmart for only $19.99!" -Christian DeAngelis 5. "My mom.
Comfort for Your Fears
She's definitely the one who reassures me like 99.89% of the time." -Raven Hirth 6. "No one is; I'm a man." -Justin Erlenbach 7. "My seven year old brother. He has a very short attention span and doesn't usually remember what upset me. So it's basically a guarantee that he won't tell anybody."
-Jesica Sathy

I am an outgoing, social, goofy, fun to be around type of girl. My contribution to Valencia High School is that I am an outstanding citizen in the community, I perform volunteer work at my church, and I bring a positive outlook on life to my peers. Being a Viking, I think consists of a person who is spirited and loyal to our school. In the next ten years I see myself working for a major fashion company or marketing. A hidden talent of mine is that I love sketching my clothing ideas in my spare time. --Lauren McCoy
Rene Engle Taylor Engle Candie Ennis
Eric Ensing Justin Erlenbach Shannon Erne
Taylor Erranova Brock Errington Angelo Escalona
Mary Eschbacher Arthur Eskey Emily Esposito
Aaron Esquenazi Danielle Essayan Emily Evans
Bradley Ewing Kescily Fairbanks Kaylee Fallis
Derek Faraldo Christian Farfan Shayan Farzadpour
Joshua Feinberg Joshua Fernandez Michael Fernicola
Richard Ferranto Jayadev Ferrer Soscia Shane Ferrone

Soph. Coverage

If you could change aschool rule what would it be?
1. "They should have naptime period." -Yassamin Azadani 2. "I would change the two brunches and make it into one. This would allow you to hang out with your friends and be able to get help from teachers because you would all have the same time frame." -Stacy Lee
3. "Schools on the weekends and the week becomes the weekend!" -Kescily Fairbanks 4. "I love them all because I'm a true Viking!" -Jae Min Kim and "I would change the tardy policy. No one likes to wake up early, so being a few minutes late shouldn't be a bad thing."
-Joseph Awang
What do you think about the campus not selling candy or soda?
5. "I like that we don't; America is already obese. Why do we need to add to it?" -Eizabeth Lawrence 6.
Rootbeer, Reese's, and Rules

Soph. Coverage

I am a fun, outgoing, social and smart girl. I love to
Dance, play the piano, sing and most of all hang
out with my friends. In the future I look forward
to attending BYU and becoming a second grade
school teacher. My contributions to Valencia High
School are the clubs and extra-curricular activities
I am involved in. These include choir and National
Honor Society. In my free time I love to dance and
practice the piano. I am an outstanding citizen to
my community and perform volunteer work at my
church. Out of the two years I have been at Valencia
High School my most interesting school story was pushing a cart with my books in it from my church to school with my friends while have people drive by staring at us. --Rachel Cheney
Alexander Jahilian Julie Jang Hunter Jensen
Benjamin Jimenez Lilia Jimenez Allie Jin
Brendan Jines Chinyelu Johnson Kristina Johnson
Sarah Johnson Aubrey Johnston Bradley Jones
Dallas Jones Danielle Jones Skyler Jones
Trevor Jones Natalie Joost Maaliq Joseph
Micaah Joseph Erik Juico Andy Jung
Jane Kang Andrew Katz Zachary Kelley
Timothy Kendall Dana Kennedy Matthew Kensil

Soph. Coverage

Soph. Coverage

If you had to change something about your appearance what would you change?
1. "My height. I'm way too short (S'O") and feel like a shrimp in a school of sharks." -Dana Kennedy 2. "I'd look like that Twilight guy and become a ladies' man." -David Aguilera 3. "I would like
to glow in the dark to save electricity." -Brian Curtin 4. "Why fix something that isn't broken?" -Dee Dee Wax
What makes you unique?
5. "I don't judge people on what they
Mae:toMc}'Syelf~ana nd I

I learn from them. I take one day at a time and make the best out of what I have." -Keyaira Lyons
6. "I try my best to never have a bad day, no matter what happens. I see no
point in wasting time sad that could be spent happy. I dig life." -Sarah Barritt
7. "I never grew up with aT.V.; I think it has affected me." -Emily Nee

I'm Aman Bilg and I am a sophomore at Valencia High School. I love playing basketball and am on the girls' basketball team. In my free time I like listening to music and watching TV. I also like spending time with my friends and family. In the future, I look forward to being a doctor. --Aman Bilg

Valerie Mullins Brian Mundell Erica Munoz
Samuel Munster Sean Murphey Kiara Mushkot
Chad Mysliviec Connor Nally Yolanda Narciso
Emily Nee Andrew Nelson Ashley Nelson
Garrett Nelson Patricia Nemiroff Ronald Ng Alberto
Nicole Ng Rebecca Nguyen Fatima Nieto
Jessica Niles Kevin Nnuro Jennifer Norihiro
Cristie Norman Tyler Novotny Brian O Callaghan
Salvador Ocampo Lexie Odum Bukola Ogunorunyinka

Soph. Coverage

Soph. Coverage

What are friends for?
1. "A friend is a person who has their best interest in you. Somebody who isn't worrying about their problems but is there to help you through yours." -Brian O'Callaghan 2. "Friends are for having someone behind you all the time, having someone to hang out with, and learning new things everyday about each other." -Maribel Castillo 3. "To walk in when the rest of the world walks out." -Mandee Mcferren and "For embarrassing them on their birthday, laughing,
arguing, and messing with, tripping, making fun of, having fun with, and to have someone to rely on." -Cosette Smotrys
What is the most exciting adventure you have been on with your friends?
4. "Well this one time at band camp ...
Friendship is an Adventure
you know." -Michael Guzman 5. "For fun, someone to talk to, have random moments with, share opinions, and homework questions-just kidding-to be yourself without people judging you. Basically, to just be you!" -Natalie Joost 6. "To Australia." -Erich Rowbottom 7. "Cheer sleep over..." -Krista Chester

Soph. Coverage
Mariah Thrush Garrett Thun Jonathan Tiemann
Rebekah Tilton Christine Todd Bruno Tomasini

Nicholas Topper Shelby Torgersen Erica Torres
Margarita Torres Parker Tredick Ezequiel Treuizo
Amanda Triana Lauren Triana Kylon Trower
Michelle Trujillo Shenelle Trujillo Hoanh Truong
Brandon Ulloa Alexandra Ungerman Carly Upton
Cory Vaile Elijah Valentine Christopher Valenzuela
Raven Valley Jared Vasquez Elvia Vega

I would have to say that I am a funny, interesting, and down to earth person. I think to be a Viking, some would have to be strong and powerful. My talent is playing the guitar. Ten years from now I would like to see myself being a professional guitarist. In my free time I enjoy listenint fo music, hanging out with friends, and playing the guitar. --Tyler Dofflow

What is your favorite subject in school? Why?
1. "English because I like learning things about life that I can think about and use right now, not 6 years in the future." -Jiayi Li 2. "Choir. I love making beautiful songs and performing. Plus my best friends are in this class." -Macie Ming 3. My favorite subject is Math because it does not change, and it is a universal language." -Forrest Piepers and "Foods because I get to learn how
to make food, and I get to eat it after I
Favorites and Dreams

make it." -James Decker and "Drama
because I don't have to be me for a
while." -Jessica Reynoso
What's your dream car?
4. "My dream car is the Oscar Meyer Wiener car." -Thomas Ellery 5."An ice cream truck." -Kristen McCloud 6.
Maritza Vega Ricardo Vega Shannon Velardi Darcy Vera Ivett Verduzco Ana Veron Angelo Villano
Morgan Villanueva Anthony Wahrman Samuel Walker Kayla Walls Shelby Walsh Galen Wampler Graham Wardle
Pamela Watters Deirdre Wax Reana Weaver Shad Weaver Jayce Webb Christopher Wells Chase Wheeler
Audrey Whelan Hayden White Makenna White Riley White Danica Wilkerson Ian Williams Jesse Williams
Marina Williams Trey Williams Veronica Williams Michael Wilson Bradley Wittenberg Taylor Wittman Ezana Woldegebriel
Ryan Woodward Alex Works Scott Wyckoff Vincent Yannicelli Brynn Young Hunter Young Trisha Young
Nicole Zammit Zachary Zema Michael Zerpoli Michael Zhou Courtney Ziese Nicole Zito $GRADE_! 0_814$
Miles Rubin Jacob Rubio Johnathan Rugg Luisa Ruiz John Russo Christopher Sabile Christina Sako
Daniel Salovich Anthony Sammartano Paloma Sanchez Andrea Santana Jiezel Santos Jesica Sathy Michelle Savage
Soph. Coverage

Fresh. Coverage

I am a kind, caring person that strongly believes in equality for all. In the future I can't wait to get my own car, experience dorm life, and the college, Scripps. I also look forward to traveling; this has been a life long dream of mine. In my free time I really enjoy just being with my friends. On weekends we love to going shopping or to.the movies. I also love
listening to music, such as the Firay and Tegan & Sara.

I am a person of honesty and-i.QJegrity and I brjng that to the school community; I have had a great time at Valencia so far and I can't wait to experience the years ahead. --Mckenna Miramon
Rachel Black Timothy Blake Mariah Blanco Gasper
Candice Bleiler William Bogart Madison Boggio
Aryn Bomer Kyle Boog Lindsey Bos
Celine Bot Stephanie Botten William Patrick Bowman
Kristina Brackpool Nathaniel Bradley Baylee Brandt
Christian Brannon Cameron Braun Joseph Brezina
Danielle Briggs Victoria Brimhall Anesah Brown
Savina Brown Taylor Brown Emily Bugielski
Jennielyn Buhain Jerrielyn Buhain Carlos Bulux

Fresh. Coverage

Fresh. Coverage

If you had to be stuck on an island with one person, who would it be?
1. "My cousin Nicole because she is one
person I literally cannot live without." -Alison Friedman and "If I had to be stuck on an island it would be with Bear Grills so I could get out of
there." -Tara Landefeld 2. "A stranger, so they would never know how I looked with makeup on, and so we wouldn't run out of things to ---
talk about." -Devyn Diamond 3. "Megan Fox." -Carlos Recinos 4. "A magical genie who could wish me off the island." -Emily Hoffberg
If you could go on aweek long vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be?
5. "I would take a vacation to Minnesota where I used to live so I could visit my friends" -Susan Andersen 6. "France because of the bread" -Kayla Davis 7. "Somewhere with a pretty beach or somewhere to play soccer" -Natalee
Ouzts and "Asia, so I could learn how to be a ninja." -Brittney Duquette
Wish You Were Here

gu~ wti ts t oking ~ rwar toe ~oiilNFL. I help out mentally challenged kids during my free time at school, but when I'm at home I like spending my time playing football or X-Box Live. I think in 10 years I'll be a successfulI buisnessman, but I'll still be playing football whenever I can.
-ol' ar d hilarious
Mark Flores Emily Ford Katrina Fortman
Kevin Frank Carley Fredrickson Dustin Frezieres
Alison Friedman Adam Fritz Jessie Froggatt
Nathan Galindo Riley Gallagher Amanda Gallardo
Steven Gallatin Trevor Galvin Brian Gammal
Nicholas Gammon Brandy Gannon Allen Garcia
Jake Gardner Tyler Garner Matthew Gaut
Rachel Gedalia Mitchell Geier Brett Geist
Dimitris Georgopoulos Marissa Gerlich Kyle Gibbs
Justin Gil Liam Gillespie Amelia Gilson Jordan Glenn Kylie Godfrey Christopher Gomez Max Gomez
Joao Paulo Goncalves Adriana Gonzalez Tyler Gould Melissa Gramling Kyle Grant Shaffer Grindstaff Kyle Groner
Qi Gu Niniveth Guardado Cierra Gunby Jasmine Habis Ali Hajimohamed Reese Hand Arielle Hanna
Kimberly Harada Cameron Harding Emily Hart Elina Hartwell Shahrzad Hassanbeigi Daryani Kyle Hauschild Rebekah Haw
Brittani Hawkins Brenden Hawn Chauncey Hayles Claire Henning Jimmy Hernandez Christina Hershey Darren Hewitt
Jody Hewitt Jesse Heyer Brian Hicks Branden Higgs Ruben Hilario Alexandra Hill Chynna Hirano
Nelson Hislar Emily Hoflberg Gabriella Holme Amber Holsenbeck Carly Homeier Riley Honaker Everett Howard
Jameelah Ashanti Howard Jodie Howard Jonah Howard Brenna Howe Holly Howell Hannah Hromadka Gabriel Huerta
Eric Huff Chelsea Huntley Andrew Hwang Hyun Sun Hwang Joseph Ianniello Justin Intal Kyle Irwin
Fresh. Coverage

What story or book would you want to be acharacter in and why?
1. "I would wantto be in Cloudy With a Chance
ofMeatballs. I love food." -Elijah Nunez : "Powers That Be series by Anne Mccaffery , and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. This world
is awesome and the animals are telepathic, along with the sentrent planet and the selkids." -Marissa Gorlah and "Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys because she lives with seven boys." -Josephine Lee 2. "I would want
.j to be a character in the Outsiders. It's a book J about friendship and that is important to me." ''i -Noah Beilen 3. "Harry Potter because I think 1 it would be very fun to attend Hogwarts and be able to do magic." -Megan Oho
How would you design your own high school?
4. "Two stories with hover disks that would take you up to the next level. Lockers in the hallways, a sunroom to study, and a two story library. Go-karts, bumper boats, Wii Fit and, of course, swim available for PE. The curriculum would be like in the movie Accepted, and
-Rachael Tiemann 5. "It would be like Willy Wonka's Factory." -Brigitta Benitez 6. "I wouldn't because if I designed my own school, then I would actually want to go to school." -Camila Moore 7. "With a full service Panda Express in the middle! For free! Mmm!" -Daniel Tuero
Design your own Fantasy

Charissa Isidro Victoria Itaya Cyrus Izadipour Cayla Jackson Caylee Jackson Kyle Jacobson Janelle Jankowski
Alexis Jardine Joseph Jarocki Dillon Javier Ryan Jeffery Emilia Jimenez Derek Johnson Logan Johnson
Preea Johnson Justin Jordan Kevin Joseph Timothy Joyce Drew Kacena Taline Kasparian Venkatasai Katakam
Sierra Kautiainen Mallory Keesler Ashley Keith Stephen Kelly Hannah Ketenjian Marium Khanum Arshjot Khokhar
Lori Khoury Andrew Kim Byoung Soo Kim Daniel Kim Deborah Kim Hannah Kim Hyoun Soo Kim
Hyun Jung Kim Irene Kim Joy Kim Larry Kim Taylor King Cameron Klemens Kellie Kleszcz
Zachary Klindworth Kyle Klobuchar-Cunningham Hayley Knapp Delaney Knudsen Michael Kojin Leah Konigsberg Taylor Kozlowski
Marc Kraidman Melissa Kraidman Kelsey Kukaua Allison Kupfer Joseph La Vine Spencer Lachman John Ladouceur
Christopher Laganiere Tara Landefeld Michael Lapcheske Grayson Largman Joshua Larson Mitchell Lau Matthew Lazzaretto
Fresh. Coverage

Hi l'rn Shaffer Grindstaff and I would say I'm a very interesting person to get to know. What many people don't know about me is that I was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I usually over think things. I think about how my actions affect those who are around me. I don't rel1lly see myself going to college for the rest of my life even though I enjoy school. I would r,1ther be a welder and maybe go to a tr.1de school like my step d,1d. In my free time I like designing things to weld. In ten years I see myself gL'tting married. Hopefully at ll young age I can meet significrnt other. When I was younger I used to .ict. I w,1s in m,rny conrniercilils and movies, and rn,rny peoplt' don't know that about me. I would wish to get b,ick into the business again.
Serena Le Duff Christian Leal Alison Lee
Anne Lee Chris Chan Lee Eunice Lee
Jane Lee Josephine Lee Randy Lee
Sun Lee Winston Lee Adam Lentz
Hunter Leonard Tyler Leonard Lauren Lesko
Kendra Lewin Dylan Lieberman Vanessa Lightfoot
Kyung Lim Remy Linares Shane Lindemann
Blaine Littleford Dalton Littleford Joshua Llorico
Bobbie Locke Maxwell Lockett Emma Lockhart

Fresh. Coverage
Matthew Morehead Jordan Mosley Samantha Motter David Motto Azeem Mufti Dylan Mullaley Sydney Mundell
Kelly Munoz Tania Murillo Duran John Murillo Sean Murphy Brooke Myers David Myers Nadine Naber
Amy Nakamura Taelor Napora N areg Nazarian Kristine Ng-Alberto Kenny Nguyen Trevor Noble Grant Nobles
Rachel Null Elijah Nunez Kaylee Nussbaum Michael Nyberg Brian O Connor Ryan O Donnell Nicholas O Linn
Austen Oakley Calvin Olbes Jared Oliva Ashley Oliver Erik Olsen Olivia Olsen Sadie Oppler
Ana Oquendo Ariana Ormonde Ariana Ortiz Megan Otto Natalee Ouzts Branden Pack Sae Hee Pack
Sara Palmer Ervin Pancardo Mary Papenthien Yumi Park Madison Parkinson Mason Paspates Myers Olivia Pear
Brooke Pearson Nicole Pearson Amber Pech Michael Pechstein Mayra Pena Tyler Pepin Xiomara Perkins
David Peterson Claudette Peyton Sydney Phavorachit Joseph Phillips Katie Piccirillo Krishan Pierce Shaun Pierce
Fresh. Coverage

Do you scratch your itch or itch your scratch?
1. "That depends on if I have an itch or a scratch." -Gregory Byrne and "Both! 'Cause I'm cool like that." -Deborah Kim 2. "I scratch my itch. Unless my scratch is itchy then I itch my scratch." -Allison Kupfer 3. "This is a really awkward question, well not really. I scratch, I guess." -Serena Lebuff
What is the best present that you've ever received?
4. "A family trip to Hawaii." -Morgan Desjardins 5. "The best present I've ever received was life." -Christopher Gomez 6. "A hand made book from my Grandpa." -Jordan Spesat 7. "2006 Honda CRF 250X dirtbike" -Branden Hawn 8. "A sister." -Sabrina De Leon
Scratching the Surface

Fresh. Coverage

Kyle Sanchez Selena Sanchez Sierra Sanchez
Ashlyn Sanders Gabriel Sandoval Perla Sandoval
Jean Amber Santiago Samuel Santillo Kristen Jannelle Santos
Peter Sarcauga Jenna Sarkis Emma Sato
Sean Scamehorn Christopher Scamechia Hailey Schollnick
Megan Schonely Danielle Scott Marissa Scudamore
Rebecca Sebel Ariel Secharia Victoria Sedgwick
Kaitlin Sego Brennan Seifert Makenna Sekeres
Aaron Sepehri Alejandro Serricchio Maiale Ian Phillip Severino

In the future, I look forward to getting a good job) and making my own money. Every person wants to be independent and I would like to be like my parents, who inspire and drive me to work hard and do my best in everything I do. A Viking is basically a strong, powerful, and, most importantly, a hard working individual. Teachers, parents, and working officials in the school, always want you to work hard and do your best. I contribute by being a Viking who is a strong, powerful and hard working individual. Every school activity is something I look forward to everyday because everyday knowledge is implanted into your brain that will be used in the future to make your life more informed. People say I am smart, so I am hoping that I will be a pharmacist one day and I would make money. --Ian Severino

What are you looking forward to this semester?
1. "What I'm looking forward to this semester is to meet new friends and get very good grades." -Nicholas Ferraz 2. "I am looking forward to all the games and rallies this semester." -Jasmine Habis 3. "Cold weather; it's burning outside." -Catherine Caper 4. "Coming into a new year and starting fresh." -Taylor Pinkowski
How does it feel to go from being the oldest
of the school to being the youngest of the
5. "It stinks. Everyone thinks that freshmen think they're the coolest people, but really we don't." -Julianne Bermel 6. "It doesn't feel weird to me because I am a little bit older for my grade
... and taller, so I fi~ right in with the other seniors, juniors, and sophmores." -Garrett Mesa 7. "It was a very different feeling, changing grades, but as the year moves on it's comfortable." -Eric Huff
8. "Being the youngest in the school is tough, but I've made a lot of older friends who look out for me and show me how things go." -Danielle Antoine-Dawson
To The Future And Beyond

Fresh. Coverage
I am a very friendly, confident, outgoing and overall cool person. In the future, I am looking forward to being a successful, hardworking woman and making money. What defines a Viking is someone with a lot of school spirit and has no shame in showing it. My favorite school activities are the dances, games and just being at school with all my friends. I spend my free time with my friends and family. In ten years I will most likely be in medical school training to become a surgeon. -lmani Burney
Robert Francis Toure
Kelly Trapani
Daniel Tuero
Joshua Turner Michael Tuscani Connor Twigg
John Uhrig Sydnee Valdes Milton Valentine
Alec Valladares Jasmin Valles Brittany Van Es
Sienna Vann Andres Vargas Paige Vasseur
Trevor Vaughan Jake Veiga Halie Velasco
Andres Velez Taylor Venegas Daniela Vera
Hannah Verville Kylie Videgain Julio Villa
Trevor Vincent Devynn Voiding Luca Volpe

Fresh. Coverage


1. Mr. Zameroski's Honor English 9 class listens to the audio form of Rome< and Juliet. 2. Juniors Carly Janusek, Chase, Lehner, Jessica Miranda and Erin Reagan worl on their English papers in Mrs. Strothe's America, Literature class. 3. Mrs. Strothe shows off one o her student's project. 4. Seniors Rella Kautiaine, and Victoria Balta present their English projec to their classmates in Mr. Rosenast's AP Literatun dass. 5. Students listen attentively to Ms. ltaya'
Honors 10 Brittish Literature class. 6. Sophomon Connor Chase actively participates in Mrs

1. Students in Mr. Goralsky's Honors Geometry class ask each other questions as they finish their work. 2. Students in Ms. Harris' Trigonometry class work hard to complete their assignments. 3. Sophmores Katelyn Beswick and Alexander Brixon diligently work on their classwork in Mr. Bellow's Algebra C class. 4. Juniors Dan Bi Sohn, Emily Morgan, Sarah Dimonte, and Joshua Silo review their math packets in Mr. Wobrock's AP Calculus. 5.
Junior Ryan Day and Senior Ryan Russ review their tests in Mr. Wobrock's Ap Calculus class.
6. Juniors Ryan Arima and Steven Schmidt evaluate their Pre-Calculus tests in Mrs. Comen


1. During fifth period, senior Juliet Avery
diligently works on completing a graded class assignment in Mr. Rooney's economics class.
2. Mr. Hayes' government class discusses their citizen action assignment with each other while preparing for their upcoming test. 3. Mr. Arnold's U.S. history class focuses while they take their last chapter test. 4. Seniors Janine Vannatta, Tylie Roy, and Erin Overton take a short break during class after they work on their textbook assignments. 5. During a French Revolution stimulation, sophomores Ernesto Covarruvias and Kelesey Chao play the role
of king and queen in Mr. Synder's modern civilization class. 6. In economics, seniors Jose Zambrano and his classmate Brock Vereen help each other study for their upcoming final exam.

1. Senior Joshua Duarte, juniors Carly Janusek, Danielle Ross Smith, and Lauren Petta learn about gram positive and gram negative stains in Mr. Klinger's Microbiology class. 2. Juniors Trisha Olega, Lauren Spargo, and Emily Stewart dissect their cat in Mr. Sanchez's Anatomy class. 3. Mr. Philips' class learns about phylum in Marine Biology. 4. Sophomores Lukas Foster and Daniel Salovich explain the structure of the atom to Mrs. Kalmer's Honors Chemistry class. 5.
Freshman Nicholas Azevedo works hard on his Biology workbook pages in Ms. Duran's Biology class. 6. Ms. Fischer's class studies the periodic table in Chemistry.
1. During Mr. Waters fifth period P. E. class, freshman Marija Athina Allarde reaches the highest to get the basketball in order to shoot a point for her team. 2. Freshmen Jenna Berrol, Matthew Lozano, and Jason Mancia race to finish their last lap for the one mile run in Mr. Kornegay's PE class. 3. Freshman Michael Nyberg tries to get a good time in the twenty
minute run in Mr. Kornegay's fifth period class.
4. Sophomore Andrea Santana enjoys her time playing soccer in Mrs. Lee's class. 5. For Mr. Kornegay's daily warm-up freshman Matthew
Wheeler and Jonah Howard run around the basketball courts to get their blood pumping.
6. Freshman Andrew Samson attempts to snatch freshman Eric Huff's flag, while
freshman Jonah Howard and Rachel Black come to his defense.
Practical Arts
1. JuniorTai Zaiet works on an advertisement to promote his fictitious company during business class. 2. Ms. Seifried's Foods class makes an eight foot burrito. Divided into groups, everyone in the class was able to contribute part of the burrito. 3. Junior Matthew Metz assists Ms. Seifried in spreading the beans atop the toasted tortiIlas. 4. Senior Jeffrey Zabrecky lubricates the car jack in Autoshop. 5. Sophomore Dylan Campell creates sparks in Autoshop class while cutting exhaust pipes. 6. Freshman Kristie Dolan adjusts
the flames on her design in Graphic Design. 7. Senior Paul Calvillo creates a new design for his advertising project in Mr. King's Graphic Design class.
Fine Arts
1. Junior Rebecca Arnold concentrates while beginning to sculpt her bowl in Ms. Pharis' ceramics class. 2. Senior Lydia Yu paints the intricate vase she made during the course of her third period ceramics class. 3. Junior David Ruiz
poses comically with his creation during his freetime in Ms. Pharis' ceramics class. 4. Junior Evan Foster paints the inside of his art project meticulously while in Ms. Pharis' ceramics class.
5. Senior Amber Nagle-Evangelista shares her impressive portrait of a girl during her AP art class. 6. Junior Jessica Dabovich also shares her
remarkable portrait of a young woman during her first period AP art class.


1. Sophmores Jessica Sathy, Ada Rauch and Eugene Park take notes in Spanish class while Mr. Duncan gives his lesson. 2. During French 2A sophmores Sarah Barrit and Bradley Ewing discuss the present day and their future using passe compose and imparfait. 3. In Madame Langdon's fifth period class, Priscilla Lam and Samauel Munster practice using imparfait grammar in French class. 4. Sophmore Jonathan Chang and freshmen Branden Roelofson focus on getting their notes as thorough as possible in Mrs. Hayes period five Spanish 1 A class. 5. Senior Quintiara Walker practices her sign language skit to present to
Mrs. Madden's American Sign Langauge 2 class
6. In Mrs. Hayes Spanish 1A class freshmen
Brooke Myers takes notes on how to translate her family tree.

1. Senior Adam Eisen, junior Jacob Gerstel, senior Eric Kim, junior Stephanie Molina, and junior Emily Karsik spend their down time getting to know each other. 2. The Valencia High School's Journalism class publishes the school newpaper, Viking Vision, every quarter. Viking Vision features news about school events, clubs, and pressing issues on campus. 3. Junior Sarah Enriquez works on placing advertisements into the newpapers. 4. Freshman Tania Murillo Duran seperates newpapers before distributing them to the campus. 5. Freshman Jenna Shelton reviews the Viking Vision while
sorting the newpapers into piles according to classrooms. 6. Junior John Lewandoski helps revise the layout for upcoming newpaper. 7. Senior LeAnne McCoy organizes advertisements to be placed into the newpaper.

1. Junior Adrian Arcilla, freshman Matthew Fernandez, junior Justin Santillan and
sophomore Kylon Trower channel their inner Lisa Simpsons as they practice the saxophone.
2. Junior Andrew Fancett holds his flute in preparation for the beginning of a song. 3. Members of band assemble to perform the Star Spangled Banner. 4. The wind section of band, fronted by junior Sae Mi Ahn and sophomore Kyle Quilantang, play their music in their early morning band practice. 5. Junior Melynda Wright readies herself to play the bells. 6.
Sophomore Shannon Lieu plays the flute in the morning light.


1. The 2009-2010 VTV crew assembles on the
set for a fun group shot. 2. A shot is being set up for the Sports Zone on the camera, "Ebony."
3. Sophomore Jennifer Norihiro looks for
a good song for pre-show audio. 4. Junior Marcus Larrazabal makes some last minute changes to the script for VTV. 5. Senior Riley Reiss, student producer ofVTV, poses for the
camera as he prepares himself to host. 6. Junior Aralie Hoskins picks the clip for the day from Disney's The lncredibles for Animation Week. 7. Junior Spencer Byam-Taylor works on the day's graphic.


1. Senior Harmony Anderson and Junior Ethan Corbett do a duet in Broadway Cabaret: New York State ofMind. 2. Junior Cristian Guerrero and Senior Elite Rothstein perform a dramatic scene in Broadway Cabaret: New York State ofMind. 3. Junior Brittany Johnson plays Elizabeth Proctor and senior Sam Fleischer plays Proctor in an intense scene at the dinner table in The Crucible. 4. Freshman Holly Howell and junior Julia Haimowitz sing a duet in Broadway Cabaret: New York State of Mind. 5. Back stage, junior Alyssa Keyne gets her costume ready so she can playTituba in The Crucible. 6. Junior Alex Tasker plays John Willard, junior Josh Karr plays Hopkins, and junior Ray Grant plays Francis Nurse in The Crucible. 7. Junior Devin Heath plays Reverend
Parris and Junior Kali Jelen plays Rebecca Nurse in The Crucible.


1. Before elected ASB president for the year 2010, junior Jayde Lico tapes her campaign flyers around campus for recognition. 2. After the blacklight rally, freshman Qi Gu cuts down the Valencia letter blocks to help get the gym cleaned up. 3. Sophomore Elle Fortman and junior Lauren Jamali pass around birthday goodie bags for the students. 4. Junior Jennifer Fugger and senior Andrew Carilllo try to figure out where to post flyers for the 2009-2010 ASB election. 5. Seniors Jessica
Hirsch and Arielle Griffith clean up the gym by deflating balloons on the bleachers.
6. Bulletin boards post ASB activities and what events are going on around campus.
7. Freshmen Kelsey de Lamos and Taylor
Venegas take a break before getting ready for the winter rally.

ROP Career Path
1. Nicholas Bradley, Automotive Technology Career Path 2. Kristine Anderson, Dental Assistant ROP 3. Alex De Vera, CAD Career Path 4. Adam Albers, Law Acadamy ROP 5. Silvestre Hilario, Law Enforcement ROP 6. Johnny Chao, Law Enforcement ROP 7. Madeline Rosenberger, Enviornmental Studies Career Path 8. Erik Kautz, Law Acadamy ROP 9. Lauren Rubcic, CAD Career Path 10. Michael Aasted, Business
Technology Career Path 11. Alyssa Sarkis, Virtual Enterprise ROP 12. Alexandra Jones, Hotel/Restaurant Occupations ROP
13. Madeline Blitz, Fashion and Graphic Design Career Path 14. Kathleen Lam, Graphic Design and Pharmacy Assistant ROP 15.
Emery Bovard, Health and Medical Sciences Career Path 16. Cristina Albeno, Child Care ROP


1. Choir students preform the Cell Block Tango at the Broadway Concert. 2. Mixed Choir dances to "Don't Mean a Thing" at the Broadway Choir Show. 3. Women's choir dances to West Side Story's "America" at the Broadway Concert. 4. Women's Choir preform"l'm Gonna Wash that Man Right out of My Hair" at the Broadway Concert. 5. 2 N' 4 Jazz Choir singing at the Broadway Choir Concert. 6. Concert Choir preforms backround vocals as sophomore Caitlin Carter and junior
Ethan Corbett do a duet. 7. Junior Cristain Guerrero and freshman Brooke Myers sings a Legally Blonde song.

1. Sophomore Aaron Scott leads his team, sophomores Raquel Brutsche, Brandon Ulloa, and freshman Dustin Frezieres, as they do a practice run. 2. Members of the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps position themselves in order for their daily line up. 3. Junior Jason Nitcha plays some tunes for his friends during their forty minute lunch break. 4. Sophomore
Daniel Anderson gets inspected from his majors during their routine Monday dress ups.
5. Junior Evan Pavell stands in front of the
line of captains for the pledge of allegiance during Valencia's first back to school night.
6. Sophomores Austin Rhatigan and Jason Gardner formally salute while standing in their assigned position. 7. While waiting for further
instructions, members of ROTC line up in their ordered positions.
Hi my name is Partick Dunkle, and I have been in the JROTC program since the summer before my freshman year. I started out at a summer camp and have been involved ever since. There was really no single person who inspired me to join JROTC, but both my grandfathers, as well as my father, served in the military, and I have a strong sense of pride and duty towards the United States. However, my own personal desire to improve who I was as an individual caused me to join JROTC. I love the potential that JROTC has to change a person. JROTC can take a shy awkward eighth grader and turn him/her into a confident, strong leader who has integrity and a sense of responsibility. I know that if any student truly commits to JROTC, they will emerge a student prepared for anything. I have already started my application to the Air Force Academy and will also apply to the Naval Academy and West Point. My plan is to milke the military a career.


Advisor: Jennifer Doll man Editor in Chief: Audrey Abergel Staff: Kaitlyn Byrne, Jake Dallman, Rene Engle, Tyler Fitzgerald, Jaqulyne Gibson, Allison Harada, Kimberly Harada, Kelly Hicks, Rella Kautiainen, Brooke Lopez, Tiffany Omotunde, Destiny Pineda, Jacklyn Sanchez, Genesis Sandoval, Jordan Stenzel, Skylar Sullivan, Melissa Telles, and Eric Woodward. Intern: Brian Liddy

First Row: Mr. Taylor Arnone, Mr. Joseph Messina, Mr. Robert Jensen, Mrs. Gloria Mercago-Fortine Back row: Mr. Steven-Sturgeon, Mr. Paul Strickland, Mr. Jamie L. Castellanos Board of Directors
Dr. Paul Priesz:" 'The individual who is mistake-free is also probably sitting around doing nothing. And that is a very long mistake.'-John Wooden"
Vincent Ferry: " 'You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years and get pats on the back as you pass, but your final reward will be heartache and tears if you've cheated the man in the glass' -Dale Wimbrow"
Les Luxmore: "Treat others as you would have them treat you.''
Ron Hilton:" 'What are my obligations and responsibilities.' -Lou Holtz"
Tracy Moscoe:" 'Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth.' -Mark Twain"

Varsit Footba
1. This year's Valencia Vikings went 12-1,the best in Valencia's history and the Vikings won the Victory Bell for the second time in school history. 2. The team celebrates after winning the Foothill League. 3. Junior Wyatt Hixon leads the team through the banner after half time to start the second half of the Santa Monica game. 4. Senior Zach Tartabull intercepts the ball and runs the ball with senior Tanner Richards blocking for him during the Canyon game. 5. Junior Steven Manfro outruns the Hart defense to the end zone. 6. Senior Brock Vereen charges towards the end zone while a Birmingham players
attempts to pull him down. 7. Junior Max Rodriguez makes a mid air catch against Santa Monica.
I have been playing football for 11 years and each
of my 4 years at Valencia. This season I played well I and helped the team to a league championship. My favorite memory this season was beating Hart by 49 points. My biggest support system is my I' brother. My pregame routine is writing the numbers
34 and 30 on my wrists for my brother and Rocky Maldonado. To me, playing for Valencia means carrying on a winning tradition. --Brock Vareen

Sophomores Michael Halliday and Harrison Gregory tackle a Santa Monica running back saving a touchdown.

The JV Vikings come ready to play in their first league game against the Canyon Cowboys. 3. Freshmen Quarterback Sean Murphy lines up the kick for a kickoff against Thousand Oaks. 4. Sophomore Quarterback Colton Jackson hands the ball to sophomore running back Edmund Darko. 5. Freshmen wide receiver Christian Berney stomps over a Thousand Oaks linebacker. 6. Sophomore Ricky Vega runs by a Golden Valley safety. This year the freshman team went 9-1 and

the JV team went 8-2. Our JV football team tied league title with Canyon High School.
Hello my name is Garrett McPhee I P-lay two
igh school sports at Valencia Hig ool: soccer
and football. I am the kicker and., ,ei!er on the

football team. I als,o play forwara on the soccer team. My football skills haveirmf~ ed a lot this ~ear, thanks to the greats~ ac~~ Ewe have. My ~arierilts are my biggest support:systeJn. Whenever I me~d something they are al;~~jJhere for me. I

njoyed playing sport5 at}q!encia for these

past two years.

Varsity Cheer
1. The Valencia Varsity Cheer Team dances at the Christmas rally. 2. The Varsity Cheer Team shows some amazing back tuck baskets at the Homecoming Rally. 3. The cheer team performs their extreme herkies at the Hart Rally. 4. Juniors Taylor Levinson and Courtney Spaulding run down the court with flags representing Viking Spirit. 5. Juniors Kaylin La Porte and Cayley Armour prepare to stunt senior Jade Sekeres at the Valencia Spirit Rally. 6. The girls get ready to start their difficult performance. 7. The
cheer team celebrates with the victory bell on Senior Night after a Valencia football game.
My name is Karlee Edwards. I've been cheering for six.years. Each football game, Candice Drain and I would do partner cartwheels and our partner back flip. My favorite memory of this season has to be doing Cotton eyed Joe between third and forth quarter. My favorite thing about cheer is the fact that our entire squad is always laughing. My biggest support system is my stunt-pod, Alex Breckenridge, Courtney Spaulding, and Allison Parrish. '

1. The Junior Varsity Cheer Team shows their spirit
while performing at Open House. 2. The girls cheer their team on in an exciting game against West Ranch.
3. Junior Varsity warms up their intriging back flip pyramid for a football game. 4. Junior Varsity cheers on the crowd while in libs. 5. Sophomore Ashley Rough demonstrates her impressive lib to hitch pyramid. 6.
Freshman Courtney Abassian shows off her heel stretch lib at a football game.
I started cheering in elementary school then I stopped and started again in high school. I ve improved a lot with my tumbling and have otten a lot stronger. I had the most fun at all f the football games, at cheer camp, and all of r dogpiles at practice. My most embarrassing ment was when I spaced out during a quarter ine. This season my support system consisted my parents because they are always there for Before every game Shortie, Skylar, Dakota, and nalia all go out to eat and then we come to the Id, stretch and warm up by tumbling. This year eing on the Valencia High Cheer Program has ta lot, Valencia has a good cheer squad and I

Flag Team

1. Juniors Kelsey George and Sophie Sidsky, along with seniors Meaghan Ridenour, Katie Ralstin, Sarah Eagan and Kevin Slocum point their flags while preforming one of their routines at half time during a Friday night football game. 2. The Valencia High School Flag Team twirls their riffles while performing at a football game at half time. 3. The flag team performs on the field while showing school spi(it and supporting the Valencia High School football team. 4. Seniors Katherine Fundora and Katherine Wong lead the flag team onto the field before the start of the football game. 5. The flag team dances with enthusiasm while performing at a rally to get the crowd spirited for the upcoming game. 6. Seniors~ Katherine Fundora and Meaghan Ridenour throw their riffles in the air as part of one of their routines they

preformed at a rally on September 11th.

: all soco~!(Tsed! I think I physically improved
this season. I could still use some work but I'm ~ etting thlf~.' My biggest support system wouldjl definitely be all the friends I have made on the 1team; they've all been great and they know how to cheer you up when practice gets hard. Our "pre.:1J'aii:fe" routine is mostly stretching, but
sometimes we do this "supermodel walk" in order
to loosen;QJJ~~tlves up to go out and do our best. =:;iiill""' It's refllyJfunny, and always puts us in a good mood. Performing for Valencia is great, its neat hearing that our choreographers have people as about Valencia and why the heck we're doing so ... .. well. --Kelsey George '1'

1. The Valencia Dance Team celebrates after winning two national titles in their large and character dances at the USA national competition in Anaheim. 2. The dance team performs their award-winning large dance to Britney Spears' "Circus." 3. Valencia's Dance Team wows the entire crowd with their performance to "Dollhouse" at the Claremont competition. 4. The Dance Team shows their humorous side in their national title-winning character dance "Bee." 5. The Valencia dance girls perform elegantly to the team's large lyrical "Inside the Tornado" at their competition in Glendale. 6. Senior Sierra Gordon and freshman Siri Loken have an
amazing performance in the team's medium dance to "Let Me Think About It."

I've been dancing for 14 years and have been on the Valencia High School Dance Team since my junior year. This year our team has done really well and accomplished our goals by taking home two national titles after competition season. My favorite memory this year has to be nationals. Spending the whole weekend together was a lot of fun and we did our best, which made it really memorable. I have improved this year by working my hardest and training with various teachers. Mentally, I don't get as nervous as I used to and our team always gets pumped up with our "dance team cheer" before we perform. My most embarrassing moment was definitely falling on my face when we were dancing at a football game this year. I can laugh about it now, but at the time I was so humiliated. Through everything, my biggest support system has jdefinitely my mom. Though my family is always there to !cheer me on too, my mom never misses me dance, even if it is just a small performance. She is really involved in my dancing and she inspires me by caring so much. It's an honor to be dancing for Valencia, the school is really supportive and everyone works hard to accomplish their goals. -Chelsea Van Name

Girls Golf
1. While at practice, Amanda Bock spends her time on Vista Valencia's golf course along with some of the girls on the team cheering her on. 2. Emily Egan, Tiffany Cabrera, Emma McGrory, Alison Lee are having a great time at practice. 3. Emily Egan and Tiffany Cabrera watch Alison Lee hit balls while at the driving range. 4. Jordan Stenzel practices hitting balls at Vista Valencia's
range. 5. Amanda Bock and Emily McGrory help Katya Ortiz measure how far away her ball is from the putting hole. 6. Alison Lee hits balls at the beautiful Vista Valencia driving range.

I have been golfing since freshman year. The first time I held a golf club was at tryouts. I love my team, we're all super close and supportive and it makes golfing fun. I am an over-achiever. I enjoy
Valencia a lot especially co sidering president. --K a Ortiz

Girls Varsit

1. The girls varsity volleyball team comes together to get ready to start the game. 2. Senior Heidi Brown spikes the ball over the net to gain a point against Saugus. 3.

Junior Jolie Stroh throws the ball up to serve against
Canyon High School. 4. Freshman Carly Carapella r-..~ sets the ball up for her teammate against Saugus High School. 5. Senior Nicole Delange and Brianna Earley
go up to block a West Ranch player who spiked the ball during the West Ranch game. 6. Seniors Heidi Brown and Katie Hank go up for a block during a match against Saugus High School. 7. Senior Nicole Delange throws
the ball up to serve against a Canyon player . .._._
I've been playing volleyball since freshman year. This season I think I did pretty good. My favorite memory was from one of our tournaments when we were playing against Orange Lutheran; we played amazing, and I will never forget it. Practicing helped a lot. My biggest support system was my friend Sam, whenever I was down she would always cheer me up. My pregame routine would prepare me with Sam and listen to music. Playing for Valencia Volleyball is such a great experience, I love it! --Katie Hank

I've been playing volleyball since my freshman year. My favorite memory from the season is when we went down to the beach and practiced. My biggest support system was the team. We all got along really well were there for each other through the wins and the loses. To me, playing for Valencia means playing for the best. --Ashlely Kopanskic

1 Sophomore Samantha Moore keeps her eyes on the volleyball as she serves to start the game. 2. Sophomores Delaney Keogh, Jessica Miller, Tori Boring and MacKenzie Halliday gasp, hoping their team members do not let the ball hit the ground. 3 Sophomores Jessica Miller and Katelyn Morris keep from letting the ball pass the net and try to hit it hard enough for Vikings to get a point. 4. While freshmen Brittini Hawkins and Delaney Knudsen get ready to defend, freshman Corinne Smith serves the ball 5 Delaney Knudsen jumps high for the attack trying to make the volleyball hit the ground on our opponents side. 6. Freshman Leah Konigsberg serves the volleyball as freshman Victoria Ferrene waits to attack.

Girl's Cross

Hi, my name is Lindsey Garcia and I have been a sprinter in Track and Field for several years, but this was my first year on Valencia Cross Country. This season was so much fun because our Varsity girls' team is so young and shows a great deal of talent. My favorite time was going to the Clovis Invitational race because it was an overnight trip and we all became great friends on the team. Next year, I hope I can stay on Varsity and make it to CIF Finals. I am proud to be on Valencia Cross Country!
1. Some of the girls on the cross country team hang out
after a long practice. 2. Sophomore Lindsey Garcia tries to stay with the pack at the annual Seaside Invitational.
3. Senior Laura Bloom leads the varsity team in a warmup run during the second League Meet. 4. In the League Finals, sophomores Brooklyn Beeler, Emily Strenk and Pamela Watters run side by side, towards the end of their Junior Varsity race. 5. Junior Sarah Adams" celebrates after taking 2nd place in the first invitational
of the season. 6. Freshman Madeline Dignadice pushes herself towards the finish line in the final stretch of her

Bo sCross ountry

I have been running Cross Country for six years. I didn't do as well as I wanted this year, but I had a lot of fun. My favorite memory of the season was when Falco DiGiallonardo Ill and I went 1st and 2nd at the Crescenta Valley Meet. I think mentally I improved my skills becal).se I didn't obsess over
runn..~:~ke I have in,a;.t.i... ry
.. . . ears. My biggest s~ _ f1'5ystem is m~ .~, ts. My pre-meet routii ~ listen to musi ad t ry to get it stuck in~ . tr~ad so I can distrac;t~myself during the race. It isaTot of fun running for Valencia and I am honored to have been on its Varsity team for four years. --Andrew Mayeda
1. The Frosh-Soph boy's team warms-up before their race at Central Park. 2. Sophomore Bradley Ewing runs through the brush on the backside of the Central Park course. 3. At the Castaic Lake League Meet, the Varsity Boys wait on the line and try to relax before their race begins. 4. Sophomore Dillon Haney displays excellent form as he strides past a fence at Central Park. 5. Junior
Jacob Bermel gives it all he's got on the last stretch of the Central Park course. 6. Junior Falco DiGiallonardo leads the pack at the Castaic League Meet.

Boys VarsitySoccer
1. Senior Jason Kent chest taps the ball as it is passed to him during a home game against Saugus High School. 2. Senior Robby Buza tries to steal the ball against a Canyon Player. 3. Junior Josh Motto races for the ball while defending the opening team from scoring. 4. Junior Benjamine Belin completes a header while trying to pass it to his teammates. 5. Senior Alex McIntyre
kicks the ball as a failed attempt to make a goal by the opposing team.
6. Junior Andrew Fowble, freshman Kyle Cunningham, and sophomore
Richard Fray block a goal coming towards the net.


1. During the game against Canyon High School,
sophomore Garret McPheeters steels the ball an_d attempts to make a goal. 2. Sophomore Paulo Trentini
defends his goalie as Saugus High school comes close to scoring. 3. Junior Kodey Johnson goes man-to-man with a Canyon mid-fielder. 4. Freshman Brendan Ashley uses his defensive techniques to keep the ball away from a Saugus High School player. 5. Sophomore Benny Kim runs to the goal as he dribbles the ball across the field. 6. Sophomore
Michael Guzman completes a corner kick after a penalty has been issued . ...llllllii...
I have been playing soccer for twelve years and joined the school team as a freshman three years ago. I feel like I matured a lot this season, most likely because of the r~ ponsibility as captain. 1iwas also proud of ho"': I played this season, ,, scoring more goals than my first two years combilfied. The most embarrassing moment of the season was when I tried to play with the flu and threw up Wanna Iguana nachos in the trash can by the field. My favorite moment of the season was the game against Canyon where I scored two goals and danced with Ryan Mahoney with our trademark Drum/Dog/Bu~,~~,b9P q,ance. I also love making up fake namesto eHthe other . captains before games. I am grateful for Zack
0Gee and Andrew Fowble who came to cheer me on. Playing for Valencia High has been great experience that I will remember for my entire life. --Ryan Arima

Girls Vars-it}'Soccer
1. The team gets pumped up for a game. 2. Junior Emily Tuffey blocks a Canyon player from getting the ball and passes the ball up field. 3. Senior Alyssa Trianna passes
the ball to junior Haleigh O'Connell on a kick off. 4. Junior goalie Kaci McCain punts the ball across the field to her teammates. 5. Junior Brittney Sayre jukes a Hart player.
6. Senior Nicolette Smith jribbles the ball towards West Ranch's goal.

Girls JV/FSoccer
1. Girl's JV team chants and gets pumped up before one of their games. 2. Freshman Kelly Tamura gets a pass and moves up field. 3. Junior Alexa Gomez kicks
a penalty kick down field. 4. Junior Jennifer MaloneBrown jumps up to head the ball against Canyon.
5. Junior Samantha Ralston throws the ball to a
teammate. 6. Freshman Taylor Venegas jumps to kick _the ball up field against a Hart player.
Out of my eleven years of playing soccer, this season as the Girls's Frosh/Soph captain was itely one of the best. I saw this year as a chance ke my responsibility and grow. I improved both physically and mentally, and got stronger every ame and practice. A lot of my success this year, owever, was due to my amazing team. Through the ups and downs of bad referees, weather itions, the Hart Tournament, and whatever else e faced, we bonded and became more like one it able to have tons of fun, like getting slurpees er shutouts, sliding in the mud, and kidnapping he freshmen. As the season went on, we began to play for not only each other, but also for our ch, G. I was so proud of my team as we huddled ether, jumping and shouting, "Who's house ... VOUSE!" after winning the championshfp. It was ch a great experience representing everyone at lencia and coming back as "Three-peat" League ampions. I can't wait for next year. --Kara Hayes

Boys Varsit Basketba

1. Valencia's basketball team gets together for a team huddle to discuss their strategies for the next quarter against Golden Valley. 2. Senior Tanner Tredick, junior Jake Keifer, junior Lonnie Jackson, and senior Brandon Bennett get back into focus during the 3rd quarter of a tied game. 3. Senior Ryan Russ gets ready for his free throw during Valencia's game
against Golden Valley while seniors Brandon Bennet and Tanner Tredick wait for the rebound.
4. Junior Griffin Nichols blocks out a Golden Valley defender to grab a rebound for Valencia. 5. Senior Tanner Tredick, sophomore Michael Zerpoli, junior
Lonnie Jackson, and junior Max Sommer watch the shot to try to rebound and score for th~ir team.
6. Junior Lonnie Jackson drives down the court looking to pass the ball to an open teammate.


1. Freshman Timothy Joyce jumps to make a two point
shot against Canyon High School. 2. Sophomore Daniel Salovich steals the ball away from the Golden Valley offence to score two points for the Vikings. 3. Junior
James La Vine dribbles past a Golden Valley defender.
4. Junior Jermaine Fields makes a huge two point shot against a Canyon defender. 5. The Vikings box out the Golden Valley defense to get a rebound. 6. Junior

Fitzgerald Correa makes an easy free-throw against West Ranch High School.
H . IIm Jeremy Paggao, and I've been playingbas~~6all since I was seven years old. Basketball
has\al\'VaY.S been my favorite,J~port to play and to ~ watch.[@?1season has been a lotof fun. My favorite me,~ 9,w,,of this season was winning the league
championship and all of the jokes we have shared with our coach. My most embarrassing moment of thiss.~~son was against Golden Valley, where I double dribbled for the first time since fifth grade. I felt like an idiot. As a pointguard, this year has helped me improve my court vision. Before every game lyvould listen to my 1-po,d," ,f r yvyop" with Au st" Ae,mey, share South Par!< J'-,yi~h Chase Le
d get focused for the g . N'.lyIbiggest f:2port system has always oe filily,family.

Girls Vasrit Basketba
1. Senior Jennifer Lentz takes her West Ranch

defender to the rack to add two points to the Vikings score. 2. Senior Madison Lane goes for a lay-up against Golden Valley to put the Vikings up 6-0 in the first quarter. 3. Seniors Jaqi Gibson and Jennifer Lentz dive on the floor to recover the ball from Saugus. 4. Junior Faith Anumba out jumps her Golden Valley defender to score two points early in the half. 5. Junior Lauren Spargo sets up and shoots from the perimeter to give the Vikings three points.
6. Senior Lindsey Hill drives past her West Ranch defender all the way to the basket to score two points.
I have been playing basketball since I was in 4th grade, but playing these past four years at Valencia has meant so much more to me. Overall I have played well my four years and earned a starting spot my senior year. I always play with passion and aggression but by working after practice and giving all my effort I have also improved my skills. My defense I would say was improved greatly this year because I always fold myself that I could do better and always thought positive even if I was having a bad game. There were so many moments with this team I will remember; t~is year has been the best team ever and I couldn't have asked for a better way to end my ~~nior year. My support system I would have to say were my parents and Coach Berns; he was a great positive role model throughout my four years-at Valencia. After four years my most embarrassing moment was during sophomore year, I was leading my teams "V-House" chant and I did it completely wrong.-
Madison Lane

Girls JV/
Freshmen Basketball
1. Freshman Preea Johnson out jumps her Canyon
opponent to give the Vikings the ball. 2. Freshman Kristie Dolan takes the ball down the court to set up the Viking's offense. 3. Freshman Chauncey Hayles dribbles
through her Saugus defender, giving the Viking's the upper hand. 4. Sophomore Ashley Pinsker and junior Justina Johnson double team a Golden Valley defender and steal the ball giving it to the Vikings. 5. Freshman Jasmine Dimson stops her defender, disrupting Canyon's offense. 6. Freshman Chauncey Hayles deflects the ball from a Canyon player, stopping Canyon's offensive run.

Hi, my name is Alana Pitman. Well, I've peen ballin' it up since I was a youngin'. Being a part of the Valencia basketball team has been an experience. I'll always remember all the memories the girls and I have made.

Boys Varsi\yTennis

I have been playing for 5 years. This season has been my best season so far with only one loss. This year I improved both mentally and physically. I have become fit and also learned more strategies. Playing at Valencia means that you're a good tennis player because we ecm beat anyone in league this year. My favorite memory was playing Santa Monica,.. I ~asthe only one to win a set in singles. ' -Gaspar Macalutas 1. After a hard game, senior Dalton Ullman celebrates the win by handshaking his teammate, junior Tayven Townsend. 2. In an intense game, juniors Yeosun Yun and John Schmidt work at their best ability to avoid a
point for West Ranch High School. 3. During their five minute break, seniors Daniel Bogan and Daniel Bingham talk to Coach Kellog for some tips on how to beat their opponents. 4. During a doubles match, senior Daniel Bingham gets read to set up his racket for a potential overhead. 5. Sophomore Gaspar Macalutas catches a serve at the right time, hitting it across the court without a loss. 6. Senior Benjamin lnchalik watches closely, ready to hit the coming serve.


1. Freshman Cameron Braun is first to set the score in his singles tennis game. 2. Sophomore Gabriel Sunga is on the look out for the upcoming serve from the opposite team. 3. Sophomore Vincent Yannicelli congratulates his teammate freshman David Myers after their win in the doubles tennis game. 4. Watching the ball back and forth freshman David Myers is ready to hit the ball hoping for an out on the opposing team. 5. Sophomore Forrest Piepers sets to hit the tennis ball and avoids a point loss for his team. 6. Sophomore Thomas Ellery sets for an amazing serve that surely leads his single
tennis game with a win .
Hi my name is Tom Ellery I am a sophomore at VHS. I have been playing tennis since I was eight, but I never got serious till freshman year. In this season I have played great, my kick serve is getting better and my shot are more consistent too. One of the places that I practice is at the Paseo Club. It is one of the best places to play tennis, workout, swim or just hang out with friends. Paseo is great, but nothing compares to playing on Valencia's JV tennis team.
. . ,,_
Girls VarsityTennis
1. Sophmore Arianna Micheals and junior Ashley Karzin stand ready for the serve to come over the net
during a home game. 2. Juniors Kristie Kwock and Ashley Karzin are ready in position for the serve to be put into play. 3. The varsity team stretches and warms
up before their match. 4. The varsity team warms up and have a pep talk with their coach during a game. 5. Sophomore Carolyn Thio makes the first serve of the match that leads to the first point for the Vikings. 6. Junior Ashley Karzin makes a low hit over the net and saves the vikings from giving Hart a point.

Hi, my name is Arianna Michaels, and I have been playing tennis for about 7 years. I started playing as a little girl just for fun and became nibre serious as I got into junior
. . . . high. It is a really and I love being on the VHS team. I havelearned so much and I have met so many new friends. My pre-game routine is relaxing, listening to music, usually Jonas Brothers, or talking to my teammates.

I have f5een playing tennis for a little less than three years~My favorite memory from this season was having a cupcake fight with Amanda and Jenny after practice one day while the rest of the team looked at us like we were crazy. The most embarrassing moment of this season was when I attempted to jump over the net, but my foot got caught and I ate it in front of the team. This year, I have improved mostly physically. I have been able to improve my strokes and notice what part of my game needs the most improvement. My biggest support system would have to be my coaches who help me better my game all the time. --Jennifer Miller
Girls JV/Freshmen Tennis
1. Freshmen Amanda Berggreen and Mary Papenthien high five each other after scoring another point in their match. 2. Sophomore Michelle Savage hits the tennis ball across the court to her opponent. 3. Freshman Jennifer Ralston goes to hit the ball during the tournament to score a point against the other team. 4. Junior Brittany Meunitz throws up the ball and gets ready to start her match. 5. Sophomore Lindsey Bridges in her stance, prepares to
receive the ball from the opponent. 6. Freshman Jennifer Miller runs to get the ball that was hit out of court and continue in the tournament.

ri Boys Track and Field
Senior Keith Carlton intensely clears the hurdles during the 100 meter hurdle race against Golden Valley.

Junior Falco Di Giallonardo, senior Andrew Mayeda, junior Tanner Berumen, senior Damien Villarreal, and junior Jacob Holtz get ready to start the boy's varsity mile at Birmingham High School. 3. The Valencia junior varsity boys go against Golden Valley as they run the 1-mile race. 4. Senior Colton Berkery clears the bar at 13 feet for varsity boy's pole vault. 5. Junior Falco

Di Giallonardo dominates in the varsity boys mile. 6. Freshmen Alexander Piroumian and Brian Hicks finish strong and beat out their competitors during the boy's frosh/soph 800 meter race.
I have been pole vaulting on the Valencia High School Track and Field Team since freshman year. The season just started so I'm hoping to do well at the upcoming meets. Coming back from the off-season and not being able to get off the ground has definitely been tough. However, I have improved mentally, and I'm hoping to get better physically, too. Before I vault, I always do drills and listen to music while I warm up to get ready for the meets. So far, my favorite memory has just been hanging out with my friends on the , track everyday at practice. My family and team have been my mfior support systems and always encourage me to help my vaulting improve. --Andrew Carrillo

Girl's Track and Field
I have been running track since freshman year. I primarily run the 4 by 4 relay, 200 meters, and 400 meters. My favorite memory of track is practice and all of the fun games, jokes, and stretches everyone would make up (especially sponge scratch and table topping). I also enjoyed the invitational meets and competing against schools from all different areas. My pre-meet routine is to first take a nap to regain energy. Then at the meet I eat a pack of sport beans, put on chapstick, run two laps, stretch, and then put my spikes on and wait to run my race. For the future, I am going to major in kinesiology and hopefully become a physical therapist. I won't be running in college but running will still remain one of my favorite things to do. -Erica Guzman 1. Junior Jasmine Hall leads the Varsity 100 meters as her Golden Valley competitors struggle to keep up with her sprint. 2. Sophomores Taylor Villanueva and Emily Strenk, freshman Kelsey Kukaua, and sophomore Ada Rauch form a strong pack during the junior varsity mile. 3. Sophmore Shelby Walsh clears the bar at seven feet during the Golden Valley league meet. 4. During the 100 meter hurdles, senior Quintiara Walker clears the final hurtle. 5. Junior Sarah Adams leads the girl's varsity mile at the Birmingham dual meet. 6. Junior
Jasmine Perkins flies out of the starting blocks of the 300 meter hurdles displaying perfect form.

Boys Swim and Dive
1. Juniors Bob Hwang, Jaryd Borja, Stephen Haw and senior Bryan Kitchener celebrate after winning the final relay against Canyon High School. 2. Juniors Dallas Hattox, Dakota Miller and senior Samuel Malko talk before the start of the dive meet against Oaks Christian High School. 3. Sophomores Riley Spiers, Andrei Morosky, Jonathan Tiemann and Matthew Grey stretch their legs after their dryland workout. 4. Junior Andrew Tiemann and senior Bryan Kitchener lead the team in stretches. 5. Senior Jacob Ruiz prepares to start his backstroke race during the meet against Canyon High
School. 6. Junior Jonathan Hwang speeds out of his turn in his Individual Medley race against Oaks Christian High School.

1have been swimming since I was nine for a summer swim team and I have been swimming competitively for club since I was thirteen. My favorite memory of the swim season so far has been the singing on the bus ride trips back from La Canada High School and Crescenta Valley, just let me say, I think we have the making of a men's swimming choir team. My biggest support system, I would say, would have to be my mom. Being a Viking swimmer involves a lot of determination, perseverance, hard work, and most importantly, havtng an awesome time with friends. -Blake Owens

Girls' Swim
._1 have been competitively swi~ min9,si~ce I
was 8 years old. So far this i,~aS?ri11h~.~:ibeen going well for me. My favoritem~tries are anything that has occurred on the bus rides on
the way home from the away meets. I haven't ._
had any really: embarrassing moments this season. I have improved both physically and mentally this season, especially after being injured most of last season. My whole team is my biggest support system; I love when everyone cheers. My pre-race routine includes stretching my muscles, listening to music, eating fun-size snickers and getting myself pumped. It means a lot to me to be swimming for Valencia. Ms. Stroh and Mike Bechtoldt are the most hilarious people and the best coaches I've ever had. -Emma Jacobsen
1. During the swim team's first meet, junior Alexandra Throckmorton swims the butterfly leg of the junior varsity girl's Medley relay. 2. Senior Maggie Edmiston competes in the freestlye relay. 3. Members of Junior Varsity Gold and Junior Varsity Purple teams cheer for the Varsity girls' 200 yard Individual Medley. 4.
Sophomore Brittany Owens swims the 100 yard butterfly in the meet against Cresenta Valley High School. 5. Freshman Janelle Jankowski heads into her turn during the 50 yard breastroke during the Oaks Christian High School meet. 6. Juniors Jenna Tokeshi and Victoria Gaor enjoy a nice cup of gatorade while watching the dive team compete during the last away meet against Oaks Christian High School.

Bo sVarsit

olleyba I

1. Senior Nick Ferry flys across the court to give his team
a kill and put the Vikings up by one. 2. Senior Jason Halliday dives for the ball and saves the Vikings from losing a point. 3. The Varsity team gathers together to
get pumped before the start of their first game. 4. Senior . Daniel Johnson hits the ball from the corner and puts
the Vikings up by one. 5. Senior Steven Crane serves the ball for junior Griffin Nichols and assists the Vikings in scoring another point. 6. Senior Joshua Duarte gets a
set from senior Steven Crane and delivers a kill against Thousand Oaks.
I have been playing volleyball for four years and this season by far is my best one. My biggest improvement this year would be my ball control and serving. The biggest support system for me is my family, especially my dad. He cheers and jeers at every play, and it is funny to see him yell at the refs for a bad call. My favorite memory this season would be when Kurt Fultz yelled, "Saltine Crackers" at Nick Ferry during a drill at practice. My most embarrassing memory would be when I served the ball under the net during a game and had to buy my team doughnuts. My pregame routine involves a basic circle drill followed by bouncing balls in hitting lines while listening to bumpin' tunes. To play for Valencia
ni has never lost to a
is to--o'"I~-a tradition. Th~ te-_g
--in ten years. W~tt game 92 and only fiv~ es away from breakiAe,!J_~ record held from most consecutive league games won. --Josh Duarte

I have been playing volleyball for one year. This season I played super fantastical. My favorite memory of this season was winning a lot. The most embarrassing moment for me was 'Andy.' I improved this season by becoming mentally
strong. . . bjggest supporst s:i:J. . l~ou. gh the
year \f'i'f;,S am Verde. Before evl~i'g:a~~ I eat a lot t~g ~~ str~ijgth. To play at Valemci~ i_t~means
1 . t u have to be good~ ffm,Ender
1. Sophomore Cory Sikich serves the ball to start the Viking's game against Saugus. 2. Sophomore Austin Csiszar out-jumps the competing team and has the advantage in spiking the ball. 3. The Viking's freshman volleyball team plays strong defense to stop the Grizzles from scoring. 4. Sophomore Griffin Ender and Sophomore Mark Moss get ready for the ball put into play. 5. Sophomore Richie Trunzo serves the ball, earning his team a point and a lead in the game. 6. Freshman Aaron Dominguez jumps up to block the shot of his
Golden Valley opponent.

Baseba I

1. Junior Jake Roberge sets to catch the throwing pitch, avoiding a home run from the opposite team. 2. After a successful home run, the team huddles together celebrating their first score of the game. 3. The team waits in anticipation for the next move the pitcher will
make hoping not to get a player out. 4. Senior Devin Matson and senior Justin Hanks strategies his next pitch.
5. Junior Alex Bishop gets ready to catch the pitch. 6.
Junior Parker Greenbergs mind is all about how he's going to bat the upcoming pitch.

Hi m name is Kyle Eaton rg a senior at VHS. I've
lj.nin baseball for four,lt-e.~
n years. My favorite
mefinory was having Jared Srayder grow his beard f~-~"" uring league games. I lo\; (?laying baseball --,;,'"'..}>" because of my teammate"s, and my amazing coach Jared Snyder. My mainsupporter has been my father because he has be~n the one that has

taught me from day one. Playing baseball at Valencia has been an awesome experience.

My name is Jason Springer and I am on the JV baseball team at Valencia High School and I have been playing Baseball for 13 years. My favorite memory of this season was when Ives wore short shorts to practice. My most embarrassing moment playing baseball at Valencia was when I slipped in the dug out. My skills have definitely improved mentally, last year my attitude was not very good, but tfll.~J~ear I worked harder than last year. This seaso~.fhaven't played to the best of my ability but fjnt~nd to step up my gamefor next season. Personrlly to be playing for Vale,r .:i.~ High School megps that we work harder thanl~veryone to get ~ better.
JV./ Frosh Baseball
1. Freshmen Spencer Lachman pitches the ball during a game against Golden Valley. 2. Sophomore Matthew Davidson gets instructed by his coach for the next play. 3. Sophomore Nicholas Talmo taps the base soon before the opposing team gets him out. 4. Sophomore Conner Chase pitches the ball to the opposing team during a game against Crespi. 5. Freshmen Spencer Lachman, Jared Oliva and Brenden Hawn gather to
discuss the next play. 6. Junior Jason Spigner looks to
catch the ball after it's hit by the opposing team.

Varsit Softba I
1. The team comes together after a victory against El Dorado. 2. Senior Megan Fogelsong scoops up a ball,'%f

and throws it to second base to get an out. 3. Senior Madison Shipman hits a homerun against El Dorado. 4. Senior Lauren Boser hits a base hit. 5. Sophmore Carly Mortensen pitches the ball to a Oxnard player. 6. Senior
Shannon Fitzgerald runs to second base after she hit. -----

I've been playing softball since I was 8 years old. My parents are my biggest support system when it comes to my sport. My favorite memory this season was to play for Mr. Rooney again. My most embarrassing moment this year was getting whiplash. In order to improve my sport skills this year I had t~ us bot. ~ically and mentally. My P-re-.gc.:ime routin~.8is lines and fly's, and
-swinging aJbat. --Chelsea Dolan
Junior Nicole MIiier hits a base hit against El Dorado.

Sophomore Lisa Marie Ornelas waits for the pitch 3. Sophomore Chelsea Dolan gets ready to hit a homerun.

4. Junior Andrea Brackpool watches for the next pitch. 5. Freshman Sydney Mundell pitches the ball against El Dorado. 6. Freshman ShelbyTorgerson pitches in a
game against Hart.

Yyh,at'.fup its Jonathan Chang. I like to hangout with my friends and meet new people! I'm on the Valencia High Golf Varsity team and I love it. In the future I want to be a professional golfer. In my spare time I love playing the piano. Been playing for ten years and will never stop.
Boys Gol
1. Trevor Sullivan Junior is measuring up about to putt during the league match on April 2nd. 2. Junior Varsity ~ ...,~

team practicing at Vista Valencia where they usually spend their 7th period till 5 at night practicing. 3. Patrick Stroh Senior getting low on the green to figure out the ._
levels of grass to see where to ball will rool, hopefully into the whole. 4. Christian Brannen Freshman is practicing on Vista Valencia's golf range. 5. Tyler Novotny
Sophomore is practicing at Vista Valencia on the Range to help improve his length of his drive. 6. Jonathan Chang Sophomore is putting during the league match whcich he took 3rd place.

Kelly Hicks, Madi White, Me
Congratulations Alyssa en

Alyssa, We are so proud of your accomplishments. Keep the dream alive and stay focused on your goals. We will alwyays be here for you. We love you. Dad, Mom, Mandi, and Brad

Cabrer~, Triana share foothUl's to.p honor



WE ARE so pRoud of you!
LOVE, MOM, DAd, KEviN, ANd AlyssA

Peter Michael Duran
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You have been the most incredible brother and .. I cannot wail to see where our livuii take us.
You have always been there for me and Iwill ALWAY& be there for you..

We re1ieve in mimcb3 cecaure you are here_ %e diild musl htow that he is aMIDACIJ:, that since the reginning of the world there hruinl 1x:eo, and unti1 the end of the world there wilt nol re,
another diild le him.
With such reautifu1 oou1s and 00~determination, your futnl'e\i will re richly b~Aflem1l, you came to us in adrerun and Ga:! made you come trud

292 .


Whe,Vt I look at you I just caVt1t believe that &ou are a{ready off to co({ege. I aW\ so very proud of you aVtd all the you,ve accoWtp(ished. I kVtoW your streVtgth aVtd that WtVtVtiVtg 5Wti{e witl take you far!! I love you!
Love ~OW\

Varsity Baseball , from vacations to college road trips , from travel ball to Connie Mack , it's been a wonderful journey to watch you grow into a wonderful young man . Everything you have accomplished is outstanding . You have chosen the correct path and you never let challenges get in your way . Always remember when one door closes another opens and welcome to your next door opening in life. Love , Mom , Dad , Alex , and Aaron

Lauren/\: e-are-so
proud-of rou!-Betbe best-,rou-canbe!-It is-allabont-,~ouand your-future!-\Ve lovevou-somuch! ! !
Ourlove-ah,aYs,& yourbiggestfans, .:. om,~Dad&Kell,ra

Thank you for bringing so much joy, laughter and happiness into our lives and home! We wish you all the best in the years to come!


0 118elieve deep down in your
0 heart that you're destined to do great things." Joe Paterno
J, We are so proud of you!
Love Mom, Dad, Griffin & Davis



~est Jrienas of 2006-2010


Words cannot express how proud we are of you and all your accomplishments. You have become a young man with great morals, values, and respect of others, which will take you far in life. We are so excited for you and what the future holds. We know you will be successful in whatever you chose to pursue.
\Ve love vou dearlv Brandon and will alwavs be here for
you. -l\tlom and Dad

Chelsey Storaker, Kristine Anderson, Jessica Hirsch, Josh Duarte, Erik Kautz, Nick Oliva, Jaqi Gibson, Kevin Slocum, Lauren Wright, The Valencia Girls Basketball Team


Rebecca Herd, Chelsea ltaya, Chelsea Van Name, Christine Spengler, Sierra Gordon, Alexendra Chernos, Nicole Timpone


Aasted, Michael45,
Abano, Joshua ...131 Abbassian, Courtney .. 153,
Abbassian, Kam ran ...131 Abbaszadeh, Salman ...153 Abbott, Tyler...281 Abelar, Jesse ...131 Abelar, Joshua ...107 Abergel, Audrey ... 1, 131, 207 Abergel, Laurent ...131, Cover Abrams, Rachel.. ...107 Acosta, Alexander. ...107 Adam, Matthew 3, 38, 153 Adame, Daniel ...107
Adamiak, Garrett 42, 45, 81,84
Adams, Eleise ...26, 107 Adams, Sarah 107, 230, 260 Adams, Tracy ...22, 153 Adante, Carmen ...153 Adao, Jocelyn ...131 Adler, Clayton ... 5, 39, 107, 207 Adler, Courtney ...131 Adler-Revilla, Haley ...153 Adriano, Adrian ...107 Agnes, Courtney ...131 Agoncillo, Mitchell ...107 Aguilar, Mauricio ...107 Aguilar, Robert.. ...107 Aguilera, David ... 131, 143 A 1 I .
gu, era, sa,as ...153 Ahao, Becky ...153 Ahlberg, Michelle ...131 Ahmad, Mubasher ...131 Ahn, Sae Mi ... 107, 192
A.msworth, Ryan ...107 Alan, Carlos ...107
Alba, Annalia ... 45 Albeno, Cristina ... 200 Alberi, Haley 106, 107, 128
Albers, Adam 45, 94,200
Albers, Karli ... 3, 9, 131 Albert, Jeff ...174 Alcantar, Rudolph...107 Aldous, Jennifer ...131 Alexander, Aubrie ...107
Alexander, Chloe ... 103
Alexander, Erin ...131 Alexiev, Alexandra ...107 Alfarero, Christopher ... 107 Alfarero, Kandace ...153 Alfaro, Kathy ...174 Allan, Austin ... 107, 113 Allan, Wyatt... 130, 131 Allarde, Kristian Daiel..131 Allarde, Marija Athina 153, 182 Allen, Alonna ...107 Allen, Devin ...107 Allen, Jane ... 4 Allen, Michael ...153 Allen, Randy ...107 Allevato, Andrew ...131 Allison, Shawn ...107
Alma, Jade ... 45
Almanza, Alexander ...131 Almazan, Dionna Jane ... 152,153
Almodovar, Ryan ... 45
Alonzo, Adam ...107
Alrayes, Nancy ...45
Alrayes, Sarah ...-...107 Altman, Dylan ...131 Alvarez, Giovanni ...131 Alvarez, Sayra ...107 Amaya, Daniel. ...131 Amico, Paul ...153 Amonett, Laura ...107 Anciano, Cody ...38, 131 Andersen, Susan. 153, 157 Anderson, Cameron ...153 Anderson, Daniel 131, 204
Anderson, Harmony ... 7, 45,196
Anderson, Jacob ...131
Anderson, Kristine ... 40, 45,200,310
Anderson, Lauren ...131 Anderson, Marisa ... 7, 107, 124
Anderson, Tyler ... 45
Andrade, Regina ...15, 107
Andrews, Madeline ... 131 Andrizzi, Karen ...174
Anguiano, David ... 45
Antariksa, Lauren ...153 Antariksa, Mark...131 Antepara, Anthony... 131 Anthony, Blake ...107 Antimisiaris, Alexis ...107 Antoine-Dawson, Danielle... 36, 153, 168 Anton, Brett ...131 Antonyan, Harout...131 Anumba, Faith ... 106, 107,
Anumba, Jennifer ...153 Anunwah, Derek ...153
Appice, Nicholas .. 40, 45
Applegate, Samuel. ...153 Apruzzese, Micheal ...107 Aquino, Jethro Claude ... 9, 153 Aquino, Malcolm...107 Arcilla, Adrian ... 107, 192 Arcos, Lauren ...107 Arditto, Kirstyn ... 106, 107
A .
rgann, Breanna ...153
Arguellez, Corrina ... 45, 302
Arguellez, Kaitlynn ...131, 218 Arias, Daniella ...153 Arias, Ramiro ...107 Arima, Ryan.106, 107, 176, 236 Arisa, Marielena ...174 Armijo, Luis ...107 Armour, Cayley ...32, 107, 216 Arnhart, Dalton ...131 Arnold, Rebecca .. 107, 186 Arrizon, Angelique ...153 Arroyo, Zoe ...131 Arsenault, Jonathan ...107 Artman, Krystal.. ...107 Arzate, Pedro ...131 Asarch, Samantha ...107 Ashburn, Chelsea ...131 Ashe, Austin ...107 Ashjian, Caitlin ... 107, 123 Ashley, Brendan .. 153, 236 Ashley, Trevor ... 107, 128
Asplund, Naomi ...107 Asplund, Nathan ...153 Assaiante, Armand ...107 Astengo, Giancarlo ...131 Atniel, Andrew...153 Atwater, Adam ...153 Auger, Cal ... 38 August, Ashlyn ...131 Austin, Evan ... 107, 21 0
Avery, Juliet ... 45, 178
Avery, Wesley ...131 Avila, Carolina ...153 Awang, Joseph ... 131, 138 Awe, Jonathan ...131 Aycock, Hannah ...107 Ayoub, Muna ...107 Ayoub, Ramzy ...153
A d . ~ .
za ani, assamm ...131, 138
Azamian, Shireen45, 101
Azevedo, Megan ...131 Azevedo, Nicholas ...153, 180
Baca Gonzalez, Bruno 131 Baca, Carlos...107 Badal, Christina ...153 Badaracco, Madelyn ... 131 Badger, Shawnee ... 5, 107 Bad mus-WeiIington, Michael ...153
Baer, Matthew...45
Bagni, Dorian ...107 Bain, Cody ... 5, 39, 173 Bain, Robert ...39, 107 Baker, Dustin ...4, 153
Baker, Matthew... 46
Baker, Sarah ... 2
Baker, Tyler ... 46
Baklash, Ellah ...153
Bakraji, Sara .41, 46, 102
Bakunas, Mary...153 Balbin, Jan Vince ...131 Baldomero, Ryanna ...153
Bales, Sterling 46, Cover
Balian, Zac~ary ...153 Ball, Chloe 6, 152, 153, 280

Ball, Melanie ...107 Ballar, John...153 Balousek, Carly ... 153 Balta, Anthony ...153 Balta, Victoria ...46, 174 Baltau, Brenna ...39, 131 Balter, Stephanie...131 Baltes, Sundavy ...107 Banagan, Jessica ...107 Banduk, Kevin ...153 Baniahmad, Camille... 12,
131 Baniahmad, Marcus ... 46 Banry, Emalee ...107 Bansal, Rahul ... 107 Banuelos, Charles ... 131 Banuelos, Jaime ... 153 Banwer, Renoir ... 46 Barabas, Anthony ...131 Barbarino, Jake ...109 Barboza, Alex ... 109, 118 Barcellos, Maura ...174 Bardales, Jessica ...131 Barker, Marissa ... 152, 153 Barman, Sonia ... 131 Barnes, Breanna ...131 Barragan, Flor...131 Barrera, Aaron ...131 Barrera, Adrian ...46 Barrera, Bryan ...131 Barrera, Nicole ...109 Barrera, Nikki ...116 Barrett, Conor... 153 Barrios, Keana .. 131, Cover Barrios, Nathania ...109,
Cover Barritt, Chanel ... 47 Barritt, Sarah ...8, 188,131,
143 Barrois, Nathania... 39 Barton, Jamey ...131 Barton, Morgan ... 108, 109 Basilio, Mariela ... 47 Basore, Stephanie.. 14, 109 Bassett, Mariah ... 47 Bassett, Taylor ...153 Bateman, Michelle ... 47,
100 Batugo, Charles ...131 Bauer, Lydia ... 174 Bauernfeind, Rebecca .131
Row 1: William Bowman, Ashley De La Cruz, Nicholas Diamant, Jared Dodley, Timothy Donoghue, Alexander Ford, Liam Gilespie, Gregory Green, Christopher Guereca, Kenneth Hamilton, Andy Jung, Nicolas Mercado, Kamaron Petersom, eric Poss, Kristopher Rose, Sean Sebel, Matthew Weiner, Rachel Weiner, Malcolm Aquino, Armand Assaiante, Zachary Bailin, William Bowman, Kevin Casey, Enrique Chavez, Sophia Chavez, Ashley De La Cruz, Sarah Di Monte, Peter Duran, Angelo Escalona, Andrew Fancette, Lukas Florczak, Alexander Ford, Melissa Gramling, Constantine Greanias, Kenneth Hamilton, Jonathan Hanock, John Hollingsworth, Andrew Kim, Byoung Soo Hwang, Hyoun Soo Hwang, WeonSeok Ko, Adam Kritzberg, Timothy Latu no, Han Kung Lo, William Mc Closkey, Jeremiah Montoya, David Mori, Karaom Peterson, Erin Reagan, Justin Santillan, Spencer Schaefer, Eric Shepard, Matthew Skipper, Kristen Solano, Nathan Specht, Allison Harada, Andrew Thorne, Joseph Zabo, Matthew Adam, Audrey Abergel, Sae Mi Ahn, Adrian Acri Ila, Randall Burke, Marisa Cam pat, Timothy Cervanka, Min Ho Choi, Andrew Crudge, Matthew Fernandez, Shawna Garland, Liam Gillespie, William Hill, Marc Kraidman, Gabrielle Markley, Katherine Martinez, Tess Molinar, Andrei Morosky, John Murillo, Jaclyn Pittman, Kyle Quilantang, Katie Ralstin, Kristopher Rose, John Schmidt, Trevor Shepard, Michael Smith, Brianna Stock, Kylon Trower, Nathaniel Yohannes, Joseph Zabo, Michael Zhou, Samuel Jacques, Candice Bleiler, Ariella Davis, Sarag Eagan, Katherine Fundora, Kelsey
George, Kathryn Leyton, Meaghan Ridenour, Sophie Sidky, Kevin Slocum, Taylor Watanabe, Katherine Wong.

Row 1: Brett Geist, Ronald Mason, Maxwell Darrow, John Busfield, Spencer Lachman, Lucas Soroka, Coach Pena Row 2: Dustin Baker, Quenten Daniels, Cole Mc Laughlin, Derek Sibthorp, Christopher Daito, Kyle Mc Graw, Colton Burns Row
3: Shane Linderman, Mitchell Gier, Connor Skelley, Jared Oliva, Samuel Applegate, Kyle Dansby, Brenden Hawn

-Row 1: Coach Bradsher, Mark Antariska, Connell McKinney, Dylan Oliva, Coach CMoore, Connor Chase, Lukas Foster, Connor Jackson, Coach De Jesus Row 2: :::SJason Spathopoulos, Cole Lewison, Kyle Sanchez, Jacob Anderson, Christopher '
~Castellon, Nicholas Talmo, Anthony Balta, Jason Spigner Row 3: Erick Luna, Zachary Moran, Rhodel Manzano, Michael Fischbach, Matthew Davidson, Cody Mc Afee, Johnny Ives
Bauernschmidt, Katelyn ... 109 Bautista, Ricardo ...131 Baxter, Alexandra ...153 Baxter, James ...109
Bayley, Brittany ... 47
Bayliss, Tawni.. ...109 Beaman, Don ...131
Beaulieu, Olivia ... 41, 47
Bechtholdt, Mike ...174 Beck, Brandon ...153 Beck, Taylor ... 4 7 Beckstead, Darren ... 47
Beckstead, Dylan ...132 Beckwith, Rachel ... 48 Bedard, Nicholas ...132 Beddeo, Lauren ...132 Beebe, Alexis ...153
Beeler, Brittany ...48
Beeler, Brooklyn .. 132, 230 Beggs, Stephanee ...132 Behm, Stacy ...153 Beil in, Benj'amin .. 109, 234 Beilin, Noah ... 153, 160 Bel lot, Sebastian ...109 Bellows, Scott.. ...174 Beltran, Carlie ...132 Beltran, Nathan Anthony .. 109, 172 Benitez, Brigitta ... 153, 160 Benitez, Eduardo ...153
Benitez, Miguel .. 48, 242
Benner, Briana ...109 Bennett, Aundra ... 48 Bennett, Becky ...174 Bentley, Evan ...153 Benyasri, Chadatorn ...153 Benz, Sam ...132 Berend, Lucas ...132 Berens, Collin ...153 Berg, Andrew ...132 Berggreen, Amanda ...153, 256
Beridon, Joh niece ... 48 Berkery, Colton .. 48, 258
Berkery, Megan ...132 Bermel, Jacob ... 109, 232 Bermel, Julianne. 153, 168 Bernardino, Antonio ...132
Bernardino, Brennan. 48
Berney, Christian. 153, 214
Berns, Debby...17 4 Berns, Harry ...153 Berns, Kevin ...176 Bernstorff, Rebecca ...132 Bero, George ...132 Berrol, Jenna ... 153, 182 Bertz, Cole ...153
Berumen, Andrew ... 48
Berumen, Tanner 109, 258 Beser, Christopher ...132 Besse, Samantha ...132 Beswick, Katelyn. 132, 176 Betjoseph, Gewargis ...109 Bettencourt, Renee ...176 Bhandal, Arshpreet ...109 Bibicoff, Arik ...132 Bickel, Chad ...109
Bigley, Daniel ... 49
Bilg, Amanpreet .. 132, 144
Bingham, Daniel . 44, 49, 89
Bishop, Alex ...8, 109, 270 Black, Alison ...109 Black, Rachel ...8, 154, 182 Blair, Yvonne ...109 Blake, Timothy ...154 Blanco Gasper, Mariah 154
Blatchford, Bree 49, 280, 307
Bleifer, Matthew ... 4, 109 Bleiler, Candice ...154
Blitz, Madeline ... 49, 200
Blok, Beth ...176 Bloom, Desiree ...109 Bloom, Jamie ...109
Bloom, Laura .43, 49, 95, 230,280,293
Bloom, Ryan ...132 Bloor, Chad ...109 Blowers, Lindsay ...109 Bobbins, Jenna ... 39, 49 Bock, Amanda ..3, 132, 224
Bock, Chance ... 49, 280
Bodtke Stout, Kaylee ...132
Bogan, Daniel ... 34, 49
Bogart, William ...154 Boggio, Chandler ...109 Boggio, Madison ...154 Boghossian, Andrew ...132
Boghossian, Nicole ... 50, 280
Bolewski, Alex ... 50
Bomer, Aryn ...154 Bonce, Genesis ... 18 Bonier-Mendez, Trevor132 Bonn, Carter ...109 Bonn, Zachary ... 132, 280 Bono, Nancy ...176 Boog, Kyle ...154 Boring, Victoria ... 132, 228 Borja, Jaryd Benjamin 109, 124,262 Borja, Kriss ...109 Bos, Kristin ...109 Bos, Lindsey ...154
Boser, Lauren ... 50, 211, 274
Boser, Ryan ...132 Boshant, Daniell ...109 Bost, Bill ...176 Bot, Celine ... 25, 154, 173 Botten, Stephanie ...154 Boute, Dillon ... 50 Bovard, Emery4, 50, 200, 312 Bovard, Jeffery ... 50
Bovard, mery...281 Bovert, Rebecca ...109 Bowling, Eric ... 50 Bowman, Brittany ...109 Bowman, William Patrick .. 154 Boyd, Brittany ... 130, 132 Brackey, Allison ... 106,109 Brackpool, Andrea ...109, 276 Brackpool, Kristina ...154, 172 Bradley, Matthew..., 09 Bradley, Michael ...133 Bradley, Nathaniel ...154
Bradley, NicholasS0, 200
Brandt, Baylee ... 8, 154 Brandt, Tyler ...109 Brannon, Christian ...154, 278 Brannon, Julie ...109 Branson, Tyler ...133
Bratt, Michael ... 51
Braun, Cameron .. 154, 252 Brayten, Austin ...109 Brazina, McKenzie .24, 133
Breakey, Laura 40, 51, 69
Brecken, Alex ...21 O Breckenridge, Alexandra ... 32,109 Brees, Randi ...176 Brezina, Joseph ...154 Bridges, Lindsey .. 133, 256 Briggs, Chad ...133 Briggs, Danielle ...154 Brill, Alexandria ...133 Brimhall, Victoria ...154 Bristol, Brett ...176 Brixon, Alexander133, 176 Broadhead, Kelsey ...109 Broadway, Daniel ...109 Broers, Douglas ...176 Brooker, Shane ...25, 109 Brooks, Gabriella ...133 Brooks, Nicholas .. 51, 68 Brooks, Ryann ... 51
Brougham, Kyra ...133 Brown, Anesah ...154
Brown, Heidi ... 51, 226 Brown, Jade ... 51, 62, 76
Brown, Joshua ...109 Brown, Josiah ...6, 133,210
Brown, MackenzieS 1, 83, 288
Brown, Maddison ...133 Brown, Michelle ...176 Brown, Savina ...154 Brown, Taylor ...154 Brubaker, Savannah ...133 Brutsche, Raquel. 133, 204 Bruza, Erik ... 133, Cover
Bruza, Robert 24, 41, 51, 234 Bryant Moffitt, Rhianna 52
Brymer, Nicole ...133 Bubb, Dylan ...109 Bugbee, Taylor ...133 Bugielski, Emily ...154 Buhain, Jennielyn ...154 Buhaln, Jerrielyn ...154 Bulux, Carlos ...154 Bunge, Kristen ...109 Buntin, Melissa ... 52 Buongiorno, James ... 52
Burch, Christopher ...S2
Burke, Randall ...155
Burney; Hassani ... 36, 133 Burney, lmani ... 155, 170 Burns, Ashley... 109 Burns, Colton ...155 Burrill, Jeniffer ...178 Busch, Jessica Teresa ...133 Busfield, John ...155 Bussard, Mark...133 Busse, Kendall ...155 Butcher, Kevin ...109 Butler, Brooke ...24, 109 Byam-Taylor, Logan ...155 Byam-Taylor, Spencer .109,
194 Byers, Ashley ...109 Byers, Jordyn ...109 Byers, Nicholas ...133 Byrd, Brianna ...22, 155 Byrne, Gregory ... 155, 165 Byrne, James ...133
Byrne, Kaitlyn ... 44, 52, 207,293
Cabatan, Brent...103 Cabrera, Paul ...155 Cabrera, Peter ...109 Cabrera, Tiffany ... 109, 224,
280 Cadiz, Aaron ...109 Call, Lauren ... 2, 155 Call, Thomas ...109 Calnan, Marcy ...178 Caloca, Matthew ...109 Calove, Robert ...109 Calove, Sarah ... 133, 138 Calvillo, Paul.32, 52, 184 Camacho, Angelica ...109 Campat, Marisa ...109 Campbell, Dakota ... 52 Campbell, Dylan .. 133, 184 Campos, Ana ...155 Campos, Paola ... 108, 109 Campos, Paulina 52, 102 Candib, Isaac ... 6, 53 Canevari, lan ...155 Canevari, Jessica ... 53 Cantrell, Megan ...133 Cantrell, Travis ... 53

Row 1: Coach Killinger, Coach Hodge, Coach Synder, Brian Mundell, David Housman, Justin Hanks, Brennan Bernardino, Adam Tapia, Coach Bryant, Coach Hoglund, Coach Graf Row 2: Trey Williams, Spencer Daniels, Quincy Quintero, Devon Matson, Curtis White, Parker Greenburg, Shane Zelle, Kyle Eaton Row 3: Alexander Bishop, James Bonds, Michael Bratt, Nicholas Rivas, Jacob Roberge, Alexander Lightfoot, Christopher Gimenez, Douglas Poirer

~w1: Coach Shinkarik, Allen Garcia, Jimmy Banvelos, Michael Bad mis Wellington, ~arret Mesa, Timothy Joyce, Jared Dodley Row 2: Nicholas O' Linn, Charlie La Vine, ~amzy Ayoub, Jake Shepherd, Garret Mike, Kevin Mc Clain, Riley Honaker, Joseph
laniello Row 3: Kelsey De Lemos,Kendra Smith

Caper, Catherine. 155, 168 Caraballo, Andrew...133 Caraballo, Nicole ...109 Carandang, Christopher ...
Carapella, Carleen155, 226 Carceller, Cristian ...155 Carilllo, Andrew ...198 Carlin, Cameron .. 133, 173 Carlson, Charisse. 110, 121 Carlton, Andrina 4, 26, 110
Carlton, Keith ... 41, 53, 211,258
Carmona, Jacob .. 110, 173 Carr, Ronda ...178 Carranza, Claudia ...133 Carrera, Jose ...155 Carriles, Alexandra ...133
Carrillo, Andrew ... 53
Carrillo, Chabelli ...155 Carrillo, Marc ...133 Carrillo, Ryan ...133
Carrington, Kevin 41, 53
Carrion, Paola ...:133 Carriveau, Ryan...155 Carriveau, Taylor ...110 Carter, Caitlin ... 133, 202
Carter, James ... 53
Carter, Vincent ...178
Caruso, Eric... 53
Caruso, Madison ...110 Casados, Ricky ...133 Casarez, Christopher ...133 Casarez, Shannon ...110 Casas, Jessica ...133 Casey, Kevin ...133 Casey, Ryan ...11 O Cassettari, Joshua ...133 Castellon, Christopher 133
Castellon, Luis ... 54
Castillo, Maribel ... 133, 147 Castillo, Mistica ...133 Castro, Erick ...110 Cates, Brett ...110 Cavallero, Dustin ...11 O Cayson, James ...155 Cayton, Dominique...155 Celaya, Linda ...178 Celaya, Stephanie ...178 Cervenka, Timothy ...133 Chace, Connor ... 15
Chadwell, Cole ...155 Chaisson-Mack, Vernell. 4, 155 Chambers, Sage ...155 Chamness, Aaron ...155 Chamness, Jacob ...110 Chan, Bryce ...155
Chan, Kessley .41, 54, 84 Chandi, Samita ... 41, 54
Chang, Jenny ...155 Chang, Jonathan 133, 188, 278 Change, Kristina ...133
Chao, Johnny ... 54, 200
Chao, Kelsey ... 133, 178 Chapman, Brynn ...155 Chapman, Connor ...155 Charlton, Adam ...133 Chase, Connor ... 133, 174, 272 Chau, Emily ...133 Chavez, Breanna ... 54
Chavez, Enrique .. 41, 53, 54,55
Chavez, Lukas ...155 Chavez, Sophia ...155 Cheney, Rachel ... 133, 140 Cheng, Melody ...133 Cheriegate, Sarao ...155 Cherney, Alexis ... 54 Cherney, Austin ... 133, 244
Chernos, Alexandra .. 16, 54,313
Chernos, Rachel ...133 Chester, Krista ... 133, 147 Cheung, Peter ...133 Chhabra, Talisa ...155 Chi, David ...133 Chinskey, Joshua ... 55 Chiu, Shih-Hsuan ...110 Chiv, Chhay ...110 Choi, Brian ...155 Choi, Diane ...133
Choi, Kyung ... 55
Choi, Mkhael ...155 Choi, Min Ho... 133, 135 Choi, Ruby ... 91 Chotel, Oceane ...133 Choung, Michelle ...155 Chrisman, Brianna ...133 Christian, Shane ...155
Chun, Christopher ...110 Chun-Hoon, Carly ..26, 110 Ciampa, Zane ...133 Ciaramella, Gabriella ...155 Cisneros, Angel ...110 Cisneros, Christopher .. 155 Cisneros, Demetrious .. 110
Clark, Briana ... 41, 55
Clark, Celine ...155 Clark, Kacey ...155 Clark, Karen ...178 Clark, Lauren ...133 Clark, Rachel ...110 Clark, Sierra ...133 Clarke, Amanda ...155
Clarkson, Brittany 41, 55
Clausing, Kelly ...133 Clayton, Spencer. 110, 121 Cleland, Brittany ...134 Clement, Jordan ...155 Clifford, Ashley ...110 Coblentz, Matthew ...155 Cocco, Lisa ...178 Cochran, Zachariah ...155 Caito, Tyler ...110 Cole, Anthony ...110 Cole, Kristina ...134 Colletta, Katie ...110 Collier, Amanda ... 130, 134 Collier, Kevin ... 110, 173 Collins, Marcus ...155 Combs, Riley ...110 Como, Clinton ... 8, 134 Compton, Kyle ...110 Condra, Austin ...134 Conklin, Alyssa ... 152, 155
Conklin, Brandon 41, 55, 308
Conklin, Cody ...110 Conklin, Taylor ...134 Contant, Scott ...111 Contreras, Adam ...134 Contreras, Elvis ...111
Conway, Michael ... 55
Cook, Kevin ...111
Cook, Patrick ... 55
Cooper, Amanda ...111
Cooper, Kayla .32, 43, 55
Corbett, Ethan ...20, 111, 196,202
Corbett, Zechariah ... 56
Cordero, Tyler ...111 Corradi, Karina ...180 Corrado, Charles ...134
Correa Shive, Bridgetthe 56
Correa, Fitzgerald 134, 244 Cortez, Vanessa ...134 Casas, Jessica ...281 Cosenza, Giancarlo ... 111 Cosenza, Giovanna ...134
Cosman, Kayla ... 56
Costello, Tina ...134 Costleigh, Anthony ...155 Costleigh, Nicholas ... 111
Cotter, Christian. 56, 283
Coughlin, Kate ...155 Coughlin, Maureen ...180 Courtenay, Daniel ...134 Covarrubias, Ernesto .. 134, 178 Covell, Terry ...180 Cover, Daphne ...111 Cowan, Anna ...180
Cowan, Ryan ... 56
CowelI, Kaitlyn ...1 34 Cox, Shealyn ...111 Cozby, William ... 8, 155 Crane, Steven ... 56, 91, 266,Cover
Crane, William ...111 Creamer, Kayla ...134 Criner, Jessica ...111 Criss, Brittany ...111 Crocker, John ...111 Crook, Courtney...111 Cross, Amanda ...111 Crudge, Andrew...134 Cruz, Ashley De La ... 14 Csiszar, Austin ... 134, 172, 268 Cuartas, Kevin ...134 Cuevas, Miguel ...111
Cunanan, Kristoffer .. 5~, 56,280
Cunliffe, Kyle ...111 Cunningham, Christopher 111 Cunningham, Kyle ...234 Cunningham, Madison 155 Curtin, Brian ... 134, 143
Curtin, Kevin 56, 60, 301
Curtis, .Katherine ...134
Dabbagh, Jordan ...
111 Dabovich, Jessica 111, 186 Daggon, Lucas ...:...28, 134 Dailey, Alexander ... 16 Dal Soglio, Megan ...134 Dalessandro, Katherine ...
155 Dallons, Bryelle ...155 Daito, Christopher ...155 Daito, Mario ...134 Damann, Kari ...134
Dandridge, Lacandace57
Daniels, Quenten ...155 Danielsen, Nicolay ...155 Danny, Andreea ...89, 155 Danny, Jacob ...111 Dansby, Kyle ...155 Darbourne, Hannah ... 111 Dardis, Danielle ...155 Darko, Edmund ... 134, 214 Darrach, Halley ... 57 Darrow, Kayla ... 43, 57
Darrow, Maxwell ...155 David, Maxine ... 111, 172 Davidson, Kayla ...155 Davidson, Matthew... 134,
Davidson, Sean57, Cover
Davis, Aaron ...180 Davis, Ari ...280 Davis, Ariella ...111 Davis, Dillion ...111 Davis, James ...155 Davis, Kayla ... 155, 157 Davis, Zachary ...134 Dawson, Brooke ... 111 Dawson, Danielle Antoine
36 Day Jones, Matthew ...1 34 Day, Jacqui ...180 Day, Ryan ... 111 , 1 7 6 Daymude, Joshua ...134 De Angelis, Christian ... 134 De Armas, Marisa ...111 De Armero, Daniel ... 57

=Jackson, Aaron Spargo, Griffin Nichols, Brennan Bernadina, Michael Zerpoli, Max Sommer, Adam Tapia Row 3: Michelle Trujillo, Coach Lopez, Coach Hayes, Coach Robinson, Coach Collins, Coach De Monbrun, Coach Shinkarik, Marisol Guzman Row 4:
-Brandon Bennett, Troy Hamel, Steven Sansone, TannerTredick, Ryan Russ, Jake Keifer
~ow 1: Samantha Skidmore, Kristen Sola nos, Preea Johnson, Kristie Dolan, Coach Barium. Row 2: Chauncey Hayles, Danielle Antione-Dawson, Jasmin Dismon

De Blanc, Alexander ...156 De Jesus, Arriane ... 57 De Jesus, Mateo ... 57
De Jong, Chloe ...111 De La Mora, Johnny ...111 De Lemos, Kelsey ...156
De Leon, Jillian lsabel44, 57
De Leon, Sabrina. 156, 165 De Los Reyes, Gino Angelo 8, 111 De Luca, Nicolette134, 173 De Masters, Gage ...156 De Neal, Samantha ...156 De Robertis,-Cameron.134
De Santis, Joseph ... 58
De Soto, Jonathan ...156 De Vaughn, Cynthia ...111
De Vera, Alexander ... 58, 200
Dean, Tahirah ...156 DeAngelis, Christian ...135 Deckers, James ... 134, 150 Degollado, Lauren ...111 Del Paso, Alyson ...111 Del Posa, Dana ...156 Del Rio, Anthony...156 Del Rosario, Russell ...111 Del Valle, Jessica ...111 Delacruz, Ashley ...134
Delange, Nicole9, 10, 41, 58,226
Delaplane, Tyler ...111 Delgadillo, Mayra ...134 Delgado, Jonathan...111 Delgado, Lauren ...210 Delgado, Marco ... 7, 111 Della Ripa, Nicholas ...111 Deluca, Nicolette ...173 Denson, Brad ...111 Dermody, Craig ...134 Desantis, Torey ...134 Deshong, Lloyd ...180 Deshong, Roberta ...180 Desjardins, Morgan 6, 152,
156,165 Desso, Hunter ...134 Devaughn, Cynthia ... 22 Devoe, Voula ...180 Di Bella, Jasmine ...156 Di Giallonardo, Falco .. 111,
258 Di Mauro, TreAt ...156 Di Monte, Sarah ...111 Di Tomaso, Alyssa ...156 Diamant, Kyle ...156 Diamant, Nicholas ...156 Diamond, Devyn. 156, 157 Diaz, Adam ...111 Diaz, Jessica ...134 Diaz, Jillian ...156 Diaz, Luis ...156 Dickson, Elena ...134 Dieck Dias, Lyandra ...156 Dietz, Chelsie ...111 Dignadice, Madeline ..156, 230 Dimofski, Diandra ...111 Dimonte, Sarah...176 Dimson, Jasmin ... 156, 248 Dimson, Tyler ...134
Dixion, Danielle Gloria .. 58,296
Dodley, Jared ...156 Dofflow, Tyler ... 134, 149 Dolan, Chelsea ... 134, 276 Dolan, Kristie 156, 184, 248 Dolan, Mackenzie ...111 Doll man, Jake ... 134, 207 Doll man, Jennifer ...180 Domantay, Jon Patrick 134 Dominguez, Aaren ...156,
268 Dominguez, Burt ...182 Dones, Cedric. ...156 Dones, Courtney. 111, 173 Donoghue, Timothy ...156 Dooley, Shawna ... 8, 134 Dougherty, Dakota ...134 Douglas, Kaitlyn ... 58 Dove, Matthew...134 Dowell, Kayla ...25, 111 Dowling, George...156
Downs, Lauryn ... 38, 43, 58,292
Doyle, Conor...111 Drain, Candice ... 111, 128, 216 Drain, Kelly ...134 Drake, Tyler ...111
Dreher, Annie ... 58
Dreiling, Jonathan ...111
Drouin, Angelica ... 58
Du Prey, Deanna ...111 Duarte, Alicia. 30, 106, 111
Duarte, Joshua ... 30, 59, 180,266,310
Dubon, Jasmine ...134 Du_bravetz, Cody ...111 Duhart, Tayler...156
Dulgeroff, Alexander. 59
Duncan, David30, 111, 182 Duncan, Mr... 30, 182 Duncan, Mrs ... 30, 182 Duncan, Tyler ...30, 156 Dunkel, Patrick ... 111, 204 Dunson, Tyler ... 111, 121 Duquette, Brittney ...156, 157 Duran, Daniella ...182 Duran, Louis ...111 Duran, Matthew...156
Duran, Peter Michael 59, 290
Duran, Tania Murillo ...190
Eagan,Sarah 41, 59,
Earley, Brianna ...32, 111, 226,401 Earley, Precious ...134
Eaton, Kyle ... 59, 270
Ebreo, Mary Joshnelle.134 Echavarria, Marcus ...134 Echeverri, Monica ...156 Eckhardt, Chelsey ...156 Edmiston, Heather ...134
Edmiston, Maggie ... 59, 264
Edmondson, Hunter ...111 Edwards, Curtis 112, Cover Edwards, James ...156 Edwards, Karlee ... 112, 216 Egan, Emily ... 112, 224 Eggly, Emily ...134 Eggly, Richard ...134 Eiben, Kathy ...182 Eilbert, Sarah ...307
Eisen, Adam59, 190,234
Eisen, Bryan ...156
Eisler, Corinne ... 1.12
Elam, Madeline...14, 156 Eld, Hannah ...112 Elias, Erik ...134 Elias, Javier ...112 Elkin, Justin ...134 Ellery, Thomas ... 134, 150, 252 Ellias, Emily ...112 Elliott, Suzanne ...156 Ellison, Christine ...134 Elowitt, Maximilian ...156 Elward, Conner ...156 Emmer, Megan ...134 Ender, Griffin ... 134, 268
Ender, Jason .. 41, 59, 91, 300,301, Cover
Engel, Joseph ...156 Engle, Rene ... 136, 207 Engle, Taylor ...136 Ennis, Candie ...136 Enriquez, Sarah ... 112, 190 Ensing, Eric ...136 Epstein, Taylor ...156
Erickson, Chris ... 60
Erickson, Jennifer ...112 Erlenbach, Justin. 135, 136 Erne, Shannon ...136 Erpenbach, Kevin ...112 Erranova, Dallas ...156 Erranova, Taylor ...136 Errington, Brock ...136 Erskin, Emily ...156 Escalante, Isabella 39, 156, 401 Escalona, Angelo ...136 Escarez, Ezrael Zion ...156 Eschbacher, Mary 136, 138 Escobedo, Anthony...112 Escobedo, Maritza ... 60 Esguerra, Paolo ...156 Eskey, Arthur ...136
Eskey, Roland ... 60
Esposito, Emily ...136 Esquenazi, Aaron ...136 Essayan, Danielle ...12, 136
Essayan, Samantha ... 41, 60,89,280
Estrada, Cindy ...112 Estrada,.Diane ... 7, 112 I Evangelista, Amber...41

Evanoff, Kira ...:...156 Evans, Cody ... 112 Evans, Emily ...136 Evans, Jordan ...112 Ew ing, Bradley ... 136, 188,
airbanks, Kescily 136,
138 Fakhouri, Gabriel ...156 Fallis, Kaylee ...136 Fancett, Andrew.. 112, 192 Fanell, Emil ... 40 Fanelli, Antonio ...156 Fanelli, Joey ...173 Faragher, Brent ... 112,401 Faraldo, Derek ...136 Farfan, Christian ...136 Farland, Paisha Mc... 12 Farley, Marlon ...112 Farrell, Tyana ...112 Farzadpour, Marjon...112 Farzadpour, Shayan ... 25,
136 Faustino, Sara ...156 Fecske, Wesley ...112 Feeder, Janet ...182 Feinberg, Joshua ...136 Feinholz, Marlee ...32, 112 Felan, Jordan ...156 Feldman, Harrison ... 60 Ferguson, William ...156 Fernandez Pescador, Jesus
156 Fernandez, Joshua ...136 Fernandez, Matthew .. 156,
Fernandez, Michael ... 60
Fernandez-Muniz, Erin 156 Fernicola, Michael ...136 Ferranto, Richard ...136 Ferrara, Joseph ...112 Ferraro, Gino ...156 Ferraz, Nicholas ... 156, 168 Ferrene, Victoria .. 156, 228 Ferrer Soscia, Jasmine.156 Ferrer Soscia, Jayadev .136 Ferrone, Amanda ...156
._Row1: Coach Mike, Faith Anumba, Lauren Spargo, Jaqulyne Gibson, Jennifer Lentz,
-Megan Emmer, Jennifer Anumba, Coach Bannister. Row 2: Johnece Miller, Kali a ~Summerlin, Brittany Jackson, Alexis Cherney, Arianne De Jesus, Carly Chun-Hoon, Quintiara Walker. Row 3: Lindsey Hill, Madison Lane

Ferrone, Shane ...136
Ferry, Nicholas 9, 30, 32, 60,80,211,266
Ferry, Mrs ...30, 182 Ferry, Vincent ...30, 209 Fessinger, Melanie ...112 Feyerabend, Max 106, 112 Fields Hearn, Caitlin ...156 Fields, Jermaine ...244 Fierstadt, Alexander ...137 Figueroa, Jimmy...156 Fike, Olivia ...112 Finton, Joanna ... 39, 60 Fischbach, Michael.. ...137
Fischbach, Stacy61, 281, 294
Fischer, Lindsey ...112 Fischer, Michelle ...182 Fishburn, Adam ...137 Fisher, Austin ... 61
Fitzgerald, Shannon. 61, 274,293
Fitzgerald, Tyler ... 112, 207 Fitzsimmons, Morgan .137
Fleischer, Samuel 26, 54, 61,196
Fletcher, Benjamin ...137 Florczak, Lukas ...137 Flores, Angela ...156 Flores, Carolina ... 61 Flores, Crystal ...137 Flores, Gilberto ...137 Flores, Mark...158 Flowers, Malcolm ...112
Foglesong, Megan ... 61, 274
Folger, Samantha ...112 Fong, James ...137
Ford, Alexander ... 42, 61
Ford, Emily ...158 Ford, Jameson ... 137, 280 Ford, Montana ...112 Forquer, Aquera ...137 Fortman, Elle ... 137, 198 Fortman, Katrina ...158 Foster, Evan ... 112, 186 Foster, Lukas ... 137, 180 Foster, William ...112 Fowble, Andrew. 112, 116, 234,236 Fowler, Gunnar ...112
Fox Hanson, Brandon 61
Fox, David ...112 Fraczek, Clarice ...112 Fraczek, Emily ... 108, 112 Francis, Ryder ...112 Franco, Estevan ...137 Frandson, Matthew ... 62 Frank, Amanda ...112 Frank, Kevin ...158 Fray, Richard ...234
Gammon, Nicholas ...158
Gan, Gabrielle10, 41, 62, 281
Gan, Gail ...312 Gannon, Brandy ...158 Gaor, Rebecca Joy ...137 Gaor, Victoria ... 112, 264 Garcia Sosa, Michelle... 112 Garcia, Alexandra ...112 Garcia, Allen ...158
Frederick, Lauren62, 297 Garcia, Deborah .. 137, 281
Fredrickson, Carley ...158
Fredrickson, Claire ... 51, 62,91,211
Freedman, Gabrielle ...137 Freidin, Jessica ...137 Frezieres, Dustin .. 158, 204 Friedman, Alison 157, 158, 280 Friedman, Matthew ...112 Frieling, Amber...112 Fritz, Adam ...158 Froggatt, Jessie ...158 Frye, Blake ...4, 137 Fugger, Jennifer .. 112, 198 Fulgencio, Kevin ...137 Fults, Kurt.. ...112 Fults, Kyle ...137
Fundora, Katherine ... 62, 75,84,220,280,306
Fundora, Melissa ...137
Gabriel,Victoria .. 137 Gaines, Tyler ...112 Galbraith, Jason ...112 Galindo, Julio ...137 Galindo, Nathan ...39, 158 Gallagher, Kayla ... 137, 138 Gallagher, Riley ...158 Gallardo, Amanda ...158 Gallardo, Janet.. ...112 Gallarza, Vanessa ...137 Gallatin, Steven ...158 Galloway, Kristen ...137 Galvin, Trevor ...158 Gamboa, Cassandra ...112 GammaI, Amanda...112 GammaI, Brian ...158
Garcia, Jeffrey ...137 Garcia, Jessy ...137 Garcia, Joshua ...112 Garcia, Lindsey. 5, 32, 137, 230 Garcia, Michael ...112
Garcia, Nicholas ... 62
Garcia, Thalia ...112 Garcia, Vicky ...137 Gardner, Jake ...158 Gardner, Jason ... 137, 204 Gardner, Samantha ...112 Garland, Shawna ...137 Garner, Al en ...1 3 7 Garner, Tyler ...158 Garrett, Karina ... 62 Garrido, Ciara lca...112
Gartrell, Jacob ... 62
Gasper, Emily ...137 Gaudio, Eric ...137
Gaudioso, Alyssa 63, 304 Gaudioso, Lindsey 7, 34, 38,41,63,304
Gaut, Matthew...158 Gaut, Rachael ... 106, 112 Gedalia, Jonathan ...112 Gedalia, Rachel ...158 Gee, Zachary ...112 Geeslin, Kayla ...137 Geier, Mitchell ... 5, 158 Geist, Brett.. ...158 Geist, Melanie ... 112 Geoffroy, Lauren ...137 George, Kelsey ... 112, 220
Georgio, Ryann .. 63, 303
Georgopoulos, Dimitris ... 158
Gerardi, Joseph ... 63
Gerlich, Marissa ...158 Gerstel, Jacob ... 112, 190
Ghosh, Ronit ... 137, 173 Gi, Diana...114 Gibbs, Kyle ... 152, 158 Gibbs, Ryan ... 26, 41, 63 Gibson, Caitlin ... 10, 63
Gibson, Christopher ...114 Gibson, Jaqulyne ... 63, 207,246,310
Giera rd, Aubrey ...114 Gil, Justin ...159 Gila, Alexandra ... 114, 128 Gilani, Kimiya ...137 Gilbert, Philip ...137 Gilette, Brittany ... 25 Gill, Steve ...182 Gillespie, Liam ...159 Gillette, Brittany ...137 Gilly, Ryan ... 130, 137 Gilmartin, Kylie ... 114, 211 Gilmore, Joseph ...114 Gilson, Amelia ...159 Gimenez, Christopher .. 14, 130, 137 Gingrich, Clint ...137 Gipti, Victoria ... 130, 137 Gladden, Heather ...114 Glenn, Jordan ... 4, 159 Go, Gerard Jean Cedric137 Godfrey, Kanyon ...137 Godfrey, Kylie ...159 Golin, Breanna ...40, 63, 282
Gomez, Alexa ... 114, 240 Gomez, Christopher ...159, 165 Gomez, Curtis ...114 Gomez, Max ...159 Gomez, Shannel ...281 Gomez, Shannell ...114 Goncalves, Joao Paulo 159 Gonlag, Jamie ...114 Gonzales, Brigitte ...137 Gonzales, Jacob ...137 Gonzales, Mark ...137 Gonzalez, Adriana ...159 Gonzalez, Alejandra ...114
Gonzalez, Allan ...64
Gonzalez, Andrea ...137 Gonzalez, Olivia ... 64 Gonzalez, Richard ... 64 Gonzalez, Robin ...184 Goralsky, Kevin ... 184 Gordon, Brian ... 64 Gordon, Dimitri ...114 Gordon, Sierra ... 64, 222,
Gorlah, Marissa ...160
Gorman, Ryan ...137
Gotto, Michael ... 130, 137
Gottshall, Ira ... 64
Gould, Connor12, 114, 116
Gould, Tyler... 159
Graf, Kevin ... 64, Cover
Graff, Kaitlyn ... 114
Grajeda, Shelby ... 18, 64,
294,307 Gramling, Laura ...114 Gramling, Melissa ...159 Granados, Felicia ...114 Granados, Rodolfo ... 114 Granados, Ruben ...137 Grant, Donald ... 114, 172 Grant, Kyle ...159 Grant, Ray ...196 Graska, Jordan ...~ ... 65 Grassa, Philip ...137 Gray, Alyssa ...137 Gray, Annemarie ...114 Gray, Erin ... 5, 137 Gray, Ian ...114 Gray, Matthew ...137 Greanias, Constantine.114 Green, Alyssa ...137 Green, Gregory ...114
Greenberg, Parkerl 14, 270 Greenbergs, Parker ... 270 Greenfield, Chelsea ... 114 Greenwood, Jessica ... 137 Greer, Carleton...137 Gregory, Harrison 137,214 Grey, Matthew ...262 Griffith, Arielle ... 65, 198 Griffith, Ashleigh ...,...42 Grifman, Chloe...139 Grindstaff, Shaffer159, 162 Grise, James ...139 Gro b, Noel ... 8, 139 Groeneweg, Robert ...65 Groner, Kyle ... 159 Gropp, Carlie ...139 Gross, Karlie ...139 Grove, Alexandria ... 139

Row 1: Danielle Dixon, Tyler Logan, Michael Fernicola, Jordan Evans, Devin Heath, Michael Fernandez, Donald Grant, Ryan Day, Steven Schmidt, Austin Allan, Beja min Mc Connaughy, Ethan Corbett, Steven Montenegro, Lindsey Weberbauer, Cristian Guerrero, Bridget Wieczorek, Spencer Clayton Row 2: Chandler Patton, Christopher Alfarero, Evan Tikka, Alyssa Keyne, Michael Tjaden, Connor Gould, Carlos Baca, Timothy Cervanka, Alexandria Stelly, Mattthew Caloca, Michael Bradley, Lawrence Patchin, Jessica Miller, Cameron De Robertis, Calvin Songveera, Andres Velez, Lauren Walden, Sarah Know, Jenna Myers, Daniella Menashe, Aubrie Alexander, Alexis Rubell, Lauren Wright, Ashely Null, Amanda Jones, Jarro Malabanan, Taylor Reynolds, Julie Sjolund, Josh Karr, Tyler Dunson, Macie Ming Row 4: Connor Smith, Cristie Norman, Mackenzie Halliday, Holly Howell, Angelo Munoz, Lauren Matthews, Madison Caruso, Krishan Pierce, Erin Mayo, Natalie Joost, Kara Hayes, Jan Vince Balbin Row S: Ms. Tavares, Brooke Le Gassick, Mary Ebreo, Arielle Leonard, Chelsea Moore, Elite Rothstein, Julia Haimowitz, Kessley Chan, Kaitlin Holt, Caitlin Carter, Janine Yannotta, Joy Sanwo, Regina Andrade, James Jung

Gu, Qi ...152, 159, 198 Guajardo, Madelyn ...114 Guardado, Ninivah ...159, 172 Guereca, Christopher ..114
Guerra, Alex ... 65
Guerrero, Cristian 115, 116, 196,202 Guevara, Lauren ...139 Gunby, Cierra ...159
Gunning, Evan... 65, 281
Gutierrez, Bethany ...139 Gutierrez, Darene ...115 Gutierrez, Monique...115
Guzman, Erica ... 65, 260
Guzman, Ivan ...115
Guzman, Marisol .. 65, 92
Guzman, Michael 139, 147, 236
168 Habis, Mansour ... 115, 121 Habitz, Karlie ...139
Haen, Benjamin ... 65
Hagar, Alexander ...139 Haimowitz, Julia .. 115, 196 Hajimohamed, Ali.. ...159 Hall, Angela ...115 Hall, Jasmine ... 115, 260
Hall, Nicholas 12, 66, 67, 284 Hallahan, Michael ... 66 Halliday, Jason ... 9, 66, 266,301,309,Cover
Halliday, MacKenzie ...139, 172,228 Halliday, Michael.139, 214 Halperin, Danielle ...115 Halverson, Cody ...139 Hamilton, Alexandra ...115 Hamilton, Jeffrey ...139 Hamilton, Kenneth ...139 Hamm, Kaylee ...139
Hamm, Travis ... 66
Hammel, Troy ...139 Hampton, Steven ...115
Han, Chanelle ... 66, 280
Han, David ...115
Han, Nathan ... 5, 66, 115
Hancock, Brittany ...139 Hand, Reese ... 8, 159 Hand, Vance ...39, 115 Haney, Dillon ... 139, 232
Hank, Kathleen ... 24, 66, 226 Hanks, Justin 66, 91, 270
Hann, Alexander ...115 Hanna, Arielle ...159
Hanna, Mariah ... 67, 286
Hanna, Sean...115 Hanock, Jonathan ...115 Hansen, Laura ...139 Hansen, Robert ...139 Hansen, Thomas ...115
Hanvey, Jake ... 67
Harada, Allison ...26, 115, 207,211 Harada, Kimberly159, 172, 207 Hardin, Tiffanie ...115 Harding, Cameron ...159
Harding, Lauren .. 40, 64, 67,103
Harm, Hanna ...139 Harn, Juliana ...115
Haro, Alfredo ... 67
Haro, Andrew ...115 Haro, Judith ...115 Harper, Christen ...115 Harris, Janelle ... 115, 124 Harrison, Paul ...184 Harrison, Taylor ... 113, 115
Hart, Colleen . 10, 34, 60, 67,280,294
Hart, Emily ...159 Hartman, Carolyn ...184 Hartwell, Elina ... 159, 280 Hassanbeigi Daryani,
Shahrzad ...159 Hastigan, Jacob ...139 Hatfield, Dylan ...115 Hattox; Dallas ... 115, 262 Hauschild, Kyle ...159 Hausman, David ...115 Havel in, Troy ...139 Haw, Rebekah ...159 Haw, Stephen ... 115, 262 Hawe, Russanne ...184
Hawk, Cheyenne ...139 Hawkins, Brittani. 159, 228 Hawkins, Siobhan ...184 Hawn, Brenden ... 159, 165, 272 Hawn, McKenna ...139 Hayes, Greg ...184 Hayes, Kara ... 30, 139, 240
Hayes, Megan 20, 30, 40, 52,67,77,82,282
Hayes, Mr... 30 Hayes, Rebecca ...184 Hayes., Kara ... 30 Hayles, Chauncey 159, 248 Heath, Brian ... 67 Heath, Devin 108, 115, 196 Hebebrand, Casey ...115 Heffernan, Jake ...139
Heffner, Joshua ... 67
Held, John ...139 Hencey, Nikki ...184 Henderson, Kimberly ..115
Hendrickson, Alexandra 68
Henning, Claire ...159 Henry, Alison ...184 Herd, Brooke ...139
Herd, Rebecca . 8, 26, 65, 68,313
Hernandez, Aaron 135, 139 Hernandez, Chris ...139 Hernandez, Eric ...115 Hernandez, Jacob ...139 Hernandez, Jimmy ...159 Hernandez, Monique ..115 Hernandez, Victoria ... 36, 139 Herren, Linnea ...115 Herrera, Brandon 106, 115 Herrera, Jessica ...139 Herrin, Patrick ...24, 115 Hershey, Christina ...159 Hesselgrave, Nicholas .115 . Hewitt, Darren ...159 Hewitt, Jody ...159 Heydari, Eric ...115 Heyer, Jesse...159 Hicks, Brian ... 159, 258
Hicks, Hannah ... 56, 68 Hicks, Kelly ... 16, 34, 40, 68,78,207,282
Hidalgo, Sara Rodriguez... 280 Hiek, Steven ...115
Higa, Corey ... 139 Higgins, Dustin ... 68 Higgins, Lucy ...186 Higgs, Branden ...159 Higgs, Cameron ... 68 Hilario, Raul ... 68 Hilario, Ruben ...159
Hilario, Silvestre.68, 200
Hildreth, Cydni.. ...115 Hill, Alexander ...115 Hill, Alexandra ...159 Hill, James ...115
Hill, Lindsey .. 69, 72, 246
Hill, Rachael ...115 Hill, Renee ... 108, 115
Hill, Zachary ... 69
Hiller, Makenzye ...115 Hind, Camille ...115 Hinostroza, Sean ...139 Hipolito, Mary Ellyzah .139 Hirano, Chynna ...159 Hirano, Justin ...115
Hirsch, Jessica ... 69, 198, 310
Hirth, Raven ... 135, 139, Cover Hislar, Brady ...139 Hislar, Nelson ...159 Hite, Ian ...139 Hixon, Wyatt ... 115, 212 Ho, Julian ... 139, Cover Hobbs, Jessica ...139 Hobbs, Samantha ... 69 Hobson, Danielle ... 69
Hobson, Lauren ...139 Hoebink, Marisa ...115 Hoffberg, Emily ... 157, 159 Hoffman, Nicole ...139 Hogan, Christopher ...139 Holcombe, Matthew...115 Holland, Hayden ...115 Hollingsworth, John ...115 Holmberg, Amanda ...130,
139 Holme, Gabriella ...159 Holsenbeck, Amber ...159 Holt, Brandon ...,...139 Holt, Kaitlin ...115 Holtz, Jacob ... 115, 258 Holzinger, Franciska ...115 Homa, Madeline 5, 32, 139 Homeier, Carly ...159 Honadel, Alexandra ...139

Honaker, Riley ...159
Hong, Aaron ... 66, 69
Hong, Yun ...139 Hood, Maya ...115 Hooks, Morris ... 5, 115 Hoon, Carly Chun ...281
Hoose, Matthew... 69
Hoover, Kayla ...115 Hopkins, Liam ...139 Horta, Priscilla ...115 Hoskins, Aralie ... 115, 194 Hotwagner, Blake ...139 Houser, Chris ...186
Hovsepian, Aileen ... 69 Howard, Adam ... 25, 70 Howard, Alexander ...115
Howard, Eliza... 139, 173 Howard, Everett ...159
Howard, Jabari70, Cover
Howard, Jameelah Ashanti
159 Howard, Jodie ...159 Howard, Jonah ... 159, 182 Howard, Kaitlen ...139 Howard, Liam ...115 Howard, Ryan ...139 Howe, Hrenna ...159 Howell, Connor ...117 Howell, Holly159, 172, 196 Howell, Matthew...139
Howell, Rachel ... 60, 70
Howerton, Connor ...117 Hoyos, Stefan ...117
Hromadka, Dylan ... 70
Hromadka, Hannah18, 159 Huerta, Gabriel ...159 Huerta, Rocio ... 7, 117 Huff, Eric. ...159, 168, 182 Huffaker, Bett ...186 Humm, Ethan ... 9
Hunter, Tyler ... 70
Huntley, Chelsea ...159 Huntley, Kristen ... 39, 117
Hur, Jung Ah ... 70
Hur,,Rochelle ...281 Hutchison, Keaton ...139
Spencer Clayton, Ethan Corbett, Cameron DeRobertis, Karina Garrett,
1--cristian Guerrero, Julia Haimowitz, Holly Howell, Rachel Howell, Macie Ming, Lawrence Patchin, Chandler Patton, Steven Schmidt, Caitlin Thomas, Evan Tikka, Lindsey Weberbauer

Tracy Adams, Laura Amo nett, Susan Andersen, Kirstyn Arditto, Christina Badal, Marissa Barker, Nicole Barrera, Alison Black, Rachel Black, Yvonne Blair, Saylee Brandt, Christian Brannon, Danielle Briggs, Brianna Byrd, Dominique Cayton, Celine Clark, Danielle Dardis, Ariella Davis, Kayla Davis, Courtney Dones, Alicia Duarte, Emily Ford, Aquera Forquer, Amanda Gallardo, Deborah Garcia, Marissa Gerlich, Kyle Gibbs, Claire Henning, Everet Howard, Danielle Jones, Sierra Kautiainen, Mallory Keesler, Deborah Kim, Lois Kim, Zachary Klindworth, Taylor Kozlowski, Allison Kupfer, Josephine Lee, Tyler Logan, Samatha Luk, Connell Mc Kinney, Hailee Ming, Sarah Montes, Brooke Myers, Kristine Ng-Alberto, Rebecca Nicholson, Rahel Nul l, Joshua Nunez Del Prado, Haleigh O Connell, Stacy Ochoa, Hannah Popov, Marissa Purzak, Tessa Roy, Genesis Sandoval, Rebecca Sebel, Natascha Sidkey, Lindsat Smith, Madelyne Spivek, Alexandria Stelly, Holden Thomas, Milton Valentine, Samantha Van Leeuwen, Hannah Walker, Jennifer Weiss, Andrea Wilkins, Kiley Wolfenstien, Fiona Wright, Kyra Young, Martis Yurcisin, Danlei Zheng
Hwang, Andrew ...159 Hwang, Bob .117, 211, 262 Hwang, Da Eun ...117 Hwang, Hyun Sun ...159 Hwang, Jonathan 117, 262 Hwang, Joseph ...173
Ianniello, Joseph ...159
Ignacio, Mariele .. 49, 70, 281
lkeora, Cynthia ...36, 117
lnchalik, Benjamin .. S, 7, 38,70,207
lnemer, David ...186 lntal, Justin ...159 Irwin, Chase ...117 Irwin, Kyle ...159 Isidro, Charissa ...161
ltaya, Chelsea .. 8, 20, 30, 50,71,282,313
ltaya, Eve...30, 186 ltaya, Victoria ...18, 30, 161 Ives, Johnny ...36, 139 Ivey, Carole ...186 lzadipour, Cyrus ...161 lzar, Isabel ... 71
Jackson, Arrya ...139
Jackson, Brittany. 71, 98
Jackson, Carol ...186 Jackson, Cayla ...161 Jackson, Caylee ...161 Jackson, Colton ... 139, 214 Jackson, Connor...117 Jackson, Lonnie ... 117, 242
Jackson, Raymond ... 8
Jackson, Scott ...139
Jacobsen, Alec ... 71 Jacobsen, Emma .40, 71,
264 Jacobson, Kyle ...161 Jacques, David ...39, 117 Jacques, Samuel. ...117 Jahilian, Alexander ...140 Jaimes, David ...117 JamaIi, Lauren ... 117, 198
James, Asia ... 24, 71,302
Jang, Jimmy...117 Jang, Julie ... 140, 150
Jang, Sang ... 71
Jankowski, Janelle161, 264
Jankowski, Kayleigh .. 71
Jansson, Amanda ...117 Jansson, Anders ...117
Janusek, Benjamin ... 72
Janusek, Carly20, 117, 174, 180
Jao, Cheryl ... 4, 72
Jardine, Alexis ... 161, 280 Jarocki, Joseph ...161 Javier, Dillon ...161 Jeffery, Ryan ...161 Jelen, Kali. ... 117, 196 Jenest, Mackenzie ...117 Jenkins, Amanda ... 72 Jensen, Hunter...140 Jeon, Sung ...117 Jimenez, Benjamin ...140 Jimenez, Emilia ...161 Jimenez, Lilia ...140
Jimenez, Richard ... 72
Jin, Allie ...140 Jin, Kyung Jun ...117 Jines, Brendan ...140 Johnson, Alex ...117 Johnson, Brittany 117, 196 Johnson, Chinyelu ...140
Johnson, Daniel 72, 266, 296,301,Cover
Johnson, Derek ...161 Johnson, Justina. 117, 248 Johnson, Kodey ... 117, 236 Johnson, Kristina ...140 Johnson, Kyle ...117 Johnson, Lauren ...117 Johnson, Logan ...161 Johnson, Preea ... 161, 248 Johnson, Sarah ... 5, 140 Johnston, Aubrey ..38, 140 Jolly, Karen ...186 Jones, Alexandrea ... 72,
200 Jones, Amanda ... 72, 296 Jones, Bradley ... 9, 140 Jones, Celeste ...117 Jones, Dallas ...140 Jones, Danielle ...140
Jones, Dreson ... 103 Jones, Elizabeth ...117 Jones, Elodie ...117 Jones, Skyler ...140 Jones, Trevor ...140 Joost, Natalie ... 140, 147 Jordan, Justin ... 152, 161 Joseph, Kevin ...161 Joseph, Maaliq ...140 Joseph, Micaah ...140 Joubert, Tarryn ... 9, 117 Joyce, Timothy ... 161, 244 Judd, Mark...186 Juico, Erik ...140 Juico, Jessica ...117 Jung, Andy ...20, 140 Jung, James ... 32, 77 Jung, Jee Heum ... 72 Jung, Soo Min71, 73, 280
Keena, Drew...161 Kader, Maxwell ...117 Kagiyama, Ryan ...117 Kaiser, Kendall.. ... 116, 117 Kali, Jelen ... 32 Kallen, Ricky ...21 0 Kalmer, Leslie ...186 Kambourov, Allison. 117 Kamei, Lani' ...117 Kaminsky, Kelly ...117 Kang, Jane ...140 Karl, Chad ... 73 Karr, Josh... 117, 196 Karsik, Elyse ...117 Karsik, Emily ... 117, 190 Karzin, Ashley ... 117, 254 Kasha, Laura ... 73 Kasparian, Taline ...161 Katakam, Venkatasai ... 161 Katz, Adam ... 73 Katz, Andrew ...140 Kaur, Ban meet ...117
Kautiainen, Rella ... 9, 44; 73,174,207,293
Kautiainen, Sierra ...161
Kautz, Erik18, 40, 70, 73,
200,310 Kavin, Brian .51, 73, 102
Kawasawa, Benjamin ...117 Keesler, Mallory ...161 Keith, Ashley ...161 Keifer, Jacob.117, 211, 242
Kelley, Brandon ... 73
Kelley, Zachary ...140 Kellogg, Anne ...188 Kelly, Courtney ...117
Kelly, David ... 74
Kelly, Stephen ...161 Kemp, Bethany ...117 Kendall, Timothy .130, 140 Kennedy, Dana ... 140, 143 Kensil, Matthew...140 Kent, Jason ...7 4, 234 Keogh, Delaney ... 141, 228 Kershner, Spencer ...141 Kesler Kurumlian, Shant...
141 Ketenjian, Hannah ...161 Keyne, Alyssa ... 117, 196,
Cover Kezios, James ...4, 5 Khan um, Mari um ...161 Khokhar, Arshjot ...161 Khosrowabadi, Ashley. 38,
141,206 Khoury, Lori ...38, 161 Khudir, Samara ... 74 Khudir, Tamara ... 40, 74 Kidd, Mitchell ...141 Killinger, Michael ...188 , Kim, ae Min ... 38 Kim, Andrew...161 Kim, Bennedict ...141 1 Kim, Benny ...236 Kim, Byoung Soo ...161 Kim, Dae Gyeom ...117 Kim, Daniel ...161 Kim, Deborah ... 161, 165 Kim, Eric... 41, 74, 190 Kim, Hannah ...161
Kim, Hyoun Soo ...161 Kim, Hyun Jung ...161 Kim, Hyung ...117 Kim, Irene ... 161, Cover Kim, Jae Min 138, 141, 280 Kim, Joseph ...117 Kim, Joy ...161 Kim, Ka Eun ...:... 74 Kim, Kevin ...141
Kim, Larry...161 Kim, Lois ... 5, 32 Kim, Michelle... 141 Kim, Rozanne ... 74 Kim, Vivian ... 74 Kim, Youngseok...141 Kimbell, Chance ...141 King, Brandon ... 188 King, Taylor...161 Kinney, Jacqueline32, 75 Kipka, Jonathan ... 75 Kitchener, Bryan .34, 75,
262,281 Kitchener, Jason ...117 Klemens, Cameron ... 161 Kleszcz, Kellie ...161 Kleszcz, Megan ...141 Klindworth, Zachary ... 161 Klinger, Gavin ...188 Klobuchar-Cunningham,
Kyle ...161 Klone, Kaylie ...117 Knapp, Hayley... 161 Knapp, Michael...117 Knell, Parker ...141 Knight, Kelsea ... 141, 173 Knox, Sarah ... 8, 117 Knudsen, Delaney161, 228 Ko, Weonseok ...117 Kojin, Michael ...161 Koll in, Blake ...141 Kamen, Amy ...188 Konigsberg, Leah 161,228 Koontz, Dennis ...188 Kopanski, Ashley.141, 288 Kornegay, Kevin ...188 Kowal, Jack... 106, 117 Kozlowski, Taylor...161 Krabach, Kristin ... 14, 117 Kraidman, Marc ...161 Kraidman, Melissa ... 161 Kramer, Andrew ...117 Kritzberg, Adam ...117 Krolicki, Michelle...118 Krystek, Michael ...141 Kukaua, Kelsey ... 161, 260 Kulpinski, Zachary ... 118 Kupfer, Allison ... 161, 165 Kurowski, Lisa...188 Kwock, Kirstie ... 118, 254

Michelle Ahlberg, Lauren Antariksa, Sterling Bales, Emalee Banry, Morgan barton, Kaylee Bodtke Stout, Alexandria Brill, Taylor bug bee, Jessica Busch, Brookje Butler, Tiffany Cabrera, Rachel Cheney, Katherine Dalessandro, Chelsey Eckhardt, Emily Egan, Rene Engle, Lukas Florzak, Katrina Fortman, Carley Fredrickson, Jennifer Fugger, Thalia Garcia, Melissa Gramling, Felicia Granados, Daniell e Halperin, Chanelle Han, Laura Hansen, Tiffanie Hardin, Juluana Harn, Alexandra Honadel, Eliza Howard, Da Eun Hwang, Lauren Johnson, Vivian Kim, Kristin Krabach, Christine Lee, So La Lee, Tamara Long, Dominique Lopez, Andrea Mejia, Daniella Menashe, Jennifer Miller, Meghan Monyenegro, Christine MOnterroyo, Rebecca Nicholson, Yoo Hee Pack, Noel Pollard, lzabella Preciado, Valerie Rainey, Julia Rateaver, Taylor Riley, Alexis Rubell, Emily Shundo, Melissa Silos, Corrine Smith, Karen Stanislawski, Christian Sutherland, Kassandra Talamantez, Jayme Tan, Nicole Timpone, Samantha Van Leeuwen, Deidre Wax, Geena Woo, Lauren Wright, Hee Sun Yoo

Jake Solley, Aaren Dominguez, Krishan Pierce, Cameron Klemens, Tyler SikichTedrick Thompson, Jake Mason, Riley Honaker, Timothy Blake, Sean Murphy, Thomas Reagan, Kevin Joseph, Morgan Stonefield, Joseph Engel, Jacob Royston, Dimitris Georgopoulos, Jimmy Hernandez, Derek Sibthorp, Cole Chadwell, Alex Shaw, Xavier Mandefield, Gabriel Martinez, Ryan Jeffrey, Michael Kojin, Logan Johnson, Tyler Shaw, Matthew Morehead, Branden Roelofson, Steven Gallatin, Kyle Sanchez, Stephen Kelly, Blaine Littleford, Jacob Ruprecht, Grayson Largman, Taylor Epstein, Matthew Lazzaretto, Marc Kraidman, Anthony Costleigh, Zachary Cochran, Kyle Grant, Remy Linares, Adam Lentz, oparker Paisley, Blair Pina, Niko Lach man, Tyler Gould, Connor Elward, Collin Berens, Davis Pitner, Aaron Sepehri, Javier Dillon, Wyatt Ruiz, Jesse Heyer, Liam Gillespie, Paul Amico, Connor Chapman, Lucas Rivello, Trevor Noble, Christian Berney, Max Gomez, Michael Pechstein, Connor Skelley Managers: Madison Cunningham, Brooke Pearson, Lindsay Smith Coaches: Post, Albert, Deutsch, Marziani, Wire, Kornegay, Sheggurd
La Porte, Kaylin ...118,
216 La Vine, James ... 118, 244 La Vine, Joseph ...161 La Voise, Ashtyn ...118 Labasan, Racel ...141 Label, Alex ...173 Lacey, Joshua ...118 Lachman, Spencer. ...161,
272 Ladouceur, John...161 Lafon, Brandyn ...141 Laganiere, Christopher161'
Lam, Kathleen ... 75, 200 Lam, Priscilla ... 141, 188
Lamos, Kelsey de ...198 Lampert, Mark ...118 Lamson, Hayley ...141
Lane, Madison32, 43, 75, 79,246 Landefeld, Shane ... 75
Landefeld, Tara ...25, 157, 161 Lapcheske, Michael.. ...161
Lapp, Thomas 16, 74, 75, 86,289
Largman, Grayson ...161 Largman, Kayte ...118 Larrazabal, Marcus ...118,
194 Larsen, Katrina ...141 Larson, Chloe ... 34, 7 5 Larson, Joshua ...161 Larson, Troy ...141 Latu no, Timothy John .141 Lau, Mitchell ...161 Lavoise, Ashlyn ...281 Lawrence, Brock ...141 Lawrence, Devon ...118 Lawrence, Elizabeth ...138,
141 Lazzaretto, Andrew ... 141 Lazzaretto, Matthew...152,
161 Le Duff, Serena ...162 Le Gassick, Brooke ...130,
141 Leal, Christian ...162
Lebel, Alexander ... 76
Lebuff, Serena ...165 Lee, Alexander ...118 Lee, Alison ... 162, 224 Lee, Andrew...141 Lee, Anne ...162 Lee, Brandon ...118 Lee, Chris Chan ...162 Lee, Christine ...118 Lee, Donna ...188 Lee, Donovan ...141 Lee, Esther ...141 Lee, Eunice ...162 Lee, James ... 4 Lee, Jane ...38, 162 Lee, Ji Hwan ...118
Lee, Joseph ... 76
Lee, Josephine ... 160, 162 Lee, Nicole...26, 118 Lee, Raymond ... 141, 162 Lee, Samuel.. ...141 Lee, Sarah ...141 Lee, So La ...118 Lee, Stacy ... 38, 138, 141 Lee, Sun ...162 Lee, Winston ...162 Lega, Carson ...141 Lehner, Chasen26, 39, 118,
128, 174 Leiner, Brandon ...141 Leiva, Juan ...141 Lentz, Adam...162
Lentz, Jennifer ... 76, 246
Lentz, Zachary ...118
Leonard, Arielle ... 40, 76
Leonard, Hunter ...162 Leonard, Tyler ...162 Leonard, Zachary ...141 Lertnitiwong, Paulina .113,
118 Lesko, Lauren ...162
Lessard, Andrew ... 76 Levin, Erik ... 76
Levinson, Taylor. .. 118, 216 Lewandowski, John ...118,
190 Lewin, Kelsey ... 76 Lewin, Kendra ...162 Lewis, Christopher...141 Lewison, Cole ...141
Leyton, Kathryn ... 76
Li, Jiayi ...141, 1 SO, 281 Licea, Eli... ...141 Lichten, Connor...22, 118 Lico, Jayde ...198 Lico, Melanie ...118 Liddy, Brian .. 118, 207, 21 O Lieberman, Dylan ...162 Lieu, Shannon ... 141, 192,
280 Lightfoot, Alexandre ... 118 Lightfoot, Vanessa ...162 Lillian, Edward ...118 Lim, Jae Man...141 Lim, Kyung ...162 Limon, Victor ...188 Linares, Remy ...162 Lindemann, Shane ...162 Lindsay, Megan ...141 Lindsey, Blanca ...141 Linn, Theodore 141, Cover Littleford, Blaine ...162 Littleford, Dalton...162 Littleford, Devin ... 77 Llorico, Joshua ...162
Lo, Han Kung ... 53, 77
Locke, Bobbie...162 Lockett, Jordan ... 77 Lockett, Maxwell ...162 Lockhart, Emily ... 18 Lockhart, Emma ...162
Logan, Laura ... 6, 20, 43, 77,91,293
Logan, Michelle ...163 Logan, Tyler ...39, 119 Loken, Siri ... 18, 163, 222 Lamont Meeks, Kyle ...119 Long, Tamara ... 119, 121 Long, Theresa ...190
Longoria, Lauren. 77, 91
Looney, Hannah ...141 Lopes, Christian ...119 Lopes, Timothy ...141 Lopez, B.nanne ...141 Lopez, Brooke ... 163, 207 Lopez, Crystal... ...163 Lopez, Dominique...119 Lovato, Monique...119 Lowenberg, Marissa ...135,
141 Lowrey, Thomas ... 6, 163 Lozano, Mark... 77
Lozano, Matthew-163, 182 , Lozano, Samuel .. 113, 172 Luca, Nicolette De ...173 Luh, Delany ...163
Luh, Derek ... 77, 79
Luk, Samantha ...141
Luna, Aylin ... 77, 293
Luna, Eric ... 9 Lund, Shelby ... 78 Luxmore, Les ...209 Luzansky, Michelle ...141 Luzong, Eugene ...119 Lynch, M ichelle ...163 Lyons, Keyaira84, 102, 141,
143,173,281 Lytle, William ...163
Maalouf, Camilla ... '
106, 119, 152 Mac Ivor, Ronan ...141 Mac Kay, Rhiannon 18, 141 Macalutas, Gaspar ...141 Macey, Daniel. ... 130, 141 Machado, Jared ...163 Macias, Laura ...190 Macias, Neil ...163 Macoritto, Stephanie... 141 Madden, Phyllis ...190
Madera, Gina ... 6, 42, 78, 281, 312, Cover
Madrid, Don...190 Madrid, Marisa ...163 Magana, Cynthia ...141 Magana, Deanna ...163 Maglalang, Alexis ...163 Magnaye, Rodcoe Ace 119
Mahoney, Ryan ... 119, 236 Maimone, Elizabeth ... 26, 163
Malabanan, Jarro ... 4, 119 Malabanan, Jorriel. ...141 Malcomb, Frederick ...190 . Maldonado, Jason .22, 119
Maldonado, Rocky32, 73 78, 83,212
Maldonado, Tatiana ...119
Malko, Samuel ... 76, 78,
Mallory, Emily...163 Mallyon, Ashley ...163 Malone Brown, Jennifer ...
119, 240 Malone, Michael ... 7, 173 Maloney, Taylor142, Cover Manalili, Michael Mookie ..
119 Manalo, Craig ... 142, Cover Mancia, Jason... 163, 182 Mandel, Rob ...190 Manfra, Steven ...32, 212 Mangilit, Louie Angelo ...
152, 163 Manning, Jennifer ... 142 Manrique, Melanie ... 142 Manzano, Reyne...119
1 Manzano, Rhodel ... 142 Manzo, Vincent ...163 March, Daniel ...163 March, Gregory ...119 Marchesan, Ann .78, 299 Marcia, Brandon ... 190 Margrave, Jennene ... 190 Markley, Gabrielle... 163 Marlowe, Joseph. 113, 119 Marmol, Aubrey ... 119 Marquez, Michael ... 142
Row 1: Anthony Wells, Tanner Richards, Alex Bishop, Max Rodriguez, Connor Howell, Rico
Martin, Clea ... 78
Velasquez, Nico Costleigh, Derek Luh, Ryan Almodovar, Blake Anthony Row 2: Jacob Gartrell,
Martin, Melissa ...142 Clayton Adler, Steven Manfra, Coach Waters, Coach Arnold, Coach Padilla, Coach Muir, Coach Dominguez, Coach Muilli, Coach O'Brien, Brandon Wikler, Wesley York, Matt Bleifer Row 3: Eric
Martin, Nicholas ...119 Woodward, Ade Terry, Rocky Maldonado, Kevin Carrington, Robert Bain, Brian Ramirez, Brock Vereen, Tyler Abbott, Jake Reed, Brandon Herrera, Jacob Danny, Ryan Gorman, Caleb Preston
Martin, Richelle ... 78
Row 4: Wyatt Hixon, Ryan Wermich, Lonnie Walker, Steven Rawls, Ricky Kallen, Chris Erickson, Martinez, Angel ... 119 Danny De Armero, Dylan Padilla, Hector Ramirez, David Medina, Darrel Mitchell, Brian Liddy Row
5: Michael Conway, Jabari Howard, Nick Moss, Trevor Smyth, Alex Guerra, Erik Kautz, Nick Oliva, Martinez, Arniesa ... 9, 142 Nolan O'Sullivan, Matt Nyberg, Kevin Rush, Zach Wermich, Zach Tartabull, Andrew Mccorkle Martinez, Christina ... 142 Martinez, Gabriel ...163
Martinez, Jesus ...119 Martinez, Joshua ...142
Martinez, Juan ...40
Martinez, Katherine ... 152,
163 Martinez, Kevin...119 Martinez, Maria ...163 Martinez, Roberto ... 142 Marzinzik, Kristina 119, 121
Mason, Nichole... 142 Mason, Ronald ...163 Massie, Brittney ...142 Massie, Ronald ... 69, 78 Mateo, Danica .. 142, Cover Matilsky, Cheyne ... 79

Matitu, Adrian ...119
Matson, D~vin ... 79, 270
Matthews, Lauren 119, 121
Mattley, Danyelle ... 79
Maxey, Garrett ...142 Maxoutopoulis, Lindsay ... 119 Maxwell, Annalia. 130, 142 May, Peter ... 119, 280
Mayberry, Devon 18, 59, 79 Mayeda, Andrew. 71, 79, 103, 232, 258 Mayo, Erin... 39, 79
Mazzotti, Angelo ...119 Mc Afee, Cody ...142 Mc Alpine, Kelly ...119 Mc Bride, Haylee ...163 Mc Cain, Kaci ... 119, 238 McCandless, Jason ...119
Mc earthy, Andrew22, 79
Mc earthy, John ...119 McClellan, Sage ...1.63 Mc Closkey, Kavita ...163 Mc Closkey, William ...142 Mc Cloud, Kristen 142, 150 Mc Connaughy, Benjamin 113, 119
Mc Corkle, Andrew ... 79
Mc Corkle, Erin ...119 McCormick, Seanisse... 7, 142 McCormick, Victoria...163 Mc Coy, Lauren 3, 136, 142
Mc Coy, Leanne .. 80, 190 Mc Crary, Brian ... 80
Mc Cready, Matthew ...142 Mc Elhatton, Russell. ...119
Mc Ewen, Shelby .20, 58, 66,80
Mc Farland, Paisha.12, 119 McFarland, Tyre ...106 Mc Ferren, Amanda ...147, 142 Mc Gowan, Cailee ...142 Mc Graw, Bailey ... 152, 163 Mc Graw, Kyle ...163
Mc lntyre, James ... 80
Mc lntyre, Katherine ... 18, 142 Mc Kenzie, Mariah ...163
Mc Kenzie, Scotland .. 49, 80
Mc Kernan, Danielle ...119 Mc Lain, Kevin ...38, 163 Mc Pheeters, Garrett...142, 214,236 McGrory, Emily ...224 McGrory, Emma ... 119, 224 McIntyre, Alex ...234 McKinney, Conell ...172 Mclaughlin, Cole ...163 Mclaughlin, Marelyn...190 Medel, Alexandra ...142 Medina, Adrian ...142 Medina, Angel ...163
Medina, David ... 12, 80
Meehan, Lacey ... 7, 142 Mejia, Alexa ...119 Mejia, Andrea ...119 Melendrez, Luis ...142
Melgar, Nicole ...80
Melson, Emily ...142 Melton, Austin ... 9, 119 Menashe, Adam ...163 Menashe, Daniella ... 7, 119 Mendenhall, Zachary .. 163 Mendez, Jennifer 119, 142, 281 Mendez, Linda ... 80 Mendez, Tyler ...119 Mendoza, Brianna ...142 Mendoza, Habraham ... 163
Mendoza, Victoria ... 81
Mendoza-Domingo, Christopher ...163 Menifield, Xavier ...163 Menjivar, Tyler ... 3, 142 Mercado, Nicolas ...163 Mercado, Yecenia ...142 Merle, Clark ...142 Merle, Jacob ...163 Mesa, Garrett.. ... 163, 168 Metcalfe, Stephanie ...142 Metelitz, Lauren ...142 Metelitz, Matthew ... 81 Metz, Matthew ... 119, 184 Meunitz, Brittany 119, 256 Meyer, Stephen ...142 Meyers, Jake ...142 Michaels, Arianna ... 5, 32, 142,254
Mifflin, Dennis ...190 Mijangos, Anibal ...163 Mijangos, Cindy ...142 Mike, Garrett.. ...30, 163 Mike, Mr...30, 192 Mike, Samantha ...30, 119 Miles, JoAnn ...192 Miller, Amy ...119 Miller, Brandon ...163 Miller, Cassidy ...163 Miller, Dakota ... 119, 262
Miller, Emily81, 281, 312
Miller, Jacob ...142 Miller, Jennifer ... 163, 256 Miller, Jessica ... 142, 228 Miller, Kendall ...142 Miller, Machel la ...119
Miller, Morgan ... 81
Miller, Nicole ...119 Miller, Rachel ...119 Miller, Susan ...176 Mills, Allie ...119
Mills, Ashley ... 81, 401
Min, Audrey ...163 Min, Joshua ...163 Min, Kimberly ...163 Minami, Airi ...142 Ming, Hailee ...163 Ming, Macie ... 142, 150 Minkus, John ...192 Minniss, Kayla ...163 Miramon, McKenna ...154, 163, 173 Miranda, Daisy ... 81 Miranda, Jessica. 119, 174, Cover Mitchell, Dana ...163
Mitchell, Darrol ... 62, 81, 96
Moeller, David ...192
Mogan, Christian ... 81
Molina, Stephanie 119, 190 Molinar, Tess ...119 Monast, Drake ...163 Moncada, Matthew...142 Mandan, Christina ...163 Monette Paz, Joshua .. 119, 210 Monteleone, Joe ...192 Montenegro, Meghan.163 Montenegro, Steven ...119
Monterroyo, Catherine Marie... 82 Monterroyo, Christine Marie...119 Montes, Sarah ...142 Montoya, Alfonso ...119 Montoya, Jeremiah ...119 Moody, Eddwane 158, 163 Moody, lyawnna ...119
Moon, Jasper. 65, 72, 82, 281 Moore, Bailey ... 46, 82
Moore, Camila ... 160, 163 Moore, Chelsea ... 82 Moore, Jordan ...142 Moore, Parker ...163 Moore, Ryan ...120 Moore, Samantha 142, 228 Moore, Tasia ...142 Mora, Diego ...163 Morales, Amber ...120 Morales, Taylor ...120 Moran, Zachary ...142 Morehead, Matthew... 12, 164 Morente, Brianna ...120 Nlorey, Ava ... 142, 173 Morfino, Milana ...120 Morgan, Conner .. 120, 124 Morgan, Emily ..7, 120, 176 Morgan, Lars...120 Mori, David ...142 Mori, Jasmine ...142
Morimitsu, Hiroaki ... 82
Morishita, Adam ...142 Morosky, Andrei .. 142, 262 Morris, Katelyn ... 142, 228 Morris, Lucy ...192 Mortensen, Carly 142, 274 Mortensen, Cody ... 82 Moscoe, Tracy ...209 Mosley, Jordan ...164 Moss, Mark ... 142, 210,268
Moss, Nicholas ... 82, 21 1
Motter, Sa ma ntha...164 Motto, David...164 Motto, Joshua ... 120, 234 Mufti, Ameera ...120 Mufti, Azeem ...164 Mukai, Andria.: ...142 Mullaley, Dylan ...164

Mullaley, Lauren ...39, 120 Mullins, Valerie... 130, 144 Mumford, Alexander ... 120 Mundell, Brian...144 Mundell, Sydney. 164, 276 Munoz, Angelo ...120 Munoz, Erica ...144 Munoz, Kelly ...164 Munster, Samuel. 144, 188 Murillo Duran, Tania ... 164,
190 Murillo, John ...164 Murphey, Sean ...144 Murphy, Ashley ... 82 Murphy, Jessica ...106 Murphy, Kristin ...120 Murphy, Sean ... 164, 214 Murray, Jennifer ...120 Mushkot, Kiara ...144 Myers, Brooke ... 164, 188,
202 Myers, David ... 164, 252 Myers, Jenna...120 Mysliviec, Chad ... 144

aber, Nadine 7, 164 Nag le-Evangelista,
Amber ... 83, 186 Nail ling, Christina ...120 Nailling, Katherine ... 70,
83,88,298 Nakamura, Amy...164 Nally, Connor...144 Napora, Taelor...164 Narciso, Yolanda ...144 Nava, Alexander .. 106, 120 Nazarian, Nareg ...164 Nazarian, Shane ...120 Nee, Emily... 102, 143, 144 Nee, Eric ...120 Nelson, Andrew... 7, 144 Nelson, Ashley ...144 Nelson, Garrett ...144 Nemiroff, Joshua ...120 Nemiroff, Patricia ... 144 Nesmith, Daniel. ... 120 New Taylor...120 Newton, Natalie ... 83


Row 1: Coach Madders, Brandon Ashley, Paulo Trentini, Gino Fervaro, Skylar Park, Matthew Lazano, Bryan Pivak, Isaac Yun, Austin Rivas. Row 2: Aaron Chamness Benny Kim, Josh Singer, Rubin Hilario, Mark Silingardi, Christopher Pope, Lucas Russelhoff.
Ng Alberto, Ronald ...144
Ng, Michelle ... 7, 83
Ng, Nicole ...144 Ng-Alberto, Kristine ...164 Nguyen, Hung ...120 Nguyen, Kenny ...164 Nguyen, Rebecca ...144 Nichols, Ashlyn ... 80, 83 Nichols, Griffin 6, 120, 242, 266
Nicholson, Rebecca .. 39, 83
Nicolai, Jeffrey ... 83 Nieto, Fatima ...25, 144 Niles, Jessica ...144 Nitcha, Jason ... 120, 204 Nnuro, Kevin ... 5, 144 Noble, Trevor ...164 Nobles, Grant ...164
Nolan, Nicolette ... 83 Noltemeyer, Matthew 85
Norihiro, Jennifer 144, 194 Norman, Cristie ...144 Novotny, Tyler ... 144, 278 Null, Ashley ...120 Null, Rachel ... 164, 401 Nunez Del Prado, Joshua .. 120 Nunez, Elijah. 22, 152, 160, 164 Nunez, Jesus ...120 Nussbaum, Kaylee ...164 Nyberg, Matthew...120 Nyberg, Michael ...39, 164, 182
0 Callaghan, Brian ... 144 0 Connell, Haleigh ...120 0 Connor, Brian ...164 0 Donnell, Ryan ...164 0 Linn, Nicholas ...164
0 Sullivan, Nolan . 71, 85
O'Callaghan, Brian ...147 O'Connell, Haleigh ...238 Oakley, Austen ...164
Obermeyer, Sam .. 40, 85
Ocampo, Salvador ...144
Ochoa, Stacey ...120 Odum, Lexie ... 2, 144 Ogdoc, Maria Jose Paula... 120 Ogunorunyinka, Bu kola... 144
Oh, Esther ... 95
Oh, Ji Hoon ...120 Oh, Richard ... 145, 172
Oh, Yoon Ah ...85
Oho, Megan ...160 Olbes, Calvin ...164 Oleesky, Beau ...120 Olega, Tatiana ...120 Olega, Trisha 120, 172, 180 Oliva, Dylan ...120 Oliva, Jared ... 164, 272
Oliva, Nicholas ... 85, 310
Oliver, Acquanetta ...120 Oliver, Ashley ...16, 164 Olsen, Erik ...4, 164
Olsen, Lauren ... 85
Olsen, Olivia ...18, 164 Olvera, Diana ...145
Omoregie, Samuel Owens ... 85
Omotunde, Tiffany ...145, 207 Oppler, Broc ...120 Oppler, Sadie ...164 Oquendo, Ana ...164
Ordaz, Alyssa ... 85
Ordaz, Vanessa ... 7, 145 Ormonde, Ariana ...164 Ornelas, Lisa Marie ...145, 276 Orshan, Michelle ...145 Ortiz, Abigail.. ...145 Ortiz, Ariana ...164 Ortiz, Julio ...145
Ortiz, Katya ... 10, 73, 85; 224
Ortiz, Mario ...120 Ortiz, Michelle ... 120, 281 Osborn, Alana ... 85 Osby, Amber...145 Osorio, Gabriela ...192 Ost, Hufanga ... 6, 120 Osuna, Adrian ...120 Otto, Megan ...164 Ouzts, Natalee ... 157, 164
Overton, Erin ... 85, 178, 280 Owens, Blake ... 85, 211, 262
Owens, Brittany ... 145, 264
Pack, Branden ...164 Pack, Sae Hee ...164 Pack, Yoo Hee ...120 Padilla, Dylan ...:...120 Paggao, Jeremy ... 120, 244 Paisley, Parker ...172 Pait, Kyle ... 2, 145 Palabod, Adelia ...120 Palaikis, Maria ...192 Palencia, Joseph ...145 Palmer, Miguel... 6, 145 Palmer, Sara ...26, 164 Palmer, Stephen ...120 Pancardo, Ervin ...164 Panyarachun, Cheston 172 Papenthien, Maryl 64, 256 Parada, Aaron ...120 Parde, Connor ...120 Parde, Eric... 103
Park, Clara ...145 Park, Eugene ... 145, 188 Park, Joanne ...145 Park, Kyung Ju ... 145 Park, Min Young ...120 Park, Paul ...120 Park, Skyler ...145 Park, Yumi ...164 Parker, Wesley ...120 Parkinson, Madison ...164 Parrish, Allison ... 120, 216 Pasin, Sam ...145 Paspates Myers, Mason ... 164 Pastori, Marissa ...145 Patchin, Lawrence ...145 Patel, Alex ...145 Patino, Natalie ...120
Patterson, Armani. ... 85 Patton, Chandler.40, 54,
103 Patton, Royer ...120 Pavel I, Evan .. 108, 120, 204
Pear, Olivia... 7, 164 Pearson, Brooke ...164 Pearson, Jade ... 94, 85 Pearson, Nicole ...164 Pearson, Tyler ...120 Pech, Amber ...164 Pech, Karina ...120 Pechstein, Michael ...164 Pedroza, Shaunna ...120 Pellegrino, Danielle ...145 Peltier, Korin ...120 Pena, Jennifer ...120 Pena, Mayra ...164 Pena, Roberta ...122 Pepin, Tyler ...164 Peralta, Janine ...145 Perez, Alexis ...145 Perez, Amanda.122, Cover Perez, An aye Ii ...122 Perez, Claudia .. 42, 43, 85 Perez, Danielle ...145 Perez, Jacqueline ...145
Perez, Justin ... 85 Perez, Kauri ... 86 Perez, Oveld Lopez...173 Perez, Servando .. 145, 172
Perez, Stephanie ... 86 Perez, Veren ice ... 40, 42, 43,86
Perez, Veronica ...122 Perkins, Jasmine .. 122, 260 Perkins, Xiomara ...164 Perl, Dean ... 1 192
Perry, Allison ... 9, 122 Peskay, Allyson ...145 Peters, Matthew .. 122, 211
Petersen, Alexandra 122 Peterson, Christopher86
Peterson, Cory ...122 Peterson, David ...164
Peterson, Kamaron ... 41, 86
Peterson, Kori ...145 Peterson, Susan ...192 Petta, Lauren ... 122, 180 Peyton, Claudette ...164 Pharis, Cindy ...194 Phavorachit, Sydney ...164 Phillips, Cheyenne ...122 Phillips, Grant ...:...145 Phillips, Joseph ...164

Picard, .Bradley ...122 Piccirillo, Katie ...164
Piccirillo, Michael ... 86 Pick, Alexander ... 86 Pickard, Krista ... 86
Piepers, Forrest ... 145, 150,
Pierce, Anthony ... 87
Pierce, Krishan ...164 Pierce, Shaun ...164 Pievac, Bryan ...166 Pimentel, Dorian ...145 Pimentel, Lesly ... 87 Pina, Blair ...166 Pineda, Destiny ... 122, 207 Pineda, Laura ...194 Pineda, Raul ...145
Pineda, Stephanie ... 87
Pinkowski, Taylor. 166, 168 Pinkston, Tori ...20, 122 Pinsker, Ashley ... 145, 248 Pinto, Christina ...166 Piroumian, Alexander .166 Piscitello, Joseph ...145 Pistome, Jack ...145 Pitman, Alana ... 145, 248 Pitner, Davis ...166 Pittman, Jaclyn ...166 Pittman, Jordanne ...166 Pivovaroff, Desiree ...166
Poehls, Nicholas ... 87
, Poirier, Douglas ... 122, 211 Pollard, Arthur ...122 Pollard, Noel ...166 Pollorana, Lisa ...194 Polan, Jeffrey ...122 Polan, Karlee ...166 Ponce, Genesis ... 41, 87 Pontius, Mike ...194 Pope, Andrew ...122 Pope, Christopher ...166 Pope, Karson ... 122, 173 Popov, Hannah ...166 Porcayo, Karen ...122
Porter, Kacey ... 2, 87
Posey, Parker Stone-... 36 Poss, Eric ...12, 166 Potts, Natalie ...145 Powell, Jasmine ...145 Powers, Nathen ...166 Powers, Thomas ... 122

Prasertsit, Sean ...122 Ralstin, Katie ... 87, 220 Rha, Daniel ...122 Rodriguez, Carrie ...194 Preciado, lzabella ...122 Ralston, Jennifer .. 166, 256 Rhatigan, Austin .. 145, 204 Rodriguez, Corrina ...146 Pressley, Azjinay ...145 Ralston, Samantha ...122, Rhodes, Doreen...194 Rodriguez, Diana ...89 Pressnall, Gabrielle ...122 128,240 Rhodes, Nicole ...12, 166 Rodriguez, Ileana ...123 Preston, Caleb ... 87, 291 Ramirez, Brian ...87, 122 Riad, Daniella ... 88 Rodriguez, Jessica ...166 Preston, Gabrielle ... 87, Ramirez, Diana ... 43, 87 Richards, Serena ...166 Rodriguez, Josue ...123 291, 307, Cover Ramirez, Hector...145 Richards, Tanner 88,212 Rodriguez, Lauren ...166 Price, Desiree ...166 Ramirez, Jaime ...166 Richter, Chandler ...145 Rodriguez, Marissa ...166 Priesz., Dr... 30, 209 Ramirez, Jonathan...145 Ricottone, Lauren ...122 Rodriguez, Maximillian ... Primo, Caprice ... 116, 122 Ramirez, Noel ...122 Riddle, Hailey Stillman 130 123,210,212 Prinsze, Erin ...145 Ramirez, Sergio ...145 Ridenour, Meaghan .. 84, Rodriguez, Naomi.. ...123 Prinsze, Scott ... 87 Randell, Danica ...122 88, 220, 280 306 Rodriguez, Natalie ...166 Prizer, Gavin ...145 Randolph, Nicholas22, 166 Riedel, Nicole ... 18, 88 Rodriguez, Richard ...123 Proni, Michael ...87 Rangel, Dalena ... 110, 122 Ries, Breanna .. 6, 42, 89, Rodriguez, Tiffany ... 89 Pugh, Stephen ...145 Rateaver, Julia ...166 312 Roelofson, Branden ...166, Pugh, Valerie ...122 Rauch, Ada ... 145, 188, 260 Ries, Brittnie...166 188 Pugliese, Amanda42, 43, Ravitz, Jessica ...145 Ries, Brooke ...122 Rogers, Brianna ...146 87 Rawls, Stephen ...122 Riley, Jordan ...145 Rogers, Sydney ...166 Pugliese, Thomas ...145 Raynak, Marcus ...122 Riley, Megan ...166 Rogers, William ... 89 Pupparo, Camila ...122 Razalan, Aubrey Marie 122 Riley, Taylor .. 4, 26, 32, 122 Rogerson, Carly ...39, 207 Purzak, Marissa ...166 Razalan, Jose ...145 Rippee, Kohlton ...122 Rogerson, Karlene 39, 166, Puth, Tyler ...122 Razo, Andres ...166 Rivas, Austin ...166 207 Razo, Erika ...122 Rivas, Nicholas ...122 Rohan, Jason ...123 Razo, Leonardo ...122 Rivello, Luke ...15, 166 Rojas, Maria ... Cover Reagan, Erin ... 122, 174 River, Brittany...145 Romero, Christopher103 Reagan, Samantha6, 57, Rivera, Casandra Hilary122 Romero, Jessica ...123
Quezada Vasquez,
87,281,297 Rivera, Nickayla ...146 Romero, Nancy ...166 Joseph ...14, 145
Reagan, Thomas ...166 Rivera, Ryan ...166 Romero, Sharon ...194 Quidilla, Tiffani Ellen ...166
Reantaso, Reiland ...122 Rizo, Esteban ...122 Rompal, Amanda 42, 43, Quijano-Siade, Alexis .. 166
Recchia, Logan34, 61, 88 Roach, Tyler ...146 89 Quijano-Siade, Andrew ...
Recchia, Tyler ...122 Roberge, Jake ... 122, 270 Rompal, Michael ...146 145
Recinos, Carlos ...22, 157, Roberti, Laura ...146 Rooney, Caitlin ...123 Quilantang, Kenneth ...166
166 Roberti, Mark...123 Rooney, Dudly ...196 Quilantang, Kyle.. 145, 192
Recinos, Jennifer ... 88 Roberts, Connery Evan 146 Rooney, Matthew ...166 Quiles, Sonia ...166
Redd, lyashema ...194 Roberts, Devin ...146 Rooney, Shannon ...166 Quinn, Brandon ...122
Reed, Jacob ...122 Roberts, Nicole ...166 Roque, Kristine ...123 Quinn, Sydney ...145
Reed, Mia ...194 Robins, Madison ...146 Rorick, Kevin ...166 Quintero, Kycee ...145
Reeves, Roberf.. ...145 Robinson, Nicole. 123, 124 Rosales, Alexander ...146 Quintero, Quincy ...122
Rei, Lindsay ... 6, 122 Robison, Dylan ... 9, 123 Rosas, Stephen ...123 Reilley, Ty ...122 Robles, Danny ...166 Rosauer, Hannah ...146 Reiss, Riley ... 29, 78, 194 Robles, Katleeya ...103 Rosauer, Kyle ... 40, 89 Ressler,Kelly ... 68, 88 Robnett, Timotheus ...146 Rose, Adam ...123 Reuben, Sierra ...122 Rodela, Ashley ...123 Rose, Kristopher ...146
Rada, Natalie ...122 Rey, Santiago...166 Rodin, John ...146 Rosena, Joseph ... 42, 43~
Radding, Brooke ...20, 122, Reyes, Briana ... 145 Rodrigues, Gabriela 5, 146 89
210 Reyes, Mitchell Anthony ... Rodriguez Cleary, Raquel.. Rosenberger, Madeline."
Raevouri, Andrew ...194 166 166 89,200,289
Raff, Chelsea ...122 Reynolds, Taylor ...122 Rodriguez Hidalgo, Sara... Roskilly, Heaven ...123
Rainey, Michael ... 87 Reynoso, Jessica .. 145, 150 146,280 Ross Smith, Danielle ...123,
Rainey, Valerie ...122 Rezaie, Sha ram ...88 Rodriguez, Alexander .146 180
Rainville, Faith ...122 ' Rezaie, Sherry 12, 122, 128 Rodriguez, Carolina ...146 Ross, Malcolm ... 123, 126

Ross, Shane ...123 Rossi, Blake...146 Rothstein, Elite ... 90, 196 Rough, Ashley ...218 Rountree, Rachel...166 Roux, Ashleigh ...146 Rowbottom, Erich 146, 147 Roy Sarnicola, Giovanna ...
130,146 Roy, Tessa ... 152, 166 Roy, Tylie ...90, 178 Royston, Jacob...166 Royston, Ryan ...123 Rubcic, Lauren ... 90, 200 Rubell, Alexis ... 90 Rubin, Miles ... 146, 151 Rubio, Jacob ... 146, 151 Rubio, Jai Lynne123, Cover Rudolph, Haydin ...166 Ruffner, Sarah ...123 Rugg, Johnathan 146, 151 Ruiz, David ... 123, 186 Ruiz, Hugo ...123 Ruiz, Jacob ... 90, 262 Ruiz, Luisa ... 146, 151 Ruiz, Victor ...166 Ruiz, Wyatt ...166 Ruprecht, Jacob ...166 Rush, Kevin ... 39 Russ, Ryan ... 82, 90, 176,
242 Russo, John ... 146, 151 Rustom, Maya ...166 Ruthman, Andrew ... 6, 123 Ruthman, Matthew ... 166 Ryken, Curtis .. 40, 43, 90 Ryken, Stephen ...25, 123
Sabile, Christopher ...
146, 151 Sabillon, Zachary ...123 Sabordo, Andy Cris .. 125 Sadra, Amanda ... 34, 67,
84,90 Saeedi, Sarah ...90 Saenz, Amber ...125 Saginian, Kayla ...125 Sai, Lewis ... 91
-Row 1: Coach Cristie, Samantha Asarch, Linnea Herren, Kaci McCain, Megan
~Berkery, Kristin Bos, Lindsey Gaudioso, Hannah Hicks, Coach O'Connell Row 2: Lindsey Bos, Claire Fredrickson, Alyssa Gaudioso, Brittney Sayre, Amanda Pugliese, Nicolette Smith, Haleigh O'Connell, Taylor Harrison Row 3: Emily Tuffey, Alyssa Triana, Megan Hayes, Olivia Gonzalez, Chelsey Storaker, Madison White, Kassandra

Row 1: Keyone Thompson, Andrew Tiemann, Garett Nelson, Hayley Lamson, Breanna Ries, Bryan Kitchner, Stephen Ryken, Christian Berney, Andre Morosky, Jacob Ruiz, Jonathan Tiemann, Michael Smith, Andrew MacArthy, Blake Owens, Dakota Miller, Dallas Haddox, Brooke Ries, Christian Farfan, Stephen Haw, Everet Howard, Nicholas Gammon Row2: Danielle Pellegrino, Micaela Valasquez, Rachael Tiemann, Kameron Peterson, Carmen Adante, Erin Overton, Sara De Monte, Kori Peterson, Brittany Clarkson, Matthew Grey, Andrew Pope, Halley Darrach, Naomi Asplund, Hannah Darbourne, Gabriela Rodrigues, Lauren Beddeo, Kira Evanoff, Bob Hwang, Jonathan Hwang, Riley Spires Row 3: Brittany Owens, Mackenzie Hiller, Emma Jacobsen, Nicole Pearson, Alexandra Throckmorton, Tara Landefeld, Marissa De Armas, Rebekah Haw, Lau rant Abergel, Andrew Hwang, Jaryd Borja, Kristina Cole, Brenna Baltau, Jason Kitchener, William Cosby, John Maril lo, Chelsey Eckhardt, Brittany Ries, KellyTarmura, Sadie Oppler, Suzanne Elliot, Kayleigh Jankowski, Michelle Alberg, Emily Karsik Row 4: Jamie Bloom, Madison Homa, Hyun Sun Hwang, Audrey Abergel, Lauren Jamali, Maya Rustom, Hannah Stanley, Coach Sonsken, Coach Behle, Coach Bechtholdt, Coach Stroh, Coach Stroh, Jennifer Aldous, Kavita Mc Closkey, Jessica Weir, Renee Hill, Emily Svec, Stephanie Macoritto, Hannah Aycock Row 5: Jameelah Howard, Zenia Sogata, Victoria Gaor, Rebecca Gaor, Allison Harada, Janelle Jankowski, Jessica Ravitz, Brooke Le Gassik, Marisa Hoebink, Kimberly Harada, Sophia Chavez, Ashlynn Vonderau, Jenna Tokeshi

Jacob Adler, Mubasher Ahmad, Justin Alegre, Ana Alejo, Daniel Anderson, Joshua Arguelles, Dalton Arnhart, Conor Barrett, Evan Bently, Cole Bertz, Tyler Branson, Raquel Brutsche, Claudia Carranza, Paola Carrion, Weston Carroll, Daniel Castaneda, Jonathan Cirilli, Steven Colvard, Riley Combs, Scott Contant, Jake Corliss, Daniel Cuevas, Andrew Cushing, Chloe De Jong, Brett D'Elia, Patrick Dunkel, Deanna Du Prey, Maggie Edmiston, Alexande, Einbund, Christian Einbund, Kam ran Einbund, Justin Erlenbach, Joshua, Fernandez, Matthew Fernandez, David Fox, Dusti in Frizieres, Vicky Garcia, Adam Gardner, Jason Gardner, Klarissa Garza, Thomas Gilkeson, Kevin Godman, Brigitte Gonzales, SeanGorman, Alexander Greaves, Alyssa Green, Jesus Gutierrez, Peighton Hall, Arielle Hanna, James Hart, Michael Hayes, John Held, Yobany Hernandez, Thomas Hess, Darren Hewitt, Nelson Hislar, Maurice Hooks, La Derrien Hughes, Samantha Hull, Tyler Hutt, Alexandria Iniguez, Elyse Karsik, Cassidy Keyes, Eric Kimura, Ryan Koenekamp, Racel Labassan, Niall Lawlor, Quinton Lennox, Grant Lewis, Eli Licea, Thomas Lowrey, Garrett Machtolff, Heaven MacKinlay, Melanie Manrique, Christopher Mathewson, Keith McGrath, Lacey Meehan, Matthew Melton, Brandon Miller, Cheyenne Mistry, Angelo Munoz, Felicia Nau, Jason Nitcha, Elijah Nunez, Angela Oh, Richard Oh, Abigail Ortiz, Mario Ortiz, Evan Pavell, Andrew Pope, Kyal Purcer, Carlos Recinos, Estifan Retiz, Austin Rhatigan, Taylor Roysdon, Megan Sarnecki, Haley Schiff, Aaron Scott, Derek Selmser, Daniel Shapiro, Brianne Silva, Shane Simon, Haley Skipper, Scott Skipper, Lauren Smith, Samantha Spence, Collin Stell, Darrin Stothers, Andre Tabaranza, Arnell Tabaranza, Dustin Thompson, DemothyTien, Shelby Torgesen, Brandon Ulloa, Kelvin Ulloa, Alec Valladares, Jonathan Vasquez, Nellie Vasquez, Tevor,Vaughan, Myles White, Christian Wong ma nee, Va lerie Zepeda, David Zippay, Danielle Zovak
Sako, Christina ... 146, 151 Salazar, Geomara ...196 Salls, Justin ...125 Salmon, Randi. ...125 Salovich, Daniel.. 130, 146, 151, 180, 244 Sammartano, Anthony... 146,151 Samson, Andrew.166, 182 Samson, Leanne ...125 Samuels, Brandon ...44, 90 Sanchez, Aleyah .. 166, 172 Sanchez, Christopher ..166 Sanchez, Diana ... 90 Sanchez, ltza ...125 Sanchez, Jacklyn. 125, 207
Sanchez, Jorge ... 90
Sanchez, Kevin ...172 Sanchez, Kyle ...167 Sanchez, Paloma. 146, 151 Sanchez, Ray...196 Sanchez, Renato ...125 Sanchez, Selena ...167 Sanchez, Sierra ...167 Sanders, Ashlyn ...167 Sandoval, Gabriel.. ...167 Sandoval, Genesis125, 207 Sandoval, Perla ...167 Sangren, Erika ...125
Sansone, Steven .. 57, 90, 211,242
Santana, Andrea. 146, 151, 182 Santiago, Jean Amber.167 Santillan, Justin ... 125, 192 Santillo, Anthony 125,210
Santillo, Gina ... 90
Santillo, Samuel.. ...167
Santos, Eilsel ... 61, 90
Santos, Jiezel ... 146, 151 Santos, Kristen Jannelle... 167 Santoyo, Michelle ...196
Sanwo, Joy ... 40, 90
Sarcauga, Peter ...167
Sarkis, Alyssa ... 92, 200
Sarkis, Jenna ...167 Sarnicola, Giovanna Roy...
130 Sathy, Jesica 135, 146, 151,
Sato, Brandon ...125 Sato, Emma ...167 Saunders, Justine ...196 Savage, Michelle ...38, 146, 151, 256 Savant, Johnathon ...146 Sayegh, Mark ...146 Sayre, Brittney ... 125, 238
Sayre, Matthew.. 92102, 281,290
Scamehorn, Sean ...167 Scarnechia, Christopher ... 167
Schaefer, Spencer ... 92
Schanck, Michael-Alexander...125
Schatz, Natalia ... 18, 34, 81, 92
Schaup, Connor ...146 Schdlnick, Hailey ... 8 S.chiern, Barbara ...196 Schmidt, Alexa ...125 Schmidt, John ...32, 125 Schmidt, Steven .. 125, 176
Schnee, Adam ... 92
Schnee, Melissa ...146 Schneider, Kelsey ...125 Schoenwandt, Mary ...196 Schollnick, Hailey ...167 Schonely, Megan ...167 Schreiber, Brett ...146 Schreiner, Tayler ...125 Schulz,Lukas ...146 Schulz, Morgan ...125 Schulze, Amanda ...146 Schwartz, Cole ...125 Scott, Aaron ... 146, 204 Scott, Adriana ...125 Scott, Danielle ...167' Scott, Nicole ...146 Scott, Shane ... 5, 146 Scudamore, Marissa ...167 Scudamore, Shane ...146
Sears, Elizabeth .. 1O, 92, 280, 305
Sebel, Rebecca ... 167,280
Sebel, Sean ... 92
Secharia, Ariel ...167 Sedgwick, Steven ...146 Sedgwick, Victoria ...167 Sedried, Terri.. ...196
Sego, Kaitlin ...167
Segura, Ryan ... 92
Sehrer, Laura ...146
Sehrer, Steven ... 40, 93
Seifert, Brennan ...167
Sekeres, Jade ... 9, 88, 93, 216,298
Sellarole, Kelley ...125 Selmser, Derek ...125 Selmser, Molly... 146, 173
Senen, Adam ... 93
Sepehri, Aaron ...167 Sepehri, Kelsey ...125 Serrano, Lauren ...125 Serrato, Maria ...125 Serricchio Maiale, Alejandro ...167 Serumal, Daniel ...146 Severino, Ian ...167 Seymour, Samuel. ..20, 146 Shagrikyah, Melissa 9, 169 Shah, Richa ...169 Shahani, Matthew... 93 Shahjanian, Tanya ...125 Shain, Brianna ...169 Shank, Michael ... 114, 125 Shannon, Ryan ...146 Shapiro, Alexander ...146 Shapiro, Daniel ...169
Shapiro, Megan ... 93
Shapshak, Matthew ...125 Shapshak, Rachel. .. 18, 169 Shary, Shaala ... 5, 146 Shaw, Alexander ...169 Shaw, Tyler ... 6, 169 Sheehan, Gregory ...146 Sheggrud, Jerry ...196 Shelton, Jenna ... 169, 190 Shepard, Trevor ...146
Shepherd, Chelsea ... 93
Shepherd, Eric. ... 8, 125 Shepherd, Jacob ...169
Sherlock, Sage ... 93
Shields, Bailey ...146
Shierts, Dylan ... 93 Shifley, Taylor ... 93
Shim, Daniel ...125 Shimada, Matthew...146 Shin, Francis ...125 Shin, Yuna ...125
Shipman, Madison ... 93,
274 Shipman, William ...146 Shrestha, Swati ... 42, 93,
281,312,Cover Shults, Morgan ... 3 Shundo, Christopher. 93 Sh undo, Emily ...169 Shutts, Denise ...125 Sibthorp, Derek ...169 Sibthorp, Justine ...125 Sidhu, Jasmine ...169 Sidhu, Sumanpreet ...146 Sidky, Natascha ...169 Sidky, Sophie ...125
Sidsky, Sophie ...220 Sieber, Alexander ...146 Sieber, Daniel ...169 Sieja, Tess ... 28, 146, 21 O Sikich, Corey ...148 Sikich, Cory ...268
Sikich, Tyler ...169 Silgero, Jesse ...169 Silingardi, Marc. ...169 Silo, Joshua ... 125, 176
Silos, Melissa ... 93
Silva, Giovanni ...125 Silverstein, Brittney ...125 Silvestre, Alexandria ...148 Simmerman, Hailey ...148 Simon, Cameron ...148 Simone, Anthony...148 Simone, Sydney ...169
Simpson, Kelsey .. 44, 74, 93
Sims, Geena ...148 Singer, Alexander ...125 Singer, Joshua ... 9, 169
Singerman, Stephanie 4, 63,93
Singh, Simar ... 5, 148
Singleton, Brittany ... 93
Sinks, Amanda ...148 Sirchia, James ...148
Sisson, Drew ... 40
Sivley, Christian ...125 Sjoberg, Robert ...148 Sjolund, Julie ...32, 148 Skelley, Connor ...169
Skelley, Jordan ... 94 1
Skidmore, Samantha .,.169 Skipper, Haley ...148
Skipper, Matthew .38, 148,
Skipper, Scott ...148 Slaughter, Andrew ... 94 Slighting, Nicholas ...125 Slocum, Kevin ... 22, 44,
220,310 Slominski, Gabrielle .42,
43,44,94 Smeke, Ellias ...169 Sm eke, Iryka ... 8, 125 Smight, Claire...169 Smight, Colin ... 25, 64 Smith, Aaron... 6, 125 Smith, Alexis ...125 Smith, Caroline ...169 Smith, Chloe ...148 Smith, Connor...169 Smith, Corinne... 169, 228 Smith, Danielle Ross ...180 Smith, Erin ...125 Smith, Jessica ...125 Smith, Kendra ...169 Smith, Kevin ... 94 Smith, Lauren ...169 Smith, Leah .44, 94, 102,
280,305 Smith, Lexie ... 25 Smith, Lindsay ...169 Smith, Logan ...125 Smith, Michael ...148 Smith, Nicolette 94,238,
292 Smith, Ryan ...32, 125 Smith, Sheridan ... 4, 169 Smotrys, Cosette. 147, 148 Smyth, Trevor ...125 Sneed, Rachael ...148 Socher, Natalie ... 44, 94 Sogata, Kevin ...148 Sogata, Zenia ...125 Sohn, Dan Bi ... 125, 176 Sohrabian, Eric...125 Sokanoff, Tanner ...148 Solano, Kristen ...169 Solano, Sarah ...148 Solares, Meyling ... 148 Soliman, Nora ...148
I Solley, Jake ...169 Somers, Andrew 5, 39, 125 Somers, Caitlin ...148

Row 1: Maxine David, Eunice Pack, Arianna Michaels, Clarice Frazeck, Rhiannon Maekay, Ashley Karzin, Chelsea Dlaetze, Nicole Lee, Bragitta Banetez, Emily Frazeck, Kristie Kwock, Carolyn Thio, Nicole Zammit Row 2: Stephanie Singerman, Shahalle Trojillo, Rachel Pack, Tarryn Joubert, Coach Jen, Coach Gavin, Coach Kellogg, Coach Thalia, Ashley Keith, Natalie Wong, Swati Shrestrg, Andrea Zammit Row 3: Amanda Bergreen, Mary Papenthien, Brittany Meunitz, Lariska Theron, Jennifer Miller, Mischelle Savage, Lindesy Bridges, Taylor Erranova, Jennifer Ralston, Michelle Kim, Melody Cheng

Sommer, Max ... 125, 242 Sommers, Caitlin ...210 Song, Michael ...125 Songveera, Calvin ..22, 148 Soroka, Lukas ...169 Souisa, Cody ...148
Spalla, Sean ... 94
Spallone, Robert ...148 Spang, Quico ...125 Spann, Christopher ...196
Spargo, Aaron ... 40, 95
Spargo, Lauren ... 125, 180,
246 Spathopoulos, Jason ...148 Spaulding, Courtney ..125,
216 Specht, Nathan ...125 Spence, Samantha .. 8, 126
Spengler, Christine ... 95, 313
Spesak, Jordan ... 165, 169, 242 -
Spesak, Taylor ... 47, 95
Spiers, Riley ...~.262 Spigner, Jason ... 126, 272 Spiker, Luke ... 126, Cover Spires, Riley ...148 Spivak, Aleksandra ... 7, 26,
126 Spivek, Madelyne ...169
Spooner, Alexandra ... 9, 10, 47, 95,298
Springer, Dylan ...126 Springer, Jason ...272 Spurlock, Garrett ...169 St Cyr, Jarek...126 Stagg, Jeremy ...148
Stalo, Philip ... 95
Sta lo, _Ryar, ...169 StanJslawski, Karen ...126 Stanley, Camille ... 5, 1-48
Stanley, Hannah ... 6, 95, 102,312
Staples; Amanda ...198 Stark~y, Mikayla ...126 Stawe~ki', fv1atthew ...148 Stawecki, Pete_r ...:~ ...126 Steffan, Spencer ...169 Stell, Brandon ...148 Stell, Collin ...169 Stell, Taylor ... 108, 126
Stelly, Alexandria ... 95
Stelly, Myles ...148
Stensil, Bill ...198
Stenzel, Jordan3, 148, 207,
Sterenbuch, Justin40, 95
Stevens, Brooklynn ...169 Stevens, Ethan ...126 Stevens, Victoria ...14, 148 Stewart, Emily ... 126, 180 Stillman Riddle, Haileyl 30,
Stillman, Gerald ...148
Stiman, Joni ...198
Stinman, Brian ...198
Stock, Briunia ...148
Stone-Posey, Parker ... 36,
Stonefield, Morgan ...169
Stoner, Justin ...126
Storaker, Chelsey96, 310
Stott, Jonathan .: ...-... 148
Stover, Jenna ...126
Strenk, Emily. 32, 148, 230,
Striff, Sydney ...148
Stroh, Jolie ... 126, 226
Stroh, Ms ...30, 19_8
Stroh, Patrick 30, 58, 59, 96, 211, 278, 287
Strothe, Kerri ...198
Sturgell, Rachel ...169
Stuursma, Carissa 108, 126
Stuursma, Jessica ...169
Su, Demi...126
Suarez Villamil, Aaron .126
Suarez, Louis ...169
Subia, Jared ...126
Suderman, Zachary ...126
Sukhija, Tina ...4, 42, 43, 44, -, 96
Sullivan, Kenneth .._...148
Sull-ivan, Skylar .._.. 13Q, 148,
Sullivan, Trevor ... 126, 27?
Summerlin, Kalia ...~...169
~ummers, Samantha ...126
Sundell, Nkole...;..126
Sunga, Juancho Gabriel .. ..
148, 252
Susan, Marco ...148
Sutherland, Christian .. 126
Sutherland, Daniel14, 96
Suwa, Brett.. ...169 Svec, Emily ... 7, 148 Svendsen, Fredrik ...148 Swett, Sydney ...169 Switj, Karen ...198
Ta,Loc ... 96
Tait, Kevin ...169 Tait, Rebecca ...126 Tak, James ...126 Talamantez, Kassandra 126 Talmo, Nicholas ... 148, 272 Tamura, Kelly ... 169, 240 Tan, Jayme...2, 148, 401 Tanory, Cindy ... 106, 127 Taoatao, Sierra ...127 Tapanes, Michael ...127 Tapia, Adam ...96, 100 Tartabull, Zachary56, 96,
Tasker, Alexanderl 13, 127,
196 Tavares, Christine ...198 Taylor, Hayden ...148 Taylor, Mitchell ... 152, 169 Taylor, Spencer Byam-... 24 Taylor, Zachary ...148 Tayo, Katrina ...148 Te, Melody...148 Teachout, Ariel ...127 Teague, Courtney ...169 Teal, Lindsey ...169 Teems, Emily ...148 Tejada, Patrick ...127 Telles, Melissa ... 148, 207
Tempesta, Nicholas .. 63, 96 Tepper, Joanna ... 38, 63, 97,307
Tepper, Samantha ... 2, 169 Tereska, Anne ... 148, 281 Terry, Adebayo ...127
Terry, Olutungie7, 38, 97
Theron, Lariska ... 9, 148 Thia, Carolyn ... 148, 254 Thomas, Alexandra ...127
Thomas, Caitlin ... 24, 40, 55,103
Thomas, Dylan ...148 Thomas, Gina ...198 Thomas, Holden ...169 Thomas, Joshua ...148 Thomas, Kevin ...169 Thomas, Spencer ...148 Thompson, Bradley ...169
Thompson, Janey ... 97
Thompson, Jessica ...169 Thompson, Keane ...169 Thorne, Andrew ... 97 Throckmorton, Alexandra
127, 264 Throckmorton, Erika ...148 Thrush, Mariah ...149 Thrush, Ryan ... 97 Thun, Garrett ...149 Thurman, Megan ...169 Tiemann, Andrewl 27, 262 Tiemann, Jonathan ...149,
262 Tiemann, Rachael 160, 169 Tikka, Evan ... 6, 127 Tilden, Jason ... 127, 173 Tilden, Keith ...127 Tilton, Rebekah ...149 Timpone, Nicole .. 42, 43,
44,97,280,313 Tinsley, Kevin ... 5, 97 Tjaden, Kelly ...127 Tjaden, Michael ...169 Todd, Christine ...149 Todesco, Lucas ...127 Tokeshi, Jenna ... 127, 264 Tomasini, Bruno ...149 Tompkins, Martin...127 Toneman, Kayla . 97, 299 Topper, Nicholas ...149 Toral, Jesse ...198 Torgersen, Shelbyl 49, 276 Torrente, Ian Paolo ...169 Torres, Erica ...149 Torres, Margarita ...149 Torres, Phillip ... 97 Toure, Robert Francis .. 170 Townsend, Tayven ...127 Tran, Dat ...127 Tran, Valerie ...127 Trapani, Kelly ...170
Tredick, P.arker ...149 Tredick, Tanner ... 32, 91,
97,242 Trejo, Anthony ... 36, 97 Tremaine, Janae ...127 Trentini, Paulo ...236 Treuizo, Ezequiel ...149
1 Triana, Alyssa ... 97, 238, 285
Triana, Amanda ...149 Triana, Lauren ...149 Triana, Nicholas ... 97 Trocha, Martin... 97
Trower, Kylon ... 149, 192
; Trujillo, Melissa ...127 Trujillo, Michelle ...14, 149 Trujillo, Shenelle ...149
1 Trunzo, Richard ... 127, 268 Truong, Hoanh ...149 Tuch, Morgan ... 97 Tucker, Mackenzie ... 97 Tuero, Daniel ... 160, 170 Tuffey, Emily 127,210, 238 Turley, Tyler ...127
Turner, Andrew ... 99
Turner, Joshua ...170 Turner, Samantha ... 99, 292
Tuscani, Christian 106, 127 Tuscani, Michael. ...170 Twigg, Connor ...170 Tyson, Kyle ...173
Uhrig,John ...170 Uhrig, Spencer ...127 Ulis, Joshua ...127
Ullman, Dalton ... 38, 99
Ulloa, Brandon ... 149, 204
Ulloa, Kelvin ... 99 Unger, Erin42, 43, 44, 99,
307, Cover Ungerman, Alexandra.149 Upton, Carly ...149 Usita, Joseph ...127

Vaile, Cory... 9, 149
Valdes, Lauren ...127 Valdes, Sydnee ...170 Vale, Frederick ...127 Valencia, Mallory...127 Valencia, Stephanie ...106, 127,401 Valentine, Elijah ...14, 149 Valentine, Milton...170 Valenzuela, Christopher ... 149 Valenzuela, Stephen ...127 Valladares, Alec. ...170 Valles, Jasmin ...170 Valles, Maria ...127 Valley, Raven ...149 Van_Es, Brittany...170 Van Es, Zachery ...127 Van Leeuwen, Samantha .. 127
Van Name, Chelsea ... 99, 222,282,313,Cover
Vanagas, Allison ...280 Vanegas, Taylor ...152 Vann, Sienna ...170 Vanyo, Brittany ...127 Vargas, Andres ...170
Vargas, Daniel ... 99
Vasquez, Jared ...149 Vasquez, Joseph Quezada 14 Vasseur, Paige ...170
Vaughan, Hannah ... 99
Vaughan, Trevor ...170 Vega, Edgar ... 99 Vega, Elvia ...149 Vega, Maritza ... 151, 173 Vega, Ricardo ... 151, 214 Veiga, Jake ...170 Velardi, lan ...127 Velardi, Shannon ...151 Velasco, Halie ... 152, 170 Velasquez, Eric ...127 V~lasquez, Jessica ...127 Velasquez, Micaela ...127, 211 Velasquez, Ricardo ...127 Velez, Andres ...25, 170
Velez, Christopher ...127 Venegas, Alyson ...127 Venegas, Taylor ... 170, 198, 240 Vera, Daniela ... 8, 170 Vera, Darcy ...151 Verduzco, lvett...151
Vereen, Brock ... 99, 178, 212
Vermillion, Colton ...127 Veron, Ana ...151 Verville, Hannah ...170 Videgain, Kylie ...170
Vigil, Anthony ... 99
Villa, Julio ...-...170 Villano, Angelo ...151 Villanueva, Morgan ...151 Villanueva, Taylor ... 5, 260
Villarreal, Damien34, 99, 258
Vincent, Trevor ...170 Vinci, Alexa ...127 Vine, Kyle ...127 Violette, Justin ...127 Vivit, Christine ...127 Voiding, Devynn ...170 Volpe, Luca ...170
Voltz, Adam ... 84, Cover
Von Der Au, Brayden ...127
Von Sternberg, Alexander ... 99 Vanderau, Ashlynn ...171
v .
agner, ,esenia ... 171 Wahrman, Anthony...151 Walden, Lauren ...127 Walgren, Michael ...127 Walker, Hannah ... 6, 171 Walker, Jacqueline ...127 Walker, Lonnie ... 99 Walker, Quintiara 26, 99, 101,188,260
Walker, Samuel ...151 Wallace, Cassandra ...171 Walline, Shelbi ... 8, 171 Walls, Kayla ...151 Walsh, Shelby ... 151, 260
Walters, James ... 152, 171
Wampler, Galen ...151
Wannabe, Taylor ...280
Warda, Paul ... 99
Wardle, Graham ...151
Warlick, Alana ...171
Warren, Taneshia ...171
Warrick, Alexander ...171
Waschak, Jacob ...127
Washbrook, Donald ...171
Watanabe, Taylor98, 306
Watkins, Jeremiah ...127 Watters, Pamela ... 151, 230 Watzig, Garett ...171
Wax, Beverly98, 102, 281
Wax, Dee Dee ... 143, 151 Weaver, Rea na ...151 Weaver, Shad ...151 Webb, Jayce ... 6, 151 Webber, Tyler ...43, 98 Weberbauer, Lindsey ..127 Webster, Andrea ...171
Wedel, Sara ... 4, 98
Wehn, Kathleen ...171 Weir, Amy...171 Weir, Jessica ...127 Weiss, Jennifer ...127 Weitzmann, Nicole ...171
Well houser, Sarah ... 98 Wells, Anthony ... 98
Wells, Christopher ...151
Wermich, Ryan ... 48, 98, 211
Wermich, Zachary ...127 Wertz, Nicole ... 127, 210 Wesselhoft, Robert ...171 West, Karlie ... 98 West, Kristi ... 100 Wheeler, Chase ...151 Wheeler, Matthew171, 182 Whelan, Audrey ... 5, 151 White, Conner ...171
White, Curtis ... 100
White, Hayden ... 7, 30, 151
White, Madison ... 6, 8, 30, 38, 52, 100, 172, 238,282
White, Makenna ...151 White, Mr... 30 White, Riley ...151 Whyte, Luc. ...171
Wieczorek, Bridget ... 44, 100
Wiener, Matthew ...127 Wiener, Rachel ...171 Wikler, Brandon ...129 Wilbanks, Corey ...129
Wilbert, Sarah ... 29, 100, Cover
Wilcox, Summer ...171 Wilczynski, Kim ...202 Wilkerson, Danica ...151 Williams, Alexandra ... 171
Williams, Desiree42, 100
Williams, Frank ...202 Williams, lan ...151 Williams, Jesse ...151 Williams, Marina ...151 Williams, Molly...171 Williams, Nicolette ...129 Williams, Taylor ...171 Williams, Teresa ...129 Williams, Trey ...151 Williams, Veronica ...151
Willis, Christopher .8,32, 44,100
Willis, Karisa ...171 Wilson, Cameron ...129
Wilson, Courtney ... 100
Wilson, Elizabeth ...202 Wilson, Michael ...151
Wilson, Tamara ... 7, 129
Winner, Maximilian ...129, 173 Witmer, Kurtis ...129 Wittenberg, Bradley ...151 Witthans, Kendall.. ...129 Wittman, Alexander... 171 Wittman, Taylor ...151 Wladen, Lauren ... 6 Wobrock, Mr... 30, 202 Woldegebriel, Ezana ...151 Wolfenstein, Kiley ... 6, 171
Wong, Katherine ... 101, 220
Wong, Kyle ...171 Wong, Natalie ...171 Wong, Peter ...202 Woo, Geena ...129 Wood, Kayla ...129 Woodward, Eric .. 129, 207, 210

Woodward, Ryan ...15, 151 Woolever Elmore, Wyatt...
129 Works, Alex ...151 Wright, Fiona ...171
Wright, Lauren .101, 310
Wright, Melynda .129, 192 Wyckoff, Scott ... 2, 151
' Xerez-Burgos,
Gabrielle ... 101
, Yadegar, Bronika ...129 Yagade, Brenna ...129 Yagade, Kaley ...171 Yalenty, Danielle ...129
1 Yang, Oliver ...171 Yannicelli, Vincent..4, 151, 252 , Yannotta, Janine ... 101, 178,401
Yarbrough, Caitlin ...129 Ybarra Beck, Taylor ...129 Yeseta, Sydney ...129 Yi, Austin ... 9, 171 Yi, Chi-Son ...129 Yi, Chiyoung ...129 Yi, John ...44, 171
Yi, Kevin ... 101, 102
Yim, Se Jin ... 5, 129 Yoakum, Jaide ...202 Yoguez, Adriana ... 171 Yohannes, Nathaniel ... 129
Yoo, Anthony...129
Yoo, Ezer ... 9
Yoo, Hee Sun ...129
, Yoo, John ...171 Yoo, Michael ...171 Yoo, Raymond ... 6, 1 O 1 York, Lianna ...171 York, Nicole ... 7, 44,101 York, Olivia ...171 York, Wesley ... 8, 129 Youlios, James ... 44, 101 Young, Autumn ...103 Young, Christopher ...171 Young, Erynn ...151 Young, Hunter... 130, 151 Young, Kylie ... 4, 10, 36,
"'Row 1: Cody Suisa, Daniel Salovich, Victoria Boring, Hayley Knapp, Chloe Grifman, -._Katelyn Morris, Samantha Moore, Delaney Keogh, David Neeley Row 2: Kyle Fultz, ~Danielle Perez, Jessica Miller, Serena LeDuff, Ashley Kopinski, Carly Carapella,
Griffin Ender Row 3: Kyle Jacobson, Stephanie Botten, Mackenzie Halliday

103,312 Young, Kyra ...171 Young, Trisha ... , 51 Yu, Lydia ... 7, 186 Yukawa, Brandon ...129 Yun, lsaac ...171 Yun, Sarah .. 44, 103, 280 Yun, Yeosun ...129 Yurcisin, Marlis ... 6, 171 Yzaguirre, Austin ...129
Zaberchy, Jeff...43
Zabo, Joseph ...171 Zabo, Leah ... 110, 129, 211,
281 Zabrecky, Jeffrey. 103, 184 Zafranco, Joshua-Charles.
129 Zaiet, Tai ...184 Zambrano, Jose ... S, 91,
103,178 Zammit, Andrea .. 129, 210 Zammit, Nicole ...151 Zaw, Shane ...12, 103 Zaydes, Liza...129 Zeile, Shane ...129 Zema, Zachary ...-...151 'zerpoli, Jessa ...44, 1 02 Zerpoli, Michael .. 151,242 Zheng, Dan)ei...171 Zhou, Michael ... 151, 172 Ziegler, Cameron ...171 Ziese, Courtney ...151 Zimmerman, Dylan ... 129 .Zito, Nicole ...,...151 Zsebik, Tyler ...171 Zuckerman, Jaime ...129

Row 1: Coach Rooney, Taylor Bugbee, Sydney Mundell, Kristina Brackpool, Erin McCorckle, Andrea Brackpool, Assistant Coach: Courtney Ferrell Row 2: Chelsea Doian, Vannessa Lightfoot, Nicole Miller, Megan Klescz, Kaitlyn Howrad, Zoey Arroyo Row 3: Chelsea Greenfield, Shannon Rooney,
Melanie Fessinger
P.ow 1:Karlie Habitz, Justine Sibthorp, Madison Shipman, Bethany Kemp, Megan Foglesong Row
2: Coach Mitchell, Coach Lee, Coach Del Fino Row 3: Annie Dreher, Caitlin Rooney, Sarah Enriquez, Allyson Peskay, Danielle Ross-Smith, Jessica Smith Row 4: Victoria Balta, Lauren Boser, Carly Mortensen Row 5: Sarah Salano, Elena Dickson, Shannon Fitzgerald, Melissa Fundora
Sarah Adams, Jocelyn Adao, Courtney Adler, Michael Allen, Andrew Allevato, Giovanni Alvarez, Dustin Baker, Brooklyn Beeler, Noah Beil in, Jacob Bermel, Andrew Beruman, Laura Bloom, Rebecca Bovert, Emily Bugielski, Kendall Busse, James Byrne, Gregory Byrne, Jose Carrera, Oceane Chotel, Jonathan De Soto, Lauren Degellado, Flaco DiGiallonardo, Madeline Dignadice, Tyler Dimson, George Dowling, Bradley Ewing, James Figueroa, Kevin Frank, Adam Fritz, Kayla Gallagher, Riley Gallagher, Lindsey Garcia, Connor Gilkeson, Mark Gonzales, Olivia Gonzalez, Michael Gotto, Erica Guzman, Ci I Ion Haney, Jessica Herrera, Jody Hewitt, Brian Hicks, Brady Hislar, Jacob Holtz, Kyle Irwin, Alex Johnson, Chi Chi Johnson, Danielle Jones, Justin Jordon, Seirra Kautiainen, Jack Kowal, Mark Lampert, Sarah Lee, John Lewandowski, Jiaya Li, Cynthia Magna, Deanna Magna, Britney Massie, Andrew Mayeda, Cindy Mijangos, Airi Mina mi, Dana Mitchell, Dylan Mullaley, Emily Nee, Eric Nee, Nicole Ng, Hung Nyguyen, Olivia Pear, David Peterson, Alexander Piroumian, Logan Recchia, Lauren Ricottone, Nickayla Rivera, Anthony Sammartano, Jesica Sathy, Morgan Schultz, Jessie Silgero, Alexander Singer, Rachel Sneed, Mikayla Starkey, Brandon Stell, Emily Strenk, Loe Ta, Lauren Triana, John Uhrig, Morgan Villanueva, Damien Villarreal, Luca Volpe, Shelbie Wal line, Pamela Watters and Andrea Webster.

Eleise Adams, Faith Anumba, Jenn Anumba, Samantha Asarch, Aundra Bennett, Greg Biehahan, Alexandria Brill, Diane Choi, Ethan Corbett, Brad Denson, Kyle Diamant, Jared Dodley, Brian Eisen, Victoria Gipti, Morris Hooks, Jonah Howard, Julie Jang, Jane Lee, Tatiana Maldanado, Cody Mcclean, Emily Miller, Dylan Mullaley, Allison Perry, Izabel la Preciado, Robert Reeves, Nikayla Rivera, Amanda Rom pal, Garrett Spurlock, Amanda Triana, Lauren Triana, John Uhrig, Quintiera Walker, Michael Wilson, Regina Andrade, Emily Chau, Marcus Echvarria, David Garner, Marisol Guzman, Danielle Halperine, Remy Linares, Hayden Taylor, Caitlin Yarbrough, Kevin Yi, Sarah Adams, Andrew Allevato, Becca Bauernfeiner, Noah Beilin, Jacob Bermel, Laura Bloom, Greg Byrne, James Byrne, James Carter, Oceane Chotel, Lauren Degallado., Jonathan DeSoto, Maddie Dignadice, Tyler Dimson, Adam Fritz, Kayla Gallagher, Lindsey Garcia, Conner Gilkeson, Mark Gonzales, Olivia Gonzalez, Michael Gotto, Jessica Herrara, Brian Hicks, Brady Hislar, Jacob Holtz, Alex Johnson, Justin Jordan, Sierra Kautiainen, Kelsey Kukaua, Mark Lampert, Andrew Lee, Sarah Lee, Jiayi Li, Michelle Logan, Deanna Magana, Katherine Martinez, Airi Minami, Emily Nee, Eric Nee, Calvin Olbes, Olivia Pear, David Peterson, Claudette Peyton, Alex Piroumian, Ada Rauch, Jesica Sathy, Molly Selmser, Bailey Shields, Tess Sieja, Alex Singer, Caitlin Somers, Mikayla Starkey, Brandon Stell, Emily Strenk, Josh Turner, Ryan Val Iozzi, Jake Viega, Taylor Villanueva, Damien Villareal, Casey Wallace, Pamela Watters, Chase Wheeler, Jack Kowal, Cynthia Magana, Jarro Malabana, Roberto Martinez, Brittney Massie, Annalia Maxwell, Andrew Mayeda, Kendall Miller, Dana Mitchell, Joshua Monette Paz, Nicole Ng, Jose Obusan, Aaron Parada, CC Perkins, Jasmine Perkins, Gavin Prizer, Kenneth Quilantang, Julia Rateaver, Logan Recchia, Amanda Rom pal, Kristine Roque, Joe Rosena, Justin Santillan, Morgan Schultz, Danielle Schott, Nicole Scott, Tyler Sikich, Jesse Silgero, Sheridan Smith, Cosette Smotrys, Courtney Spaulding, Madelyne Spivek, Skyler Sullivan, Emily Teems, Anne Tereska, Taylor Venegas, Jeremiah Watkins, Madison White, Clayton Adler, Courtney Adler, Ryan Ainswoth, Michael Allen, Carlos Baca, Brooklyn Beeler, Ben Beilin, Tanner Beruman, Becca Bovert, Lindsey Bridges, Lexee Brill, Emily Bugielski, Hassani Burney, lmani Burney, Jessica Busch, Keith Carlton, Kristina Change, Krista Chester, Jessica Criner, Falco DiGiallanardo, Bradley Ewing, Malcolm Flowers, Jake Doi Iman, Karlie Gross, Erica Guzman, Jasmin Hall, MacKenzie Halliday, Joshua Heffner, Linnea Herren, Cameron Higgs, Eric Huff, Britney Jackson, Amanda Jenkins, Chi Chi Johnson, Maxwell Kader, Bennie Kim, Michael Kojin, Stephanie Basore, Colton Berkerery, Megan Berkerery, Andrew Beruman, Lindsey Bos, Budda Boser, Kendall Busse, Andrew Carrillo, Mark Carrillo, Ryan Carrillo, Caitlin Carter, Samitas Chandi, Andrew Crane, Connor Doyle, JD Ferrer, Riley Gallagher, Liam Hopkins, Matt Howell, Shelby Walsh, Andrea Webster, Jaime Zuckerman
Thank You to Those so Deserving...
Advisor: Jennifer Dallman Editor-in-chief: Audrey Abergel Staff: Kaitlyn Byrne, Jake Doll man, Rene Engle, Tyler Fitzgerald, Jaqulyne
Gibson, Allison Harada, Kimberly Harada, Kelly Hicks, Rella Kautiainen, Brooke Lopez, Tiffany Omotunde, Destiny Pineda, Jacklyn Sanchez, Genesis Sandoval, Jordan Stenzel, Skylar Sullivan, Melissa Telles, and Eric Woodward. Intern: Brian Liddy
Publisher: Taylor Publishing Font: Myriad Pro Total Copies: 2000
We would like to thank all of Valencia High School for your cooperation and patience with our efforts to produce this book. Every interruption and request has been done for you, and we hope that you enjoy all the hard work that has gone into this book. We specifically would like to thank the administration, including Dr. Priesz, the assistant principles,those in the registrar office, the counselors, the attendance office, and the ASS office. Special thanks also goes to Mr. Ferry who played a significant part in helping us finalize the pages and for giving us support when we needed it most. Many thanks goes to Mark Frederking who provided us with his innovative ideas and extensive knowledge. We'd also like to thank O'Connor Photography for their quality photographs and marvelous studio. Last but not least, thank you to the custodians for their assistance with the senior party and distribution.
Mr. Rosenast-Thank you so much for not only letting us occupy your classroom with our studio, but thank you for all your support during this past year. This book would not have been what it is if it weren't for you. Most importantly, thank you for dealing with Ms. Doll man's "insanity". Ms. Stoh-Thank you for giving us everything we ever needed, including students (like the Haradas). We appreciate your support! The Harada Sisters (Kimberly, Allison, Kaitlyn)-You guys never had to do more than you were asked, . yet you always did. This book wouldn't have been nearly as creative or even complete if it weren't for your benevolence. Thank you! ., Kim Haglund: Anytime Ms. Dallman couldn't be there, you were. It's because of you that this book even had a chance of being finished, and we would like to thank you for all of your help. The Abergels'-Thank you so much for your support, time, and physical assistance. I know it wasn't easy at times, but thank you for always putting up with me and my time in yearbook. Ms. Do/Iman-There aren't enough words in the dictionary that could ever thank you for all your vyork and time that you have devoted to yearbook. You weren't just the adivsor this year, but you were the foundation in creating and completeing this book. I'm so happy to have been blessed with such a "roley" adivsor.

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