Roster of St. Francis Dam Victims

Webmaster's note.

Update 1-17-2018: The list of deceased victims of the 1928 St. Francis Dam Disaster has remained a work in progress. After initial publication in 2014, researcher Ann Stansell continued to track down unknowns. As of this date, the number of victims stands at 411 — twenty fewer than are identified in the original list that appears below. Each of the 20 had been reported missing in 1928, but no claim had been filed. Stansell identified each of them in the the 1930 U.S. Census. They survived.

Download the current list here, then open and enlarge it with a PDF reader (or in your browser).

For more than eight decades, with a few notable exceptions, the victims of the 1928 St. Francis Dam Disaster have been treated as little more than numbers. Maybe 400 people died. Maybe 450. Maybe 600 or more. We really didn't know. The tragedy struck in the middle of the night, March 12-13; many victims were farm workers with no surviving relatives — at least, none who could be tracked down by relief and recovery workers at the time — and not all victims were found right away. Many were buried under silt and wreckage as 13 billion gallons of L.A.'s drinking water coursed 54 miles from Saugus to the Pacific Ocean, and some washed out to sea. Bodies were still turning up in the 1950s, one as late as 1994. Historians focused on getting (and argued about) an accurate count, but figuring out who the victims were, as individuals, was beyond our grasp.

In October 2011, Ann Stansell set out to change that. A graduate student at California State University, Northridge, pursuing a master's degree in anthropology under the tutelage of Professor James Snead, Ann chose the St. Francis Dam Disaster as the topic of her thesis.

Hers wouldn't be like any other master's thesis on the disaster, most having focused on the engineering aspects, in hopes of explaining what went wrong. Instead, Ann would focus on the "humanity" of the disaster: Who were these people? How was society affected by their loss? In sum, what difference did the St. Francis Dam Disaster make, and to whom?

She soon found out it wouldn't be easy. There was no comprehensive roster of victims. There were bits and pieces; the list of claims against the City of Los Angeles contained a lot of names, but not every victim had a survivor to file a claim.

Grave marker in Atlanta, Georgia (Hollywood Cemetery, Fulton County): "Van Wallace Duke / Son of / Maxie & J.R. Duke / Born Feb. 2, 1909 / Died Mar. 13, 1928 / How soon fades the tender flower but loves remembrance lasts forever / Died in St. Francis Dam break Calif."

For two and a half years, Ann pored through the files of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power; she examined morgue records and claim files and coroner's inquest reports and obituaries and newspaper stories and followed leads to hell and back. She learned of people who suffered a fate worse than death, like Joe Gottardi, a farmer downriver whose entire family — wife and five children — were found in piles of debris. She discovered the story of John Traxler, the little boy whose body William S. Hart dressed in a cowboy outfit and who was initially unidentified. Now there are photos. Ann contacted living relatives and descendants of victims to flesh out their personal stories.

Ann's compilation of photographs of the final resting places of every identifiable victim shows the scope of the disaster. It wasn't limited to the Santa Clara River Valley or even to California. Rather, it was a national disaster that affected families from coast to coast. She found graves as far away as New Hampshire and Massachusetts, and she even identified one on Oahu.

By the numbers — which still do help to put the disaster into perspective — her list of victims includes 306 recovered bodies, of which 240 were identified; plus 125 missing persons, including 79 for whom death claims were made and paid out. It's a grand total of 431 individuals, 306 of whom we now know by name and age and familial relationships and community of residence, and we now know which of the makeshift Red Cross morgues handled each of their bodies.

Some of the people on the list are identified as dam victims for the first time. Other people, previously thought to be dam victims, Ann discovered were not.

We'll probably never know the identity of every last dam victim. But as of Feb. 22, 2014, this is the most complete list that's ever been compiled.

One thing we will know is the "human" side of the St. Francis Dam tragedy when Ann completes her thesis. She's on track to graduate in May 2014.

— Leon Worden 3-12-2014

Last Name First Name Morgue # Related to Age General Area
Alvarado Luz (Chavez) Santa Paula 28 wife of Juan/John 36y SP - Castaic Junction
Alvarado Belin Newhall 52 child of Juan and Luz 9y (female) SP - Castaic Junction
Alvarado Carlos Newhall 51 child of Juan and Luz 8y SP - Castaic Junction
Alvarado Antonio Newhall 72 child of Juan and Luz 5y SP - Castaic Junction
Alvarado Christomo, Jr. MISSING - Claim child of Juan and Luz 10days (yes) SP - Castaic Junction
Alvarez Carmen (Valenzuela) Newhall 56; Flickinger & Hopson, Bakersfield wife of Jesus 34y8m SP - Castaic Junction
Alvarez Jesus MISSING - Claim Jesus 43y SP - Castaic Junction
Alvarez Inez Santa Paula 12 daughter of Jesus and Carmen 10y SP - Castaic Junction
Alvarez Ramon Santa Paula 55 son of Jesus and Carmen 8y SP - Castaic Junction
Alvarez Julia Fillmore 12 daughter of Jesus and Carmen 7y SP - Castaic Junction
Anderson Clinton M. Fillmore 24 wife not a victim, she died in 1924 52y4m12d Edison - Kemp Camp
Anderson Keith MISSING - Claim son of Clinton about 11y Edison - Kemp Camp
Andrews Timothy Fillmore 19
26y Edison - Kemp Camp
Asher Jessie Lloyd Ventura 49 (Reardon)
26y11m16d Edison - Kemp Camp
Avalt Mark "Markie" C. MISSING - No claim
20-30s Unavailable - No Claim
Averill Eugene Wilberforce MISSING - Claim
19y Edison - Kemp Camp
Barry John "Scotty" Fillmore 14
30y Edison - Kemp Camp
Basolo George Mateo "Georgie" Oxnard 8 wife & brother survived 21y4d Bardsdale
Berry Harley S. Fillmore 58
37y BP&L - PP2 Community
Berry OraMae Beverly (Pratt) Sheppardson Newhall 29 wife of Harley 32y1m16d BP&L - PP2 Community
Best Paul J. MISSING - Claim
27y Edison - Kemp Camp
Bianchi Frank Fillmore 47 son of Lena Bianchi 33y Edison - Kemp Camp
Bilyen Enos Santa Paula 38 brother of Belle Bennett 43y Edison - Kemp Camp
Bird Solomon J. Newhall 15
47y7m San Francisquito Canyon
Boardman Grace (Rice) Oxnard 1 wife of George P 44y9m10d Fillmore
Boardman Florence Ellouse Oxnard 13 dau and sibling 7y11m27d Fillmore
Bogue Beryl MISSING - Claim
30y Edison - Kemp Camp
Bowsky Maximilian "Max" Newhall 41
67y6m8d BP&L - PP2 Community
Bross Basil MISSING - Claim son of Earl F & Myrta 23y BP&L - PP2 Community
Bryson John Howard Fillmore 26
19y Edison - Kemp Camp
Burnett Frederick Arthur MISSING - Claim
43y Santa Paula
Burns Louis Martin Newhall 64
35y BP&L - PP2 Community
Burns Lois Bessie (Wilson) Newhall 34 wife of Louis, daughter of Asch Wilson 31y11m20d BP&L - PP2 Community
Burns Clifford Harrison Newhall 70 son of Louis & Lois 9y7m15d BP&L - PP2 Community
Burns Harry MISSING - Claim
33y BP&L - PP2 Community
Burns Leora Fillmore 03 wife of Harry 31y BP&L - PP2 Community
Burns Beverly MISSING - Claim child of Harry and Leora 2y6m BP&L - PP2 Community
Burns Maynard MISSING - Claim child of Harry and Leora 4y 6m BP&L - PP2 Community
Cappello Antonio "Tony" Oxnard 10
60y Bardsdale
Carrillo Maria DeJesus S. Fillmore 43 wife of Juan 32y11m27d Fillmore
Carrillo Isavel MISSING - Claim child of Juan 1y6m Fillmore
Carrillo Marcela D. MISSING - Claim child of Juan 2m Fillmore
Carrillo Anacleto D. "Juan" Ventura 19 (Reardon) child of Juan 2y7m20d Fillmore
Carrillo Adolfo Ventura 1 (Reardon) child of Juan 5y Fillmore
Carrillo Jose D. MISSING - Claim child of Juan 13y Fillmore
Carrillo Matilde E. Santa Paula 07 child of Juan 11y Fillmore
Carrillo Senona Fillmore 38 daughter of Juan 7y Fillmore
Cerna Hipolito Santa Paula 51 father of Isabella Torres, brother of Pedro Cerna 46y Bardsdale
Cerna Florencia Q. MISSING - Claim wife of Hipolito, sister in law of Pedro Cerna about 48y Bardsdale
Cesena Phillip Santa Paula 46 brother of Leonard & Vincent Cesena 15y11m San Francisquito Canyon
Chesney A. V. "Bert" Santa Paula 03
50y Edison - Kemp Camp
Coe Homer C. Newhall 54; Flickinger & Hopson, Bakersfield
27y1m3d BP&L - PP2 Community
Coe Nora F. (Hanson) Fillmore 02 wife of Homer 21y10m17d BP&L - PP2 Community
Coe Kenneth H. Newhall 9 son of Homer and Nora 2y8m13d BP&L - PP2 Community
Coffer Cintha Ellen (Bailey) Fillmore 44
69y11m20d Fillmore
Colburn Walter J. Santa Paula 21
46y Edison - Kemp Camp
Colehan S. J. MISSING - No claim
about 38y San Francisquito Canyon
Cortez Ancension died a few days later - claim paid
60y Santa Paula
Cosper Marvin Newhall 3 son of Amasa K Cosper 23y Saugus
Cosper Purl MISSING - Claim brother of Marion, son of Amasa K Cosper 20y Saugus
Costamagna Matt Santa Paula 01
36y Newhall Ranch Land
Cowden Earl Moorpark 9
32y6m13d Bardsdale
Cowden Corinne "Carrie" (Gains) Ventura 22 wife of Earl 29y8m1d Bardsdale
Cowden Alice May Oxnard 12 child of Earl and Corrine 11y8m19d Bardsdale
Cowden Marguerite Oxnard 7 child of Earl and Corrine 9y2m12d Bardsdale
Cowden William Dee Fillmore 40 child of Earl and Corrine 7y8m13d Bardsdale
Cowden Betty Lou Missing - Claim child of Earl and Corrine 7m Bardsdale
Crosno Ellen (Hunick) Newhall 55; Flickinger & Hopson, Bakersfield daughter of Charles Hunick 55y7m San Francisquito Canyon
Crumley Edward Marion Santa Paula 17
50y1m16d Edison - Kemp Camp
Crump Allen C. MISSING - Claim

Edison - Kemp Camp
Cummings Gordon E. Moorpark 8
40y2m17d Bardsdale
Cummings Mavis Moorpark 3 adopted daughter 8y4m8d Bardsdale
Curtis Lyman W. Newhall 28 son of Daniel & Anna, wife & 2 yr old son survived 35y7m22d BP&L - PP2 Community
Curtis Marjorie Anna Newhall 71 daughter of Lyman & Lillian 5y11m9d BP&L - PP2 Community
Curtis Mazie Kathleen Newhall 14 daughter of Lyman & Lillian 4y7m10d BP&L - PP2 Community
Danfifer Willis Wayne MISSING - Claim

Edison - Kemp Camp
DeCosta J.A. MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
DeShields Richard Battle Ventura 7 (Reardon)
48y Edison - Kemp Camp
Doty Oscar Jim Fillmore 27
27y11m4d Edison - Kemp Camp
Duke Van Wallace Santa Paula 37 son of J. R. and Maxie (Wallace) Duke 18y Edison - Kemp Camp
Dyment Ray Alexander Santa Paula 15
28y Edison - Kemp Camp
Eilers Julius MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Eliason Clarence E Santa Paula 50
24y Edison - Kemp Camp
Elliott Maurice R Fillmore 51
25y Edison - Kemp Camp
Ely Aaron Jack MISSING - Claim
36y BWWS - PP2 Community
Ely Margaret (Coleman) Newhall 33 wife of Aaron, daughter of J T Coleman 30y7m15d BWWS - PP2 Community
Ely Jack Martin "Jackie" Fillmore 59 son of Aaron & Margaret 8y1m26d BWWS - PP2 Community
Ely Roy Donald MISSING - Claim son of Aaron & Margaret 3y - 7/27/1924 BWWS - PP2 Community
Erratchuo Rosarita (Ruiz) Newhall 25 wife of James J 32y San Francisquito Canyon
Erratchuo Roland T. Newhall 16 son of James J and Rosarita 14m/2m8d San Francisquito Canyon
Ewing Appia J. (Utterback) Newhall 69 sister of Harvey 62y10m13d Newhall
Figueroa Senora MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Florez Lorenzo MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Forrester Mrs MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Frame Leslie J. Ventura 27 (Reardon) - one of the unknowns
24y Edison - Kemp Camp
Frame John Harold MISSING - Claim
25y Edison - Kemp Camp
Frame Vernon C Ventura 64 (Reardon)
36y Edison - Kemp Camp
Frazer Eugene M. Newhall 34
37y5m17d San Francisquito Canyon
Frazer Minnie (McCall) Santa Paula 35 wife of Eugene 35y San Francisquito Canyon
Frazer Melvin E. Ventura 2 (Reardon) son of Eugene and Minnie 11y11m4d San Francisquito Canyon
Frazier J.A. MISSING - Claim

Edison - Kemp Camp
Garcia Louis Newhall 1 husband of Andrea L., wife survived 26y8m21d San Francisquito Canyon
Garcia Frances Newhall 24 daughter of Louis and A. L. 2y4m San Francisquito Canyon
Garcia Angel MISSING - Claim child of Harry and Tootsie 1m San Francisquito Canyon
Garcia Harry A. Newhall 46
25y10m1d San Francisquito Canyon
Garcia Elizabeth "Tootsie" (Rivera) Newhall 32 wife of Harry, sister-in-law of Eddie 18y San Francisquito Canyon
Garcia Eddie MISSING - Claim brother-in-law of Tootsie 30y San Francisquito Canyon
George William Randolph "Willie" Ventura 2 (B & M)
23y Edison - Kemp Camp
Glenn Charles H. MISSING - Claim
34y Edison - Kemp Camp
Gobetz Joseph F. MISSING - Claim
23y Edison - Kemp Camp
Gold John Earl MISSING - Claim
about 38y Edison - Kemp Camp
Goldman Julian, Jr. MISSING - Claim
6y San Francisquito Canyon
Gottardi Frasceca/Frances (Abalos) Santa Paula 72 wife of Joe 38y Newhall Ranch Land
Gottardi Renold "Reno" Oxnard 5 son of Joe 14y5m4d Newhall Ranch Land
Gottardi Joe, Jr. Oxnard 9 son of Joe 11y7m20d Newhall Ranch Land
Gottardi Richard Fillmore 39 son of Joe 9y7m19d Newhall Ranch Land
Gottardi Pauline Ventura 33 (Reardon) daughter of Joe 7y8d Newhall Ranch Land
Gottardi Lenore MISSING - Claim daughter of Joe 4y Newhall Ranch Land
Grantham Seth Drew Santa Paula 25 husband of Dorothy 27y Edison - Kemp Camp
Gregson Paul Vernon Ventura 43 (Reardon)
44y8m Edison - Kemp Camp
Guertler Alvin Joseph Fillmore 46 sister of Mayme E Bartle 26/28y Edison - Kemp Camp
Halen Carrie (Price) MISSING - Claim mother of Kenneth and Leon, sister of Edward Price 56y San Francisquito Canyon
Halen Leon John Fillmore 15 brother of Kenneth L 27/31y San Francisquito Canyon
Halen Kenneth L Ventura 8 (Reardon) brother of Leon John 23y San Francisquito Canyon
Halen Jane G. Oxnard 11 daughter of Kenneth 5y10m1d San Francisquito Canyon
Hanson Nellie (Dixon) Newhall 8 mother of Nora F (Hanson) Coe, daughter of Margaret Quinn, sister of Mrs. Kindig, Saugus, divorced from Beadle Hanson 48y8m4d BP&L - PP2 Community
Johnson Leona B. Newhall 18 living with damkeeper 27y BWWS - PP2 Community
Harnischfeger Anthony "Tony" MISSING - Claim son of Mary 42y BWWS - PP2 Community
Harnischfeger Coder MISSING - Claim son of Anthony & Gladys 7y BWWS - PP2 Community
Harter Clinton William Fillmore 13
56y San Francisquito Canyon
Harter Marian G. (Harrison) Santa Paula 31 wife of Clinton W 47y San Francisquito Canyon
Hathaway Vernon E. MISSING - Claim

Edison - Kemp Camp
Hawkins George E. MISSING - Claim husband of Josephine Olive
Edison - Kemp Camp
Hewitt Ines (Nichols) Cummings Kearns Moorpark 10
34y Bardsdale
Holsclaw David Heil MISSING - Claim son of David and Ethel 6m Newhall
Holsclaw Carita Newhall 48 daughter of David and Ethel 12y2m3d Newhall
Holt Mary Cordelia (Whitehead) Ventura 12 (Reardon)
60/61y Santa Paula
Holt Howard Edward MISSING - Claim
30y Edison - Castaic Junction
Holt Veva Ann (Pursley) Newhall 13 (Fillmore to Newhall to Santa Paula no #) wife of Howard 38y11m3d Edison - Castaic Junction
Hopp Ferrell F Moorpark 1
30y4d BP&L - PP2 Community
Hopp Frances Ruth (McIntosh) Newhall 4 wife of Ferrell, daughter of William R. McIntosh 30y9m3d BP&L - PP2 Community
Hopp Donald Ferrell Newhall 6 son of Ferrell F & Ruth 7y5m27d BP&L - PP2 Community
Howe Francis R. MISSING - Claim
26y BP&L - PP2 Community
Howe Murray M. MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Hughes Griffith O. Newhall 22
37y6m3d BP&L - PP2 Community
Hughes Joy "Nettie" (Barnesberger) MISSING - Claim wife of Griffith O.
BP&L - PP2 Community
Hughes Barbara Ellen Fillmore 09 daughter of Griffith and Joy about 10y BP&L - PP2 Community
Hughes June Beverly Newhall 37 daughter of Griffith and Joy 5y5m17d BP&L - PP2 Community
Hungerford Joseph Paul Santa Paula 04
26/27y Edison - Kemp Camp
Hunick Jefferson Moorpark 11 brother of Charles Hunick 82y San Francisquito Canyon
Hurst Doyle M. Ventura 50 (Reardon)
23y Edison - Kemp Camp
Hurst Albert MISSING - No claim

Edison - Kemp Camp
Hylton Orville Allen Santa Paula 02 aka Andy Wilson 36y Edison - Kemp Camp
Innes Violet Olive (Kalar) Fillmore 48 wife of Earl, husband - chief engineer of Oxnard, sister is Ina Weinland 21y11m28d BP&L - PP2 Community
Innes Myron Dale Fillmore 10 son of Violet 7y29d BP&L - PP2 Community
Isaacks Jefferson R. Fillmore 20
29y BP&L - PP2 Community
Isaacks Florence May (Craft) MISSING - Claim wife of J R 29y BP&L - PP2 Community
Isaacks Alberta Ardeth Newhall 30 child of Jeff and Florence 8y BP&L - PP2 Community
Isaacks Lorance Norman MISSING - Claim son of Jeff and Florence
BP&L - PP2 Community
Isaacks Gladys MISSING - Claim daughter of Jeff and Florence
BP&L - PP2 Community
Janeway Waldo Pickering MISSING - Claim

Edison - Kemp Camp
Jewell Arthur G MISSING - Claim

Edison - Kemp Camp
Johnson E. P. "Rex" Santa Paula 26
23/24y Edison - Kemp Camp
Johnson Roy MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Jones Bert Lee Fillmore 17
50y4m Castaic Junction
Jones Lucy E MISSING - Claim wife of Bert L 56y Castaic Junction
Jones Harry Ventura 37 (Reardon)
42y Edison - Kemp Camp
Kaderabek Robert Fillmore 06 using the papers of Thomas "Red" Shea 21y Edison - Kemp Camp
Kampman Martin Theodore MISSING - Claim
35y Edison - Kemp Camp
Kelley Ida M. Moorpark 5 wife of Hezikiah Harold Kelly 28y Bardsdale
Kelley Everett M. MISSING - Claim son of Hezikiah and Ida 3.5 months Bardsdale
Kelley Dolores D. Moorpark 6 daughter of Hezikiah and Ida 4y Bardsdale
Kelley Phyllis N. Moorpark 7 daughter of Hezikiah and Ida 7y Bardsdale
Kelley Harold Herbert Ventura 17 (which coroner not indicated) son of Hezikiah and Ida 9y1m14d Bardsdale
Kennedy Alva Thomas Newhall 62 Alva Thomas 28y4m26d San Francisquito Canyon
Kennedy Reba M. (Connell) Newhall 39 wife of A Thomas 24y10m28d San Francisquito Canyon
Kennedy Evelyn Pauline Newhall 49 daughter of Alva & Reba 5y5m4d San Francisquito Canyon
Kennedy Charles Eugene Newhall 42 son of Alva & Reba 2y5m4d San Francisquito Canyon
Kern Raymond J. Moorpark 4
24y BP&L - PP2 Community
Kerr Earl Dean Santa Paula 23
20y BP&L - PP2 Community
Kimball Gerald A. Fillmore 49
20y5m8d Edison - Kemp Camp
Kingston John James Fillmore 23 son of Paul 31y Edison - Kemp Camp
Kinsey Frank MISSING - Claim
47y Edison - Kemp Camp
Kleimann Joachim "Jake" Newhall 53; Flickinger & Hopson, Bakersfield Uncle of Henry J. Voelker 44y6m Castaic Junction
Knight Joe MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Kreigh Charles MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Kutzura Jacob MISSING - Claim

Edison - Kemp Camp
Kyle Jess Theron MISSING - No claim
30 years Unavailable - No Claim
Lagerman George Fillmore 18
50y Fillmore
Lang C.J. MISSING - Claim

Edison - Kemp Camp
Lawson Andrew Santa Paula 43 son of Alexander & Nellie 32y Edison - Kemp Camp
Layton Clayton Webster Oxnard 4
44/45y Castaic Junction
Ledbetter Charles T. Fillmore 31
32/33y Edison - Kemp Camp
Lee Bruce MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Leedy Charles S. MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Lehrman Albin MISSING - Claim

Edison - Kemp Camp
Leto Prospero Carmine Santa Paula 39 aka Philip D'Arcy 27y Edison - Kemp Camp
Locke Edward Fillmore 30 single 52y Edison - Kemp Camp
Logan W. H. MISSING - No claim
59 years Unavailable - No Claim
Long C. J. MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Ludloff George F. Santa Paula 42
22/23y Edison - Kemp Camp
Luna Consuelo MISSING - Claim daughter of Sisto & Ynez 7y Santa Paula
Luna Esther Santa Paula 09 daughter of Sisto & Ynez 1y3m Santa Paula
Luna Elvira Santa Paula 08 daughter of Sisto & Ynez 3y Santa Paula
Luna Enrique "Henry" Santa Paula 11 son of Sisto & Ynez 4y Santa Paula
Luna Guadalupe "Lupe" Santa Paula 10 daughter of Sisto & Ynez 5y Santa Paula
Maes Ben MISSING - Claim
21y Edison - Kemp Camp
Mann George A. Newhall 26
25y BP&L - PP2 Community
Martel Annie Santa Paula 68 assoc w/ SP Unk 60 42-45y Piru
Martinez Jose Santa Paula 27 aka Juan Mora 48/50y SP - Castaic Junction
Martinez Phili (Foley) Fillmore 42 wife of Joe 26y SP - Castaic Junction
Martinez Maria Fillmore 11 daughter of Joe and Phili 7y11m22d SP - Castaic Junction
Martinez Rosie Ventura 10 (Reardon) daughter of Joe and Phili 5y7m SP - Castaic Junction
Martinez Jose, Jr. Ventura 13 (Reardon) son of Joe and Phili 2y SP - Castaic Junction
Martinez Esteban "Steve" MISSING - Claim son of Joe and Phili 4y SP - Castaic Junction
Massetti Paul Fillmore 29
21y Edison - Kemp Camp
Mathews Vida Louise Newhall 19 daughter of E C Mathews, niece of Carl J 21y1m BP&L - PP2 Community
Mathews Carl James, Sr. Fillmore 21
36y BP&L - PP2 Community
Mathews Amelia (Barbeaux) Newhall 20 wife of C J 25y12d BP&L - PP2 Community
Mathews Charles Newhall 67 son of Carl J & Amelia 6y3m18d BP&L - PP2 Community
Mathews Carl James, Jr. Newhall 12 son of C J & Amelia 2y5m BP&L - PP2 Community
Mathews Franklin MISSING - Claim
4y BP&L - PP2 Community
Mathews - Hollander Thelma Newhall 17 adopted daughter of C J & Amelia 11y BP&L - PP2 Community
Mathis Henry F. Fillmore 22
27y BP&L - PP2 Community
Mathis Dorothy Caroline (Rottman) Newhall 63 wife of Henry 26y7m18d BP&L - PP2 Community
Mathis Dorothy Fay Newhall 40 daughter of Henry and Dorothy 5y8m1d BP&L - PP2 Community
McCarty Charles Edgar Moorpark 12
41y9m13d Bardsdale
McCarty Bessie aka also Mrs. Stanley Brent Fillmore 52 wife of Charles 37y Bardsdale
McCawley Milford S. Santa Paula 05
46y Bardsdale
McCawley Helen May MISSING - Claim wife of Milford S 36 y Bardsdale
McCawley Stanton E. Oxnard 3 son of Milford and Helen 17y2m13d Bardsdale
McClain Donald J. "Whitey" Santa Paula 13 son of Nellie 26y Edison - Kemp Camp
McDougal Silas R. MISSING - Claim
42y Edison - Kemp Camp
McGill Harry G. MISSING - Claim
27y Edison - Kemp Camp
McIntyre Asbury Charles Santa Paula 52
45y Castaic Junction
McIntyre Joseph B. Santa Paula 40 son of A.C. & Etta McIntyre 14y Castaic Junction
McIntyre William C. "Billy" Newhall 57; Flickinger & Hopson, Bakersfield son of A.C. & Etta McIntyre 9y1m12d Castaic Junction
Mendellson Mr. MISSING - No claim
70yrs Bardsdale
Mondloch Nicholas Bernard Fillmore 25 son of John 37y Edison - Kemp Camp
Monorez Teviarro Fillmore 05
35y SP - Castaic Junction
Morrow Will E. MISSING - Claim
48y Edison - Kemp Camp
Morrow Roy MISSING - Claim son of Will E 24y Edison - Kemp Camp
Mucci unknown MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Myachi Motoye Oxnard 02/Fillmore 57
46-50y Fillmore
Neilson William W, Sr. Newhall 27
60y9m29d BP&L - PP2 Community
Neilson William W, Jr. Newhall 31 father of William J. 32y6m24d BP&L - PP2 Community
Neilson Helen (Mautino) MISSING - Claim wife of William J 27y BP&L - PP2 Community
Neilson Bertha Jane Newhall 59; Flickinger & Hopson, Bakersfield daughter of Wm W, Jr and Helen 7y7m BP&L - PP2 Community
Neilson Frank A. Newhall 61 son of Wm W, Jr and Helen 5y4m7d BP&L - PP2 Community
Neilson William F. MISSING - Claim son of Wm W, Jr and Helen baby BP&L - PP2 Community
Ochoa Francisco MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
O'Connell John MISSING - No claim

Edison - Kemp Camp
Oldfield Rube W. MISSING - Claim
49y Newhall
Oliver John C. MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Paddila Guadalupe MISSING - No claim
26 years Unavailable - No Claim
Page Norman/Orman MISSING - No claim
25 years Unavailable - No Claim
Parker John B. Newhall 10
67y or 72y BP&L - PP2 Community
Parker Ida Marie (Bloomers) Santa Paula 32
51y8m4d BP&L - PP2 Community
Pegorare Pete Santa Paula 61
65y Piru
Perez Francisco MISSING - No claim father of claimants
Unavailable - No Claim
Perez Maria Bravo Santa Paula 56
45/48y Santa Paula
Perez Antonia Santa Paula 33 sister of Jessie 23/24y Santa Paula
Perez Jesus Santa Paula 30 dau-in-law of Maria Bravo, sister of Antonia 21/22y Santa Paula
Perez Gutierrez Andres Santa Paula 53 son of Sebastiana Gutierrez, nephew of Jessie & Antonio Perrez 7y Santa Paula
Peterson Harold Norman Fillmore 32
23y Edison - Kemp Camp
Peterson Carl Victor MISSING - Claim
33y Edison - Kemp Camp
Pike Richard Earl, Sr. Newhall 5 son of Lulu Pierson 29y BWWS - PP2 Community
Pike Felda Louella (Smith) Ventura 23 (coroner not specified) wife of Richard Sr. 22y BWWS - PP2 Community
Pike Richard Allen, Jr. Newhall 11 son of Richard and Felda 4y BWWS - PP2 Community
Porter Benjamin Franklin Santa Paula 62 father of Charles O 46y Edison - Kemp Camp
Porter Charles O. Ventura 3 (B & M) son of B Frank 28y Edison - Kemp Camp
Price Edward P. Newhall 21 brother of Mrs. Halen 48y San Francisquito Canyon
Reed James Lawrence MISSING - Claim
61y Edison - Kemp Camp
Reilley Peter F MISSING - No claim

Edison - Kemp Camp
Reyes Primonio MISSING - No claim
29 years Unavailable - No Claim
Rice Jessie B. MISSING - No claim
65 yrs Newhall Ranch Land
Richesin Monroe King Ventura 9 (Reardon) brother of Albert 30y3m20d Edison - Kemp Camp
Rising Julia (Thalling) Newhall 7 wife of Ray 29y5m16d BP&L - PP2 Community
Rising V. Delores Newhall 35 daughter of Ray 7y BP&L - PP2 Community
Rising Elenore H. Newhall 38 daughter of Ray 5y BP&L - PP2 Community
Rising Adeline M. Newhall 36 daughter of Ray 1y10m BP&L - PP2 Community
Ritchie Edward James Ventura 15 (Reardon)
47y Edison - Kemp Camp
Rivera J. Pedro "Pete" Fillmore 16
50y10m15d Newhall Ranch Land
Rivera Addie M (LeBrun) MISSING - Claim wife of J P 46y Newhall Ranch Land
Rivera William Peter MISSING - Claim son of J P & Addie 24y Newhall Ranch Land
Rivera Albert Santa Paula 24 son of J P & Addie 6y Newhall Ranch Land
Robertson Lenonidas Grant "Pone" Santa Paula 18
53y Santa Paula
Rogers Chester R., Jr. Fillmore 36 son of Chester Roy Rogers 8y Piru
Rogers Doris Rosetta Fillmore 34 daughter of Chester Roy Rogers 13y Piru
Rogers Margaret June Fillmore 35 daughter of Chester Roy Rogers 5y Piru
Rogers Richard O. Fillmore 37 son of Chester Roy Rogers 4y Piru
Rosey Roland MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Ruiz Enrique R. "Henry" Ventura 6 (Reardon)
60y San Francisquito Canyon
Ruiz Rosaria (Perea) Newhall 23 wife of Henry 51y San Francisquito Canyon
Ruiz Maria S. Fillmore 01 daughter of Henry R and Rosaria 29y4m21d San Francisquito Canyon
Ruiz Martin F. Santa Paula 16 son of Henry R and Rosaria 20y5m3d San Francisquito Canyon
Ruiz Raymond C. Santa Paula 49 son of Henry R and Rosaria 8y San Francisquito Canyon
Ruiz Susana B. Fillmore 08 daughter of Henry R and Rosaria 7y1m12d San Francisquito Canyon
Samaniego Santana Ventura 1 (B & M)
about 60y Santa Paula
Samaniego Matilde S. Santa Paula 36 wife of Santana about 63y Santa Paula
Sauder C.P. MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Savala Carlotta (Monno) Fillmore 41 wife of Esteban Savala 23y4m9d Newhall Ranch Land
Savala Rosa Ventura 6 (B & M)
4y6m Newhall Ranch Land
Savala Lucy MISSING - Claim
15y Newhall Ranch Land
Savala Concepcion  Santa Paula 73
8y Newhall Ranch Land
Savala Juanita MISSING - Claim
2y Newhall Ranch Land
Savala Jose Fillmore 53
2m1d Newhall Ranch Land
Savala Enriquetta (Sarabia) Fillmore 45 wife of Fred 23y10m Newhall Ranch Land
Schmidt Charles William MISSING - Claim
55y Edison - Kemp Camp
Seeliago/Sesliago Abindio MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Seikman S.O. MISSING - No claim

Edison - Kemp Camp
Sewell Harry MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Small Cecelia (Marinel) Newhall 68
51y San Francisquito Canyon
Smiley Carl MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Smithwick Mr. MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Stephens David Samuel Ventura 59 (Reardon)
54y Fillmore
Stephens Mary Eliza Jane (Russell) Moorpark 2 wife of David 44y/50y Fillmore
Stephens Grace L. Santa Paula 22 daughter of David & Mary 17y Fillmore
Stroud William Thomas Newhall 47 wife of Dora 53y5m11d Edison - Kemp Camp
Swanger Ira W. MISSING - Claim
24y Edison - Kemp Camp
Taylor Fred W. Santa Paula 19
27y Edison - Kemp Camp
Thomas William Martin Santa Paula 65 - one of the unknowns husband of Olive Thomas
Edison - Kemp Camp
Thomson Howard William Newhall 66
43y9m19d BP&L - PP2 Community
Thomson Ethel Elizabeth (Cochems) Newhall 44 wife of Howard 27y11m26d BP&L - PP2 Community
Topley Rosetta Fillmore 33 wife of Oliver M., grandmother of Rogers children 49y Piru
Torres Luis, Sr. MISSING - Claim father of Jesus/Luis Jr. 68y Bardsdale
Torres Isabella C. Ventura 11 (Reardon) wife of Jesus/Luis Jr.,daughter of Hipolita Cerna 28y Bardsdale
Torres Maria Santa Paula 44 daughter of Jesus/Luis Jr. 2/3m Bardsdale
Torres Mercedes Santa Paula 45 daughter of Jesus/Luis Jr. 9y Bardsdale
Torres Carmen Nina Santa Paula 67 daughter of Jesus/Luis Jr. 3y Bardsdale
Torres Guadalupe MISSING - Claim daughter of Jesus/Luis Jr. 10y Bardsdale
Torres Pilar MISSING - Claim son of Jesus/Luis Jr. 3y Bardsdale
Torres Jose Luis MISSING - Claim son of Jesus/Luis Jr. 7y Bardsdale
Traxler Emma Ida (Smith) Santa Paula 20 wife of Frederick Charles Traxler 47y Castaic Junction
Traxler John Newhall 60; Flickinger & Hopson, Bakersfield son of Frederick & Emma 3 1/2y Castaic Junction
Troegler George MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Truesdale Addie Iola Ventura 39 (Reardon) daughter of Harvey & Mable 5y Fillmore
Van Meter Lester A. Ventura 05 (Reardon)
22y5m16d Edison - Kemp Camp
Velasco Librado Fillmore 50
62y Fillmore
Velasquez Jose MISSING - No claim
35y Unavailable - No Claim
Velasquez Juanita MISSING - No claim
28y Unavailable - No Claim
Velasquez child MISSING - No claim child of Jose and Juanita Velasquez
Unavailable - No Claim
Velasquez child MISSING - No claim child of Jose and Juanita Velasquez
Unavailable - No Claim
Velasquez child MISSING - No claim child of Jose and Juanita Velasquez
Unavailable - No Claim
Velasquez child MISSING - No claim child of Jose and Juanita Velasquez
Unavailable - No Claim
Velasquez child MISSING - No claim child of Jose and Juanita Velasquez
Unavailable - No Claim
Vickroy Edward Santa Paula 41 & 48
22y Edison - Kemp Camp
Vinson Ella Della Newhall 45
53y10m11d San Francisquito Canyon
Voelker Henry Joseph Newhall 58; Flickinger & Hopson, Bakersfield
18y9m6d Newhall
Weinland William Y Newhall 2
34y BP&L - PP2 Community
Weinland Ina Rebecca (Kalar) Newhall 65 wife of William Y, sister of Violet Inus 37y12d BP&L - PP2 Community
Weinland Lloyd MISSING - Claim son of William Y and Ina baby BP&L - PP2 Community
Weir Joe MISSING - No claim
25y Unavailable - No Claim
West John, Sr. MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
West John, Jr. MISSING - No claim

Unavailable - No Claim
Westbrook Orval Robert Fillmore 28
24y2m21d Edison - Kemp Camp
Whitehead Sarah Ann (McCuiston) Santa Paula 34 mother of Mrs. Holt 79y Santa Paula
Wilmot Clara (Adams) Newhall, no #; Flickinger & Hopson, Bakersfield wife of Oscar, Oscar died 12/25/1928 36y Newhall Ranch Land
Wilmot Raymond Ross Newhall, no #; Flickinger & Hopson, Bakersfield son of Oscar & Clara 10y3m13d Newhall Ranch Land
Wilmot Velma May Newhall, no #; Flickinger & Hopson, Bakersfield daughter of Oscar & Clara about 1y Newhall Ranch Land
Wilson Earl W. Ventura 3 (Reardon)
30y Edison - Kemp Camp
Wilson Charles MISSING - Claim
29y Newhall Ranch Land
Wilson Isam MISSING - Claim
34y Newhall Ranch Land
Wolf Charles Leslie Fillmore 04
25y Edison - Kemp Camp
Wood Max MISSING - Claim
35y Edison - Kemp Camp

Unidentified Fillmore 07
50-60y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified Fillmore 60
about 22y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified child Fillmore 61
about 22y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified child Fillmore 62
about 7y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified child Newhall 50
about 35y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified child Oxnard 06
65-68y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified child Oxnard 15
about 45y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified female Santa Paula 06
50-60y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified female Santa Paula 14
about 50y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified female Santa Paula 29
about 35y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified female Santa Paula 47
30-32y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified female Santa Paula 54
about 48y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified female Santa Paula 57
about 50y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified female Santa Paula 58
about 30y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified female Santa Paula 59
about 40y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified female Santa Paula 60
about 55y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified female Santa Paula 63; Ventura 63 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified female Santa Paula 64
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified female Santa Paula 66
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Santa Paula 69
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Santa Paula 70
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Santa Paula 71
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 04 (B & M)
about 33y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 04 (Reardon)
about 55y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 05 (B & M)
about 8m Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 14 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 16 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 18 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 20 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 21 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 24 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 25 (Reardon)
about 18y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 26 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 28 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 29 (Reardon)
7-9y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 30 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 31 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 32 (Reardon)
about 45y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 34 (Reardon)
male, Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 35 (Reardon)
7-9y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 36 (Reardon)
6-7y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 38 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 40 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 41 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 41 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 44 (Reardon)
about 5y Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 45 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 46 (Reardon)
middle aged Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 47 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 48 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 51 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 52 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 53 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 54 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 55 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 56 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 57 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 58 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 60 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 61 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 62 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 65 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 66 (Reardon)

Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 67 (Reardon)
child Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 68 (Reardon)
adult Unknown - Unidentified

Unidentified male Ventura 68b (Reardon)
12-14yrs Unknown - Unidentified


• Memorial (Proposed)
• Claims & Claimants

Background: Forgotten Casualties (CSUN 2013)


• Memorialization and Memory
(Stansell 2014)

• Paper: Oral History (Licon 2014)

• News Story 8-6-2014

Story: Victims & Heroes


FILM: Body Recovery, Newhall Morgue


FILM: Nighttime Recovery of Bodies


Tony Harnischfeger


Lyman & Lillian Curtis


Marjorie & Mazie Curtis (Mult.)


San Francisquito School


Cecilia Small, Schoolteacher


Ruiz Family x7


Pete Rivera


Erratchuo 1928


1928 Mourners


Newhall Cowboys 1928 Marker x2


Newhall Morgue


Gottardi Family


Felda Pike Obituary


Saugus Community Club Members


Oral History: Thelma McCawley Shaw 2010


Oral History: Biz Basolo 2009

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