"Legacy: Santa Clarita's Living History" is about people ...
people whose families homesteaded in the Santa Clarita Valley in the 1800s ...
people who carved their own legacy in recent decades ...
people who are experts in particular aspects of Santa Clarita history.
"History isn't static," says host and producer Leon Worden.
"Everyone has a story to tell, and new information about our
valley's past is coming to light all the time."
Available to Comcast and Time Warner Cable subscribers
throughout the Santa Clarita Valley, "Legacy" is a School-to-Career Partnership project of
the Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society, the SCV School & Business Alliance and
Comcast, with high school students serving as the production crew
under the guidance of Comcast Original Programming staff members
and community volunteers at the SCVTV studio in Newhall.
Authentic photos from the SCV History Archives at scvhistory.com
are used in the half-hour talk show to illustrate every facet
of local history — from the SCV's earliest pioneers, to the St. Francis Dam Disaster,
to the establishment of city government.
With generous support from Union Bank of California, a new episode of "Legacy"
airs twice weekly on SCVTV Public Access Channel 20.