Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

Charcoal Identification of Samples from Site CA-LAN-857 (Rowher Flat 2).

Webmaster's note.

With age range of 5030-4840 years ago (as of 2009) for one of the earth ovens, this site — Rowher Flat No. 2 in upper Mint Canyon / Agua Dulce — is one of the oldest sites in the Santa Clarita Valley. Although the authors associate it with the Tataviam culture, the Tataviam didn't arrive from the Great Basin until ~A.D. 450, well after the latest date these earth ovens were used. They were used by ancestral peoples whose ethnic identity is unknown.


Site CA-LAN-857, also known as the Rowher Flat No. 2, is located in the foothills of the Castaic Mountains five miles northwest of Vasquez Rocks County Park, Los Angles County, southern California. [...] The site encompasses twenty-six acres, and it is believed to have been associated with the Native Californian Tataviam cultural group. Cupule pit rock art boulders, lithic flakes and cores, gravers, projectile points, groundstone, and rock alignments and clusters have been found at the site, as well as human skeletal remains associated with shell tube beads that date the site's occupation back to approximately 6000 to 2400 BC. Charcoal recovered from two of the heated rock clusters thought to represent stone-lined earth ovens were submitted for identification.

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Harrington 1942: Culture Elements


Merriam 1968: Village Names


Lopez 1974: Piru Creek


Lopez 1974: Rainfall


Cultural Resources of Western Mojave Desert 1980

Meighan 1981: Little Lake Site, Pinto Points, Obsidian Dating in Great Basin

Zaglauer 1995: Kawaiisu of South-Central California


Fortier/Caltrans 2008: Local Ethnobotany


Puseman 2009: Rowher Flat-2 Earth Ovens (5000 y.o.)


McElhoes 2017: SoCal Coastal Pottery



Meredith 1899: Stockton Curves, Points


Jones 1923: Stockton Mound: Curves, Clay Balls, etc.


Yuki Basketry, Kelly 1930

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