September 22, 2001 —
Yearning for a bit of normalcy and determined not to let the terrorists win (9/11 was less than a fortnight past), hundreds of Santa Clarita residents showed up to
remove trash from the Santa Clara River as the city of Santa Clarita held its seventh annual River Rally.
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Stream of Volunteers Cleans Up Area River.
By Stacey Klein, Signal Staff Writer.
The Signal | Sunday, September 23, 2001.
The Santa Clara River looks a lot cleaner today, thanks to the help of a few friends. A few hundred friends, to be exact.
Nearly 800 people attended the seventh annual River Rally cleanup of the Santa Clara River on Saturday, said Jill Fosselman, environmental services manager for the city of Santa Clarita.
The event started at 9 a.m., but some workers began to show up us early as 7 a.m., Fosselman said. Among the volunteers were Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, church groups and those who just wanted to help.
"There are even parents who just brought their kids to help," Fosselman said.
One such patent was Myra Costello, who brought her 6-year-old son, Antony.
"I wanted to show my son how to get more active in the environment. This is a good opportunity for him," she said. "We're going to clean the oceans next."
Kelly Fort, 11, said she found "a bunch" of glass and gum wrappers while she cleaned. She said she saw some other volunteers discover several plastic pieces from old toys.
The River Rally included an Environmental Expo, featuring more than 25 vendors offering everything from trash and recycling services to free trees.
One dedicated group of volunteers was the Rodgers family, whose members help clean the river every year. Steve and Beth Rodgers and their sons Kevin, 10, and Zachary, 6, said they found chain-link fences, pieces of glass, barbed wire and a milk carton.
"They have a lot of fun," said Steve, who is also the leader of his sons' Cub Scout Pack 490. "They learn without even knowing they're learning."
Two volunteers started their way back from the river bed carrying broken shovels, a thick piece of metal wire and an old, rusted oil barrel. One said he planned to use his finds to build other useful things, such as a birdhouse.
"Some people's trash is other people's treasure," said the other, a volunteer from the city.
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