Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

Last Shooting Victim Home from Hospital.

Mia Tretta, 15.

The last victim who had been recovering at a hospital following a school shooting last week at Saugus High School that left three teenagers dead and three others wounded returned home Monday evening, according to the family.

Mia Tretta, 15, survived a gunshot wound below her belly button and was airlifted Thursday morning to Providence Holy Cross Medical Center, where she underwent surgery to rule out any internal injuries, according to doctors during a Friday press conference.

"Thankfully our daughter was released from the hospital and is at home recovering," the Tretta family said in a statement Tuesday. "We are grateful for the incredible outpouring of thoughts and prayers expressed by our family, friends and the Santa Clarita community. We join with our neighbors in grieving the terrible loss that has impacted so many."

The 15-year-old Centurion student is one of two others who have returned home from the hospital to recover. Her friend, Addison Koegle, 14, who survived two gunshot wounds and was treated at the same hospital, recorded a message that was played during a vigil on Sunday night at Central Park to remember the two lives lost and all those affected by last week's events.

"I wanted to let everyone know that I am doing well and I am at home with my family," she said in the video.

The Koegle family released a statement on Saturday, Nov. 16, after Addison returned from the hospital:

"We are pleased to let our community know that our daughter is now home, recovering from injuries sustained on November 14 at the Saugus High School shooting. We are deeply appreciative of the love and support we have received and thank our community for their caring as we grieve with our friends and family. We ask the media to please respect our family's privacy right now as we are focused on both our daughter's recovery and that of our community. We will not be responding to media inquiries or providing interviews. We thank you in advance for respecting our privacy."

Saugus High students returned to campus on Tuesday to recover belongings left behind last week and connect with counseling resources. Recovery and support activities are planned on campus for students Wednesday and Thursday, and classes are scheduled to resume Dec. 2 after the previously scheduled Thanksgiving break.

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