Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

Donor List.

Friends of Hart Park & Museum.


The Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation

The Newhall Land & Farming Company

In Memory of Norman Sander Rosen

U.S. Borax Inc.



Dr. & Mrs. David W. Brandes

I. Campbell, Great Western Bank

Betty Castleberry

Don Fleming, Don Fleming Insurance

V.L. Francisco Insurance Agency

Henry & Jan Lee

Christopher J. Lewis

Don & June Mattias

Newhall Rotary Club

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Onderdonk

Thomas Petersen, Erik Petersen, Kathleen Baker-Petersen

Sons of the San Joaquin

Roberta G. Veloz



Ben Amoura, Valencia Shell

Sanford & Bernadine Belkin

Friends of Hart Park Board of Directors, 1988-1989

Friends of Hart Park Board of Directors, 1990-1991

Mary M. House


George & Vicki Mayer, Mayer's Freeway Shell

Oak of the Golden Dream Questers

Dr. & Mrs. John Reardon

Midori Reed

Sun Exploration & Production Co.

Lynn Takaichi

Andre & Candy Veluzat

Brady Watt

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Woods



Charles & Estelle Aaron

Gwen G. Allen

Clayton & Judith Anderson

Budd & Gloria Barrett, Century 21 Barrett Realtors

Sue Ann & Larry Bird

Robert & Janice Braly

Robert & Arlene Brown

Judge & Mrs. Keith Byram

Sharon M. Carter

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Caruso

Steven & Catherine Cate

R.N. Cheseborough

Bob & Donna Chipperfield

Robert H. Clark

Bill & Carol Cook

Bill & Liz Crowl

D.J. Communications Answer Rite

Curtis & Jo Anne Darcy

Robert Dirk de Vries

Jan & Sonia Dobias

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Duncan

Mr. & Mrs. R. Fentor

Mr. & Mrs. J. Focht

Marvin & Sue Fields

Marcia L. Gaskill

Richard Gelbman

Edmond S. & C. Louise Gillespie

Joan C. Grasty

Charles & Susan Hahn

Scott & Roxie Harris

John Hillman

Home Savings of America

Truxton M. Hosley

Roland & Joanie Jarve

Mr. & Mrs. A. Jauregui

Barbara Johnson & Family

Arte Johnston

Judge & Mrs. Haig Kehiayan

Cecil & Beryl Kermode

Ed & Roni Kershaw

Judge & Mrs. James G. Kolts

Janie K. Kragrud

Kenneth & Diane Kreyenhagen

Robert & Cheryl Laymon

Los Californios

Loyal Order of Moose, Mint Canyon Lodge #2173

Barbara & Ray Lundquist

Gina G. MacDonald

Alice & Leonard Maltin

Frank & Pinkie Matthews

In Memory of Jim McNulty

Marie McNulty

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Milton

William & Zettia Miller

George Montgomery & Ann Lindberg

Sue H. & Theodore D. Moyer

Bob Nakamura

Tony & Sharon Natoli

Harold & Bunny Nelson

Nels & Sylvia Nelson

Anthony & Reena Newhall

Ruth & Scott Newhall

Newhall Hardware

Newhall Woman's Club

Donald B. Nunley

Hubert & Judeth Pierce

Newhall-Valencia Plumbing


PATRON (Cont.)

North Region Recreation Center

James & Joyce O'Connor

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ohler

David Peterson & Jean MacInnes

Paul Pfau

Brooke Quigg

Senator Alan Robbins

Arthur C. & Shirley A. Rock

Friendly Visitors of Saint Benedict of Montebello

City of San Fernando

Roger & Carol Sandmeier

Santa Clarita Valley Arts Council

Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society

Dennis & Sue Scoville

Nancy Sevilla, The Ranch House Inn

A.C. "Terry" Shaffer

Diane E. Smith

Laura Smith

Soroptimist International of SCV

Ken & Barbara Spencer

Corey Stein

Eugene & Audrey Taylor

Robert W. Turner

Valencia National Bank

Tom Veloz

Andree & Carl Walper

Jerry Watteson

Tom West

Jeffrey Wheat

Don & Helen Williams

Williams Instrument Co. Inc.

William K. Wilson

Donald & Peggy Wolf

Jim & Nadine Yaple

Warner & Patricia Younts



Accel Roofing

Randall Auten Construction

Les Buffham, Cowboy Poet

Canyon Questers

Donna Chipperfield

Cranberry Lane Canyon Country

Jackie Cullen

DiFatta Graphics

Edwin Dunn, Valencia Jewelers

Don & Kathy Edwards

Mike Fleming, New West

Gans Ink

Girl Scouts of America Troop #232

Julie Grant & Paul Intravartolo

Heritage Reflections Questers

W. Lloyd Houghton Memorial Fund

In Honor of Jon R. "Rick" Hutcherson

In Loving Memory of Gee Gee Matthews

Newhall Trail Riders Inc.

Jim Orey, Frontier Flooring

In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Brooke Quigg

Pamela Ann Rusk Memorial Fund

Santa Clarita Chamber Players

Santa Clarita National Bank

Santa Clarita Valley Printing House Craftsmen

In Memory of Roy E. Smith

Spicers Paper Inc.

Trader Joe's

Triple M Graphics

Martin Weil

Zion Lutheran Church & School


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