Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

1st Grade Class, 1948/49

Newhall Elementary School

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Becky Mead. Click to enlarge.

Newhall Elementary School: Mrs. Davis' 1st grade class of 1949 (1948-1949 school year). The photo­graph was likely made in the fall of 1948.

Located at 24607 Walnut Street, this is the fifth Newhall School building, replacing the fourth school that burned down in the same location in 1939.

5x7 photograph, torn in half, donated by Sherie Lynn Caldwell (Gustafson), who is one of the children in the photo.

Newhall resident Becky Mead (married name) identified herself (2/27/2020) as the girl seated on the bench, second from left (inset). She writes: "I don't know why my mouth is all scrunched up like that, but my mama sure liked to curl my hair on picture day."

Further reading: History of Newhall School.

More class pictures:

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GF4901: 9600 dpi jpeg from original photograph donated by Sherie Lynn Caldwell Gustafson, 2019. Photo file.
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