Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

7th Annual Lettergirls Installation & Awards Banquet Program.

William S. Hart High School Cafeteria.

The 7th annual Girls' League / Girls' Athletic Association Lettergirls Installation and Awards Banquet was held in the Hart High School cafeteria June 1, 1961.

Comparable to Lettermen, Lettergirls were "sincere and sportsmanlike athletes" who were "outstanding in playing ability and character." Established at Hart in 1949, the Lettergirls comprised "a hard working service organization" whose members acted as ticket vendors, sponsored social activities and mentored younger female athletes.

See an original maroon-and-gray Lettergirl's sweater here.

Hart was still the SCV's only high school in 1961, drawing students from all parts of our valley.

Below: 1960-1961 Hart High Lettergirls (from 1961 Tomahawk yearbook).

Click image to enlarge.

About the Contributor:

Doris Marguerite (Trester) Patrick moved to the Santa Clarita Valley in 1949 with her parents, Dwight Albert Trester and Flora Trester. Dwight (1913-1994) came from Iowa and worked in the in the Placerita oil field (Confusion Hill). Flora was a member of the Little Santa Clara Valley (SCV) Council PTA and worked at the Newhall 5-10-25 Cent Store at 644 Spruce Street — which became 24274 San Fernando Road in the 1950s and El Trocadero restaurant in the 1990s. In the late 1960s, the couple also ran their own janitorial service company. In March 1987, following Dwight's retirement from the oil field, the couple returned to Iowa.

Doris grew up in the family home at 24373 Chestnut Street. A member of Camp Fire Girls, she attended Newhall Elementary School and William S. Hart Junior and Senior High School (Class of 1961). She met her future husband, Joe Patrick, at the new Rollerama skating rink when it opened in Saugus in 1960. He was in the Army, stationed at the local Nike base. They married and moved in 1964 to Canyon Country, where they made their home until 1994. Doris now lives in Texas (2019).

TR6102: Program donated 2019 by Doris Trester Patrick (Hart High 1961). Download individual pages here. Photo file.
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