Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

"We Hereby Resolve..."
New Year's Resolutions of First City Council Members-Elect.

Note: This edition of Jeff Graham's Santa Clarita Valley Magazine went to press after the cityhood election of November 3, 1987, and before the city actually became a city and the council members became council members on December 15, 1987. At the time, there was no absolute guarantee that Buck McKeon would be named mayor, so he is not identified as such.

Jo Anne Darcy

Most people perceive New Year's Resolutions as items to be conceived and discarded in haste. But I want to take a more serious stance. To me, the privilege of being elected a council person means doing the best job possible.

Since I am familiar with the community's problems through professional association over the years, I feel it is my job to attempt to solve them. Therefore, I resolve to...

Seek every means possible to provide new road arteries and highways to relieve future traffic impacts.

Help provide disaster preparedness information through neighborhood watch training, community education, material distribution, and emergency supply depots for disaster victims.

Strive for balanced, quality growth equal to the ability to provide necessary improvements in infrastructure (roads, water, sewage, utilities, etc.).

Expand our present senior citizen facilities and seek new ways to provide more affordable housing for the elderly and indigent.

Strengthen present ordinances to maintain quality growth, oak tree and animal protection, sound anti-litter and billboard controls, and greenbelt (park) enhancement.

Provide community forums where citizens can present their ideas, opinions, suggestions, and assessments of local needs.

Provide expedient, concerned access regarding problems and their resolutions for the people, wherever and whenever possible.

Always listen to the voice and needs of the people of Santa Clarita and serve them in an unbiased, equitable and caring manner.

Carl Boyer

For my New Year's Resolutions, I resolve...

To keep my campaign promises, providing honest, open and pragmatic government; an oak tree ordinance promptly; animal rights; and no increases in taxes, fees or other kinds of revenue-generating devices designed to augment city revenues.

To show the skeptics that city government will be more responsive; better than what the county could provide; and oriented towards quality, problem-solving growth.

To forgive the sincere opponents of cityhood; forget about putting parking meters in front of their homes; and resist the advice of experienced officials who suggest that parking meters are a great way to raise revenue.

To help the city council work as a team, avoiding "politicking" whenever possible.

To never forget the 20 candidates not elected to the city council, but who were great winners nonetheless; the great people on the City Formation Committee, who overcame tremendous odds; and the few who contributed to my campaign, knowing I had a race to run, while also raising money for the City Formation Committee with nothing to gain for themselves except the pride of knowing they had helped.

Howard P. "Buck" McKeon

My goals and objectives for the City of Santa Clarita in 1988 include...

Continued cooperation and effective, resultful communication among city council members. We have had excellent relations and communications thus far, enabling us to move rapidly in preparing for incorporation.

Having the best full-time city manager we can afford. We hired, and have on the job already, an outstanding interim manager who will be with us for three to six months and will help in the recruiting and hiring of his full-time replacement.

Open, well-attended meetings, where we will be able to get the maximum input from the community in our decisionmaking process.

The appointment of a planning commission comprised of competent, concerned citizens. Their task will be to approve real estate development based on the interim plan adopted by the council, and to work with the community in creating a General Plan for our valley.

The establishment of our "sphere of influence" with LAFCO and the annexation of the Pinetree and Timberlane areas of Canyon Country. There are also other areas where neighbors have been left out of the city. They want to be incorporated, and we should move as rapidly as possible to accomplish their desires.

A temporary city hall where people will be able to come and meet with members of the city council and the city manager. I want a truly responsive local government.

A budget that is sound, gives us a contingency against emergencies, and provides the services that meet the needs of the community.

The year 1988 will be very important for the people of our valley and the City of Santa Clarita. It will be the first year of our city. We are building a foundation that will determine our future for years to come. It is vitally important that we build well and that we move forward with thoughtful deliberation.

It is exciting to be a part of this great venture. There has been such a tremendous outpouring of enthusiasm and commitment from everyone, that I know we will be successful in making this a city to be proud of.

Jan Heidt

Looking ahead to 1988, I see many tasks waiting for me. I resolve, therefore, that, at the very least...

The city council members will not accept any perks, gifts or donations from any source doing business with the City of Santa Clarita.

Special interest groups will know that being a good neighbor to Santa Clarita does not mean that contributing to local charities will be accepted in lieu of the roads, schools, parks and pure air that are necessary for a good quality of life.

I will do my very best to understand and educate myself on all issues facing the City of Santa Clarita.

Dennis Koontz

We, on the city council, have a lot to look forward to in 1988. High on my list is the establishment of open government through appointed commissions and advisory groups. As I see it, there are five critical issues to be addressed. Therefore, I resolve to...

See the area expand through a carefully monitored, valley-wide plan covering such issues as roads, schools, emergency services, water, and housing and business development.

Support existing youth organizations, including the Scouts, American Youth Soccer, YMCA, and Boys and Girls Club. Preserve our valley 's heritage — its hillsides, historical markers, and oak trees.

Bring more jobs to the City of Santa Clarita by attracting manufacturers and major retailers to the area.

Support our senior citizens and their needs for housing, transportation, social services, and health care.

LW3149: pdf of original program book, collection of Connie Worden-Roberts. Download individual pages here. Ledger file.

* Council Members
* Election Results
* City Commissioners


1st Council-Elect 1987


1st Council's New Year's Resolutions


1st Council 1987-1990


Buck McKeon


Jan Heidt 1987-2000


Jo Anne Darcy


Jo Anne Darcy | Legacy


Carl Boyer


Boyer's Cityhood Book 2005


Carl Boyer | Legacy


Dennis Koontz


Jill Klajic
1990-1994, 1996-2000


George Pederson


Clyde Smyth


5th Council 1996-1998


Frank Ferry


Laurene Weste 1998—


6th Council 1998-2000


Cameron Smyth
2000-2006, 2016—


Bob Kellar 2000—


Marsha McLean 2002—


TimBen Boydston
2006-08, 2012-16


Laurie Ender


Dante Acosta


Bill Miranda


Switch to District Elections 3/19/2020

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